Jaejoong 'Just Another Girl' Music Video: Part 3

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Nana’s POV….

I quickly walked back into the warehouse, dressed in something a bit more warmer for my liking, immediately making my way over to the same heater that stood close to set.


Just Another Girl #2


“Do you always stare?” I asked, feeling the intense stare and aura next to me.

“How’d you know I was even here?” His voice asked as I sighed, rubbing my hands together before holding them out.

“You wear too much cologne.” I teased causing him to scoff.

“It’s like you’re telling me I stink or something.” He muttered outraged causing me to smirk.

“Hey, you said it.” I defended feeling his irritation rise.

“Well you don’t smell all that good either.” I knew he was trying to piss him off but I wasn’t going to let him have that privilege.

“That’s fine, it’s not like I’m trying to impress anyone.” I shrugged innocently looking away. I couldn’t help but smirk when I heard him curse under his breath.

“Well I could have probably found a prettier girl to be my leading lady, but I’m stuck with you.” He spat as I snorted. Really. The comebacks on this guy were so pathetic.

“You’re probably right. I mean, even my partner would be better.” I admitted looking down to my fingernails causing him to sigh.

“I give up!” He threw his hands in the air annoyed before marching away.

“I win.” I muttered smiling proudly at his disappearing figure.

“Nana-ssi!” A voice yelled as I looked over to see the director motioning me to come to set. I walked over, handing my coat to Youngjae on the way before stepping into the make believe living room.


The next scene we would be filming made me slightly hesitant. The things this man was suggesting us to do, I wanted nothing more than to go push him off a cliff. Obviously, he was doing it to piss me off and he even looked to be enjoying it.

“Will that be alright Nana-ssi?” The director asked turning to me as I lifted my head up from the arm rest I was currently lying against.

“If that’s what the big man wants.” I teased, secretly glaring over at Jaejoong now positioned on the coffee table beside me.

“Alright, we’ll try it out to see how it goes.” The director explained walking away as I sighed, adjusting my position even a little bit. I could feel the bastards smile on me the whole time causing me to sigh before I turned to glare at him.

“Is everything alright or do I have something written on my face that amuses you so?” I asked through my teeth as he rested his hands on the coffee table between his legs, immediately leaning close towards me, catching me off guard to the sudden approach.

“Has anyone told you, Nana-ssi, that you have very pretty eyes?” He whispered as my eyes widened a fraction before I quickly collected myself.

“Has anyone told you, Jaejoong-ssi, that you are incredibly annoying?” I whispered back wanting to play his game as I kept a teasing smile on my face. He gasped, pulling away as I smiled, looking away proudly.

“I win, again.” I slightly chanted under my breath, smirking towards his annoyed face.

“If we’re to do what Jaejoong-ssi as offered, let’s run through it a few times.” The director explained as we got comfortable. I pulled the blanket at my feet till my hips and then lay back once more.

“Just follow my lead.” Jaejoong said once more as I looked over to him suspiciously. I’m sure I would regret this.

“Action!” The director shouted as the music began to get louder and louder. I put my left arm above my head and then turned, forcing a believable smile onto my face as he leaned in, tilting his head every which way, looking at me with those godforsaken chocolate brown eyes. If President hadn’t put that damned dating band on our group, about now, I’m about 100% positive that Gogi would be dating GD and I would be shacking it up with TOP or this demon teasing me right now. He leaned in closer, his finger playing with my chin causing me to giggle and look away to my feet barely sticking out of the blanket. I felt him lean in further, his warm breath blowing across my face.

“Play along.” He whispered sending goose bumps running down my covered arms. Not like I had a choice. He pulled away with a smile on his face as his hand grabbed my hand above my head, interlocking our fingers while he leaned in again. Giving my hand a light squeeze, l looked over to see him approaching slowly. Before I realized what was happening, his lips landed on mine ever so gently. Oh how much I wanted to punch this guy in the jaw? I shut my eyes for emotions and then opened, them to smile at him gently, while his thumb caressed my bottom lip. Why was it, all these handsome guys think it’s legal to just jump a vulnerable girl for a kiss? First Jonghyun and then…. I stopped there. Once the image of last night’s happenings popped up, I lost all my composure.
“CUT! CUT! CUT!” The director shouted as I looked up from my lap to glare at Jaejoong who was already looking at me worried.

“Are you alright Nana-ssi?” The director asked concerned as he walked over to us. How could I have let that bastard cut my composure so easily?
“Ah yes, sorry about that, it sort of caught me off guard.” I admitted bashfully as he nodded.

“Alright. It’s a great concept so we’ll stick with it and do it once more, yes?” The director asked as I nodded through a forced smile.

“Yes.” I answered as he nodded before quickly walking away.

“If you don’t want to do it, just tell me, we don’t have to.” Jaejoong mentioned the moment the director was out of hearing range.

“I’m fine, it just caught me off guard.” I explained in monotone, unable to turn and meet his gaze.

“Are you sure because you looked anything but fine.” He further mentioned as I sighed, turning my head to face him.

“Don’t worry about it, let’s just get this through.” I cleared my throat, slightly stretching before assuming my previous position.

“If you can Nana-ssi, we would like to see some believable emotions from you during the kiss.” The director shouted over as I gave him the two thumbs up, smiling on the outside while my insides tried to argue the point.

“ACTION!” The music began as we did the same movements as the last take. He reached over for my chin before turning my face to face his. He absentmindedly ran his thumb across my bottom lip, my mouth involuntarily going slightly ajar at the look in his eyes. When I finally noticed him leaning in, I sighed quietly, this was it. I had to make it look believable for the video, not for myself, but for the job. When his surprisingly warm lips set on mine, I sighed into the kiss, tilting my head ever so slightly. My right arm began to weave up his own before I rested it on his cheek. I felt him smile against me as I leaned in this time.

“CUT!” The director shouted as I immediately pulled away, seeing the shocked look on his face.

“So I’m guessing I’ll probably accumulate some anti-fans for that move.” I mentioned in monotone, taking Hyori’s gestured hand to help me stand.

“No, you won’t.” Jaejoong retorted as he stood up, intended to make his stand on my comment. I just shook my head, laughing as Youngjae walked over to drape my heavy jacket over my shoulders.

“It’s alright, it’s all part of the job.” I teased walking away, leaving a now stunned idol standing on set confused.


The moment we stepped into the trailer, I collapsed to the ground.

“NANA-SSI!” Youngjae and the guards shouted worried as Hyori dropped next to me, checking on me.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” I promised, taking deep breaths into the sleeves of my jacket.

“Are you sure?” Hyori asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, I’m good. Just give me a minute.” I pushed waving my hand in her face as she stood looking to Youngjae’s worried face. A few moments later, I stood up and walked over to the table of trailer at the other end.

“Have some lunch Nana-ssi, and then we’ll continue shooting.” Youngjae offered as he placed a few trays of food on the table in front of me.


I quietly ate for a few moments, Hyori and Dee-Dee doing the same as they sat across from me.

“So how do you like the shoot so far?” Dee-Dee asked as I looked up chewing whatever I had just put in my mouth. One thing I had learned about food here, never ask what’s in it. The last time I had asked Key what was in the food I had been eating, I practically threw up. I just rather not know, as long as it tastes good, I’m fine eating it.

“It’s alright.” I shrugged over to her as Hyori and Dee-Dee looked to each other.

“Jaejoong-ssi seems to have taken a liking to Nana-ah.” Hyori mentioned teasingly as she bit on her chopsticks.
“Uh-huh and I’m sure a certain SM member would do the same for you.” I teased back sending her eyes wide.

“Ya!” Hyori snapped quietly, reaching over to whack my arm.

“Who!? Who?! Who?!” Dee-Dee immediately began asking, trying to get into the conversation.

“No one. Nana-ah is trying to retaliate against me.” Hyori glared over at me as I snorted.
“Uh-huh, she would love if I retaliated against her like this all the time.” I smirked causing Hyori to grip her chopsticks even tighter.

“Alright, now I KNOW you guys are talking about someone. Tell!” Dee-Dee dropped her chopsticks before glaring at us, waiting.

“Shall I spill the beans or do you want the honors?” I asked over to Hyori who growled in my direction.

“Loose tongue.” She hissed as I shrugged, digging back into my food once more.


Before Hyori could even open to tell Dee-Dee the good news, we were all interrupted by a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it.” Youngjae answered from his spot on my makeup seat. He opened the door, speaking to someone outside it before turning to look at me.

“What?” I asked unsure as I looked to the two in front of me then back to him.

“Someone’s here for you Nana-ssi.” He offered stepping up the few steps before gesturing for the person to come in. I involuntarily groaned at the sight of the man walking up the steps with a bright smile.

“Mind if I join you?” He asked holding his own trays as he bowed to the bashful women sitting across from me. I sighed, scratching the side of my neck viciously to get rid of the annoyed expression on my face.

“Um, sure.” I muttered moving over to allow him room to sit next to me.
“Thanks. It’s a bit boring eating alone.” He offered taking a seat next to me before he smiled across, bowing his head.
“This is Hyori and Dee-Dee, my stylist and makeup artist.” I introduced as he bowed his head. All I could was snort. The moment he smiled at the two women, their cheeks could have sprung wings at how high they were soaring now.

“It’s nice to meet you two.” He added as they bowed back, whispering between themselves as I rolled my eyes. I immediately pulled my phone out and began searching through the news. It was about time they would release those pictures of Gogi if they hadn’t already. Scrolling, I dropped my chopsticks onto the table.

“Nana-ah?” Hyori asked over worried as I continued to scroll through the article.

“Bastards.” I hissed under my breath before turning to look at Youngjae.

“Manager!” I called past Jaejoong as he looked up.

“Yes Nana-ssi.” He answered standing up and walking over.

“They released the photos.” I whispered worried as his face paled. I handed him my phone as he began scrolling through the photos.

“I have to call president.” He handed the phone back to me before walking into the back of the trailer, shutting the door.

“Is everything alright?” Jaejoong asked as I leaned my head back, staring at the ceiling in wonder.

“We’re about to be found out.” I explained looking to Hyori and Dee-Dee’s worried faces.

“Did they find out?” Hyori asked over quickly as I shrugged.

“The photos those fans took of her is all over the net. They are even labeling her as Hoya’s girlfriend.” I explained, rubbing my cheeks annoyed.

“Oh no.” Hyori whispered worried as I turned to the man sitting next to me.

“Everything ok?” He asked again as I sighed.

“Our duo is supposed to be kept a secret till we debut, but two nights ago, my partner was hanging out with Hoya-ssi from Infinite. They were mobbed by fans who attacked my partner and began taking photos of her. She was in the hospital till yesterday.” I explained in monotone, my fingers lacing together as I rested my chin on it.

“That’s why I had no idea who you girls were when my manager told me.” Jaejoong mentioned in realization causing me to nod.

“So I’m guessing the fans might have dug up something about your partner that will lead to the duo?” Jaejoong put the dots together as I groaned and nodded.

“Hopefully not.” I muttered under my breath.


Youngjae had called it in to the president who was already working hard at fighting them. I was told we would be having an emergency meeting the moment the music video was done and I could get back to SM.


After we were finished eating a late lunch, we were taken back to the set in the same outfits to film a few side clips.

The first one, was a shot by myself. I was placed in the corner of the room, my knees up to my chest. It was like déjà vu of Gogi in the hospital. I sighed as Hyori fixed my hair a bit.

“You’ll be alright girlie.” She whispered promising as I sighed and nodded. I had a lot of things on my mind right now, and something like this wasn’t my top priority. I was forced to cry like I was in pain, which wasn’t hard at all. With all the bottled up emotions I had been holding in all day and night, it was quite easily to sprout a few tears here and there. I leaned my head back, staring at the ceiling as the camera zoomed into my face. Letting my head lull forward, a pained expression present, my eyes landed on the man beyond the cameras closely watching me. I sniffled, turning away quickly to look down to my feet. Once the shot was done, Hyori quickly came over to fix my smudged makeup.
“That was incredible Nana-ssi.” The director immediately praised as he came to my side. I smiled and bowed.
“Thank you, it is quite easy once you get used to it.” I pointed out causing him to smile.



The last scene was a fight or argument scene between myself and Jaejoong. I already knew from the get-go this would be an entertaining scene. The room was basically trashed before we even got back to the set. I was basically set up with a few fake cuts on my face, my clothes were lightly tattered in some areas, my knees and sleeves. Jaejoong had a red mark put to his cheek and a bloody lip. I was going to enjoy this scene.
“ACTION!” The director shouted as I began marching away from Jaejoong like rehearsed. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me back towards him where I slapped him across the face. I was slightly happy that he had dodged it, I would hate for fans to think I hit him for real. He pushed me hard against the wall, as I let go of a fake gasp. I looked at him in terror as he planted his hands on both sides of my head, anger painted across his face. That’s when he slapped me across the face. I turned my head at the perfect moment for it to look real before falling to the ground in a heap, holding my cheek. He ripped my off the ground and pinned me to the wall again, this time by his hips. I involuntarily groaned at his rock hard body now molding to mine. Once I realized the soft noise I released, I looked away, ashamed. He gripped my chin and forced me to look at his cold lust-filled eyes now staring back at me. Damn. He heard it. I bit my tongue, producing my tears on cue before he dove in. His warm lips attacked my own, his hands dropping down to grip my hips tightly. One of his hands dropped to my thigh and lifted it to hook around his waist. We pulled away for much needed air before he stared at me. I pushed him hard as he stumbled back away from me in surprise. I wiped my mouth on the back of my arm before marching towards the door once more. He marched after me in anger as I began grabbing things and throwing them at him, yelling my lungs out. He barely dodged the vase I threw before throwing himself at me. He held my face between his hands, a softened expression painted on his face. The last lines were finally spoken.

“You used me.” He whispered in a pained voice as my eyes continued to leak tears before I answered.

“I'm sorry.” I whispered back before the music faded.
“CUT! THAT’S A WRAP!” The director shouted as I immediately pulled away from Jae to bow to everyone and thank them.


“So will I get to see you again?” A voice asked as I bowed to a few more of the employees. I sighed, already knowing who it was.

“I’m not sure. I would figure someone like you would be increasingly busy.” I teased turning to look at him.

“I am, but I have time enough to hang out with you.” He smiled as I sighed, looking to see Youngjae looking for me.

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” I muttered under my breath in thought. I grabbed a napkin from the table next to me along with a pen before writing my number down.

“Don’t spam me with phone calls. If I don’t answer the first time, I’m either busy or sleeping, just leave a message.” I pushed the napkin into his chest as he looked down at it surprised. Sure, this guy irritated the crap out of me all day, but he wasn’t all that bad.

“Anyways, I have an emergency meeting to get to, so.” I announced before bowing my head to him.
“Thanks for helping with my music video.” He thanked as I nodded.

“Sure, anytime.” I answered as he smiled before surprising me with a hug.

“Have a great debut stage next month.” He whispered before pulling away.

“Thanks.” I bowed my head before quickly walking away before something else happened.
“Nana-ssi!” Youngjae shouted as I waved at him, maneuvering past the crew members busily moving around the room.

“We have to leave now.” He mentioned seriously as he handed me my coat and beanie. We didn’t waste any time before we left back to Seoul. 




[NOTE] It is not exactly the same as the actual music video, I did add a few things :)


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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi