Surprise Visit

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams


The girls were both exhausted to the point that the moment they stepped into the van, they collapsed in a heap in their seats. Their managers quickly escorted them home before leaving them to rest for the night. Nana shuffled her feet helplessly into her room, dropping her bag to the ground before falling face first into her mattress. Gogi followed suit in her own room, not even wanting to move as she groaned, trying to pull the pillow closer to her face.

“You bathing?!” Gogi shouted through the pillow to the woman across the hall.

“I can’t even move!” Nana shouted back titling her head away from the pillow where her hair was currently sprawled across.

“Ugh, I know.” Gogi whined rolling onto her back to pull her shoes off that were still on her feet, tossing them near her door.

“My legs are screaming at me.” Nana moaned rubbing the back of both of her thighs.

“Well we got it done, that’s all that matters.” Gogi answered as she stared up at the light above her bed.

“I need to clean my face, but I can’t even move.” Nana muttered to herself, slowly trying to push her back off the mattress.


Dingggggg Donggggg


“Who the hell?” Nana hissed turning her head to look at her open room door.

“Just ignore it, maybe they’ll go away.” Nana warned Gogi annoyed.

“I mean, who would come this late. I mean, it’s 3am!” Nana snapped annoyed when she saw the time on her clock.

“Maybe’s it’s important.” Gogi’s voice suddenly sparked closer as Nana looked to see her slowly shuffling down the hallway.

“If it’s Jiyong tell him I’m not getting up!” Nana pulled the comforter over her head annoyed as Gogi sighed. She shuffled, holding the walls as she pushed through their dimly lit apartment to the front door. She waited, and waited to see if the person had left only for them to knock again.

“Coming!” She shouted stepping down into the entryway where the automatic light . She unlocked the handle, leaving the chain in before pulling it open far enough to peek out. Her eyes grew at who was standing outside the door.

“Um hi.” Gogi whispered bowing her head knowing that he had come over unannounced without her friend knowing.

“Hey. Sorry for bugging you but I told Ana-ah I would come to speak with her after her shoot.” TOP explained, a serious expression across his face as she bit her lip and looked over her shoulder.

“Does she know you would come?” She asked hesitantly as he looked down to his hand unsure.

“I called her during the shoot and told her I would come and talk.” He explained once more as she sighed, shutting the door before unlocking the chain and pulling it fully open.

“Come on in.” She whispered as he bowed his head in thanks before stepping into the entryway.

“Oh! Wait.” She stopped him immediately as he looked to her confused.

“We have cameras set up around the apartment for MTV-K. Let me turn them off.” She whispered as he nodded, pressing his back to the furthest wall out of sight. Gogi sighed, unsure what was about to happen tonight as she one by one turned off the 6 cameras that were placed around the living room and kitchen along with the two that were placed in the hallway. When she returned, TOP was still standing against the door, a small bag in his hand.

“We just got home a few minutes ago, so she may be a little grouchy.” She warned as he slipped his feet into what seemed to Nana’s house slippers and followed her quietly down the hall.

“If you need anything, I’m right across the hallway.” Gogi mentioned as they stopped in front of Nana’s closed door.

“Thank you Gogi-ssi.” TOP gently bowed his head as she nodded and quickly disappeared into her room.


“Ugh, my legs.” Nana muttered into the pillow after changing out of her clothes and into a large white design tee and boxers. All she wanted to do was disappear into her mountain of pillows and never emerge. She cuddled up into the pillow next to her before sighing loudly, the only light coming from the purple lava lamp she had purchased, that was now sitting on her desk across the room.


Knock Knock


“Seriously.” She muttered into the pillow, her eyes glaring through the darkness.

“I’m sleeping.” She whispered shutting her eyes tightly, begging her exhaustion to take her to a place quieter than this.


Knock Knock


“I swear to god Min Hee. Go away or I’ll throw you off the balcony.” She whispered annoyed, burying her head under the pillows before she heard her door open.

“Min Hee, I’m tired. I don’t want to talk or anything of the sort. Just sleep.” Nana muttered annoyed as she heard it close along with a pair of feet shuffling before the weight on the opposite side of her bed changed.

“Min Hee. I’m warning you. I’m not in the mood. I’ve had a long day, the photo shoot being the least of my worries.” Nana whined as the voice cleared his throat. Nana’s head immediately snapped up from the pillows when she noticed the deepness of the voice before staring wide eyed at the man now sitting on the other side of the bed. He turned to her, his eyes emotionless. Great.

“Argh, this is too much for one day.” She whispered gripping the sides of her hair as she knelt on her knees, her face now buried in the comforter, unable to bring her eyes up to meet his expectant ones.

“Nana-ah, look at me.” His deep bass voice called as she snorted into the comforter, no way in hell.

“I’m exhausted. Just let me sleep.” She whined into the comforter as he sighed.

“Ana.” He called seriously as she surprisingly flinched at the tone of his voice.

“Look at me. I said I would come to talk to you, so I’m here.” He warned as she sighed, slowly lifting her head till she was sitting on her knees, her hands intertwined in her lap, her eyes never looking up.

“I just want to talk.” He reassured as she curled a stray hair behind her ear.

“I can’t do this.” She whispered, her usual y proud persona slowly floating out the window. He turned, pulling his legs up on the bed, crossing them in front of him.

“Answer me, why?” He asked interested as she sighed, looking to the lava lamp in the corner of the room, anything to preoccupy her mind.
“How’d you get in here anyways?” She muttered under her breath as he sighed.

“Don’t change the subject.” He hissed as she sighed, putting her hand through the fringe of her hair before turning to look at him. His eyes immediately brought her in as she feared, damn him.

“What do you want?” She fought to keep her voice steady as he kept his ground.

“You know what I want Ana. Answer the question.” He retorted as she sighed, looking down to her teal colored finger nails.

“I don’t know what you want from me.” She answered as he groaned, he wasn’t getting anywhere with her roundabout answering.

“Ana!” He shouted as she flinched, now in fear.

“You know why I’m here! You know what I want to know! And you sure as hell are avoiding it, so answer the damn question before I drive myself into insanity!” He shouted each time sending Nana into a frenzy of unknown emotions, the tears pricking at the brim of her eyelids. She sat quietly, biting the inside of her cheek as he continued to yell at her before she snapped.

I like you but I can’t be with you!” She shouted through tears as he watched in surprise to the tears now spilling out of her eyes down her cheeks, the obvious anger and annoyance sprung in her eyes.

“I ran off because I realized what I did too late. I don’t regret doing it but there is nothing more I can do about the situation then walk away and act like it never happened! I worked too hard to get where I am today! I gave up too much to have it all fall through because my feelings for someone suddenly came up and I have to ignore it because my contract said so!” She dropped into a heap on her comforter, her face buried in it as she let the tears fall. She just wanted to hide under a rock and die. Everything she had kept in had now been spilled out in front of her for him to see.

“Ana.” He called carefully as she sniffled.

“Just leave me to die here in peace.” She begged through tears as he stood from the bed, walking to the side she laid on before pulling her up and into his arms as he held her there.

“That’s all I needed to hear you say. Why are you beating yourself up about it?” He asked tightening his arms around her, making sure she had nowhere to escape to.

“I just needed to know that I didn’t do something wrong, something to make you run from me.” He whispered looking down to her blue hair that was now flowing over his arms. Nana sniffled into the man’s chest, his intoxicating scent attack her nose instantly. She couldn’t help it; she was attracted to this man, more than ever. And she felt safe in his arms. She slowly s her hands up his chest before gripping at his sweater.

“I thought I did something for you to hate me.” He whispered as she sighed, pulling her head away from his chest to look up at him.

“You never did anything for me to hate you. Even if you did, it would take more than something like that for me to hate you.” She muttered, blushing as she turned away. TOP just stood there with a proud smirk on his face.

“Oh really? So does that mean my charm has an effect on you?” He asked trying to look into her eyes, she wouldn’t have it.

“Pfffft, that ego of yours needs a leash.” She hissed as he chuckled, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

“Now was that so hard for you to explain to me?” He pulled away as she groaned, walking over to the tissue box then walked over to her vanity to clean her now smudged makeup.

I rather jump off a cliff into jagged rocks then to ever admit anything.” She answered as he sighed, slipping his hands into his pocket before walking over to stand behind her.

But you did it. That’s all that matters.” He answered as she glared up at him through the mirror.

Alright so I answered your question, can you leave now? I’m exhausted.” She whined turning to him as he smiled down to her.

So once you’re dating ban lifts, will you go out with me then?” He asked hopeful, a bright blush crossing her face as she turned away.

And be the official punching bag for all your crazed fans? Thanks but no thanks. I need my legs.” She explained sarcastically as he sighed, stepping closer to her.

You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” He warned as she sighed, looking down to her hands.

I’ll think about it.” She whispered admittedly sending a bright smile across his face.

That’s all I asked.”

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi