Catching Up

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

The girls were soon released from the meeting and taken back home to rest for rehearsals that would continue the next day. With the new awaken news that the girls would be joining the Korean Wave World Tour, sleep was far from what they wanted to do at the moment. Both girls retired to the large couches in the living room, silence falling over the both as the words began to sink in.

“Can you believe that?” Nana whispered her eyes never looking up from the unlit fire place.

“I can’t, you?” Gogi asked over her eyes piercing through the glass door leading to the small balcony.

“You think we’ll go home for tour?” Nana asked finally turning her eyes to her partner who was already staring at her.

“Who knows, but I think it’s a possibility.” Gogi answered as Nana nodded, putting her hand through her hair before turning to look at the unlit fire once more.

“So what happened?” Gogi asked suddenly as Nana leaned her head on her hand before turning to her friend.
“With?” Nana asked confused as Gogi sighed, pulling her legs under her to sit on.

“Something happened, I can see it in your face. Something’s bothering you.” Gogi pointed as Nana shrugged.
“The only thing bothering me is you having clear bandages on you.” Nana glared at her friend who sighed.

“Ana, it’s not your fault. No matter what excuses you spat out, nothing could have changed the inevitable.” Gogi scolded causing Nana to snort.

“The inevitable? Yeah, right. If I was there, it would have been totally different. I would have shoved my fist down at least half of those Sasaeng’s throats while watching the rest as I danced on their faces.” Nana seethed turning to look at the door. All Gogi could do was sigh.

“Ana. It’s not your fault and I know what you would have done if you were there, which is why it’s actually better that I was alone. What would have happened if you did hurt someone?” Gogi whined as Nana rolled her eyes, unable to turn to look at her friend.

“Believe me, after what happened, hurting them was far from my plans.” Nana muttered under her breath as Gogi just continued to look at her.

“I mean, it would have made me about 80% better just sacrificing Hoya to those crazed hormone raged es then to have them hurt either one of us.” Nana spoke emotionless causing Gogi to sigh.

“Wow, there is really no getting past you, is there?” Gogi asked rubbing the side of her head annoyed.

“Nope, just accept that it would have turned out better had I been there.” Nana mentioned proudly as Gogi rolled her eyes.

“Alright, whatever you say.” Gogi brushed her off before turning to look at the door.

“I am glad that you weren’t seriously hurt, than I would definitely be about 10X more pissed off than I am right now.” Nana whispered causing Gogi to smile. For being the older of the two, she was glad that she looked to Nana as the older sister, especially in times like this.

“So Onew Oppa said you and Jonghyun got into an argument last night. What was that about?” Gogi suddenly asked, her interest spiking sky high when she noticed the immediate expression change on her friends face.
“What was that? What happened?” Gogi immediately asked as Nana growled through her clenched teeth.
“It’s best if you don’t know, I’m still trying to burn the image out of my mind.” Nana whispered, obviously overly pissed off.

“No, I want to know. Especially if it’s making you this way, it has to be something serious.” Gogi scolded as Nana rolled her eyes, finally turning to glare at her friend.

“He apologized.” Nana explained in monotone sending Gogi’s confusion through the roof.

“And are you allergic to apologies now?” Gogi asked as Nana faked a backhand towards her friend.

“Anyways! He told me he couldn’t handle my loud mouth or obnoxious comebacks anymore.” Nana smirked at the thought causing Gogi to snort and shake her head.

“And you let him live, I’m surprised he made it past the threshold.” Gogi feigned shock causing Nana to laugh sarcastically at her friends comment.

“Anyways, he brought up the time I punched him in his face and got pissed off because he thought it wasn’t necessary. So I went on to defend myself letting him know that it was better I punched him in his face instead of the place my foot was targeting at that moment.” Nana smirked proudly again causing Gogi to chuckle. She knew Nana for long enough to know that if she was determined to kick someone in the nuts, she would not hesitate to do so.

“Then what happened?” Gogi quickly interjected to let her friend know she was paying attention to the story so far.

“The bastard then had the nerve to call me an ungrateful brat.” Nana spat causing Gogi to laugh.

“Alright, now I wish I had seen your face in that moment.” Gogi admitted as Nana rolled her eyes.

“He said I was an ungrateful brat because I never took the chance to thank him for tutoring me. I mean, why should I? The douche bag of a singer only ever criticized my singing. I didn’t hear one good comment from him through the weeks I was with him.” Nana muttered the last part to herself while Gogi quietly listened and watched.

“I then told him that I would never thank him for criticizing me and treating me the way he did. I did make sure to add that I didn’t appreciate the fact that he called my English trash when he himself can’t understand about 99% of the words I was singing.” Nana hissed as her explanation stopped. Gogi looked up confused to see her friends eyes slowly losing their focus as she stared at the wall.

“Well Nana, you have to understand………” Gogi started to defend the senior singer before Nana quickly interrupted her.

“He kissed me.” Nana whispered, her eyes never turning to see her friends now large eyes. Gogi jaw slowly dropped as she waited patiently for a punch line to this joke that never came.

“Ok, ok, wait, wait, wait. He literally kissed you, like…..” Gogi was trying to piece the conversation together.

“He kissed me on the lips.” Nana answered as Gogi sat back immediately, her face painted in shock.

“Um, wow.” Gogi said, finding those words perfect for the situation. Nana sighed, turning to look at her friend annoyed.

“Is that all you have to say in this situation? I mean, I just got ual assaulted by the dude.” Nana spat throwing her hands helplessly in the air. Gogi rolled her eyes at her friends overly dramatic comment.

“Ana, he kissed you. He didn't yank your down and pin you to the floor.” Gogi scolded in monotone causing Nana to roll her eyes and turn away.

“What’s the difference?” Nana muttered under her breath annoyed.

“You like him?” Gogi asked bluntly as Nana snorted.

“Yeah, I like him as much as cats like water.” Nana spoke sarcastically as Gogi clicked her tongue in thought.
“Did he tell you why he kissed you?” Gogi then asked as Nana sighed, turning to her friend.

“He told me he treated me like crap because he wanted to help me, he did those things so that I would work beyond what is expected of me.” Nana whispered looking down to her still painted finger nails. Gogi couldn’t help but smile. No matter what her friend denied, being with this girl for the past few years, she could read the smallest emotions on her face. She liked him but wouldn’t admit it.

“Maybe he really did do all of that like he said he did.” Gogi pushed as Nana rolled her eyes.

“Oh yeah and I’m the Mary.” Nana muttered sarcastically causing Gogi to scoff.

“If you’re the Mary than Mr. T.O.P had with a wall.” Gogi teased causing Nana to chuckle.

“Hey! Don’t you dare bring that up?” Nana pointed over annoyed, trying to fight the laughter that was emerging.

“Why? You clearly enjoyed your time with Mr. Choi.” Gogi added as Nana smiled before turning away.

“I’m not proud of it, but…….yes, I enjoyed it.” Nana smirked proudly causing Gogi to snort.

“Well if you want my opinion on Jonghyun, I would say, I think the dude likes you but just has a hard time showing it.” Gogi simply put it causing Nana to roll her eyes.

“And if I had to add something, I would say, a certain lady is having a hard time admitting that she likes him back.” Gogi smirked only setting Nana’s annoyance higher.

“Shut up.” Nana hissed as Gogi smiled.
“Anyways, you didn’t tell me about the shoot, how was it?” Gogi changed the subject getting that interesting flicker in Nana’s eyes.
“Oooooooh, good I see.” Gogi wriggled her eyebrows as Nana rolled her eyes.

“It was fine. Jaejoong was a bit annoying when we first started, but by the end, I didn’t mind him.” Nana explained looking away.
“Jaejoong, annoying?” Gogi asked confused as Nana nodded.

“He kept flirting with me every chance he got. It only got annoying the more obvious it got.” Nana muttered sending Gogi into a fit of giggles.
“Oh gosh, this is too good! The moment we start working and everyone is trying to jump on Ana’s band-wagon.” Gogi said between laughing while Nana just glared at her laughing figure.

“I think I would have pissed myself if the dude was actually brave enough to kiss you too.” Gogi added as Nana laughed out loud getting her friends attention long enough to see Nana’s serious expression.
“Oh my god! Did he?!” Gogi shouted surprised as Nana nodded, looking away.

“Geez, you !” Gogi shouted teasingly as Nana tossed a heavy pillow viciously across the room at her friends head.

“It was part of the script, I had to.” Nana growled while Gogi peeked over the pillow, a large smile on her face.

“Alright, so let me get this straight. We’ve been in Korea for barely two months and you’ve managed to have Korea’s TOP rapper, Mr. TOP not only head over heels for you, but also ually involved with you. You’ve managed to also have a SHINEE member la la about you while Jaejoong of JYJ finds his amusement in flirting with you. All in all, you’ve had with Korea’s top bachelor while kissing the main vocalist of SHINEE and y god of JYJ.” Gogi teased sending Nana rolling her eyes again.

“You find your amusement in harassing me, don’t you?” Nana hissed while Gogi nodded proudly.

“Well, yes, yes I do.” Gogi sat back with a large smile.

“Alright, then what is this I hear about you and Onew going shopping?” Nana retorted as Gogi’s eyes widened.

“W-what? Who said we went shopping?” Gogi covered as Nana chuckled.

“Yeah, you know, when one of them go out in public, it’s a bit hard to be unnoticed.” Nana mentioned as Gogi looked away, speechless.

“You. Like. Him. Admit. It.” Nana chanted in syllables.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Gogi ignored causing Nana to sigh.

“Admit you like Jonghyun and I’ll admit mine.” Gogi retorted causing Nana to stand up.

“Never mind, you just answered my question.” Nana smirked sending Gogi’s eyes widening in realization.

“HEY! DON’T YOU DARE TELL ANYONE OR I’LL TELL EVERYONE JONGHYUN KISSED YOU!” Gogi shouted after her friends disappearing figure heading down the hallway. Nana stopped in her doorway before turning to look at her friend amused.

“Go ahead, doesn’t mean a thing.” She brushed off, shutting the door in her friends seething face. She would get her back.



The next morning, both girls were escorted to SM Entertainment to start a day of rehearsing for their music video shoot that was set to start in a few weeks’ time. Both girls entered their usual dance rehearsal room and smiled at the faces waiting for them. They had just recently started to get closer to the dancers that were assigned to their duo.For T.M.X, four male dancers and four female dancers were assigned to them. Currently, the girls are part of a dance group called Crazed while the male dancers were from Elite, both equally amazing in what they do. For the girls there were Soo Young, Ji Su, Yoon Mi and Min Jung, amazingly talented and beautiful girls that had bubbly and welcoming personalities. For the guys were Joon Hee, Sun Hwa, Yong Joon, and Tae Woo, all muscle heads that worked hard, extremely handsome and were as friendly as the girls were. All in all, everyone was great.


SHINEE FF #1Untitled #60

NANA'S DANCE OUTFIT                                                     GOGI'S DANCE OUTFIT


Morning.” Everyone began greeting each other as the girls entered the room. Nana and Gogi bowed over and over as the dancers stood from their various places of rest to address the soon-to-be idols.

Are you alright Gogi-unnie?” Min Jung, the youngest out of everyone asked as she approached the pair. She was about a year younger than Gogi but still insisted on calling her unnie. Gogi looked up from her bag and turned to see the younger woman looking at her worried.

Oh yeah, I’m totally fine and ready to go.” Gogi promised as the younger woman visibly let go of a worried breath.
That’s great to hear. We were so worried when we heard the news.” She mentioned causing Gogi to smile.

Well thank you for the concern but I’m back to my old self now.” Gogi promised as Min Jung smiled and nodded.

Nana-ah!” A voice called as the older woman turned to see Tae Woo waving her over. She rolled her eyes, looking to Gogi’s teasing smirk before walking over to the guys huddling in the middle of the room.

What did you guys do now?” Nana asked suspiciously as she approached the group.

Oh nothing, we just wanted to talk with you.” Yong Joon brushed her off as he reached over to wrap his arm around her shoulder playfully.

Uh-huh and I was born yesterday.” She mentioned sarcastically looking to their suspicious faces.

Well it’s either you want to ask me something or you did something and need my advice, help, opinion or all three.” She crossed her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes at the four men now mumbling amongst each other.

Sun Hwa Hyung spoke to one of his friends last night.” Joon Hee mentioned as Nana turned to the one speaking and then to the one being spoken of.
About what?” Nana asked still not registering what this had to do with her.

His friend is one of Jaejoong-ssi’s stylists.” Joon Hee mentioned as Nana sighed, knowing where this was going.

Ah, I see. I already know where this is going so I’m just going to walk away now.” Nana mentioned in monotone, shrugging out of Yong Joon arm to walk away causing the group to laugh.

Oh! And Jonghyun-ah was looking for you earlier.” Sun Hwa called after her as she froze mid-step.

He said you needed to talk to him about something, so we told him to come back later.” He added as she growled under her breath before walking to meet with Gogi.
“What’s with the look? That isn’t a good look.” Gogi gestured as Nana approached.
“If it’s not those guys it’s some other guy.” Nana hissed under her breath, taking a seat to slip her heels on. Gogi chuckled, seeing the way the male dancers had been razzing Nana down was hilarious. She actually let them get under her skin which wasn’t an easy accomplishment.

“Ana, they are just teasing. Relax. They are trying to get you to relax, you’ve been so uptight lately.” Gogi took a seat next to her friend to comfort her.

“I know they don’t mean it, but it still irks me.” Nana whispered placing her heels down on the ground in front of her.

“Yeah, everything irks you, which is why you need to just chill out sometimes, tease them back like you normally do. Don’t back down.” Gogi elbowed her friend playfully.

“Yeah, and if that doesn’t work, kick their .” Ji Su’s voice rang as both girls looked over to see the beautiful female dancer smiling down at them.
Ya, don’t tempt her. She might just do that.” Gogi scolded causing the woman to smile. They were both glad they had at least one dancer that understood English, along with Korean and Chinese. Ji Su chuckled before sitting down in the small space next to Nana.

“What, those guys look for their entertainment in teasing us, it would be good to get back at them for everything.” Ji Su narrowed her eyes at the guys now stretching in the middle of the floor. After a few minutes of just sitting there, the doors to the dance studio opened showing the girls choreographer, Sean strolling in.
Alright, now that you princesses have stretched, let’s get down to business.” He announced teasingly causing everyone to laugh as both girls slipped into their heels and trotted over to the back end of the room. A large see-through rectangle shaped box set up in the middle of the room while the four female dancers were set up in a pyramid like style from the chairs, their knees to their chests. Nana walked over to the right side of the room while Gogi stood to the opposite side of the room, both parallel to the box.

Let’s hit it from the top.” Sean called walking over to the ceiling to floor mirrored walls to watch the performance that was almost close to perfect.


The beat began as both girls began walking towards the box, eyes on each other. Nana walked to the back end of the box while Gogi made it to the front. Both sitting down with their backs to each other, a bit of a head spin, sending their hair failing following a few more y additions, the girls flipped their positions leaving Nana in the front and Gogi at back. Using light strength in their arms, they lifted their back ends from the container to set fire to their soon to be ily alluring dance move of their backside barely rubbing against the surface. Nana mouthed the lyrics set for her as they continued. A few more moves and both girls were now sitting up front, the female dancers now joining with their legs moving at the same time. The girls were set on their debut, they were set on making a name for themselves, and their debut song would do that for them.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi