
Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

The employees quickly ran over to Nana and Gogi’s side after hearing the shattering of the coffee mug that once sat in Nana’s hands.

“I’m so sorry.” Nana apologize embarrassed for what had happened, getting everyone’s attention. Nana and Gogi quickly kneeled down next to the frail woman to help her pick up the pieces that littered the ground.

“I’m so sorry.” Nana apologized again causing the girl to look up and smile.

“No problem.” She answered nicely, letting the pair know that she could clean it up herself.

“No, we’ll help.” Gogi reassured picking up pieces before placing them in the tin trash can the employee had brought over.

“Thank you so much.” The employee thanked once all the pieces were picked up. A male employee quickly came over to mop up the mess.

“Would you like another cup of coffee?” The male asked as Nana sat back down, shaking her head.

“No thank you. I’m fine. Sorry again.” She apologized again as the man smiled, bowing his head before walking away. Nana planted her face into the palms of her hands, so embarrassed.

“Can’t believe you did that.” Gogi whispered teasingly, side eying the pair they had been gawking at just moments before.

“Did they see?” Nana asked embarrassed looking over to the wall to entertain herself.

“Pffft, for sure.” Gogi answered hesitantly looking over to see that indeed the pair at the window were now staring at them.

“Crap.” She hissed when she knew she was caught staring.

“Did they?” Nana asked as Gogi nudged with her head for her to check it out herself. Nana curled a stray hair under her beanie before carefully looking over to see that they were both staring over at them, smirking.

“Is that really them?” Gogi asked in a loud whisper, obviously still in belief. Nana sighed, massaging her forehead before nodding.

“Looks like it.” Nana whispered going back to playing with the surprisingly disgusting muffin she had ordered.

“Is it that bad?” Gogi asked noticing her friends torture on the muffin in front of her.

“You know those brand muffins that our parents try to get us to eat, because they are so high in fiber?” Nana asked as Gogi nodded in understanding.

“Yeah. The ones that taste like cardboard?” Gogi asked as Nana nodded, before pointing at the muffin.

“This one could kill that muffin.” Nana teased as Gogi chuckled before forcing a gag.


“Wanna leave?” Gogi asked as Nana looked up from her cellphone.

“You wanna leave? I thought you would want to stay till you were done drooling.” Nana teased as Gogi sarcastically laughed at her.

“Shut up. You were drooling too.” Gogi retorted as Nana rolled her eyes, finding her eyes drifting to the pair in the corner.

“I wanna go over and ask them to sing ‘The Chaser’ for me.” Gogi whispered in realization causing Nana to chuckle.

“Let’s go before you fangirl like, wait, what is their fanclub called?” Nana asked as Gogi’s eyes quickly whipped over.

“Inspirit! How many times have I answered that?” Gogi answered annoyed by her friends constant need to ask the same question.

“Gosh, whatever. Let’s get out of here.” Nana exclaimed, standing up with her friend close behind her. They began maneuvering through the tables, Nana looked over once more before eye contact with one of them sitting there. She smiled at him, before pushing open the door into the cold air.


“Maybe, we should have stayed in there.” Nana whispered pulling her scarf closer up her neck to try and keep some of the warmth in.

“I wanna go to the beach.” Gogi whined suddenly as Nana tilted her head to look at her friend.

“Yeah, in this weather. You’d freeze to death.” Nana chuckled as Gogi sighed, looking over her shoulder for no apparent reason. Her eyes shot open when she saw who was following behind them about 15 feet. She quickly whipped her head back to look in front, swallowing heavily.

“What?” Nana asked when she saw her friends expression.

“Nothing. Should we buy some stuff?” Gogi quickly changed the subject looking around to the various booths they were walking by.

“That’s why I came. To buy stuff.” Nana spoke sarcastically as they finally stopped in front of a booth filled with hats and beanies.

“Oh, this one is cute.” Gogi pointed out, picking up a cute pink trucker hat with the words, DIVA, spelt out in front in bold black.

“This is so totally you.” Gogi added ripping Nana’s beanie off to slip the chosen hat on.

“Oh, wait.” Gogi quickly dug in her bag, pulling out her camera as Nana ripped the hat off, fixing her now messy hair.
“Aw come on, put it back on.” Gogi whined when she realized the hat was now gone.

“No way.” Nana rejected the offer, slipping her beanie on.

“Nana. This is something we are doing for the fans. Without the fans we won’t be able to get anywhere. Just think of it as a thank you.” Gogi explained causing Nana to sigh before looking over irritated. Her friend was right. She hated how embarrassing it looked back nonetheless, her friend was right. This was part of her job. Looking to the expectant elder man standing behind the booth, she sighed, pulling off her beanie before picking up the hat to put on.

“That a girl.” Gogi teased turning on her camera before facing it to Nana who was clearly hesitant.

“This is Gogi’s cam, we’re still here shopping. Doesn’t Nana unnie match in this hat?” Gogi asked no one in particular as she filmed Nana just standing there. Gogi quickly grabbed a random hat, slipping it on her head before standing next to Nana to filmed them both.

“Don’t we look cute?” Gogi asked as she turned the screen to face them. That’s when they both froze when they saw who was standing a few feet behind them in the walkway, just watching them. Nana and Gogi both their heels to see the pair just smiling at them.

“What do we do?” Gogi whispered over to Nana panicking. Nana slipped the hats they were trying on off, placed them back on the table before pulling her friend to walk away.

“Where are we going?” Gogi whispered frantic as Nana sighed, constantly looking over her shoulder. There was no way such people would be following them.

“Just follow my lead.” Nana whispered back, turning back to the front to see that they were moving more and more into the more remote areas of the market. The pair walked into what seemed like Hello Kitty’s heaven.

“Oh my god, it’s Hello Kitty!” Gogi quickly running over to the closest shelf that was packed with plushies of all shape and size.

“Come on.” Nana whined grabbing her hand, bowing to one of the employees that looked over at them confused before pulling her to the back of the store.

“What? Why does it seem like you suddenly want to play James Bond?” Gogi whispered confused when they reached the back of the store.

“Did you forget who we saw?” Nana whined irritated as Gogi’s eyes shot open in realization.

“But why are we in here?” Gogi asked still confused causing Nana to glare over at the oblivious child.

“Do you think they are following us?” Nana asked crossing her arms over her chest as Gogi nodded.

“Do you think they are? I mean, they were following us from the café.” Gogi explained as Nana nodded.

“So since we came in the most outrageous store that even males avoid, if they come in here after us, then we know they are following us.” Nana explained as Gogi’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Oh! Nana! That’s brilliant.” Gogi praised as Nana rolled her eyes.

“We’ve been friends for how long and you still don’t know that about me?” Nana pointed out outraged as Gogi chuckled. The pair, like spies, peeked over the tall shelf towards the front of the door, the only entrance and exit out of this place.

“So what if they are following us?” Gogi whispered as they kept their eyes peeled. Nana’s eyes shot open before hesitantly looking over to her.

“You haven’t thought that far, have you?” Gogi smirked when she saw her friends reaction.

“Pffft, coming here was the spur of the moment. I just wanted to see if they were following us.” Nana whined like a little child before looking to the door.

“What should we do if they come in here?” Gogi then asked nervously as Nana shrugged.

“No idea.” She answered unable to give an answer. Sure enough, a few minutes later the bell that announced the front door opening rang. Their eyes shot open and over to indeed see the pair in question, walking in as if they were looking for someone.

“Oh my god.” Gogi squealed quietly, holding a hand over .

“They actually came.” Nana whispered in surprise, hiding behind the plushies.

“What are we going to do?” Gogi whispered walking back and forth in a panic. Nana jumped down off the shelf before grabbing her friend by the shoulders to calm her down.
“Stop doing that. You’re making me nervous.” Nana scolded as Gogi sighed before looking up.

“Are you nervous? This is Infinite we’re talking about.” Gogi scolded looking to Nana’s face.

“It’s Dongwoo. Thee Dongwoo. Didn’t you use to call him your baby daddy?” Gogi teased as Nana blushed reached over slapping her on the arm hard.

“OW!” Gogi snapped rubbing her arm.

“Shut up.” Nana snapped back as Gogi snorted. The pair stood off the ground together before Nana froze when she saw who was standing around the corner behind Gogi.

“What?” Gogi asked taking in her friends expression.

“Um.” Was the only thing that came out of Nana’s mouth before Gogi gave in, turning around to see for herself.

“Ahhh!” Gogi yelped before jumping across at Nana.

“You were right.” Gogi whispered when she finally found her voice.

“Hi.” Hoya spoke, pulling down the mask that covered half of his face.

“Hi.” Dongwoo added as the girls just looked at each other confused. Ever since landing in Korea, they’ve had luck out of nowhere. First GD&TOP and now Dongwoo and Hoya! What the hell was going on?!

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi