
Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Ana basically charged out of the elevator leading to the cafeteria before stopping as she came around the corner to not only see Heechul eating, but most of Super Junior at that. Sighing in annoyance, she stepped into view with a mission on hand.

“Ah, Ana-ah!” The members who had noticed her shouted in excitement, waving ferociously into the air. She smiled nicely at them before Eunhyuk jumped out of his seat before running over to her. Freezing, glaring at him threateningly as he chuckled.
“Aigoo, how is my little scandal holder?” He teased, setting a fire ablaze within her as she strung her fist back to crack him. But before she could let it fly, a hand grasped the back of her elbow with another arm tightly around her waist to hold her back.

“Bastard.” She hissed annoyed as Eunhyuk who just put his hands up innocently before stepping back from her.

“Come on, let’s go.” Heechul’s familiar voice whispered into her ear before pulling her forcefully out of the cafeteria and down the hall.

“You can let me go now.” She muttered under her breath both slightly annoyed and now embarrassed by the hold he still had around her. Heechul chuckled, obviously noticing the bright blush across her cheeks before pulling away with a proud smile.


The pair had found themselves in one of the private luncheon rooms President had inserted to hold various meetings with clients. Walking over to the opposite wall, she turned to face Heechul with an irritated glare. Heechul had to be honest, he was seriously caught off guard.
“What?” He asked confused as Ana sighed, an irritated sigh, not one you heard normally unless she was at wits end.

“Why’d you do it?” She spat out, putting one foot to rest flat against the wall while her arms crossed over her chest. Heechul stood there in deep confusion before realization set in on him.

“Ah, that. Are you ok?” He then step forward in clear worry as Ana faked a punch at him.

“Stop changing the subject. Why’d you stick up for me?!” She snapped this time, taking him completely off guard.

“Ana-ah, I-I…” Heechul began, surprised to find himself unable to scrabble for the needed words.

“No, you know I hate it when people take the blame for me, apologize in my stead!” She added, her face growing red in anger as Heechul just stood there, silently, taking her in.

“Sorry?” He offered, unsure if that’s what she wanted to hear from him, only to see her sigh in defeat, plopping down onto her backside. Pulling her knees to her chest, her arms crossed over them with her face buried into her arms. She just wanted the earth to open up and swallow all her worries, but that wouldn’t be fair for it, now would it?

“Ana-ah.” Heechul took a hesitant step forward, unsure how to approach her.

“Just leave me alone.” She whispered, begging for him to just leave before ran off and said something.

“What? No! I’m not leaving you! Especially now!” He snapped, now totally aggravated with her attitude. Curling in further on herself, she shut her eyes tightly, hoping that he would just take her word and leave her to her own devices. Putting a frustrated hand through his hair, unsure what to do at this point before groaning loudly.

“Ya! What the hell is your deal?! I was just trying to help you!! Why are you getting pissed at me?!” Heechul finally totally flipped his lid, surprisingly enough Ana continued to sit there, unmoving like a dead corpse. Tears were threatening to spill over the dam she had built, regret for yelling at someone that had befriended her from her first day. God damn her uncontrollable pride, if she wasn’t so damn proud, none of this would have happened in the first place.

“Heechul-ah, go.” She whispered, more to herself but definitely not going unheard by the man in question.

“Whatever.” Heechul hissed annoyed, turning on his heels before walking out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him in a huff. What the hell was that girl’s problem?


Spinning around to march towards the elevator, he came face to face with Jonghyun who looked at him confused.

“What’s up hyung?” Jonghyun asked confused, obviously taking in the older man’s expression. Sighing in annoyance, slipping his hands into his coat pocket.

“I just got my throat eaten out by Ana-ah. God, what a brat!” Heechul threw his hands up in the air frustrated as Jonghyun blinked in surprise.

“Ana-ah?” He asked, slightly worry on his voice as he had still not seen her since arriving this morning, only when Minho left to go speak with her.

“Yeah, she’s cocooned herself in there.” Heechul easily gestured over his shoulder to the private eating room before brushing past Jonghyun towards the elevators.

“Good luck!” Heechul waved over his shoulder, unenthusiastically.


“That damn girl. Where did she disappear to now?” Min Hee hissed under her breath annoyed as she ran towards another flight of stairs. She had been searching all the floors for Ana and had come up empty handed. Where the hell could she have been? Minho had told her she left after their conversation and thought she had gone up to the dance studios. Nope. She was nowhere to be seen. Groaning in annoyance, she jumped the stairs, two stairs at a time before her foot got caught. Sending her eyes widening at the size of saucers, she felt her body spin with the slip, sending her backwards down the stairs with a scream. Oh, if her back had made contact with the stairs, she would have cursed those in the heavens for laughing down on her. But, it seemed lady luck was on her side. A yelp of surprise plus the wrap of a pair of strong arms caught her before sending the pair tumbling to the ground.

The person under her grunted at the force of her body falling onto his along with her groaning as the adrenaline of what could have been a nasty fall, slowly fled for the hills. The arms around her slightly tightened before she felt a breath blow onto the crown of her head. Taking a deep breath, a beautiful aroma entering her mind, sending her eyes opening in a panic. Who the hell? Immediately brown met brown as the man, who can now be counted as her savior stared at her in amusement.

“You know, a simple ‘Thank you for saving my life’, would be good.” He offered with a proud smile as she blinked a few times before finally pushing herself up to see that she was basically laying on him. Blushing brightly, she pulled herself to stand, stumbling slightly before grasping onto the stairs railing.

“Oh my god! Are you all right?!” Min Hee finally collected her senses, helping said man to his feet before he dusted off his back end.

“Geez, where were you going in such a rush anyways?” He changed the subject, flipping his bangs out of his face.

“I’m looking for Ana-ah, I can’t find her anywhere.” Min Hee whined as the man smiled.

“Well, that’s a good excuse to basically take me out on the stairs. You’re just lucky my reflexes are faster than normal.” He puffed his chest proudly sending a flame alit in her eyes.

“Punk.” She hissed, slapping his chest, sending the both of them laughing at the awkward situation.

“So what are you doing here? EXO schedules?” Min Hee smirked as the slightly taller man sighed.

“Needed some time to myself.” He mentioned leaning against the rail just beside her. Min Hee on the other hand blinked up at him confused.

“And you chose to come to the company building for ‘some time to yourself’?” She asked flabbergasted as the man laughed and nodded.

“Good thing too, I ran into you.” He teased, elbowing her slightly as she snorted.

“Stop flirting with me, it’s creepy.” Min Hee hissed back as he chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest before shaking his head.

“Naw, I quite like flirting with you.” He shook his head in disagreement before smiling over at her.


A male just around the corner, gasped as he came around the corner to see a pair lying on each other on the ground. Reacting quickly, he ducked back around the corner, basically gluing his back to the wall and out of sight. Min Hee. Kai. His hands suddenly clenched into fists at the sight running through his mind of the two. What the heck was going on between them? Were they seeing each other?

“Onew Hyung!” A voice shouted sending the man reeling on the balls of his feet before running in the direction of the voice currently calling him.



Heechul disappear into the elevator before Jonghyun turned his attention back to the closed door in front of him. Ana was on the other side. Sighing, he looked down to his hands gripping the sweater he had discarded upon entering the warm building. What was there to say to her that he hadn’t already? Plus this was Ana he was talking about. The woman was as stubborn as a bull and would probably kick him out faster than he could take a breath. Grumbling under his breath, he put a hand through his highlighted hair before finally finding the courage.


To be honest, he didn’t know what he was going to say to her. All he knew was, he needed to make sure that she was alright. After he had heard the news, the panic he felt was something he had never experienced before. He knew it was due to the fact that he now held some sort of feelings for said girl. If his outrageous confession, one he hadn’t even been planning to tell her any time soon, was any proof needed, he was deeply worried about her.


Pushing the door open quietly, he peeked his head in to see her sitting against the far wall, her head in her knees, her blue hair acting as protection from the outside world as it almost completely covered her legs from view. Sighing in concern, he stepped up into the room before quietly shutting the door behind himself tightly.

“Heechul-ah, I told you to leave. I don’t wanna talk right now.” Her shaky voice broke him from his thoughts as he froze in his steps. She was crying. His heart ached at the obvious sound of her voice ringing through his mind before walking closer to her. She wasn’t alright. That much he could pick up. Gathering the back of his shirt, he slowly sat beside her, be sure not to touch her, afraid it would startle her.


She sniffled when she heard someone beside her take a seat before sighing. Like seriously, no one in this country knew the meaning of privacy or annoyance for that fact. She just wanted to be left alone to her own thoughts for 10 minutes, that’s all, was it seriously too much to ask for 10 minutes alone with yourself? Looks like it. Wiping her disgusting nose onto the sleeve of her coat,, she used the palm of her hands to pat her cheeks before sitting up, prepared to all but yell at Heechul for not listening in the first place. What she didn’t expect was the warm brown eyes peering at her in worry?


Dear god. Not him. Anything but him.


Before you kick me out, you should know I’m not going to leave.” His voice echoed through the silent room as she stared at him in mild shock. Was this guy serious? What gave him the thought that she’d let him off that easily? Just because he confessed to ‘supposedly’ having some sort of feelings for her, didn’t mean that she’d go easy on his . With so much pent up frustration and annoyance raging through her blood stream right now, the slightest thing was sure to send her off the deep end.

“I’m out of here.” She muttered, standing before a hand grabbed her arm, stopping her from walking off. Her head shot down to the man still calmly sitting in the same spot then to the hand holding her in place. He was seriously asking her to dismantle him painfully slowly.

“Let me go.” She warned, her already red eyes taking on a whole other meaning of the word annoyed. On the other hand, Jonghyun wasn’t gonna be pushed over by her any longer. Shaking his head, giving her his silent answer, she reached down to rip his hand off of her, only to stumble when he gave her a slight tug, sending the pair tumbling onto the floor.


Ana gasped in pure horror as her body made contact with his rock hard body below her. Eyes wide, heart beating at an abnormal rate, all she could do was stare down at the man who calmly looked up at her.

“No matter how much you run, no matter how much you punish yourself over something that isn’t your fault, I won’t ever go anywhere.” He whispered up to her, sending her heart racing in a panic this time. Shutting her gaping mouth, she pushed off of him before standing and walking out of the room. What the hell was his problem?



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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi