Our Run In With Infinite H

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams


-Whoo Hoo-

-throws confetti-

Anyways, I will keep updating as often as I can, I kind of acquired a writing job that sometimes requires my 110% attention, but nonetheless, this story has stolen my heart again. I have a few chapters already written out so don't go anywhere!

Thank you to all of you loyal readers that didn't ditch on me, LOL, I appreciate it.

Nonetheless, BACK TO THE STORY!!



“What do we do?” Gogi whispered over panicking as Nana swallowed heavily before trying to quickly think of a plan. First thing first. Nana pushed down on Gogi’s back as the pair quickly bowed to the pair that introduced themselves first.

“Hi.” Nana was the first to speak surprising Gogi who chuckled nervously before smiling over at the men.

“Are you following us?” Gogi came out and asked bluntly causing Nana’s eyes to shoot open in surprise.The men just chuckled at the pair of girls in front of them, looking to each other before smiling over at them.

“Are you foreigners?” Dongwoo asked leaning on the rack of toys next to him, staring intently at Nana as she looked away, quickly avoiding any eye contact.

“Yes, why?” Gogi asked as Hoya smiled down at her, sending her heart fluttering.

“Oh! Look at the time, it’s getting late.” Nana quickly interrupted where the conversation was leading, grabbing Gogi’s arm confusing everyone.

“Hey wait.” Hoya reached out as Gogi nervously chuckled looking up to Nana for some sort of explanation.

“Remember we have to be somewhere tomorrow.” Nana whispered down to Gogi, forcing a smile as Gogi smirked at her devious plan.

“Oh yes. I almost forgot.” Gogi explained gripping Nana’s hand tighter causing the men to look to each other confused.

“Hurry.” Nana whispered while the pair looked to each other in thought. Quickly the girls took off running without another thought. Both unsure to why they were running, but they decided to. They could hear the pair running up behind them yelling for them to stop, both ignoring the calls until they reached a packed and congested area of the shop, still holding onto each other hands. The yelling had stopped, both guessing that the fact there were a ton of people surrounding them, those two wouldn’t want to attract any unwanted attention.

“Don’t let go.” Nana warned over to Gogi who nodded as they begun squeezing through the crowds, trying to get through.

“Geez.” Gogi whispered in surprise, unsure to why there were this many people here at this time of day. Suddenly screaming could be heard growing at the front of the crowd. Nana stopped once the crowd did and looked around confused.

“Maybe they’re filming something ahead.” Gogi mentioned as both tried to stand on their tippy toes trying to figure out what the heck was going on. That’s when Nana saw it, a store to the side where what seemed to be the owner and such standing on the top of the stairs, watching whatever was happening below.

“Come this way.” Nana ushered pulling Gogi behind her, bowing to those she had accidently hit or pushed before making it to the stairs. Thank goodness the owners were too preoccupied with whatever was going on to notice them on the stairs also.

“Oh cameras.” Gogi pointed out as Nana narrowed her eyes, trying to figure out what was going on before her breath hitched.

“Oh great.” Nana whispered rubbing her forehead when she realized who was on this show.

“Is that who I think it is?” Gogi asked amused leaning forward trying to get a better look only causing Nana to roll her eyes and gesture over to the dozens of signs that were littering the crowd, fan signs for BIGBANG.

“Let’s get out of here.” Nana urged as Gogi pouted.

“Why? I like this show.” Gogi admitted leaning over on her elbows, calmly watching the show being recorded. Star Date.

“Let’s go before they look this way.” Nana whined looking to Gogi who was still unfazed. They both flinched when a pair of fans screamed from under the stairs where they were standing. Just so happen, the guys heard the scream and looked over to wave at them. Didn’t help that Nana and Gogi were in direct view of them now.

“Oh great.” Nana whispered when she made direct eye contact with a surprised TOP.

“Oh Nana.” His lips read before she yelped in surprise when a pair of hands landed on her shoulder. She quickly turned around before sighing in annoyance. Damn. Not them again.

“You guys are pretty fast.” Hoya teased as Nana rolled her eyes, shrugging out of Dongwoo’s hands before adjusting her coat. She looked over once more to see that GD and TOP were now consciously moving the filming, closer and closer to them, their eyes glued to theirs.

“Alright, now it’s time to leave.” Nana mentioned seriously this time, grabbing Gogi’s hand before pulling her as the guys ran down the stairs and stopped in front of them.

“What is it now?” Nana whined irritated. They may be famous and gorgeous on top of that, but, no, she just wanted to leave before she met anyone else.

“We just wanted to hang.” Hoya mentioned a bit taken back by Nana’s expression. She sighed, looking over their shoulder to see that they were closely approaching.

“Alright fine, just away from here.’ She finally gave in as Dongwoo nodded, quickly reaching over and grabbing Nana’s hand before pulling her with him. Her eyes shot open in surprise, looking down to where his warm hand held hers and then back to see that Hoya was doing the same with Gogi. What the hell was going on? They made it down the stairs and in time to look over and see both men in the crowd looking at the both of them, not pleased.


Nana and Gogi allowed the guys to walk them, quietly to a quieter part of the market and into a small family restaurant.

“Here is perfect.” Dongwoo mentioned finally letting go of Nana’s hand as she quickly retracted it back into her coat pocket before he decided to randomly grab it again.

“What is this place?” Gogi asked now next to Nana as the guys smiled.

“Let’s sit.” Hoya mentioned as the boys led the way to the back of the restaurant, only semi-filled before gesturing for the girls to sit on the pillows set out on both sides of the table at the end. They looked to each other hesitantly before walking out, taking a seat, placing their necessities in their lap.

“Can I help you guys?” An elder woman walked over placing glasses of water onto the table before smiling at the 2 pairs. The guys finally took of their various disguises, placing them to the side before smiling up at the Ahjumma.

“Could we get the beef special?” Dongwoo asked with a large smile causing the older woman to smile.

“Anything else?” She asked interested as the boys looked to the girls who blinked in confusion.

“Could we have some Kimchee on the side also?” Hoya added as she chuckled and nodded, slowly walking away.

“How did you guys know it was us?” Dongwoo suddenly asked as Nana looked over from her cup of water, slightly surprised.

“How?” She asked amused as they both nodded. The girls both broke out laughing as the guys stared back at each other in confusion.

“You think a hoodie, sunglasses and a face mask is a disguise?” Nana asked once she had caught her breath from laughing.

“ I thought it was pretty good.” Hoya whispered as Gogi chuckled again.

“And you’re supposed to be the smart one.” Gogi teased as he looked over confused.

“Are you both fans or something?” Dongwoo asked as Nana quickly turned her attention out the window they were sitting by, too embarrassed to answer. Gogi smirked over at her friend before looking to the guys that were patiently waiting.

“Yeah, we listen to Infinite.” Gogi answered as they nodded in understanding. Since Nana still had yet to look over, Gogi put a hand next to and mouthed ‘You’re her bias’ over to Dongwoo, whose eyes shot open and over to the woman sitting next to him.

“Really?” Hoya whispered over as Gogi chuckled into her hand before nodding.

“Hard core.” Gogi answered in her normal voice getting Nana’s attention. She looked over confused before narrowing her eyes, that’s when she felt the stare that seemed to be burning holes through the side of her head. She turned her head to look at him quickly causing him to flinch in surprise before he looked away, clearing his throat.

“So is there any particular reason why you were following us or did we have a sign planted somewhere on us ‘Damsels in Distress’?” Nana bluntly asked as Gogi reached over whacking her for being so forward.

“Sorry, she’s always like this.” Gogi apologized as Nana continued to stare at the emotionless.

“No, I just want to know. It’s not every day you basically get stalked by idols. I mean, isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?” Nana asked now resting her chin on her palm, looking to the men sitting next to them.

“You’re interesting.” Dongwoo admitted as Nana was taken aback by the comment.

“Excuse me?” She asked slightly louder than usual, unsure how to take the comment. He just chuckled looking over to Hoya who was already smiling.

“You both saw us in the café and didn’t react the way normal fans would.” Hoya admitted as Nana rolled her eyes looking away.

“Why? Because we didn’t decided to drool and squeal?” Nana asked over amused as Gogi reached over hitting her again.

“Stop it.” Gogi begged as Nana shooed her hand away from her.

“No, you didn’t look at us like fans would, but like normal people. It’s refreshing.” Dongwoo admitted as Nana sat quietly, her tongue caught, unable to say anything except reach over and gulp her water like she had been dehydrated for months.

“Don’t worry about her, we’re really big fans, it was just a shocker to see you guys at the café. We did want to come over and say hi, but we were too shy so we left.” Gogi explained as Nana kept her eyes to the window.

“We just moved here a few days ago, so we’re still adjusting to everything. And then to meet some of our idols has been interesting.” Gogi continued to explain as the guys sat their surprised.

“Where’d you move from?” Hoya asked over as she blushed, pulling away from the sudden close proximity.

“New York.” She answered as their eyes shot open.

“New York?!” Dongwoo asked surprised as Gogi smiled and nodded.

“Why did you guys move here? Are you both related?” Hoya asked gesturing to the both of them.

“No we’re not related, we’ve just known each other for a really long time.” Gogi answered looking over to Nana who was still preoccupying herself with the window.

“So why did you both move here then?” Dongwoo then asked, again as Gogi looked over.

“Oh we moved here because….” Gogi started to explain.
“Just because we felt like it.” Nana quickly interrupted as Gogi looked over confused only to be welcomed by a glare from her friend. Damn. She had forgotten that their presence in Korea was supposed to be under wraps.

“But why choose Korea? You don’t look Korean.” Hoya explained as Nana sighed.

“I’m American Hawaiian, she’s American Japanese. We chose Korea because we know more about this place then we may come across as.” Nana added as their eyes shot open in surprise.

“Hawaiian?” Dongwoo asked, his eyes slightly trailing down to her lap then quickly back up. It did not go unnoticed by Nana who just sighed, looking away.

“Don’t worry why we are here. We just are.” She added keeping her eyes to the window. This was turning out to be more and more interesting.


The beef plate came to the group sitting now in an awkward silence.

“Here you go kids.” The Ahjumma smiled, placing the various trays of food around the table before holding a Soju bottle out.

“Any?” She asked as they looked up before the men looked to the girls unsure.

“I’m fine with it.” Nana spoke already placing a few pieces of meat on the burner in the middle of the table.

“We’ll take 4.” Hoya welcomed as she nodded, handing them 4 bottles along with 4 small shot glasses, bowing to them before walking away.

“I can do that.” Dongwoo pointed out reaching out to take the pair of tongs from Nana’s hand only to have it pulled away from him.

“I’m fine.” She spoke never looking up from the meat frying in front of her.


A few minutes into eating, Nana’s phone began going off in her bag. She covered with a napkin, quickly wiping her hands onto the same napkin before pulling it out.

“Sorry.” She whispered respectfully since they were in the middle of having dinner. She tilted her head in confusion to the unknown phone number gracing her phones screen.
“What’s up?” Gogi asked over as Nana shrugged.

“Not sure who it is, I don’t know this number.” She pointed out turning the phone towards her friend and the man sitting next to her.

“Whoever it is, they are calling from a Korean number.” Hoya explained as Nana’s eyes shot open.

“Really?” Gogi asked as he nodded, pointing to the first 3 numbers.

“Korean area code.” Hoya explained as Gogi slapped her friends hand.

“Hurry answer, it might be important.” Gogi whined as Nana sighed, unwillingly answering before putting it to her ear.

“Hello?” She answered in English as Gogi sighed loudly in disbelief.

“Nana-ah!” A deep voice shouted causing her to flinch in surprise.

“Excuse me?” She asked confused as the 3 at the table looked at her in interest and confusion.

“Nana-ah! It’s me Seunghyun.” The voice pointed out as she continued to blink in confusion.

“Who?” She asked again, unsure who belonged to this deep voice, but it was slightly ringing all sorts of bells in her head.

“TOP.” He mentioned as her heart dropped before she looked to Gogi unsure what to do.

“Who is it?” Gogi whispered seeing her friends expression as Nana just simply dropped her forehead onto her palm, annoyed.

“What is it? I’m kind of busy right now.” Nana explained not really wanting to talk to him at the moment.

“I know you’re in the market area. We saw you and Gogi-ssi.” He explained quickly as she sighed looking out the restaurant window to the folks still cluttering the market streets.

“Fine, what is it?”  She asked annoyed, just wanting to hang up on him, but who was she kidding.

“Want to hang out?” He suddenly asked as she choked on her breath before blushing.

“Excuse me? Wait. How did you get my number anyways?” She narrowed her eyes looking to Gogi who was eagerly waiting for an explanation.

“I have resources, but that’s beside the point, I want to hang out with you.” He slightly whined as she scratched her head through her beanie.

“I’m eating. I’ll call you later.” She sighed before quickly hanging up. Pulling out her phone battery before tossing the entire contents into her bag again. Believe it when we say it, she wanted nothing more than to drop everything she was doing just to go and run to the man that had been haunting her. Before she came to Korea, she had no trouble denying the feelings she had for someone she admired through the net, but the moment he had pressed his lips to hers, she crumbled. Everything she had told herself not to do came crumbling around her. It was pride. Downright pride that kept up the nasty side of Nana’s personality, just so she came across as strong. But this man, he didn’t deserve it. She sighed loudly, burying her face in her hands annoyed.

“So?” Gogi asked as she watched Nana placed the cap of the Soju bottle at the edge of her side of the table, before slamming her hand down on the top for it to pop off easily. Hoya and Dongwoo’s eyes shot open in surprise as they watched the demo. Nana ignored the stares before pouring her glass and letting the burning sensation burn down in relief.

“Geez, Nana, who was it?” Gogi whined louder seeing the way her friends entire demeanor changed in seconds.

“Mr. Choi.” Nana emphasized as Gogi leaned back confusion.

“Mr. Choi?” Gogi asked unsure as Nana gulped another glass before nodding. Gogi sat there in silence, thinking who in the world they knew that had that last name before a certain name popped in her head. Her eyes widened as she looked to her friend in disbelief.

“That ‘Mr. Choi’?” Gogi asked over eager now that she realized who she was talking about. Nana just sighed, leaning back in her seat before nodding.

“Wait, did you give him your number too?” Gogi then asked as Nana shook her head before growling.

“I think it was Jiyong.” Nana mentioned as Gogi chuckled, putting a hand over amused at her friends flustered expression.

“I hate to in, but the way things are going and sounding, I’m slightly interested.” Hoya mentioned embarrassed, chuckling at the two girls arguing between them. Gogi chuckled before turning her attention to the boys.

“There was this guy we met the day after we got here. Seems like he had a thing for Nana, he gave her his number but she didn’t. He sounded desperate when he gave her his number, wanting to hang out and whatnot. But she hasn’t called him. Seems like he was getting impatient and found her number.” Gogi explained with as much info as she thought was right to share. Hoya smiled before nodding and turning to look at his partner who was already looking down at the woman aimlessly staring out the window.

“Does she not like him then?” Hoya whispered as Gogi snickered before looking to him, sending a blush across his cheeks.

“More than she’s willing to admit. She’s complicated.” Gogi whispered back.

Nothing much happened after dinner. Nana had grown slightly tipsy by the dinners end that Dongwoo helped carry Nana out of the restaurant with the others.

“Should we give you a ride back to your place?” Hoya asked as Gogi looked over from helping adjust Nana’s coat while Dongwoo let her ride on his back.

“Um, sure, if that’s alright with you both.” Gogi answered politely as Hoya smiled and nodded.

“We wouldn’t be proper gentlemen if we didn’t assist two foreign girls here, especially when one is slightly unconscious.” Hoya teased gesturing over to the muttering girl on Dongwoo’s back.

“So.” Gogi spoke a few moments into their awkward walk.

“How’s being part of Infinite?” She asked chuckling at her ridiculous question.

“Wow, you actually sounded like a fan there.” Dongwoo teased as Gogi chuckled, slipping her hands into her coat pocket as she stared down at her shoes.
“Sorry, I’m not much to small talk. It’s usually Nana who does all the talking, even if it’s not polite.” Gogi snickered causing the guys to nod in understanding.

“So are you guys here for work?” Hoya asked as they waited for the light to turn red for their side. Gogi nodded.

“You could say. We are both part of the same ‘company’ so that’s why we came.” Gogi explained not wanting to give too much info away.

“Must be secret since you both are having a hard time telling us.” Dongwoo chuckled as Gogi sighed and nodded.

“You could say that.” She answered as they finally got into a black van that was parked behind a building, obviously their van.

“I told you boys to stop picking up girls.” The man in the driver seat scolded back as both boys whined.

“Hyunggggggg.” Dongwoo whined trying to find a good position to put Nana in.

“It’s not like that Hyung, they’re foreigners that we just met and had dinner with. We wanted to give them a ride back to their apartment.” Hoya quickly explained, making sure that their manager understood. He just sighed in defeat looking to Gogi who smiled nervously from next to Hoya before bowing her head.

“I apologized. I would have walked home myself, but she’s a bit heavy.” Gogi apologized pointing over to her friend.

“I’m not upset with you girls, these boys know better. You understand, yes?” He then addressed Gogi who nodded.

“Of course, I apologize for the inconvenience.” Gogi bowed her head again causing Hoya to smile from next to her. Gogi gave the man their apartment address before finally they were on their way.


Dongwoo sat in the back, looking out the opposite window before he felt something drop in his lap. Immediately he looked down startled before realizing that Nana was now cuddling up in his lap. Biting his lip, he looked up panicked to the two talking in front of him while their manager was on the phone with someone. He bit his lip and looked down just as she moved, trying to adjust into a comfortable position, graving his most tender area. Groaning under his breath, he looked to the window, trying to distract himself, biting on his knuckles before she stirred again. He couldn’t handle this anymore, if she moved again, he was going to go insane. Quickly he grabbed her, pulling her up before placing her against the window again, this time, turning his body so that his back was now protecting him in case she moved again. That was too close for his own comfort.

“Yo bro. What’s up? You look pale.” A voice suddenly startled him as he looked over to see Hoya and Gogi looked at him concerned.

“Oh. Nothing.” He quickly coughed, covering his trail.


When they pulled up on the building that was their apartment, the two boys looked up in surprise.

“You guys have an apartment here?” Dongwoo asked grunting when he pulled Nana further up his back.

“Uh, yeah.” Gogi answered, nervously laughing as they looked to each other and then to her again.

“Hurry up, you both have a schedule in a few hours.” Their manager quickly scolded as the pair finally got on their way towards the lobby area. Into the nearest elevator and up to their floor, Gogi led the way before stopping at the end of the hallway, her key card already out to unlock. Once it unlocked, she pushed it open, holding it open as she reached as many light switches as she could.

“Wow.” Hoya mentioned being the first to see the apartment.

“It’s more of a dorm. It was the only one left in this building so we took it.” Gogi quickly explained as Dongwoo looked to her in a rush.

“Oh! This way.” She quickly said leading him down the hallway to her room, pushing open the door before switching the light on.

“Nice room.” Dongwoo mentioned quickly walking over to the bed before sitting on the edge to let her plop on her back.

“Thank you Dongwoo-ssi for carrying her.” Gogi thanked bowing as he stood up, rotating his shoulder a bit.

“No problem.” He smiled over his shoulder at the sleeping woman before turning to Gogi.

“Can I use your toilet?” He asked suddenly as she nodded confused before pointing across the hallway where he disappeared to.

“So did you both permanently move here?” Hoya asked as they walked back into the living room to wait.

“Uh yeah, we did.” She smiled over at him causing him to clear his throat before looking to the large glass doors.

“Well if you’re ever up to hang out or anything, give me a call.” He spoke confidently, never turning to look at her. Gogi’s eyes lit up as she stared at his back, the only thing she could see.

“You have time to hang out?” She asked sheepishly causing him to chuckle and flash her a smile over his shoulder.

“I may not have much, but when I do, it would be great to hang out with someone aside from the guys.” He explained causing her to blush and look down to the dishes she was washing.

“A-ah, if it’s alright, I-I don’t mind hanging out.” She muttered, stuttering in embarrassment before seeing something being placed on the counter next to the sink.

“You can call me anytime. We’ll arrange something.” He mentioned leaving a folded up piece of paper just as they heard the bathroom door shut.

“Alright! Ready to go!” Dongwoo cheered walking in with a bright smile as Gogi shut the water off.

“Well thanks for having dinner with us and also for helping us get home.” Gogi thanked bowing her head to both men.

“No problem.” Hoya smiled.

“Anytime.” Dongwoo added with a smile as they walked over to put their shoes back on.

“Oh and good luck on your activities and schedules.” Gogi added as they bowed in thanks.

“Night.” Hoya smiled as she sent him a small smile before watching them walk away.

“I am definitely being blessed.” She whispered to herself amused before shutting the door. This was definitely a blessing in disguise

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi