Jay Park "Welcome" Music Video Filming: Part 2

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

“Finally!” Hyori shouted, clapping at her handy work as both herself and Dee Dee stepped away from me. I pulled my hands to me to admire the wolverine type fingernails they had given me. I noticed Jiyong stand up from behind me in the mirror and walk over to the curtains opening, peeking his head out before nodding and turning to me. I turned in the seat to look at him as he smiled.

“They’re ready for you.” He announced as I smiled and nodded, standing up before allowing Hyori to adjust my hair while Dee Dee adjusted my dress. We walked out of the changing tent and into the medium sized room. I immediately shivered when the outside weather slightly got me, almost on instinct, Hyori pulled a large coat over my shoulders that draped down to my ankles. I looked over surprised causing her to laugh as I looked to the heavy padding of the coat.

“Oh! Thank you Hyori-ah.” I grabbed the edges of the coat, pulling it closer causing her to smile.

“It’s still cold outside Min Hee-ah, don’t you think it would feel the same in here?” Hyori teased causing me to snort over at her.

“Shush it.” I hissed teasingly causing her to smile. We walked towards the set where Dong Hae was currently speaking with a few people. Jiyong made me wait with Dee Dee and Hyori at the side while he went a spoke with Dong Hae.

“Oh my god.” Dee Dee’s voice suddenly whispered, well more gasped than anything. Both myself and Hyori looked over confused to see her looking in the opposite direction we were standing. Both myself and Hyori looked over, trying to maneuver our eyes around folks before we finally saw what she had been drooling over. Literally drooling down her chin, I sighed, looking to Hyori in disbelief before poking Dee Dee’s cheek.

“Unnie…..you’re drooling.” I sang as chuckling as she turned me surprised before quickly wiping her chin in shame. Both myself and Hyori broke out laughing before we heard someone clear their throats. We stopped laughing long enough to look over and see the reason for me being here, looking at me with a smirk, his hands reaching up to remove his sunglasses.

“Hi.” He spoke in English causing me to smile.

“Hi, I’m Gogi.” I introduced, bowing my head at the same time. He chuckled and nodded, giving my outfit a once over before resting on my eyes.

“Hi Gogi, I’m Jay.” He introduced, holding his hand out as I took it, allowing him to put it up to his lips for a light kiss. I could practically feel the annoyance radiating off of Dee Dee next to me, but it’s not like I could refuse his hand. I smiled at him as he looked me up and down again before smiling.

“I hope we’ll be able to work perfectly today Gogi-ssi.” He went back to speaking Korean as I nodded and smiled.

“I’m sure we will Jay-ssi.” I added as he laughed before nodding, walking away when a young woman began to pull him in the opposite direction. Watching him walk away, I was pulled from my train of thought when a hand came down on my shoulder. The sudden sting distracted me as I yelped in pain before turning to the attacker, Dee Dee.

“Ow! Unnie! What was that for?” I whined, rubbing my arm as she snorted, not a second later Hyori broke out laughing next to me.

After laughing for god knows how long, I was finally brought to the set area with the Director who attempted to explain the music video to me. From what I caught from his rambling, it pretty much was a video about . It made me nervous but at the same time excited to try a different side to my image of being cute and adorable. I nodded to everything he asked before I was asked to sit behind the cameras to watch as Jay did a few of his solo scenes. Since the moment we had met, we’d spoken a few times, my eyes always finding their way down his body while his obviously did the same thing. According to Hyori, we were both physically attracted to each other from the glances she had caught him making in my direction. Didn’t help that I was physically attracted to him also, I mean, who wouldn’t be? I sighed, a blanket pulled over my bare legs as I sat and watched the director talk to Jay. His eyes constantly panned over to me from over the directors shoulders before going back to speak with the older man.

“Geez, even a blind man would notice that.” Hyori suddenly said next to me as I looked over surprised that she had still stood next to me.

“What do you mean?” I asked innocently, knowing exactly what she meant. She snorted before flicking my earlobe teasingly.

“He is so into you.” She added as I rolled my eyes, looking back to the set where they were now adjusting the lighting. Only dressed in a black form fitting tank top and jeans, the man was incredibly pleasing to the eyes. When he sat down and was explained as to what to do, I had to pan my eyes away to look at Hyori who only smirked at me knowingly. Evil woman. His solo shot for the bed scene wasn’t too bad, the music was incredibly addicting that I had caught myself swinging my leg to the beat, my hips attempting to do the same thing in my chair. They did a few scenes of him with his shirt before filming a scene of him casually walking before stripping the shirt. I found my jaw on the ground along with Dee Dee, who had still never left my side. I had seen photos of this man shirtless but in person, gah damn, his body was sculpted by gods for sure. Add the y tattoos that littered his body, I had found myself drooling for the first time in a long time. Now I had to agree with Hyori’s statement, I was definitely attracted to this man.

“Gogi-ssi!” A voice called as I blinked and looked over to see the director motioning for me to come, Jay casually walking off set to accept the light coat. I hopped off the chair and carefully walked over to where he was waiting on set, Hyori and Dee Dee at my side.

“For the entrance scene, we’ll have the camera following you in. I need you to walk from this point, to this.” He added showing me exactly where he wanted me to walk causing me to nod.

“I need a y walk.” He added walking away as I nodded, allowing Hyori to fix my hair over my shoulder while Dee Dee, adjusted my dress a bit. I stood alone on set as they set up the camera behind me, my eyes trailing over to the still shirtless man sitting on the opposite side. I turned away from him quickly before looking to the director.

“On my call, walk, we need y!” he shouted as I nodded, internally psyching myself out. Before long the music started, as I begun to walk towards the spoke, my heels clicking away to the beat, my hips swinging alluringly before stopping and looking over my shoulder to the camera with a smirk.

“PERFECT!” The director shouted as I pulled my attention from the camera to him still sitting a bit away. He stood up and walked towards me with a proud smile causing me to chuckle.
“That was perfect Gogi-ssi.” He praised as I smiled and bowed my head in relief.


After a few more takes of that scene, including a few head shots of me, there was a small break so that they could adjust the scene a bit. I sat to the side like earlier, my phone now in my hands as I pulled up my brother’s number up. Can’t help it, I was worried about him. Clicking on his name, I put the phone to my ear, looking around to the set workers busily moving around to set up for the next scene, Jay nowhere in sight.

“Helllllooo?” My brothers voice rang in a stretch as I sighed.
“From your tone of voice I’m guessing you’re alright?” I asked immediately.

“Pfft, you think so lowly of me dear sister, you think I would really get lost?” He asked outraged as I chuckled and nodded, knowing that he couldn’t hear me.
“Yes, I did think you’d get lost, it was bound to happen.” I teased hearing him slightly snort online.

“Yeah well, I’m fine, I’ve eaten, bought clothes, did sight-seeing now I’m walking around. Anything else you need from me mother?” He spat, obviously annoyed as I smirked.

“Oh yes, one more thing, did you pack your extra underwear?” I teased as the line immediately cut causing me to laugh as I pulled the phone away from my ear.

“From that, I’m guessing that your brother?” A voice asked from next to me as I looked over startled to see Jay now sitting in the seat next to me. I blushed at the closeness before quickly composing myself.

“Ah yeah, it is.” I answered shutting my phone off before resting it in my lap.

“Does he live here also?” He asked interested as I looked over to him.

“Ah no, he came in last night to surprise me.” I answered as he smiled and nodded.

“Ah, I see.” We talked for a few moments before it was one of the intimate scenes of the video. I stood nervously near a wall they had set up for us to stand near, while Jay was speaking with the director next to me. I knew what was about to happen, and I both wanted it to happen but was nervous at the same time. 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi