The Aftermath

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Ever since that day he confessed to her in the stairwell, she fled the scene faster than a thief ever could. Ana could hear his voice yelling for her to stop as she dashed down the 4 levels of stairs and out the backdoor to run home. In all honesty, she did tell Min Hee she would go running after work, guess Ana did it bit earlier than she had planned.


“Ana?” A voice shook her from her thoughts as she looked up from her lap to see Mina looking at her worried.

“Are you alright? I’ve been calling for the last couple minutes.” Mina mentioned as Ana’s eyes whipped around the crowded filming room to her nervous manager and then back to the host.

“Ah, yes, I’m fine. Just exhausted.” Ana lied, straightening up in her seat, adjusting her outfit back to perfection. She forced a reassuring smile onto her face before turning to look at Mina who continued to look at her worried.

“You sure?” She whispered over unsure as Ana nodded, crossing her left leg over the right.

“Yeah, just tired, promise.” She brushed off her worry as Mina smiled and nodded, taking the bait. Not like Ana could tell her what was going on, she didn’t want to even if she had to.

“We’re just about to start, you ready?” Mina then mentioned as Ana took a deep breath and nodded, looking to see two main cameras pointed at either one of them. The lights dimmed briefly before turning back on, Mina smiled over at the camera facing her causing Ana to do the same.

“Hi guys! This is Mina with MTV-K, broadcasting from Seoul, Korea. Today I’m here with a special guest, Nana from the upcoming debut duo, T.M.X. Welcome!” Mina introduced clapping as the camera facing Ana . Ana smiled, clapping, bowing her head also.

“Thank you, it’s so good to be on MTV again.” Ana mentioned as Mina smiled and nodded.

“Before we start, I’m sure everyone is wondering about the drastic change to your appearance. You even looked to have lost weight being here.” Mina mentioned as Ana looked down to herself surprised.

“I really lost weight?” Ana asked over patting her stomach causing Mina to laugh and nod.

“Not a lot but it’s noticeable.” Mina mentioned as Ana chuckled and shrugged.
“I didn’t even notice I did at all.” Nana mentioned causing Mina to laugh before gesturing to her hair.

“Ah yes, well it seems our label went with the concept we decided on. The President mentioned that it gave me an edgy feel and clearly depicts my ever changing personality and moods.” Ana explained with a slight roll of the eyes as she played with a lock hanging over her shoulder. A few people laughed in the crowd gathered while Mina and Youngjae looked to Ana surprised, she was never this happy or calm behind the cameras, well never smiling willingly.

“Well it’s a good look on you. Definitely gives you that edgy feeling.” Mina agreed causing Ana to chuckle and nod, looking down to her lap momentarily before turning to look back at the cameras.


“Since arriving in Korea, have you done anything you never thought you’d be able to?” Mina asked off the cards lying in her lap. Ana sat there for a moment, rubbing her chin.

“Uhhhh, wow. Well it’s pretty obvious I never thought I’d visit Korea, like ever.” Ana started causing Mina to laugh and nod.

“Either than that, things like eating foreign food, mainly Korean food, actually testing out my Korean with locals was an interesting experience. At first I was a bit rusty on the edges, Gogi thought it was funny to tease me, but I’m doing pretty good so far.” Ana nods in agreement to her statement before turning her eyes to look back up at Mina.



“I’m sure fans will love to know but have you met any K-pop idols outside of SM labelmates and can you share the experience?” Mina inwardly smiled already knowing the answer to this particular question. Ana on the other hand, fought back a groan, smiling lightly to the woman that seemed to be enjoying her discomfort. Ana bit her lip, twirling the ring that sat on her thumb.

“Well not only have we been busy recording our own things but we were also able to feature in a few other music videos. Gogi and I were in Infinite H’s debut music video that is set to release sometime soon if I’m not mistaken. Either than that, that’s about the only filming I can tell you about without spilling everything. Oh! We were able to go visit YG Entertainment. We sat down and spoke with President Yang himself, which was actually pretty cool. We even were lucky enough to speak with GD&TOP.” Ana nodded to her comment as Mina smiled.

“How was that experience? If I’m not mistaken, you are a huge fan of TOP.” Mina offered with a teasing smirk, oh how much Ana wanted to reach over and slap her with the camera. Ana in turn chuckled, attempting to hide the nervousness in her voice which quickly went noticed.

“I’m still trying to process it.” Ana muttered under her breath sending Mina laughing.


“As for your upcoming debut, how are preparations going?” Mina asked, this time in interest as Ana put a hand through her loose hair.

“Well from my prospective, it’s going fairly well. We’re not used to all this work just piling on us, one after another, but we are taking surprisingly well. It’s exhausting, I think I’ve gotten about 8 hours of sleep in the last week, but I can’t complain. We’ve been working hard for this. Recordings are done, rehearsals are on their way, album photos are done, we’re just in the process of working harder on our rehearsals and getting our debut music video done and over with.” Ana went along and answered truthfully, looking momentarily to Youngjae to nod.


Can we have any insight on your debut inspiration? Any information you can share?” Mina asked over with a large smile.

Well I really can’t say anything without giving the entire concept away. As for inspiration, you can expect a change from what idols normally debut with. We’re a pair of American girls living in Korea, debuting as K-pop idols instead of American singers, I’m sure that is evident enough that it will be an interesting surprise.” Ana knew she couldn’t spill too much of their debut, even if this tape wouldn’t showcase till after their debut. Better safe than sorry.


“For upcoming fans that will want to know, how about a few personal information you can share about yourself?” Mina then asked, that interested spark coming back. Mina smiles slightly, looking up to the bright lights shining down on the both of them.

“I was born in Maui, Hawaii. My father works for the military so we moved a lot. I think we’ve moved at least 4 times from what I remember. The last time being when we moved to New York around my last year of junior high, that’s where I met Gogi. I have an older brother named Kona. Aside from that, there really is nothing else interesting about me.” Ana added as Mina tapped her bare thigh with the note cards.

Did you like moving around a lot?” Mina than asked as Ana immediately shook her head.

“No, definitely not. I was never able to keep friends I made, so every time we moved, it was a challenge. After time, I gave up.” Ana answered truthfully as Mina nodded, looking back down to her notes.


“Ah, I’m quite interested in this one also, any ideas on fanclub names or colors?” Mina asked with a smile causing Ana to unconsciously snort suddenly before laughing.

“Gogi and I actually had this conversation a few weeks ago when we were getting our concept hair done. We were just randomly throwing names out there, most of them were ridiculous and just for laughs.” Ana mentioned, rubbing the back of her neck in thought, chuckling at the thought.

“Mind sharing any with us?” Mina asked interested as Ana bit her lip, snorting again.

“Well I remember mentioning something about pineapples and something else about some sort of flower.” Ana waved off the question, not totally remembering it herself causing Mina to blink in confusion.

“Pineapples and flowers?” Mina gaped in deep confusion causing Ana to chuckle and nod.

“See, I told you it was ridiculous.” Ana pushed in a ‘I-told-you-so’ tone.


“What has T.M.X been up to lately aside from recording and preparing for your debut?” Mina quickly switched to a more serious question for Ana who sighed, switching legs.

“Well we’ve been trying to get to know the city as much as possible. It’s beautiful here. On top of that, we’ve been featuring in a few music videos here and there which has been an incredible experience. Either than that, nothing much but working.” Ana offered as Mina nodded.


“Last but definitely not least, any advice you would like to share with those wanting to live out their dreams as you have?” Mina asked over with a smile as Ana forcefully returned the gesture.

“Never give up, no matter what. I can testify as someone who comes from a household that DOES NOT support this sort of lifestyle that giving up is never an option. My parents still don’t know I am here, not sure how long that will stay that way, but I plan on living this dream out till the end. Don’t let someone’s own fears and resentment be your fall out. If you dream it, let it be, work to make it possible, no matter how hard it is, nothing is easy which makes the journey entertaining.”


Once the interview was done, Ana said a quick goodbye to Mina before she was escorted out to the waiting van at the curb. The moment her hit the cushion of the back seat, Ana sighed loudly startling Youngjae who just hoped into the passenger seat. He turned to her startled to see her curled up in the backseat.

“Ana-ah? Are you alright?” He asked worried as she aimlessly waved her hand in the air causing him to blink a few times before nodding to the driver. Ana was beyond exhausted. She didn’t even remember the last time she had a normal nights worth of sleep. She groaned, pulling her beanie further down her head to keep her ears warm. Sure, spring was close on them, but it wasn’t moving any faster for her liking. About to shut her eye and see how much sleep she could catch up on the ride to the music video shooting, her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. She cursed under her breath, a few choice words for the person stupid enough to call this early in the morning. Pulling it out and in front of her face, she growled annoyed.

“WHAT?!” She snapped into the phone annoyed, scaring not only Youngjae but the driver also as the van swerved dangerously.

“Geez! What the hell is your problem!?” The voice on the other side shouted back, obviously pissed at the near deaf experience.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” She hissed slowly, pulling herself to sit up.

“Well yeah, it’s about 5:30ish, so?” He asked uncaring as her hand began to grip the phone sitting in her hand. Oh if god was kind enough to transport her brother to the dark side of the moon, she’d go to church every Sunday.

“Is there a particular reason you called me before even the god forsaken sun is up?” She hissed through her clenched teeth.

“Well yeah, I was wondering what you were doing today?” He asked so carefree causing her anger to boil. Youngjae on the other hand watched the exchange quietly, seeing the way her face would brighten up red, the grip she had on her phone was so tight, he swears he could hear it groaning under the pressure. If she didn’t let go soon, he’d have to get her a new one.

“WORKING!” Ana snapped finally, hanging up before throwing her phone somewhere in the middle of the van, out of her reach. She sighed, plopping back down on her side. It was too damn early for him to be picking at her already loose nerves.


Ana momentarily shut her eyes, welcoming the short need of darkness behind her eyelids before sighing. She wanted nothing more than to erase everything currently eating at her mind and allow her the time and space to get her work done today, but it seemed like her mind hated her more than any other part on her. Jonghyun had confessed, or what she had heard was a confession of some sort, and randomly. She wanted nothing more than to roll her eyes and punch him in the face, yell at him for being such a liar and hypocrite, but there was a small piece in her that had hoped what he said was true. She groaned, shaking her head, banging it against the cushion of the seat repeatedly trying to get his words out of her mind.


“Ana, I like you.”


Her eyes shot open in an instant when his voice floated through her ears once more. How would she survive the shoot today when she couldn’t even be the stuck up stubborn she always was?



Gogi roamed through the empty apartment, smiling and waving at every single camera she could see before digging through the fridge with a hum. This wasn’t the first time she was home alone but she didn’t have anything to complain about. She pulled out the carton of milk, pouring it into an awaiting bowl before shutting the door. Gogi turned to face the empty apartment, planting her romp against the ledge of the counter as she sipped the milk. It was strangely quiet. Turning her attention towards one of the closer cameras, being the one situated in the middle of the island counter, Gogi walked over, leaning against it before smiling.

“Good Morning~” She welcomed brightly with a smile, waving with her free hand.

“I have a free day today.” She added, her eyes scanning the room.

“Nana unnie is at a music video shooting, so I’m home alone.” She added, resting the empty glass against her cheek.

“What shall I do today? I’m lazy.” She muttered looking around bored before a phone began ringing. Her eyes shot open, placing her glass on the counter before running towards her bedroom. She ripped the phone out of her bag before smiling at the name flashing across the screen. Chuckling, she plopped down on her back across the bed before answering.

“Hello~?” She answered with a smile.

“Wow, you’re up early.” The voice spoke teasingly as she snorted.

“Oppa, I’m an early riser, this isn’t early plus it’s…………Oppa! It’s 9am!” Gogi quickly retorted causing the voice on the line to break out laughing.
“Took you long enough.” He muttered as she rolled her eyes.

“So what do I owe this pleasant surprise? A phone call from thee G-Dragon is sure surprising.” She teased as he snorted.

“Must you treat me like a celebrity?” He whined causing her to chuckle.

“Uhhhh…….yup.” She teased back as he sighed before nodding.

Alright, alright, you win.” He backed down causing her to smile brightly. Gogi chuckled before rolling over to rest on her stomach.
“So what’s up? You working?” She asked looking down to her still painted fingernails.

You know me to be doing anything aside from working?” He asked in fake shock causing her to snort.

“Pffft, you’re the definition of a workaholic.” She retorted causing him to smile proudly.

“What can I say baby? I enjoy my work.” He teased sending her rolling her eyes as his random nickname. She knew she should be blushing but it wasn’t the first time he had called her a random nickname. Sure, at first it sent her flustering faster than she could keep up but she knew he was just teasing, so ignored it.

“So….what are you doing right now?” He asked interested this time as she continued to kick her backside with the heels of her feet.

“Lying in bed, staring at the wall.” She answered truthfully causing him to smirk.

“Ah so your free then?” He asked excitedly as she nodded.

Yup, lazy, tired, hungry, bored, most definitely free.” She named off everything causing him to chuckle.

“Well, what do you say about coming over to YG and hanging out?” He offered as her head shot up in interest.

“Me? YG? Why? What’s the catch?” She asked suspiciously as he snorted.

Geez, just wanted to hang out with my friend and I’m being accused of a crime. Wow, that’s hurts.” He feigned hurt causing her to roll her eyes again.

“What a faker, just tell me why and I’ll consider your offer.” She brushed off his act as he sighed.

“Just do me a favor and come over, I’m at the studio and I have something to show you.” He pleaded as she sat up, rolling her neck.


Naturally Gogi had accepted his offer and began getting ready after calling Jiyong about her plans and need for a ride.


“Ana-ah.” Youngjae whispered, attempting to wake up the once rage filled idol that had fallen asleep in the back seat. Ana mumbled something incoherent in her sleep. Youngjae chanced his luck and shook her once more, a bit harder this time.

“Ana-ah, we’re at the filming site.” He spoke in the normal voice as her eyes shot open, turning up to him. Youngjae flinched in surprise before stepping back to the seat in the middle of the van.
“We just arrived.” He mentioned quickly climbing out as Ana groaned, stretching a bit before pulling herself to sit up. She yawn into the sleeve of her winter coat before stretching. Scratching the side of her neck she looked around before spotting out her phone sitting on the seat next to her. She inwardly rolled her eyes when she remembered her brother’s idiotic phone call earlier. Ripping the phone off the cushion, she hesitantly turned the screen on to see that she had missed 2 phone calls.

“Bastard.” She hissed, opening them to see that it was two unknown phone numbers. She blinked a few times before hearing the door to the van open. She looked up expecting Youngjae coming to check on her in turn to see two faces she had known she would see sooner or later.

“Ana-ah!” Taemin and Key shouted excited as she sighed in slight relief before smiling.

“Hi guys.” She welcomed back, standing before shuffling out of the van to welcome the hugs from the two members.

“I love welcoming your hugs but can we go inside, I’m freezing.” She whined pushing past them to get into the studio they would be filming the music video at. The moment they got into the warmth of the studio, Ana sighed in content before looking around to the set that was set up.

“You don’t look so good.” A voice mentioned before a heavy weight sat on her back. She groaned, looking over her shoulder to see Key had his arms wrapped around her shoulder from behind.
“Geez, I’m not bamboo, stop being a Koala and get off.” She hissed, shrugging him off before looking around.

“So you ready for this?” Taemin smiled, teasingly elbowing her as she sighed.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” She admitted before they separated.


Everything for the music video was filmed ahead of time, the only shots left being those involving Ana. For the first shot, Ana was slipped into a plain, straight brown wig, a plain blue cardigan, jeans and glasses. Ana stared at herself in the full body mirror, tilting her head to see the fake hair fall over her shoulder.

“I look so…..” Ana started to say as Hyori peaked over her shoulder.

“Plain?” Hyori teased stepping in front of her to apply some light makeup.

“Boring.” Ana corrected causing Hyori to snort.

“Last time I checked, that meant the same.” Hyori mentioned back before Youngjae stepped into the dressing room.

“Ana-ah?” He called as Ana stepped away from Hyori to peek her head out the curtain.

“Over here!” She called as Youngjae looked to her before walking quickly to her side.

“You have a phone call.” He mentioned holding her phone out as she blinked and looked down to it hesitantly. If it was her brother, she was going to kill him. She didn’t care if he had just been run over by a car, he was riding on her last nerve. But as her eyes connected with the number on the screen, she looked up to him hesitantly. She didn’t know who it was.

It’s Jaejoong-ssi.” Youngjae whispered as her eyes widened. Hyori momentarily began choking from behind Ana, obviously eavesdropping on the conversation. Ana turned to her and snorted before taking the offered phone.

“Thank you Youngjae-ssi.” Ana politely thanked before shutting the curtain and walking back to where Hyori was catching her breath. Ana stood there, staring at the phone then up to Hyori’s eager eyes only causing her to snort. She rolled her eyes before placing the phone to her ear.

“What is it?” She answered as his ring like laughter filled the line.

“Well it’s nice speaking to you too.” He retorted causing Ana to sigh and take a seat, slipping the flat shoes on.

“What do you want?” Ana sighed, sitting back in her seat as Hyori knelt down in front of her to tie them. He just chuckled.

Thought I’d put this phone number on a napkin to good use.” He teased causing her to snort, a smile slowly growing on her face.

“And you choose now from the time I gave it to you?” Ana retorted with a raised eyebrow.

“Well I’m a busy man, what can I say?” He cockily answered as she rolled her eyes, standing up to adjust her outfit.

Well as much as I would enjoy this entertaining conversation, I’m in the middle of a job right now.” Ana mentioned stepping out of the changing curtain and towards the vanity to check her makeup. Ana eyes slowly widen in surprise when she saw who was standing at the back of the room through the mirror. She sighed, hanging her head to avoid any eye contact with the very person that had been making her week a living hell.

“Oh? Job, what are you up to?” Jaejoong asked interested as she sighed, taking the offered glasses from Hyori.
“Music video filming.” She answered in monotone, hesitantly looking up to see Jonghyun watching her closely from across the room.

“Music video filming? Wait! Are you filming your debut music video?! YA! You were supposed to invite me!” He shouted or more like ranted causing her to sigh, rubbing her forehead.

“Calm down before you hurt yourself, it’s not our debut filming. I’m just featuring is all.” She spat back annoyed, turning to see Hyori gesturing for her to follow.

“Anyways, can’t talk, busy, bye.” She quickly hung up, passing the phone to Youngjae to see Jonghyun standing beside him.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi