Infinite H "Without You" Music Video Filming: Part 3

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

The group finally broke for some much needed lunch as the crew set up for the dance and car portion of the music video. Both girls were exhausted and hungry, now dressed in the next outfit that consisted of an all-black look.


Without U carSHINEE ff #2

                                                               GOGI                                                                  NANA


So fun?” Hoya asked as he plopped in front of the girls that had begun to open the various things Jiyong and Youngjae brought for them to eat.

So far.” Gogi added with a smile as she handed Nana one also.

That’s good.” Hoya smiled pulling out various containers for the pairs lunch.
Where’s Dongwoo-ah?” Nana asked looking around in wonder.

Um, he said he had to go out and get some air.” Hoya explained as Nana furrowed her eyebrows.
It’s freezing outside.” She muttered, the chopstick sitting between her teeth as she looked around.
If you’re so worried about him, why don’t you go check on him?” Gogi teased as Nana snorted her way.

“Shut up.” She muttered as she stood up, the makeshift bib made from a towel falling to her seat as she walked to go find him. Maybe she had done something to piss him off?


Nana strutted through the warehouse, smiling at those who bowed to her confused to why she was over here. She finally made it outside into the hallway they entered from and decided to go in search of him outside. She didn’t have anything warm, but all she needed was to tell him to come in and be done with it. She reached the entrance door, peeking through the glass to make sure no one was outside until she stepped out.

“Holy .” She hissed when the wind caught her skin, which was already freezing to the touch.

“I swear if he’s out here, I’m going to kick his .’ She hissed. She barely considered a lot of people friends at times, Dongwoo was nice to her, he texted her casually just to ask her how her day was going, he even carried her all the way up to their apartment when she was pissed drunk. No matter how embarrassing it was, she kind of liked him that way. Not the way you think, but as a friend she cared for.

She shivered coming around the corner to see him leaning against the building, a large jacket over him as he stared down at his phone. She hissed, walking over through her bear paw boots before kicking him in the side of his shin.

Aish!” he yelped in surprise reaching down to hold it in pain before looking up in surprise to see Nana staring down at him with a glare.

What are you doing out here? It’s cold.” He whined standing up as she snorted.

You should listen to yourself once in a while. You’ll catch a cold so come in.” she sighed as he looked at her in shock.

I needed some air.” He explained as she nodded, biting her lip as the wind picked up through her dress to her core. Damn wind hated her today.
Go inside, I’ll be in when it’s time to film.” He reassured looking back down to his phone as she sighed, seeing her breath blow out of . She groaned, turning to face the same way he was, her arms now crossed over her chest as she stood there, quietly freezing. Dongwoo looked up from his phone to see her unmoving. She was trying to prove that she wasn’t cold but from the clear involuntary shiver that would run down her every few seconds, he knew she was. Sighing, he put his phone into his pocket and turned to her, grabbing her around her waist before pulling into his chest, hugging the overly large coat around her small body.
W-what are you doing?” She whispered against his chest stuttering as he sighed.

You’ll get a cold that way.” He mentioned like a gentlemen as she rolled her eyes.

If you came in when I told you to, it wouldn’t be a problem.” She retorted as he chuckled.

Just shut up and let me hug you for once.” He scolded as she lightly smiled, loving the heat that was flowing off of him.

You know, I don’t usually allow girls to tease me the way you did back there.” He mentioned as she blushed, quickly composing herself.

You know, I don’t usually allow guys to survive carrying me to my place of slumber.” She teased back as he laughed.
Hey, it was either I carry you or Gogi-ah was going to attempt to. I couldn’t let a girl carry you all the way back.” He defended as she smiled.

Well thanks for that.”



Think they’ll be ok?” Hoya asked as they both watched the woman walk away. Gogi sighed, picking up a grape to plop in .

I’m more worried about Dongwoo-ah. If he doesn’t return when she does, we should probably worry.” She teased as he smiled at her small joke.


Suddenly Nana’s manager made a dash for their table, Nana’s phone sitting in his hand as he looked to Gogi then the empty spot next ot her.

Where’s Nana-ssi?” He asked panicked as Gogi put the chopsticks down.

She went for a walk, what’s wrong?” She asked worried as Youngjae bit his lip.

It’s TOP’s manager, he’s been rushed to the hospital.” Youngjae explained as Gogi’s eyes shot open.
Who?” Hoya asked once Gogi stood up to take the phone from Youngjae.

I’ll give it to her.” She took off running as fast as her heels could carry her.

Who went to the hospital Youngjae-ssi?” Hoya asked standing slowly as Youngjae sighed, turning to look at the idol.

Big Bang’s TOP-ssi.” Youngjae mentioned as Hoya looked on confused.
Nana-ssi and TOP-ssi are friends.” Youngjae explained before turning and walking away towards Jiyong.


Alright, you can let me go.” Nana whined trying to push away from Dongwoo’s broad chest only causing him to chuckle.

Naw, I quite like it here.” He added proudly, pulling her closer towards him.

YA!” She snapped pushing again with no help.

What if a fan sees us? I don’t want to be stuck in a scandal before I debut.” Nana hissed as Dongwoo sighed, hesitantly letting go before they heard a voice.

“NANA!” A voice shouted as Nana rounded the corner with Dongwoo on her tail.
“Min Hee.” Nana called as Gogi turned to her, clear panic written across her face.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Nana asked immediately walking over as her friend pulled her into the comfort of the building.

“Seunghyun’s been rushed to the hospital.” Gogi whispered, unsure as to how her friend would react. Honestly, the woman said she didn’t like him but it was clear in that moment, that the feelings she had for said man were more than friends. Nana’s eyes widened as her heart dropped, looking to the phone in horror.

“It’s his manager.” Gogi whispered as Nana quickly put the phone to her ear, Dongwoo standing silently on the side.

H-hello?” Nana asked unsure, the nervousness showing behind her voice.

Is this Nana-ssi?” he asked in a rush.
Ah yes, this is she.” She answered back quickly.

This is Kim Nam Gook, Seunghyun-ah’s manager, he’s been in an accident.” He explained as her hand found its way to her lips, a nervous habit to start biting on her thumb nail.

Is he alright?” She asked in a whisper, Gogi stepping over to hold her hand.

They haven’t told me anything aside from he needs immediately surgery.” He explained as her heart dropped further.

I do not know your relationship to Seunghyun-ah, but he specifically asked me to call you.” He explained a now serious tone to his voice.

We’re friends.” She reassured as he sighed.
He also asked me to ask you if you would be alright to come to hospital as soon as you can. He would like to see you.” The manager informed as she bit her lip.
I can’t come right this moment, but I will be there the moment I am through.” She promised.

I understand. I will send the address to the hospital as soon as we hang up. I will also let the security downstairs know.” He added.

Thank you, for informing me.” She looked down to her heels.

It’s unusual for Seunghyun-ah to ask for me to contact a female that isn’t a label mate or relative on his behalf. It usually is Jiyong-ah or his family.” He admitted as she blushed.

I will head there as soon as possible. Thank you.” She hung up and sighed loudly, her head now hanging in defeat.

“What happened?” Gogi asked worried as Nana looked up to her.

“I have to go to the hospital after we’re done here. Seunghyun is going in for surgery.” Nana explained before walking away without another word.

Who?” Dongwoo asked as Nana left out of hearing range.

A friend of hers.” Was the only thing Gogi could give him as he nodded hesitantly.


It was quiet after lunch was finished. The pairs were escorted towards a green car they had seen earlier.

Alright, this scene for both couples will be different.” The director explained as he pulled his headphones off. Dongwoo couldn’t help but look to Nana worried, she had been silent after coming back from lunch, he just wanted to know that she was alright but he didn’t want to intrude.

We’ll start with Hoya –ssi and Gogi-ssi.” The director added as both pairs nodded, keeping their spots.
For this couple, Gogi-ssi, I want you sitting on the hood of the car.” The director explained as she nodded, Hyori and Dee Dee walking over to  help her onto the stool that was placed for her to easiest step up. Once she was seated safely, they removed the stool and adjusted her outfit.

Hoya-ssi, I need you here, between her legs.” He directed, gesturing to the small gap between Gogi’s legs. Hoya quickly walked over, turning his back to Gogi who chuckled at his lame attempt to be cool.
Closer.” Hyo Yoon added as she gently pushed Hoya’s chest to push him closer to Gogi. Gogi quickly opened her legs a bit further, allowing him closer so that his back was now resting on the edge of the car.

Perfect, now Gogi-ssi. I need your heels resting on the bumper on each side.” Director asked as she nodded, Hyori and Dee Dee running over to help her place them correctly.

Now for your hands, Hoya-ssi, yours will be placed on Gogi’s thighs.” Hyo Yoon gestured as Hoya swallowed, looking over his shoulder to Gogi unsure how she would react. Gogi couldn’t help but blush, but nodded that it was okay as his hands slowly found it’s way to her bare thighs.
And Gogi-ssi, your arms need to be wrapped, under his arms and across his chest.” Director demonstrated as she nodded, wrapping her arms around his broad chest before clasping her hands together at his center.
Rest your cheek on his shoulder.” Director added as she leaned forward, turning towards him slightly to rest her cheek.
That is perfect!” The director clapped as Nana and Dongwoo stepped aside.

This will be like the others, Gogi-ssi will appear here now, but once we get down to it in editing, it will look like she disappears.” The director explained as the pair nodded.


Nana trotted over to her seat and took a seat, sighing as she held her head. She was worried. Not only was the music video not done yet, but she had no idea what had happened that would send that man to the hospital for surgery. Was it really that bad? She opened her eyes and looked up to see Hoya and Gogi going through their scene a few times, her eyes finally catching her manager who was trotting by.

Youngjae-ssi.” She called quietly as he turned to her before quickly walking to her side.

Yes Nana-ssi.” He spoke politely as she took the offered water.

TOP’s manager said he would text the hospital’s address. I would like to go there straight after filming.” She explained as he nodded in understanding.

Do you need me to get you anything?” he asked as she sighed, looking up in wonder.

“That child likes his banana milk.” She muttered under her breath before turning to Youngjae.

Would you mind running to the store, getting some banana milk and bread?” She asked hesitantly, not really wanting him to step out of the way to do such a childish thing.

It would be my pleasure. I’ll get right on it.” He answered, bowing his head before running off to let Jiyong know.

You must be close to him?” A voice startled her as she turned to see Dongwoo sitting next to her suddenly.

Geez, don’t do that.” She whined patting her chest as she looked back to the scene being re-filmed.

He’s a friend of mine.” She answered his question from earlier as he nodded.

Coming from a friend, the way you are worried about him, it seems like more.” Dongwoo spoke as her eyes widened before turning to his serious ones. Was it on everyone’s bucket list to accuse her of things before she even had a chance to explain herself?

No, it’s nothing like that, I promise you. He’s just a really nice guy, that’s all. I mean, if you were in the hospital for surgery, I would come visit you.” She offered turning to him with a smile as his heart stopped. She was too beautiful for her own good and smiling wasn’t helping.

Nana-ssi! Dongwoo-ssi!” Hyo Yoon shouted as the pair looked over to see her waving them over.

It’s our turn.” She announced dropping off the chair before fixing her short dress. They walked over to see them opening the doors to the car.

I’m guessing we’ll be filming inside?” Nana gestured as Hyo Yoon nodded, having her sit in the passenger side. Nana slid in as they carefully shut the door, the leather now rubbing her bare thighs. Dongwoo hopped into the driver side, immediately putting his gloved hands onto the steering wheel in excitement.

This is a beautiful car.” Nana mentioned patting the dashboard.

Alright, with you two, Nana-ssi, I actually want you siting closer to Dongwoo-ssi.” The director offered as Nana carefully slid to Dongwoo’s side till she couldn’t move any further.

Dongwoo-ssi, your right hand over the backrest, rest it down her shoulder.” He added as Dongwoo adjusted the way he was sitting to accompany the offer.
That is perfect.” The director praised.

Nana-ssi, I need you to lean your head slightly onto Dongwoo-ssi chest.” Hyo Yoon added as Nana did so, lying quietly watching them adjust the camera to the hood of the car.

Dongwoo-ssi, I need you to momentarily look at Nana-ssi then keep that stare. We’ll pause to remove Nana-ssi.” Director explained walking backwards and Nana sighed.

I’m sorry about what I said earlier. I didn’t mean to pry.” Dongwoo suddenly apologized as Nana sighed again.

I’m just sensitive about it. That’s all anyone has seemed to do to me lately, just assume without the facts.” She muttered under her breath, obviously on edge.

So, this friend of yours, is he alright?” Dongwoo then asked interested as Nana shrugged.

The only info I was given was he had to be taken into immediate surgery.” Nana answered, adjusting her shoulder a bit so that her head could lie comfortably.

So you’ll be heading there straight after filming?” Dongwoo asked with a slight pout.
That’s the plan, why?” She asked now looking up to him as he looked away.

Nothing, the crew wanted to go out and have dinner and some drinks later.” He explained as she nodded lying her head back again.

I’ll take a rain check on that then.” She offered as his eyes widened in surprise, looking down to the smirk on her face directed at the camera.

“Really?” He asked surprised as she nodded.

Sure, why not? Maybe after I debut with Gogi-ah, we can celebrate.” She offered as his heart fluttered before he eagerly nodded.


He likes her.” Hoya suddenly offered as Gogi chuckled at the irony.
Seems like it.” She offered as Hoya smiled from next to her.

So Nana-ssi is friends with TOP-ssi?” Hoya asked confused as Gogi nodded.

It’s a complicated friendship but she doesn’t seem to mind.” Gogi explained as Hoya nodded, side eying her.

What about you?” He asked feeling her eyes baring into the side of his face.

What about me?” She asked confused, sipping the water Jiyong had hadn’t her earlier.

You dating G-Dragon-ssi yet?” He teased a twinkle in his eye as he turned to look at her stunned expression.
Does it look like I want to die an early death from crazed VIPs?” She whispered loudly in outrage causing him to laugh.

No, but I can’t ignore the fact that you both are a perfect match.” He teased further causing her to growl and reach over to playfully punch his shoulder.

Shut up, we’re just friends.” She snorted looking to the scene of Nana and Dongwoo filming their scene for the 3rd time.

Sure you are.” Hoya muttering teasingly as Gogi rolled her eyes.

If you like me, just admit you’re jealous that I hang out and talk to him.” She teased back almost immediately as Hoya practically fell out of his seat.

Ya!” He hissed quietly glaring at her as she broke out laughing into her coat that was draped across her lap.

Oh! Cat got your tongue?” She teased, wriggling her eyebrows as Hoya scoffed, looking away from her. This was turning out to even more entertaining than expected.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi