Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Gogi was quickly escorted into the building by two guards and her own manager. President had called for an emergency meeting over the photos that had already hit the net like a tidal wave. Gogi sighed, pulling down her hood that kept her head covered along with pulling off her beanie. She constantly had to hide her face now. It was quiet on the elevator till a ding sounded, letting the group in the elevator know that someone was about to get on. They shuffled around as the doors opened showing two familiar faces.

“Omo, Gogi-ah.” Taemin spoke surprised to see her before both boys bowed to her manager.
“Evening.” She smiled gently at the pair that shuffled in with them.
“What are you doing here so late?” Onew asked worried as she sighed, looking over to Jiyong then back to him.

“President called us in for an emergency meeting.” Gogi mentioned under her breath, her eyes to the ground.

“Emergency meeting? Is everything ok?” Taemin asked worried as he stepped over to grab her hand in his. She sighed, squeezing his hand reassuringly before looking up to the pair.
“It seems my photos have leaked onto the net from that night.” She announced uneasy as the boys looked to each other troubled.

“So does that mean the secrets out?” Onew asked saddened as Gogi shrugged.

“We’re not sure yet. Nana-ah, is rushing over from her music video filming then we’ll meet with President about it.” Gogi sighed, leaning against the wall of the elevator. The elevator doors opened to the floor Gogi was instructed to meet on. One by one, they exited the elevator, leaving the two worried idols in the elevator alone.

“If you need anything, we’re just a call away.” Onew promised with a gentle smile causing her to smile back.

“Thanks Oppa.” She cooed sending a light blush across his cheeks.

“Gogi-ah! Fighting!” Taemin pumped his fists as she nodded, watching as the doors slowly began to shut. Once the doors to the elevator shut, everything seemed to get heavy around her. This was all her fault. She should have been more cautious then to drink more than she should have. Sighing, she turned to walk towards the large conference room President had instructed the yet to debut group to meet in.

“Haven’t even debuted yet and already I’m making a mess of everything.” She muttered under her breath as Jiyong knocked on the labeled door.
“Come in!” President’s all too familiar voice shouted from the other side as Jiyong pushed the door opened before gesturing for her to enter. She hesitantly took a step into the seemingly empty room to see President standing at the end of the long conference table along with Eun Sang and Baek Hee, the pair’s publicists. Seeing that those two women were here could only mean worse.

“Evening.” Gogi said pressured as she bowed her head to the three sitting at the head of the table.

“Come have a seat Gogi-ah.” President offered as Gogi walked down intimidated down one side of the table before taking a seat next to Eun Sang who continued to dig through the binder sitting in front of her.

“We’ll wait a few minutes for Nana-ah.” President took a seat before leaning back, an unreadable expression painted on his face.


The moment the van had pulled up in front of SM, Nana slipped her beanie and glasses on before jumping out of the van towards the front door. Fans weren’t allowed to stand outside SM Entertainment anymore, so they sufficed with standing across the road, trying to get a look at their favorite idols either leaving or arriving. Nana ran in the front door, bowing her head to the Gae So the security man at the front. Sliding past the security checkpoint that led to the elevators, she slapped her hand on the up bottom, fidgeting as she watched the elevator slowly come down. About to run in just as soon as the door opened, she stopped startled to see who was in the elevator, all of SHINee.

“Oh! Nana-ah!” Key smiled at her, happy to have run into her as she ducked in.

“Sorry guys, I’m in a rush.” She explained as the guys looked around confused.
“Hyung and I just ran into Gogi-ah a few minutes ago.” Taemin explained as Nana turned to him still out of breath.
“Did she go up already?” Nana asked frantic as Onew nodded, her eyes slightly trailing over to Jonghyun who stared at her worried.

“We need to talk, later.” She spat over at Jonghyun while everyone turned to him confused.

“About what?” Minho asked over interested as she pushed the button for the floor.

“I can’t say, I’m afraid I’ll spill all my dinner.” She spat as Jonghyun’s eyes turned to glare at her.

“Night guys.” She bowed as the doors closed between them.


Nana ran off the elevator and towards the conference room, adjusting her outfit slightly, she finally knocked.

“Come in!” The all too familiar voice shouted on the other side causing her to sigh. She opened the door, stepping in without looking before shutting the door.
“Sorry I’m late.” She ran to the opposite side of the table from Gogi, bowing to those present before sitting down, panting.

“How was the music video shooting?” President asked with a smile as she took a deep breath.

“It was interesting.” She admitted as he nodded, pulling out a few things in front of him, including an IPad.

“Well I’ve received an email from the director along with Jaejoong-ssi publicist. They are very interested in working with you again Nana-ssi. They love your energy and diverse capabilities to play various roles needed.” President mentioned before looking to her proud. Nana smiled uneasy before bowing her head.

“It was fun, so it wasn’t as hard as expected.” Nana whispered as he nodded, before his happy façade dropped.
“Alright, now on to business.” He announced just as Youngjae and her own pair of guards walked in to sit next to her.

“I have two sets of good and bad news.” He started as Nana and Gogi connected eyes for the first time in days.

“I’ll start off with the more important piece.” He cut off any train of thought as Nana nodded, swallowing heavily.

“As I am sure you both have noticed, Gogi-ah’s photos have been released.” He explained in monotone as Gogi hung her head in shame.

“Various photos have been surfacing from various fans that were present.” He added turning to the projector screen hanging behind him that now flashed photos of Gogi in all sorts of angles.

“The bad news is all photos that were taken have been released both to main media sites along with fan cafes. Gogi-ah is being classified as a secret SM trainee or dancer that is dating Hoya-ssi.” He mentioned seriously turning to look at Gogi who was shamefully biting her lip, never looking up to make eye contact with anyone.

“I’m sorry, everyone.” Gogi whispered saddened as she bowed her head, unable to look up.

“This is all my fault, if I hadn’t drank that night, we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Gogi whispered, on the verge of tears causing Nana to sigh and reach over to hold her friends hand, surprising her. Nana gripped her fingers in her own before sighing when the younger woman looked up.

“Don’t blame yourself, if I hadn’t gone to the hospital that night, I could have stopped you.” Nana mentioned seriously as Gogi sighed, shaking her head.

“It would have been worse for both of us if we were both present.” Gogi whispered as Nana sighed.

“Aside from that, the blame is also being put on Jiyong-ssi who failed to you home properly.” President interrupted, glaring at the man who had his head hung down, Gogi’s eyes widened in realization before leaning forward to cut off his glare to her manager.
“No President, it is me. I clearly remember telling Jiyong-ssi that I would be alright leaving with Hoya-ssi.” Gogi defended as President turned his attention back to his idol.

“That was an incredibly bad choice on your part Gogi-ssi. Back to Jiyong-ssi, from this point on, Gogi-ssi’s safety is at its upmost importance above all. I don’t care if she requests you to leave or threatens to kill you in some way; you are in charge of her safe departure and arrival.” President scolded seriously as Jiyong nodded, standing up to bow to his president.

“Yes sir.” Jiyong answered as President turned his attention to the fellow manager in the room.

“The same goes for you Youngjae-ssi. Seeing as you are younger than Jiyong-ssi, I still expect the same from you.” President pointed his pen towards the younger man sitting next to Nana.

“You are in charge of getting Nana-ssi to and from schedules along with their dorms.” President’s serious eyes bore into both men who silently listened to their command.
“Well then, I’m apologizing ahead of time.” Nana announced as everyone turned to her.

“Why is that?” President asked confused as Nana smirked.

“There will be time, in the future, that I may disappear without telling Youngjae-ssi.” Nana offered as Youngjae sweat dropped, as he nervously looked to President’s expressionless face. Nana bit her lip looking away nervously as President sighed loudly.

“The good news with all of this is, we were able to stop them from posting or printing any of the major photos that showed a considerable amount of Gogi-ssi face.” President announced as both girls looked up relieved.

“We also have put out officials on patrol around the clock in front of both the dorms and SM.” He added as Gogi sighed in relief, it hadn’t turned out as bad as she had expected.

“So they don’t know anything about us then?” Nana asked hopeful as President shook his head.

“At this moment, no. We were able to stop anything serious from happening.” President promised as both girls dropped in obvious relief.

“Woolim Entertainment will be making an official statement to dismiss the rumors on the both of you, tomorrow.” President added as both girls nodded.

“What’s the other news?” Gogi whispered unsure to what it was. President’s eyes slightly spark in excitement as he gestured to the pair of ladies still quietly sitting there.

“You girls have been asked to join the Korean Wave World Tour.” Eun Sang explained as both girls eyes shot open.
“WHAT?!” Gogi shouted in shock as President chuckled a bit.
“REALLY?!” Nana shouted after her as Eun Sang and Baek Hee laughed and nodded.
“Wait, but we haven’t debuted yet?” Gogi mentioned in realization as President nodded.

“As true as that is, you will be officially debuted by the time the tour starts.” President interjected as both girls looked to him confused.

“That is partially part of the bad news to this.” Baek Hee interrupted as both girls turned to her.

“The tour starts this July.” Baek Hee explained as Gogi looked to her surprised.
“So basically we’ll debut at the ending of March and then have 3 months to prepare and promote?” Nana asked as everyone nodded.

“Most of that 3 months will be used for promoting you guys, so rehearsals for the tour will be cut down further.” President explained seriously as both girls turned to each other.

“Where is the tour heading this year?” Gogi asked slightly interested as Eun Sang looked down to her file.

“As of now, Korea, Japan, China, and Europe have been confirmed with the producers.” Eun Sang explained as both girls nodded.

“No US?” Nana asked hesitantly as Baek Hee sighed.

“It hasn’t been made official, it seems they are having some trouble scheduling with the US.” Baek Hee explained.

“Whose going as performers?” Nana asked this time as Eun Sang smiled.

“Two groups from us along with you two will be present.” President explained as the girls eyes lit up.

“Who?” Gogi asked as President chuckled at her changed emotions.

“EXO and SHINEE.” Eun Sang mentioned as they sighed in relief.

“What about other groups? Has anyone been confirmed yet?” Gogi asked again.

“As of now, it’s only you 3 and Infinite H.” Baek Hee explained as Nana inwardly snorted. Would have to be them?
“Once you girls finish debuting officially, we’ll get to planning for your performances during the tour.” President explained as he stood to leave. Once the girls debuted, it would get crazy hectic it seemed. 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi