Accusation & Concern

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

“Oh! Dear God!” Min Hee shouted, throwing her legs off her bed before racing across the hallway. Barging into the room just across the hallway, she shot the lights on before charging at the woman sleeping.

“ANA! ANA! GET UP! HURRY!” Min Hee shouted, her phone lying in one of her hands while she attempted to wake the sleeping rock.

“Min Hee, it’s too early, let me sleep.” Ana moaned, viciously swinging her arms to hit Min Hee away.

“No! Get up! It’s an emergency!” Min Hee snapped, ripping the comforter off of the still sleeping woman, startling said woman.

“Hurry! It’s big!” Min Hee tossed her phone onto the bed before grabbing the half asleep woman, pulling her up from the bed.

“What? What? What?” Ana whined, scratching both sides of her head viciously, her eyes barely open to the light now shining through her room.

“Look!” Min Hee all but threw the phone at the unexpected woman, smacking the woman in the face with her phone. Ana groaned, falling back onto the bed, holding her nose in pain.

“YA! WHAT THE HELL?!” Ana snapped, shooting out of the bed to slap the awaiting woman who only held her phone, screen out for the woman to see. Ana instantly turned her annoyed eyes to the screen, her eyes slowly widening when she recognized what was on the screen.

“Isn’t that---“ Ana gaped, pointing at the screen as Min Hee nodded, shoving the phone at her. Ana swallowed heavily before pulling the screen up to read the title.


Mysterious Female Lead from Infinite H’s ‘Without You’ Music Video, Also Romantically Involved with JYJ’s Jaejoong?


Below the title laid two photos, one of Ana’s with Dongwoo from Without You, with the photo beside it was a candid photo of Ana and Jaejoong dancing intimately at the club. And didn’t even know what to say as she stared at the photos and then back up at the title.

“Oh .” She whispered in horror, looking up to Min Hee with pure panic shooting through her eyes.

“The fans are going on a frenzy.” Min Hee whispered worried as Ana her dry lips before turning to continue reading the article that was posted on Allkpop.


Fans are rejoicing at the newest video released by Infinite’s own subunit, Infinite H. Not only is ‘Without You’ an R&B favorite by fans, featuring Zion-T and lots of surprises, it seems that other surprises caught our attention more than others. Two unknown women have shown themselves as Dongwoo’s and Hoya’s female leads, showcasing their natural chemistry that is easily seen throughout the music video. Though, both women are new to our radar and even through investigation, have not been identified, a few things are clear to us. The female with blue locks visually looks to be foreign but we cannot pinpoint from where. The black hair beauty looks to be of Asian descent, but nothing is certain.


With the music video going on its 7th hour of release with an amazing number of views already racking up, Inspirits have dug up something quite interesting. Said ‘blue haired beauty’ as many are already referring to her as, is coincidentally not new to the K-pop scene. Well, not romantically new that is. Just a few nights ago, the photo posted above was caught in one of Korea’s top nightclubs, Wingz. The male, obviously identified as JYJ’s Jaejoong was seen dancing, intimating with said woman. Their relationship has not been made clear as C-JeS Entertainment has refused any comments on the stated rumor or on the unidentified female’s identity.


Who is this woman and what is she to Jaejoong?


Ana stood there, gaping like a fish out of water while Min Hee nervously bit at her fingernails. What were they going to do? Within no time, their label would call with questions and interrogate Ana’s behavior at said club. Ana dropped to her backside on the bed, sighing in defeat, she had never felt as helpless as she did in this moment. What was she going to do? First Hoya and Min Hee, now her and Jaejoong. Would they be cut? Would their president cut her contract from the label? Ana’s heart was racing in a panic before she felt Min Hee’s hand in hers. Ana immediately lifted her head to look at her friend’s concerned expression.

“It’s alright Ana, we’ll get through this together.” Min Hee promised as Ana stood, tossing her friends phone beside her before disappearing out of the room and into the bathroom. She couldn’t blame the media site for accusing them of being romantically involved, even to her, it looked like they were. Plopping down on the toilet seat, she buried her face into her hands. What a mess.


Min Hee watched her march out of the room before the slam of the bathroom door echoed through the apartment. What were they going to do? It was supposed to be a happy day, a day to celebrate with their first official appearance out for the world to see. But the recognition of Ana had over-shadowed everything. She sighed, looking down to the article still present on her phone. She knew how Ana felt. She had felt the same way with the situation with Hoya. Ana’s face was obvious pale when she finally emerged from the bathroom, still dressed in her pajamas.

“Has anyone called yet?” Ana asked as she immediately headed towards her closet to grab a pair of clothes to change into.

“No, not yet.” Min Hee answered, watching as the woman grabbed various clothes before disappearing into the bathroom.


Not two seconds later, Min Hee’s phone began going off in her hand. Startling the soon-to-be idol, she looked down in horror to see that it was GD calling her. Panicking, she looked up to hear the shower in the bathroom turn on, sending her sighing in defeat. She couldn’t ignore him forever. Slipping her finger across the screen, she put the phone to her ear.

“Hello?” She answered less than happy as she usually was.

“Is it true?” His voice answered immediately sending her reeling.

“Excuse me?” She answered back, slightly taken back by his question.

“With Ana-ah, is it true, she’s in a relationship with Jaejoong-ssi? All this time?” GD accused sending a small flare of anger through the woman.

“Typical. You’d believe anything your eyes read or ears hear, am I right?” She spat back, defending her friend.

“Min Hee-ah, it’s not like that.” He quickly defended sending her snorting in disbelief.

“Yeah, sure, alright, anyways, I have enough to worry about, I don’t have time for your accusations either. Bye.” She quickly hung up aggravated. About to toss the phone against the nearest wall, it began going off in her hand once more. Groaning, she gripped the phone and turned it over to see a name she hadn’t been expecting. Onew. Swallowing heavily, she took one deep breath before finally answering.

“Hello?” She answered nervously.

“Min-Hee-ah?” His voice asked unsure sending her little heart fluttering.

“Ah yes, it’s me.” She answered with a light blush. Was this the first time they spoke on the phone?

“Are you guys alright?” He asked worried as she blinked in surprise.

“What?” She asked confused, chuckling lightly.

“I saw the news all over the net this morning. How is Ana-ah? Are you two doing alright?” He asked in concern sending her smiling. He called to check in on them, not accuse them of something false.

“Ah yes, we’re fine. We haven’t left the apartment yet but we have to head to rehearsals in a bit.” She explained, hearing the shower turn off.

“How is she?” Onew then asked, referring to Ana which sent Min Hee’s head falling in worry.

“She’s not doing so well.” Min Hee answered honestly as Onew sighed.

“It’s not true though, that much we know for sure.” Min Hee defended quickly.

“Ah yes, I know that. I knew that.” Onew quickly added in agreement.

“I was worried so I called to check in on you guys. Have you guys heard from President yet?” Onew then asked sending her nerves skyrocketing.

“Ah, no, not yet. Neither Youngjae-ssi or Jiyong oppa contacted us yet, either.” Min Hee stood, stretching lightly.

“Ah, I understand. We’ll be at the company building this afternoon so I guess we’ll see you there.” He offered as she smiled.

“Yes. Oppa?” She stopped him from hanging up.

“Hm?” His voice hummed through the line.

“Thank you, for calling and checking up on us. I appreciate it.” She genuinely smiled sending him smiling back.

“It’s no problem at all but I can’t say I’ll be the only one calling with worry. I’m sure once the others find out, they’ll call you too.” Onew teased sending her chuckling.

“Ah, I figured as much.” She answered back before the pair hung up




Ana finally emerged from the bathroom dressed in a pair of leadlight print leggings and long sleeve pocket tee, bright neon socks on and tucked into her leggings.

“Are we going to the company building now?” Min Hee asked unsure as Ana grabbed a coat and pair of high tops before filling her backpack with a few things.

“I need to be the first to make the move and apologize for the misunderstanding. I don’t want president to be the one to approach me with questions. So I’ll go myself and apologize for the photo, I’ll meet you there.” Ana quickly answered, never looking up to make eye contact with Min Hee who stood there surprised.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take the back exit and get a taxi.” She shrugged her coat quickly on, zipping it all the way up before tucking her hair into her beanie.
“Ana, you can’t go alone. It’s not safe.” Min Hee whined, racing to catch up with the departing woman.
“Min Hee, you know I can take care of myself. I don’t wanna bring you into a mess I created on my own. Just get dressed and come down with Jiyong, later.” Ana moaned back, slipping her feet into her high tops.

“But—“ Min Hee began as Ana opened the door before stopping.

“Min Hee, I’m going to fix my own messes. No one else will do that for me.” Ana spoke seriously before shutting the door behind her.


Ana had never felt so helpless in her life before. It was such a strange feeling to be experiencing, it was foreign to her. Standing alone in the elevator, she looked to her phone, still shut off in her hand. She knew she had to switch it on, but was afraid to do so with what was currently going on right now. Sighing, rolling her neck, she finally switched the phone on before slipping it into her pocket, afraid. Instantly, she felt the overflow of vibration rocketing from her phone, the notifications pouring in, in boat loads. Stepping out of the elevator into the lobby, she quickly walked over to Hyo who was quietly sitting behind his security post.

“Hyo.” She whispered as she ran over, her eyes scanning the front of the building that still seemed to be clear of anyone. The elder man looked up at the sound of his name before standing when he saw her approach.

“Nana-ssi.” He bowed with an aging smile as she quickly returned the gesture.

“Good morning. You’re early today.” He added as she nodded back to him, looking around once more before turning to him.

“Is everything all right Nana-ssi? “He asked worried as she nodded nervously.

“I actually need a favor. Could you call a taxi for me? Have it meet me at the back exit?” She asked unsure as he blinked confused from behind his glasses.

“Ah yes, for what reason though, Nana-ssi. Is Jiyong-ssi or Youngjae-ssi not escorting you out?” He asked confused as she sighed, looking down ashamed.

“Something’s happen so I need to head over to SM discreetly.” She forcefully admitted, looking down to her shoes.

“What’s happened? Are you all right? “He asked worried as she smiled up at him kindly before nodding.

“I will be once I apologize for the misunderstanding. I would like to go to SM unknown, to apologize directly to President before he calls me in.”  Ana added as Hyo looked at her in worry before slowly nodding, grabbing his phone before dialing for the companies usual company. Quietly speaking to the man on the phone, Hyo hung up and walked around to stand beside Ana.

“Whatever it is that has happened Nana-ssi, don’t let it bring you down. You and Gogi-ssi are incredibly talented and blessed. It would be such a shame for something such as this to drag you down. Apologize and work harder to better yourself. You are a talented and bright child.” Hyo praised with a smile.



Within no time a taxi pulled up at the back exit of the apartment building. Luckily, SM owned various things such as their own select taxi company that the idol used when their managers were out of commission. She slipped into the backseat, bowing to the driver who smiled through the rear view mirror.

“Where to?” He asked nicely as she buckled her seatbelt.

“SM, please. And if it’s alright, I’m in a hurry.” She added as he nodded, quickly kicking the car into drive before pulling out of the back parking lot and into the road.


Ana sat quietly in the backseat, staring out the window at the world that still had yet to wake up, considering it was only 4am. She sputtered her lips frustrated before finally pulling out her cellphone. Tons and tons of missed calls and text messages littered her cellphone from what she could make out. Before she could click on it to see who had called, a phone number popped up on her incoming phone call. Eyes widened in surprised at the name flashing across the screen before she turned the phone away. No. She couldn’t answer his phone call. No. She wouldn’t let herself drop to receive his pity, pity and concern that she was sure to hear from him. No. She wouldn’t accept it. Not after everything he had done to her in the last week. She refused. The phone stopped vibrating as she visible relaxed back into seat. That’s when she noticed SM coming up down the street.

“Could you please drop me off a block away?” She leaned over to ask the driver who only nodded.

“Of course.” He answered, turning down a block away from SM before pulling to the curb. Pulling out the needed money, she handed it to him before slipping out into the cold morning air. Her breath immediately engulfed her form as she shut the door, watching the black car drive off into the darkness. Turning back to her left, she began walking in the direction of the company building, her apology running through her mind at high speed. Once again, her phone in her coat pocket began to vibrate crazily. Sighing, she stopped under a light post before pulling it out to see it was ‘him’ once again, calling. Looking up at the light just above her desperation, she let go of a large breath, watching as it created a large cloud above her, she finally gave in, answering it.

“What?” She rasped out, commanding her legs to continue on their journey down the sidewalk.
“Ana-ah.” He called out as she sighed, pulling her scarf tighter around her neck.

“What?” She asked once more, looking down to her shoes lightly tapping the ground as she walked.

“Are you all right? You’re ok right?” He quickly asked in a rush, clear worry stained on his words. She sighed, pulling the phone momentarily away from her face to collect herself.

“What does it matter if I’m alright or not?” She retorted, inwardly kicking herself for asking a question for a question.

“Ana-ah, I’m calling because I’m worried. You may not like me, but I’m not going to ignore the fact that you may be hurt or in trouble.” He bluntly answered sending her stumbling in surprise, her face now burning in embarrassment. What gave him the thought to push her buttons and on a daily basis? Did he enjoy seeing or hearing her flustered all the time.

“I’m fine alright, stop worrying about me.” She now spat, upset that he was once again playing his cards.

“Ana-ah. Even if you tell me not to, I’m going to. Is—Is what their saying---true?” He then stuttered out, sending her feet stopping on the pavement just outside SM.

“What?” She rasped out surprised by his question.

“I know it’s not, but I want you to tell me yourself. Are you seeing Jaejoong-ssi?” He then bravely asked as she blushed once more.

“What would you give you that thought? You saw me that night at the bar, didn’t you? Did I look to be my usual self? You think I would do something like that normally?” She asked, slightly hurt that he had even asked her that question in the first place, but then again, could she really blame him? The photo did speak more than 1000 words.


Jonghyun on the other hand was taken off guard by her questions. How had she known they ran into each other at the same club that she had been photographed at? Did she remembered everything that had happened?


“You remember what happened at the club?” He asked hesitantly as she sighed, scratching her neck.

“I do, and? You want to interrogate me? Is that what this phone call is for?” She asked in a squeak, cursing her voices betrayal.

“Ana-ah, I’m just calling to make sure you’re all right, nothing more. I just wanted to make sure you were all right before I went to sleep.” He defended sending her heart soaring before her eyes widened, slipping her sleeve down to see that it was 4:35am.

“Wait. You haven’t gone to sleep yet?” She whispered in realization as he sighed.

“We got in late from practice last night then I saw the news. I’ve been calling you all morning.” He explained as she looked down to her shoes quietly. How was she supposed to feel about this? Was she supposed to be happy that he had attempted to call her all morning, without sleep, to make sure she was alright? Or was she supposed to be pissed? Pissed that he had done just that with no recollection for his own health. Biting her lip, holding the phone to her chest so that she could groan in annoyance, she slipped the phone back to her ear. What was this bastard doing to her?

“I’m fine. I’m at SM right now. Go to sleep.” She answered quickly hanging up before slipping the phone back into her pocket.


Sighing out loudly, she looked up at the tall building sitting in front of her before clenching her fists.


She had to do this.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi