Stranger In SM

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

“YOU HAVE THESE SHOES?!” Koa shouted the next morning, picking up a pair of shoes from Nana’s closet in surprise. Nana flipped her hair over her shoulder before looking over to see her brother holding up a pair of new Michael Kor Suede shoes she had bought just last week. Nana rolled her eyes and continued to tie her sneakers she had decided to wear for the day.

“Knock knock.” A voice called causing Nana to look up from her shoes once more to see Gogi and Ji Hoon standing in the open doorway.

“Are you sure you’ll be ok at the company building?” Gogi asked unsure as Nana sighed. Originally she was scheduled to film with Teen Top today while Gogi was filming over with Jay Park, but some technical difficulties arose and her music video with Teen Top was rescheduled for tomorrow instead.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Nana answered looking back down to her shoes.

“Are you going to go with her?” Gogi asked over to Koa who was still nosily digging through her closet. He peeked his head out to see that she was talking to him before nodding.

“Yeah, I wanna see where my little sis gets down to business.” He teased as Nana stood up, adjusting the sweater she had decided to wear.

“What about you, are you tagging along with her?” Nana then asked Ji Hoon as she walked over to slip a few things into her oversized purse. Ji Hoon leaned against the doorway before shaking.

“Naw, I’m going to go hang out and walk the city.” He answered as Nana looked over to him in interest.

“Why don’t you take your friend with you?” She spat gesturing with her hand over to her brother who was still aimlessly digging through the closet.

“No way, I’m finally free of him, I’m ditching his with you.” Ji Hoon quickly walked away causing Nana to roll her eyes again.

“That’s a lovely brother you got there.” Nana teased causing Gogi to snicker.

“That’s a lovely brother you got there.” Gogi retorted gesturing over to the man that was almost in the closet by now. Nana sighed in embarrassment, put a frustrated hand through her hair before laughing sarcastically at her friends comment.


Untitled #78


“Have fun today.” Gogi waved to the both of them before walking away.


Nana grabbed her full bag from the counter before turning to her brother.

“Are you going with me, dressed like that?” She asked hesitantly, seeing the way he was only dressed in a pair of sweats and tank top. He stopped searching and looked down to his outfit confused.

“Why? Is there something wrong with it?” He asked innocently as she crossed her arms over her chest before sighing.

“One, it’s still cold outside and two, you are going to a building that holds some of Korea’s largest singing groups, be a little fashionable about it.” Nana hissed before walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

“Well, we’ll see you guys later.” Gogi called walking in to the kitchen, already attempting to slip her coat on just as Ji Hoon followed suit. Nana turned from the coffee maker nodding.

“Have fun.” Nana mentioned teasingly as Gogi rolled her eyes, glaring at her friend.

“Shut up.” Gogi chuckled before walking out the door with her brother in tow. Nana sighed, covering her portable coffee cup, turning to see her brother had definitely changed into something a bit better. He adjusted the coat he had on before looking up to her for her usual review. She pulled the coffee cup away from before nodding.


“Better.” She reassured as he sighed in relief, walking in and towards the fridge.

“Geez, do you guys own anything that isn’t foreign?” He asked with his head still in the fridge. She rolled her eyes from her spot against the counter.

“We are in a foreign country after all.” She retorted as he pulled out the jug of milk, shutting the fridge behind him.

“Tell me the milk at least tastes normal.” He muttered, pouring the white liquid into a glass cup. Nana rolled her eyes, walking over to the entry area, pulling open the coat closet to grab her own along with a beanie and scarf.




Slipping everything on, she pulled her bag over her shoulder then turning to her brother just as her phone began ringing. The sudden ringing got his attention as he turned around in time to see his sister pull out the cellphone and put it to her ear.

“Hello?” She answered looking down to her shoes.

“Ah yes I am. But I actually have a request.” She spoke seriously looking up to her brothers confused expression.

“My brother flew in last night from the states without my knowledge and is insisting on following me today. I understand if it’s against some sort of regulation, but if I tell him no, he’ll probably cause a mess at SM.” She honestly explained in an embarrassed sigh.

“Ah, alright, I understand.” She spoke before hanging up.

“Who was that?” Koa asked walking over interested as she pulled her beanie over her head, tucking her hair into it, out of sight.

“That was my manager.” She answered in a huff, wrapping her scarf around her neck.

“Did you ask?” He asked quickly as Nana stood there irritated.

“He said it shouldn’t be a problem with you following me, but you aren’t allowed to take any sort of video or photos inside the building, or they’ll have your escorted off the premises.” Nana scolded as Koa nodded immediately, both hesitant and nervous.

“Now, hurry up, he’s waiting downstairs.” She snapped walking over to the door, holding it open as Koa ran out.

“Is this company really that much of a hot shot to not let any outsiders in?” Koa asked interested as they waited for the elevator to descend to the lobby. Nana sighed, turning to him with an are-you-serious look.

“Koa, I’ve told you, in Korea there are 3 entertainment companies that stand above the rest due to their groups popularity and the companies earnings. YG Entertainment, JYP and SM Entertainment. We’re part of SM Entertainment, so yes, it is a big shot company.” She explained in a monotone, staring across at the door.

“What about those two dudes from last night? Are they in your company?” He asked as she immediately shook her head.

“They are from YG Entertainment.” She answered as he began to slowly connect the dots.
“If they are from another company, how are you guys friends?” He asked confused as she sighed, fully turning to him.

“When we first got here, we had a tour of their company building, we met them there, went shopping with them, went to a party with them, it’s kind of natural we’d become friends, don’t you think?” She spat stepping out of the now open elevator before walking towards the lobby.

“Good Morning Nana-ssi.” Gae Soo announced from behind his desk. Nana smiled gently at the elder man, politely bowing her head. Koa walked over to her side, staring at her confused before her hand came up, slapping the back of his head before forcing him to bow.

“O-Ow! What the….What the hell are you doing?” He began to fuss as she snorted, pushing his head further down.
“Apologize for your attitude last night.” She hissed as Koa sighed in defeat.

“I’m sorry for acting the way I did last night.” Koa muttered as Gae Soo watched in confusion.

“He’s apologizing for acting like a total idiot last night.” Nana offered as Gae Soo smiled and bowed back.

“It is quite alright.” He added as she smiled, bowing her head one last time before yanking her brother out into the cold air.

“Hey, why’d you do that?” He asked annoyed as she rolled her eyes.

“I’m sure you acted like a total jerk last night, only fit to apologize for your idiotic actions.” She hissed quietly as his eyes widened.

“Idiotic actions? Excuse me, I was only looking for my sister.” He spat back as she scoffed.

“I’m sure he was enjoying being yelled at in English, idiot.” Nana muttered annoyed as Koa sighed, giving up on arguing.

“Nana-ssi.” Youngjae welcomed, bowing his head to her as she smiled and returned the gesture, quickly reaching over to grab Koa’s hand.

“This is my manager Youngjae…be nice.” Nana hissed quietly as Koa nodded unwillingly, bowing his head slightly to the unsure man.

“This is my brother, Koa, he’s promised to be cooperative.” She explained as Youngjae nodded in understanding before sliding the backseat door open. For times like these, when the girls would have separate schedules, President had finally given in and stocked them with a pair of vans, this one being the one used for separate schedules while Gogi used the usual one. Koa stepped up as Nana pushed him to the door first.

“Woah.” He whispered in surprise, looking at the largeness of the van, the expensive interior and intricate design. Nana rolled her eyes, pushing him further into the van as he took a seat against the window, Nana climbing into the very back before sighing as Youngjae shut the door.

“Do you and Min Hee have your own van?” He asked over interested as Nana sighed.

“We only have separate vans for separate schedules.” Nana answered in monotone, slipping her sunglasses on before looking away. The ride to the company building was eventless. Youngjae constantly looked over his shoulder from the front seat, hesitantly at the younger man now present with his idol, Koa on the other hand couldn’t help but gasp every now and then when he either found something new to gawk over in the van or something outside that struck his interests.

“We’re here Nana-ssi.” Youngjae suddenly announced getting Koa and Ana’s attention.

“What he say?” Koa asked over in a whisper as Nana sat up, fixing her attire.

“He said, we’re here.” She answered never looking up to him as Koa whipped his head over to the strange building they were now pulling in front of. The driver stopped the car as Youngjae climbed out, pulling open the back door. Unsure, Koa stepped out before Nana and helped her out.

“This way.” Nana mentioned to her brother, pulling him into the protection of the building.

“Good Morning Kyung Soo-ssi.” Youngjae bowed his head politely to the head security guard who smiled.

“Ah good morning Youngjae-ssi and Nana-ssi.” He bowed before turning his confused eyes to the unknown man at Nana’s side.

“Ah, hello.” He announced, bowing as Koa looked on in confusion. Nana sighed annoyed, pushing her brothers head down to bow back.
“Manners.” She hissed as Koa sighed before standing up tall.

“I’m sorry Kyung-soo-ssi, it’s a bit last minute but my brother showed up from the states last night and I was too worried to leave him alone.” Nana explained as Kyung Soo-ssi chuckle before nodding, walking over to his desk to retrieve a guest badge.

“It is alright, family is always welcome here.” He promised handing the badge to Nana who took it, bowing her thanks before following Youngjae.

“You need to wear this at all times or someone might actually drag you from the premises.” Nana explained handing the badge over to her brother who nodded in understanding, clipping it to the collar of his coat.

“This place is fancy~.” Koa cooed as Nana rolled her eyes, allowing Youngjae to press for the studio floor.

“ANA-AH!” A voice shouted excited causing Nana and Koa to whip their heads towards the door to see a clan of boys piling in from the van outside.
“Great.” Nana muttered under her breath as the 12 member group approached.

“Woah, all of you here at once, some sort of special occasion?” She teased as Suho chuckled, hugging her as the still unfamiliar man next to her stiffened at the action.

“Noona!” Kai and Sehun shouted running and jumping into her arms as she yelped in surprise before willingly accepting the hugs not from only them but the other 9 members. Luhan was the last to hug her and step away before realizing the quiet man just staring them down.
“Um, who’s that noona?” Kai whispered secretly gesturing over to Koa who was openly judging their appearances. Nana rolled her eyes, elbowing Koa who yelped in both surprise and pain before turning to glare at her.

“Hey! That hurt!” he snapped surprising the group along with Youngjae who was still standing behind them quietly. Nana sighed, running an annoyed hand down her face.

“Guys, this is Koa, he’s my…………brother.” Nana forcefully introduced as everyone’s eyes shot open in surprise.

“He is?!” Xiumin shouted surprised as Nana sighed, looking away irritated.

“He sort of surprised us last night with Min Hee-ah brother also.” Nana muttered under her breath as everyone began looking around surprised.

“So he’s from the states then?” Kris asked interested, stepping forward as Nana nodded.

“Hi dude, I’m Kris.” Kris introduced with a hand out as Koa stood there surprised.

“Woah, you speak English?” Koa asked overly surprised looking to Nana in disbelief.

“Ah, I actually lived in Canada for a bit back in high school.” Kris explained, smiling when Koa finally shook his hand.

“Ah, that’s cool.” Koa praised as the elevator door opened. Everyone including the 12 others piled into the elevator, thankfully Ana was pushed to the back, the opposite side of Koa who was still chatting away with Kris about basketball of all things. Nana sighed, leaning her head on the wall as something tapped her. She looked over to see Luhan and Tao looking over at her worried.

“They just showed up out of nowhere?” Luhan whispered as Nana sighed and nodded.

“They’re staying with us for a few weeks, I feel like I’m going to die.” She muttered as Luhan, Tao and Lay chuckled at her comment.

“It can’t be that bad?” Lay mentioned as Nana snorted, turning to look at him seriously.

“He almost punched TOP in the face last night.” She explained as those closest to her gasped, turning to her.

“He what?!” Chanyeol whispered shocked as Nana nodded.

“I was half tempted to push him off the balcony last night.” She whispered rubbing her face annoyed.
“Wait, TOP-ssi was at your apartment last night?” Baekhyun asked in a low whisper.

“He was?!” D.O. asked overly interested before the elevator door opened.

“Hurry! Get out! I’m dying back here!” Nana shouted as everyone began to quickly pile out of the elevator into the hallway. Nana stepped out before sighing in relief.

“God, being in the same elevator with the 12 of you has to be the worst idea ever.” She muttered fixing her coat.



“You sure you’ll be alright alone?” Gogi asked hesitantly as she was loaded into a van behind the apartment building. Ji Hoon just watched before nodding.

“I’m just gonna walk around and sightsee, if I get lost dear sister, I’ll be sure to call you.” Ji Hoon teased back as Gogi rolled her eyes.

“On second thought, don’t call me. I rather see you lost.” Gogi spat as Ji Hoon rolled his eyes.

“What about you? I can’t go with you?” Ji Hoon asked gesturing to the van as Gogi snorted.

“I rather not have you present at this filming.” She turned her head away to look out the front of the van.

“Why not?” He asked suspiciously as she sighed, turning to look back down at him.

“Well one, you’ll be a distraction and two, I don’t know what to expect in this music video.” Gogi muttered the last part causing Ji Hoon to blink in confusion.

“What was that last one?” He asked stepping closer as she laughed.

“Nothing, I’m going to be late. Bye.” She quickly pushed him out of the way of the door before shutting it and motioning for Jiyong to drive on.

Once they were out of the parking lot and on their way to the music video shoot,  Jiyong turned to the quiet idol in the back.
“Was it safe to leave him alone today?” Jiyong asked as Gogi sighed.

“Probably not but there was no way I was going to let him tag along to this music video.” Gogi mentioned causing Jiyong to smirk and nod.


“Where are we going?” Koa whispered as he quickly followed Nana down various unknown hallways.

“President wanted to speak to me about something.” She muttered annoyed that he was basically following her like a lost puppy. Finally reaching the presidents door, Nana turned to stop Koa who froze in place.

“What? Are you planning on leaving me out here?” He asked hesitantly as she nodded immediately.

“But why? It’s not like I’ll understand anything you two are saying anyways.” He whined causing her to sigh. In all honesty, it was probably more dangerous to leave him out in the hallway alone while she was in the office. Sighing, she nodded forcefully before turning to knock on the door.
“Remember your manners and to keep your mouth shut. It’s better if you just don’t talk.” Nana whispered warningly.

“Come in!” The voice on the other side called as she fixed her attire before opening the door. Koa followed closely behind her into the very large and elegant room. Nana bowed to the man now standing from behind his desk, Koa quickly following her actions beside her.

“Ah, Ana-ssi!” He welcomed as she smiled, bowing again causing Koa to follow again.
“And this must be your brother?” He asked gesturing to the man at her side. She just sighed in clear irritation before nodding.

“This is my brother Koa. Koa this is the president of SM Entertainment Kim Young Min.” Nana introduced both man as Koa immediately bowed, unsure how to address the man.

“I apologize President, I had every intention of leaving him back at the apartment but he does not know the language at all.” Nana explained embarrassed causing President Kim to laugh and shake his head.

“It is quite alright. I usually meet the family before signing any sorts of contracts, but with you two girls, it seems we’re working backwards.” He teased causing her to smile.

“Now, come have a seat.” He gestured towards his desk as Nana nodded, walking over to sit in front of it, Koa hesitantly taking a seat on the empty seat next to hers.

“First things first, I apologize about the schedule change for the Teen Top music video. A few of the cameras were damaged in transport so they had to reschedule till they were able to get new ones. They’re just lucky I’m a nice man or they would also be looking for a new actress.” He teased causing Nana to laugh.

“It’s quite alright President. If it had continued today as planned, I’m sure I would have showed up with a leech in the process.” She teased back, gesturing with her head to the boy sitting quietly next to her. President chuckled and nodded, turning to his computer.
“So I’m supposed to be meeting both you and Min-Hee-ssi but due to her filming scheduling, I’m just going to run this by you today and then her tomorrow.” He explained staring at the computer while Nana nodded.

“First things first, since your Teen Top feature has been rescheduled to a later time, I’ve moved the SHINEE music video up till this week.” He explained turning to look at her seriously.

“Um, ok.” She answered unsure how to answer directly.

“So here’s the rundown of the music video and what your character needs to be done. Youngjae will pick you up at 5 and have you escorted to the filming site.” He explained as she took the booklet of papers then nodding.

“On top of that, we’ve decided to film your debut music video, next week.” He explained as her eyes flashed up from the papers in her lap.
“Really?” She asked excited as he smiled and nodded.

“With what we had discussed, I also have hired a pair of male models to play your love interests in the music video.” He explained as Nana nodded, she grew slightly nervous at that.

“The music video will be released the night you girls do you debut performance on Inkigayo.” He added as she nodded in understanding, slowly taking mind notes.

“That week, we’ll release the teaser photos, one by one till your Inkigayo performance.” He added, Koa constantly looking back and forth to the pair having a conversation next to him. Koa couldn’t help but be slightly interested as the man handed his sister a stack of papers, all written in Korean, unfortunately. He leaned over in interest anyways, catching both President and Nana’s attention.

“Does he understand Korean?” President asked as Nana shook her head.

“Your sister and her friend will be filming their debut music video next week.” President explained in a fully accented English, Koa slowly caught up before turning to Nana interested.

“Really? You are?” He asked excitedly as Nana sighed and nodded.

“Will we be able to see them film?” Koa then asked over to President who looked at him confused, able to catch what was said. President turned to Nana confused as she sighed.

“My brother’s asking if himself along with Min Hee’s brother will be allowed to be there to watch the filming?” Nana translated as president nodded to Koa in understanding.

“Yes, you can come.” 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi