Like A

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Gogi was quiet the entire way as both herself and someone she has growing feelings for walked towards the mart not a block from the apartment building. She sighed, burying her nose into her scarf tightly around her neck to hide it from the cold. Onew on the other hand, hands were buried deep in his coat, sunglasses set in place to hide half his face, while a face mask hide the bottom half, a beanie hiding his hair from sight. Every once in a while, he would turn to look down at the younger woman in interest. She seemed to be a bag full of talking juice with the other members, but with him it was different. He was lucky if she willingly started up a conversation with him on her own. Sighing, he bit his lip and turned to look at her.

So you’re joining us for filming this week, right?” Onew asked casually as her cheeks grew rosier, if that was even possible.
Oh yeah. Dream Girl, right?” She asked looking up to him momentarily before looking away.

Yeah. We’re so happy that you girls agreed to feature. It’s a bit easier doing it with someone were familiar with.” Onew admitted as Gogi swallowed heavily, looking to the icy road in wonder.

What sort of music video will it be?” Gogi couldn’t help the curiosity rushing through her. It would be her second music video filming since tomorrow would be their first with Infinite H, but this was SHINEE.  He clicked his tongue in thought before turning to her.

Well basically the concept is, we’re all showing how insufferable a male’s feeling for his dream girl can be.” He teased causing Gogi to chuckle slightly.
Ah, that sort of thing.” She nodded in understanding as he smiled down to her.

You seem to understand that logic?” He teased as she blushed looking away to the road once again.

I mean, I’ve had crushes before that didn’t end pleasantly, but that’s how life is.” She defended herself as he nodded, smirking at her flustered face.


Of course, it got quiet between them as they continued on their journey to the mart. Gogi practically stared down at her feet the entire time, unable to bring her eyes up to look at him. How could she? She was never left alone with said man, she always had either Nana or Taemin or even Jonghyun around. Even then it was a bit more bearable but this wasn’t.  

You know Jonghyun cares for Nana-ah, right?” Onew suddenly spoke as she looked up, well she wasn’t slightly shocked, it was slightly obvious.

I thought as much.” She answered slipping her hands into her coat pocket as he nodded.

Jonghyun usually doesn’t treat women like this so it’s either he cares deeply for her or they are related in some way.” He teased causing her to chuckle.
I’m sure it’s the first.” Gogi admitted as Onew nodded in agreement.

It’s been weird since you both arrived.” He started as her eyes traveled up his long legs to his face practically covered from sight.

Weird, how?” She asked intrigued as he sighed, a light cloud coming through his mask.

Well for one, we haven’t spent this much time with a female label mate in a long time.” He chuckled as she looked at him surprised.

Not even with Amber-unnie’s group?” Gogi asked as he chuckled and shook his head.

They’ve been so busy for the past year or so, and we barely get time off. Usually when we do have time off, we’re all of doing our own things or back at the dorm just sleeping the day away. Hanging out as a group has become a permanent occasion now that you girls are in the picture.” He admitted looking down to her through his overly dark sunglasses.

Well glad we could be of assistance.” She teased back as he laughed. The mart finally came up as Onew stepped up and held the door open for Gogi to enter.
Thanks.” She whispered embarrassed as she stepped in, kicking the light snow off her shoes as not to trail it through the store.

Welcome.” The elder woman behind the counter welcomed as Gogi smiled and bowed her head.

Afternoon.” Gogi smiled as the woman went back to tending to whatever she was doing. Gogi grabbed a hand cart and began walking around, grabbing a few things here and there while Onew followed in interest.

Just necessities?” He asked seeing that she had filled some of the basket with womanly products.

Oh, I need to get a few groceries too.” She answered walking away from the shelves towards the cold area. Onew couldn’t help but watch her closely as she muttered to herself every once in a while, all while staring at various vegetables and meats.

Need some help?” Onew asked stepping up next to her as she flinched in surprise before quickly composing herself.

I wanted to make some sort of stew for dinner sometime soon, what meat would you suggest?” she asked unsure as he looked down to the various meats in front of her.

Beef Stew?” He asked to reconfirm as she nodded, watching as he hand trailed over a few meats before grabbing one.
This one.” He held out a large slab of beat packaged in a tray as she stared at it.
Thanks.” She took it and placed it in her basket, struggling to do so with one hand before Onew grabbed the entire basket to weave his arm through it.

I’ll hold it.” He scolded as she looked up to him with hesitant eyes.

Onew-ssi, I-I ca….” She started before he stopped her.

You can just call me Onew, adding the rest is making me feel older than I already am.” He muttered looking away to avoid looking at her.

B-but, I can’t just call you by your name, that is disrespectful.” She whispered as he sighed, massaging the back of his neck.

You can call me Oppa, whatever you are comfortable with.” He added walking away as she just stood in there in a sense of shock. Did he bias just ask her to call him Oppa instead of the usual title? She chuckled in disbelief, shaking her head before walking quickly to join him at the counter.

Will this be all?” The woman asked Onew who turned to look at Gogi unsure.

Ah yes.” Gogi answered smiling at the woman who was now ringing up her various items, her eyes traveling to the groceries then to the pair standing in front of her.

You have such a beautiful woman as your companion, son.” The woman praised as both began choking in surprise. The woman couldn’t help but smile, she knew she was teasing, but it was adorable.

He’s….she’s.” They both started to defend themselves as the woman smiled.

It is alright, I understand.” She stopped them sending both blushing. Great, they now looked like a couple shopping together. Onew bit his lip through his mask and turned to look at the magazine counter next to them while Gogi busied herself by digging through her wallet for the needed bills.
Are you foreign?” The woman asked suddenly as both looked to see her attention directed at Gogi.

Ah yes, I just moved here from the states at the New Year.” Gogi answered as the woman nodded in understanding.
What has brought you all the way to Korea from America?” the woman asked interested as she now began loading her groceries into needed bags. Gogi fidgeted on her legs, unsure how to answer.

For work and a bit of personal things.” Gogi answered using the personal ticket as a way to get this woman to stop asking personal questions she couldn’t answer honestly.

Ah, I see. Is this your brother?” The woman than gestured to Onew causing Gogi to chuckle at the tension in his jaw now.

Ah no, he’s a friend of mine.” She explained as the woman nodded, looking to Onew’s cover up  in suspicion.

Ah, he has a cold so I made him dress up this way.” Gogi quickly defended as the woman looked to her in understanding.
Omo, colds this time of year can be dangerous. Be sure to keep warm son.” The woman offered as Gogi passed the needed bills to the woman before smirking over at Onew’s blushing face that was clearly sent through his mask.

Thank you Ahjumma.” Onew bowed as the woman chuckled handing back the change along with the bags. Onew grabbed most of them, leaving one in Gogi’s hands as they excited the store into the still freezing air.
How long does winter usually last here?” She asked interested as she looked up to the light snow still falling. He looked up along with her before looking down to his footing.

Usually by the beginning of March the temperature starts to get warmer, slowly.” He answered as she nodded.

Hopefully by debut time it will be warm enough.” She chuckled.

If you’ll be with us this coming week, what will Nana-ah be up to?” Onew asked as Gogi sighed.

Lucky girl, she’s filming with Jaejoong-ssi.” Gogi explained as Onew nodded in realization.
Ah, that’s right. For his comeback?” Onew asked as Gogi nodded.
From my understanding, it’s his Japanese comeback.” She added as he nodded.

Are they filming in Japan then?” He asked as she shook her head.

They had planned that originally but some things came up and with T.M.X still recording and whatnot, both companies thought it would be best to just film it here.” Gogi explained as Onew looked away nodding.
Well it’s a good opportunity for you both.” He nodded as she smiled and nodded.

Are you featuring in other music videos?” He then asked interested as she smiled and nodded.

Jay Park-ssi is coming back with a new music video, lucky Nana-unnie, she’s meeting with Teen Top in March too.” Gogi couldn’t help but seethed slightly, she liked Teen Top too. Onew immediately noticed the expression and smiled.

Ah, it seems that you like Teen Top too?” He asked teasingly as she blushed and looked away.

I like their music.” She answered sheepishly as Onew smiled slightly, he couldn’t help but be jealous. It wasn’t the expression he was hoping for.


Finally the pair had reached the last stretch towards their apartment.

You really didn’t have to walk me, I would have been alright.” Gogi mentioned as Onew smiled.
It is quite alright. It’s not like I had any further plans today.” He reassured as she nodded. Silence again. Gogi’s eyes panned down to her feet again, trying to busy herself by walking along the lines cracking in the sidewalk. Onew watched interested as she began chuckling quiet to herself. Before Gogi could react, she looked up in time to see a biker barreling towards her. She gasped just as Onew dropped the bags he had been holding before reaching out, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her out of the way. She clashed against his chest, unable to fathom what the heck just happened, the only sound being Onew’s panicked pant that had come out of nowhere.

YA!” Onew shouted down the sidewalk the only sound presented back being the small horn on the man’s bike.

“Idiot.” He whispered as his eyes traveled down to the woman still up against him.

Oh! Are you alright?” He quickly pulled away, holding her up as she stumbled slightly. Gogi couldn’t fight the incredible blush that had permanently painted itself across her cheeks, her eyes now wide.

You ok?” Onew asked when he still hadn’t gotten an answer the first.

A-ah, y-yes.” She slightly stuttered, adjusting her outfit that had ridden in some areas before picking up the bag that fell in the process. Thank goodness she hadn’t bought anything that was fragile.

Thank you for that, I wasn’t paying attention.” She thanked as she pulled the bag to her elbow.

No, it’s not your fault. Some folks nowadays just are inconsiderate as cavemen.” He seethed glaring in the direction the biker had disappeared in. Gogi couldn’t help but chuckle, she had never experienced an upset Onew but now that she did, it was adorable.


Quickly the pair reached the girls dorm and walked over to the door. Before Gogi could knock the pair were startled to hear laughing along with cheering going on inside.

Expecting company?” Onew asked over confused as she shook her head.

No, but I think Unnie has company.” She answered unlocking the door and pushing it open to get the full force of laughter echoing through the apartment.

Noona! Noona! Noona!” Several voices were chanting as the pair at the door slipped on some house shoes, noticing the several pair that littered the entryway.

I’m home!” Gogi hesitantly called into the apartment, walking into the kitchen that connected with the living room to see the mess in the living room.

“Holy .” She hissed in surprise seeing Nana now standing on the couch, a shot glass sitting in her hand, someone’s shirt was tied around her head like a bandana, she had lipstick painted on her face like an eye patch and goatee. She sighed slightly embarrassed as she placed all the bags on the island counter.

Gogi-ah!” Kai waved in her direction as she smiled gently, being the one without a shirt now, waving her hand as the guys turned to see Onew standing next to her.

Hyung!” They all shouted smiling brightly as Onew chuckled unsure.

Does this happen a lot?” Onew whispered as Nana began breaking out in a dance on the couch.
Unfortunately, when she gets pissed off to the point of no return, alcohol seems to do this.” Gogi offered as Onew nodded.

“I’m like a ~ touched for the very first time~” Nana now began singing, a banana being her microphone as Gogi sighed finally walking into the living room, panic shot through her as she turned to the camera.

Oh thank god. They are off.” She muttered patting her chest before looking to the mess that littered the coffee table.
What happened here?” Gogi asked kicking an empty Soju bottle that was lying at her feet.

First we set up Sehun on a blind date.” Kai slurred as Gogi and Onew’s eyes widened.

A blind date?” Onew asked over to Sehun who was laughing his off on the floor gesturing to Nana.

What happened to her?” Gogi whined trying to reach out to grab Nana off the couch before something seriously happened.

She wanted to celebrate.” Luhan watched in interest as Gogi glared at him.

Ya! You’re her friend! How could you let her drink this much?!” Gogi scolded him as he shrunk into the rug.

Wait, who drank?” Gogi then asked panicked as Kai immediately raised his hand with a shriveled hand from Tao and Lay.

“Hey! I only drank 9…ugh 75..2….no this many bottles!” Nana sang holding up 5 fingers all together as Gogi sighed, running her hand through her hair.

“I’m too y for my shirt, too s-y for my shirt..” Nana began singing as she gripped her shirt and started lifting it.

YA!” Gogi shouted jumping across to basically tackle her to the couch to stop her.

“Oh! Min Hee! You came to sing with me?” Nana asked her eyes barely open as she laid under Gogi.

I’m sorry guys, she usually isn’t this spontaneous.” Gogi apologized as she helped Nana off the couch, and arm around her waist to steady her as Onew came to the opposite to help.

Oh! Onew-ah!” Nana cheered smiling over at him as he chuckled, he couldn’t help it, this was amusing.

I have to tell you something.” Nana suddenly announced in a loud voice, throwing her arms out in a gesture as Gogi and Luhan barely caught her from falling on her face.

Tell me something?” Onew asked pulling her up to stand again as she nodded, turning to look at the group in front of her.

Min Hee l-li….” Nana began announcing before Min Hee’s eyes opened in horror, her hand immediately slapping over her friends mouth.
YA!” Gogi snapped as Nana chuckled, now leaning against Onew.

Onew-ah, where is Jonghyun-ah?” Nana then asked her eyes slightly drooping as the pair along with Luhan shuffled her into her room.

Um, he left not long after you.” Onew answered as they dropped her on the bed, Gogi trying to pull off the various jewelry and wipe her face clean.

He hates me, doesn’t he?” She whispered as everyone in the room just froze in interest.
I never did anything to him, and he treats me like .” She muttered a few tears falling here and there.

He doesn’t hate you Nana-ah.” Onew reassured as her eyes opened slightly to look up at him.

Then why does he do that? He gets so angry and worked up over nothing.” She threw her hands into the air before whining again.

Should I call him over?” Gogi teased as Nana snorted, turning to lay on her side.

No. I would hate for him to see me this way.” She admitted as Gogi turned to look at Onew’s knowing look.
Nana believe me when I say this, Jonghyun-ah doesn’t mean it when he says things like today.” Onew reassured once again as Nana sighed.

Min Hee-ah, it was a bad idea for us to come to Korea.” Nana muttered as her eyes began to shut.

What? Why?” Gogi slightly panicked along with everyone else.

It’s unhealthy here.” She whispered as Gogi turned to the other 2 confused.

What’s unhealthy Nana-ah?” Luhan asked worried as she sputtered her lips.

Too many guys have stolen my………… heart.” She whispered before filling the room with slight snores.

Wait….does that mean…..” Luhan was about to ask before Gogi shushed him.
Whatever was heard in this room, doesn’t leave this room.” She warned as the two men nodded, slowly and quietly leaving the room, shutting her door behind her.

“So I was right.” Gogi mentioned to herself as Luhan and Onew looked to her confused.

You guys mind helping me shovel the drunkard’s home?” She asked amused walking past them into the living room that was still full of laughter. Their time here was showing to be even more interesting

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi