The Truth

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

“Min-Hee, go.” Nana commanded as she took a seat next to Sehun who still hadn’t moved from the bed. Gogi nodded, standing from her kneeling spot before walking out her bedroom door towards the bathroom. Gogi stared at the door for a moment before she knocked, hoping that the woman on the other side would answer.

“Hyori, it’s me, Min-Hee.” Gogi called knocking once more as the bathroom door opened slightly, showing a disheveled, dried tears clear on her cheeks.

“Can I come in?” Gogi asked hesitantly as the woman looked around wearily.

“He’s not with me, don’t worry.” Gogi reassured as the woman nodded, slowly opening the door to allow the woman into the bathroom with her.

“Are you alright?” Gogi asked as she took a seat on the edge of the tub to stare at the woman that was now sitting on the toilet seat.

“Was asking Ana-ah the smart choice, even though I knew he liked someone else?” Hyori whispered looking down at the napkin in her hand, painted with her now ruined mascara.

Hyori-ah.” Gogi called as the woman looked up with a desperate look on her face.

“He probably thinks I’m crazy. I invited him knowing that he liked someone else. What the hell is wrong with me? How am I supposed to face him after this?” She whined grabbing at her ears annoyed as Gogi sighed, looking to the door.

“You like him, don’t you?” Gogi asked as Hyori sighed, looking up to show the new tears that were falling.

“I do, and it hurts.” Hyori whispered looking down so that her hair created a curtain around her face. Gogi bit her lip, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for the girl. It wasn’t easy to like someone that you thought held feelings for someone else and not you. It must be tearing her up inside.


Once the door to the room shut, Nana turned her attention from the two men standing in front of her to the sitting quietly next to her.

Sehun, you know you’re gonna have to admit it sooner or later.” Nana mentioned as the man sighed, finally looking up from his hands and to her.

Noona.” He whined as she growled, faking a back hand at his face before instantly letting it go.

Sehun, I’m telling you this for your own good, if you don’t tell her how you feel, she’ll continue to act like you like someone else, which can mean she’ll distance herself from you to get over you. Do you want that?” Nana asked him seriously only seeing something click in his mind.

If I can say something, I know how it feels to like someone you know doesn’t like you.” TOP suddenly spoke up as Nana’s eyes flickered to him.

Ya, you’re situation is a bit different, shush.” Nana hissed as TOP snorted.

No it’s not, I like this girl that I think doesn’t like me because she’s said so, but I know it’s far from that.” He spat as her eyes flashed in anger.

Aish.” Nana warned as GD sighed, planting his hand safely on TOP’s shoulder to get him to stop talking.

Anyways, will you be alright with Hyori keeping her distance from you from now on?” Nana asked as looking to Sehun who continued to look at her in thought.

I mean, yeah, she’ll still be around since she works for us, but I’m absolutely positive, she’ll avoid you like the plague.” Nana explained further as Sehun sighed, putting his hand through his hair annoyed.

Fine, can you go with me?” He asked hopeful looking up at her as she sighed.
Will you be able to do anything without me here?” She asked annoyed as he smiled and shook his head.
Nope, that’s why you’re my noona.” He teased causing Nan to roll her eyes at him.

Hurry up and let’s get this over with.” She whined grabbing his hand and pulling him into the hallway towards the bathroom.

Now, you tell her exactly what you need to, alright?” She whispered turning to the nervous man who took a breath and nodded.

You’ll stay with me, right noona?” He asked hesitantly as Nana sighed.

I will, now come on.” Nana promised as she walked the few steps towards the bathroom door, knocking on it lightly.
It’s me.” Nana announced.


Gogi’s eyes along with Hyori’s shot up to the door as a knock echoed through the room.

It’s me.” Nana called on the other side sending relief across Hyori’s face as Gogi stood up to open it. Gogi noticed the guilty man standing beside her before looking to her partner. They nodded to each other before Gogi stood aside to allow Nana to enter. Hyori looked up saddened to the woman who smiled gently down at her before standing aside. Hyori’s breath got caught in as the man she had been crying over walked into the room. Hyori stood up immediately, wiping her face away from straight eyes, never pulling her eyes from the ground as she stood near Gogi.

“Hyori.” Nana called as the woman hesitantly looked up.

“We have to talk.” She spoke as Hyori blushed, immediately looking down to the ground again. Nana gestured for Gogi to walk away as she nodded and did so, leaving Nana, Sehun and Hyori standing in the bathroom.

Actually Ana-ah….” Hyori started in a shaky voice catching the attention of both persons standing near the door.
“I’m not feeling that well, so I’m going to head back home for the night.” She answered, bowing her head before attempting to shuffle out the bathroom door. Nana immediately nudged Sehun in the ribs just as he reached out and grabbed Hyori’s wrist. The woman gasped at the contact, unable to turn and face him as Sehun stared at the back of her head.

Hyori.” He called seriously while Nana stood to the side, quietly watching.

It’s alright Sehun-ssi, I understand.” She interrupted his speech only causing him to sigh before yanking gently on her arm. She stumbled back in surprise as Sehun caught her shoulders, enabling her from moving even an inch as he stared down at her.

Listen.” He commanded as she bit her lip, unable to look up.

Look at me.” He called as she bit her lip harder, still unable to fulfill his wishes. Sehun sighed, reaching one hand down to lift her chin to face him. His heart broke at the clear river of tears that were still falling from her clear complexion. Sighing he looked from her cheeks to her beautiful eyes.

“Hyori.” He whispered as she blinked, allowing more tears to fall. By then Nana had shimmied her way out of the bathroom to give the pair some privacy.

“The girl I like….” He started as she shut her eyes tightly to avoid having him to see her shatter further. Her heart hurt too much to allow something else to further shatter it. Sehun noticed her hesitation and summed up any courage he could to show this girl it was she who he held feelings for. Hyori fought the need to rip this man’s hand off her face and run like her life depended on it, but what happened next, she hadn’t expected. Hyori’s eyes shot open in surprise to see his shut, his face centimeters from hers, his nose buried in her cheek as his lips molded perfectly onto hers. What was happening?


She was so surprised, unable to pull words out of or move any limbs to fight against him. His lips moved a bit to bring in her bottom lip, she couldn’t help but moan at the direct movements coming from him. Sehun leaned into her further, sending her against the still opened door, her back now pressed against it while his hands traveled up to rest on her cheeks. Sehun had every intention of pulling away from her, seeing that she had basically froze against him, what if she was pissed? The moment he began pulling away, Hyori’s hand shot out from her side to grab his collar, pulling him further in. When he further advanced on the kiss, harder to bring her bottom lip into his mouth, he heard the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. She moaned, and just for him to hear. He hissed at the sound, feeling his manhood hardened in anticipation as she tilted her head further, allowing him more room to work. One of his hands traveled down from her cheek, brushing against her neck then across her shoulder only to drop to her hip, his fingertips digging painfully into her hips. She didn’t care though, having him hold onto her like his life depended on it further proved that what was happening was real.


The pair finally pulled away for much needed air. Hyori shut her eyes, savoring the feeling of his lips on hers just moments ago while Sehun stared at her flustered face, her now swollen lips gaped, a raged breath seeping out. He smiled, bravely leaning forward to place a chaste kiss on her lips before resting his forehead on her own.
“It’s always been you.” He whispered as Hyori listened to his words, his delicious breath blowing across her face.

“Ever since the first day we met you at SM, it’s always been you.” He added reassuring, his hands gripping her hips tightly.

“I like you Hyori-ah.” He whispered smirking now that he had finally released the larges pressure that had been sitting on his shoulders. Finally hearing those words come from him was like winning the lottery. Her heart raced, her palms grew sweaty and she felt light-headed.

“I like you Sehun-ah.” She whispered sending a smile across his face as he pulled her away from the door and into his chest. Hyori sighed into his shoulder, taking in his comforting and intoxicating sent before wrapping her arms around his waist. This had to be the best date ever.



“It got quiet.” Gogi offered as Nana turned to the closed bedroom door in thought.
“Well if she was killing him, I’m sure we’d here him screaming.” Nana teased turning to episode of Running Man they had selected to watch. Gogi sat next to GD on the loveseat while Nana was lying against the armrest of the large sofa, TOP sitting comfortably on the opposite end of her.

“Hey, you guys were on Running Man, how was it?” Gogi asked suddenly before laughing at Kwangsoo falling into the water. Once GD and TOP had stopped laughing, GD turned to look at her.

“It was fun, lots and lots of running but fun.” He explained as he nodded knowingly.
“Well they don’t call it Running Man for nothing.” Nana offered slipping a chip in .

“Why? You girls interested in going on as a guest once you debut?” TOP asked as Nana shrugged.
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind attempting it, it looks like a lot of fun.” Nana admitted while Gogi nodded in agreement.

“We watched the show all the time back home, it would like a dream come true to be on it.” Gogi added as they heard a door open and close.
“Oh, that must be them.” Nana stood up, slipping her house slippers back on before adjusting her glasses and walking towards the door to open in. Peeking down the hallway, she heard the shuffle of something, catching her attention as she walked down the hallway towards the living room to see it empty.

“Hm.” She whispered before she heard whispering coming from the other side. Walking towards the entryway quietly, she scoffed at the sight of the couple attempting to sneak out.
“YA!” She snapped loudly as Hyori screamed before jumping into Sehun who looked at her in horror.
“I offer up my dorm and pay for your food, and this is what you do for me? Try and ditch without saying anything!” Nana yelled as Hyori immediately pulled herself away from Sehun to adjust the jacket she was able to get on. Nana stood there in the hallway, her arms crossed over her chest seriously as she stared at the pair that looked guilty of the death penalty from where she was standing. They couldn’t even muster up full sentences as they stood there trying to defend themselves before she scoffed, chuckling under her breath. They looked at her confused as she sighed looking to them.
“If you guys were going to sneak out to have some alone time, all you had to do was say so.” Nana proudly smirked as she leaned against the wall ,staring at them amused. Hyori smiled at her friend before walking over and hugging her.

“Thank you Ana.” She whispered as Nana sighed, patting the younger woman’s back before pulling away.

“It’s what friends do, isn’t it?” She asked as Hyori smiled and nodded, giving room for Sehun to hug the older woman.
“Thanks Noona.” He whispered as she hugged him.

“If you do anything to hurt her, I’ll kill you.” Nana threatened in a whisper, pulling away with a smile sending him shivering again.
“Aish, I got it noona, just stop doing that.” He whined as she smiled.
“Hurry up and get out of here you bunch of high schoolers.” Nana shooed them as they chuckled and opened the door before disappearing.
“Where’d they go?” Gogi asked as she came around the corner confused.
“Seems like they both said what had to be said and ditched us.” Nana turned to her friend who smiled brightly.

“Well it’s about time.” 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi