Jay Park "Welcome" Music Video Filming: Part 1

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

We had finally pulled up to the studios where it seemed Jay Park had been filming for the last hour, with me showing up now. I pulled my seat to the upright position, grateful that I was able to pull in a few minutes of sleep before Jiyong opened the door. It was definitely getting less and less colder as the days grew further into March. Pretty sure Ana was slowly celebrating the disappearance of winter into spring. But spring was worse, the season of love. Sigh, all those godforsaken love dramas were getting to my head again, strolling with the one you loved under the beautiful cherry blossom trees. I slapped my forehead playfully, annoyed that my mind had actually wandered for once.

“We have a few minutes, so I made sure to bring this.” Jiyong offered a paper bag as I looked to it surprised.

“What is it?” I asked confused, taking it from him before opening it to see what seemed to be a breakfast wrap, orange and a carton of orange juice.

“You brought me breakfast Jiyong-ssi?” I asked touched as he climbed in next to me before shutting the door.

“It’s an apology gift for leaving you that night with Hoya-ssi, even though I knew better.” He bowed his head apologetically causing me to sigh in sympathy for the man who had no fault against him.

“Aish, Jiyong-ssi, it’s not like that. I appreciate your dedication to keep me safe and though that one night I had threatened you, it was my fault. I should be the one apologizing since you also got in trouble for my mistake.” I bowed my head back causing him to chuckle.

“You know Min Hee-ssi, if I’m not being too honest, I’m glad I was assigned as your manager.” He admitted as I looked up from unwrapping the deliciously smelling breakfast wrap.

“Oh you are? Why is that?” I asked interested looking back down to the half unwrapped warm burrito in my hand.

“Well for one, I’m almost positive that Youngjae-ah will get into more trouble than me, especially since he’s in charge of Ana-ssi.” He sheepishly admitted, rubbing the side of his neck sending me laughing out loud. These guys knew us too well.

“Actually, you might be right there.” I snorted, taking a bite of the burrito before sighing, it was delicious.

“And two, you’re a lot more carefree and kinder than Ana-ssi.” He smiled hesitantly causing me to smile. Oh if unnie was here. I chuckled at his comment, reaching over and patting his head lightly as a thank you.

“Thanks Jiyong-ssi.” I laughed as he smiled and nodded.

“Min Hee-ssi, it’s fine to get rid of the formality with me. We’ll be together for a long time now.” He teased causing me to smile and nod.

“Alright, Jiyong-oppa.” I added as he smiled and nodded, leaning back in his seat. Jiyong was a handsome man, don’t get me wrong. Light brown, wavy hair, a medium built, taller than me, beautiful brown eyes always hiding behind his constant use of lens-less glasses, I chuckled at my thoughts before turning around. He was like my older brother away from home. Once I had finished eating, Jiyong took the rubbish from me and escorted me into the unknown building that was surrounded by security and unknown cars. If any other person was being escorted into this building, unknown to what was inside, it would come across as a mobs secret hideout and I was being sold to the highest bidder. Once we were inside the building, we walked down a few normal hallways, then to a pair of large metal doors that opened into a slightly darkened atmosphere. There wasn’t as many people as there had been at our Infinite H filming, maybe about half that. The medium sized room was transformed into a brick apartment, small apartment, but still looked too real to my eyes. I looked around in surprise, seeming as if I had just walked into one of those New York brick apartments, red brick walls, slightly fogged out windows with rafter windows at the bottom, a single sized bed and dresser, it was a bit gloomy now that I looked at it better.

“Min Hee-ssi.” Jiyong whispered over towards me as my head whipped over to see him gesturing for me to follow. I nodded, pulling my coat closer to my body, maneuvering through the groups of folks who were still busy at setting up the set.

“Excuse me!” A voice suddenly called as we stopped and looked over to see a younger man approaching us. Jiyong took the initiative and stood in front of me like he should.

“Can I help you two?” The man asked kindly as Jiyong nodded.

“We’re from SM Entertainment and we’re looking for Kim Jin Hyuk-ssi?” Jiyong read off the text on his phone causing the younger man to smile.

“Ah, that is me.” He man announced holding out his hand to Jiyong.

“I’m Jin Hyuk, you must be Jiyong-ssi and Gogi-ssi?” He asked shaking Jiyong’s hand before bowing to me.

“Yes I am.” I bowed my head again as he nodded and smiled, gesturing for us to follow him.

“Jay Park-ssi is still on his way, there is a nasty traffic jam on the highway.” Jin Hyuk explained as we followed closely behind him.

“So we’re doing some last minute set up and checkups on set. But while we wait, the director wanted to meet you when you arrived.” Jin Hyuk added, turning to look at me as I nodded. We made it to a table set up with a few television screens and a few other contraptions I had no idea what they were. An older man surrounded by a pair of younger ones, were stationed behind the television sets, speaking loudly amongst each other.

“Dong Hae-ssi!” Jin Hyuk yelled, attempting to get their attention as they were busy at work adjusting the camera angles from their seat. Jin Hyuk looked to us with a sheepish smile causing me to chuckle. The poor dude. I patted Jin Hyuk’s shoulder, catching his attention as he was about to call them once more.

“I have an idea, can I step on set?” I whispered as he looked to the set confused then nodded. I smiled at him, then to Jiyong reassuringly before walking slowly onto set. I went towards the camera that was currently moving and smiled at my plan. Quickly walking over to it as it lowered from its spot, I jumped in front of it, looking over to the group of guys who immediately fell off their chairs in surprise.

“What is the meaning of this?!” One shouted as Jin Hyuk looked to me with a large smile. I walked off the set carefully and over to Jiyong who had a nervous smile placed on his face.

“Who is this woman?!” The one I knew to be Dong Hae, the director snapped causing me to smile as I approached.

“I apologize Dong Hae-ssi, I’m Gogi-ssi from T.M.X, it’s nice to meet you.” I bowed politely causing his eyes to widen in surprise.

“A-Ah. Gogi-ssi.” Dong Hae spoke surprised, bowing his head slightly.

“It is nice to finally meet you also.” He adjusted his glasses causing me to chuckle.
“I apologize for that little prank, Jin Hyuk-ssi seemed to need some assistance getting your attention.” I apologized causing his eyes to pan over to Jin Hyuk momentarily before turning to me with a smile.
“That is quite alright Gogi-ssi. It’s a good start to the day, getting my heart pumping correctly.” He teased, patting his chest as I chuckled and nodded.

“Well now that you’ve seen the set, what does Gogi-ssi think about it?” Dong Hae asked as he stepped out of the box of tables and to my side. I turned fully to the entire set and looked around in interest, a few people doing something to a wall in the corner while a few were adding finishing touches to a few props.

“It’s an interesting set Dong Hae-ssi, I thought I had walked in on a New York apartment.” I teased causing him to chuckle.

“Ah! Do New York apartments really look like this?” He asked interested as I tilted my head from left to right.

“Somewhat so, many of the bricked apartments look like this.” I added with a small gesture causing him to smile proudly.

“That is great.” He admitted causing me to smile. A few more questions later and I was finally be escorted to the dressing room to the side of the room, just a curtained off area in the corner. Jiyong pulled open the curtain flapped door and allowed me in as I stepped in, smiling immediately at the 2 persons standing near the mirror speaking in hushed tones.

“Gossiping are we?” I called causing the two women to immediately jump in surprise before turning to me. Hyori’s face dropped into annoyance while Dee Dee broke out laughing.

“Good Morning to you too Min Hee-ah.” Hyori called as I stepped in smiling.

“Good Morning.” I walked over to hug both women before stripping of my jacket, scarf and beanie, then taking a seat in the offered seat in front of the mirror. Jiyong walked over with me, holding his hand out for my things as I naturally piled them in his hand, even pulling my phone out for him.

“Please let me know if my brother calls, I’m afraid he may actually get lost while I’m here.” I commanded as he nodded, bowing his head before walking over to the offered couches at the back of the curtained off area.

“Brother?” Hyori suddenly asked as she continued to get various things ready in front of me, while Dee-Dee went to the rack of clothes and accessories. I nodded, looking up to her with an exhausted stare.

“My brother and Ana’s brother surprised us last night.” I explained putting an extra frustrated hand through my still tousled hair. She looked down to me surprised.

“Surprised you how?” She asked interested as I leaned my head back.
“Surprising us by showing up last night unannounced.” I explained monotone causing her eyes to shoot open.

“Wait, does one of your brothers have really shaggy brown hair, in a ponytail, while the other has almost a buzz cut?” She asked gesturing to her hair as I nodded confused.

“They do.” I answered as she chuckled in disbelief looking away.

“What? What is it?” I asked worried, sitting up and looking at her as she chuckled.

“I knew those two guys looked familiar. They look just like the two of you.” She pointed out as I blinked in confusion.

“What?” I asked still not getting it as she pour a bit of moisturizer on the side of her hand.

“When Sehun was walking me to get a cab, we saw your dorm’s security arguing with them outside. They looked familiar and now that you mention that it’s your brothers, it makes total sense.” Hyori mentioned more to herself than anyone else.

“So where’s this brother of yours then?” Hyori then asked as she began to apply the moisturizer to my face. I just snorted.

“He’s walking the town.” I answered shutting my eyes in relaxation.

“Is that a good idea?” She chuckled causing me to shrug.

“Who knows, if he calls, that most likely means he’s lost.” I teased causing her to laugh.

“So have you met him yet?” Dee Dee asked as she shuffled over to where we were sitting. I peered out of my eyes carefully, not wanting to ruin whatever Hyori was doing at the moment.

“Who?” I muttered through unmoving lips as she took a seat on the counter to the side of me.

“Jay Park.” She squealed causing me to snort. Honestly, who else would she be talking about?

“They said he was running late so I didn’t get a chance yet.” I explained shutting my eyes as she blew hair out of her face defeated.

“Oh that reminds me, so I heard a few of the workers talking earlier, he’s gonna be doing some shirtless scenes with you.” Hyori teased as I opened my eyes, unfazed.

“They did mention a few stuff through Jiyong-ssi.” I explained gesturing over to an equally unfazed Jiyong on the couches.

“How are you not freaking out right now?” Dee Dee asked surprised causing me to snort.

“Unnie, this is a job, you think they would think twice if I showed my fangirl side?” I chuckled causing her to sigh and nod.

“She does have a point there.” Hyori mentioned in monotone as Dee Dee nodded again.

“Well if it were me, I’d have a hard time containing that inner fangirl, especially when he’s crawling up my body all sweaty and…..” Dee Dee began to explain.

“Unnie!” I scolded as she broke out laughing, hoping off the counter before patting my shoulder.

“Hey, can you blame me? Half of Korea’s population, both men and women want what you’re about to do.” Dee Dee teased as she walked over to the rack again. I chuckled again looking up to Hyori who just shook her head at the oldest unnie of the group.

“She needs to get laid and soon.” Hyori whispered causing me to laugh again.


Once my makeup was finished, Hyori stood me up and walked me over to where Dee Dee was just pulling off what seemed to be leather. I stared at it accusingly causing her to laugh as she pulled me into the separate changing stall.

“Now let’s get this on.” She sang pulling what seemed to be a dress off the hanger as I continued to stare at it.

“Shall we wait for the rest of the dress to catch up?” I teased causing her to snort and hold it up in front of me.

“Stop your complaining and put it on.” She whispered helping me to pull my shirt off.

“Do I need to be buttered up?” I teased again causing her to snort.

“Ya! Just put it on!” She scolded, teasingly whacking my arm as I sighed and pulled my pants down.

“Yes mom.” I added in a mutter causing her to glare at me annoyed. I stepped into that short piece, standing still as she zipped it up my side before adjusting it over my strapless bra. Dee Dee then slipped on what looked to be a pair of boy shorts under my dress, pulling my dress down over it.

“For in case.” She mentioned pulling the edges of my dress over the shorts.

“There.” She mentioned, patting the sides of few times before standing in front of me. I looked at myself in the mirror before tilting my head to the side. Of course it was short and leather, but it wasn’t half bad. She stepped out of the curtain quickly before coming back with a pair of heels.

“Black suede triangle wedges.” Dee Dee sang as she held the pair up. My eyes widened in love more than anything.

“Wow!” I squealed grabbing the pair to look at it.

“They are sooooo cute!” I cooed turning them around and around to get a better look.

“Alright, enough drooling, get them on.” Dee Dee pulled the pair out of my hands before placing them on the ground. I had to hold onto her for a bit so that she could get them on. When they were strapped into place, I stared at my reflection in the mirror before Dee Dee came to stand next to me.


Welcome MV


“If I might say so myself, my baby girl is HOT!” Dee Dee cheered before we both broke out laughing.

“If you both are done admiring yourselves, I need to do your hair and nails Min Hee-ah.” Hyori poked her head in the curtain, cutting off our celebration. I walked out into the main area of the tent and to the chair once more for Hyori to work on my hair.

“I swear if this dress got any shorter, there would be absolutely no reason for me to wear it in the first place.” I teased causing Hyori as she brushed through my hair, spraying a few gallons of hair spray in it to keep it’s style. Dee Dee and Hyori then moved on to my nails, black and gold and sharp. For what I was told ahead of time, these would come in handy during the filming. I sighed, staring at myself in the mirror ahead of me, a million thoughts running through my mind as I thought about what the day held in store for me. 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi