SHINee 'Dazzling Girl' Music Video Filming: Part 3

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

After her conversation with Hyori, the only relief she got was the fact that she had gotten it off her chest, for the time being. Whether it was to a person that could not keep a secret to save her life or the fact that she was now standing on the fixed set, staring ahead not only at the recording cameras but lights and one man in particular. If it wasn’t bad enough that Hyori was now smirking across the studio at her, the man standing just a few feet in front of her constantly found it amusing to stare at her. Yeah, well that didn’t help to calm her nerves. Sighing, she turned to face the white background set up just behind her, lightly fanning herself all while trying to contain that inner child that never showed itself.


She was Ana, the hardcore, , as some would refer to her as. Why was some random guys’ confession bugging her to this extent?


“Nana-ssi?” A voice called as she spun her heels to see the director approaching her with a look of concern written on his face.
“Ah, yes, director.” She asked, quickly composing herself as he looked at her worried.
“Are you all right?” He asked unsure as she nodded, adjusting the hem of her dress.

“Yes, director. Just a bit warm is all.” She lied, gesturing to the large lights shining down on her. He looked over, easily believing her lie before nodding.

Then let’s get this over with quickly.” He smiled back at her, Ana forcing out a laugh before nodding.


The director slipped his earpiece back in before carefully walking back towards Jonghyun who had been watching the interaction.

“With this scene, we just need Jonghyun-ssi to act like he is taking photos of Nana-ssi.” The director explained to the two of them who quietly nodded.

“Nana-ssi, I need you to do poses like an actually photo shoot, if possible. Something believable.” He explained directly to her as she nodded in thought.

“Keep in mind, you are woman who just realized how beautiful she truly is. Smiles. But nothing too excessive.” Director added sending Ana nodding yet again. The director smiled before turning to Jonghyun who had a large camera hanging around his neck.

“Jonghyun-ssi, I need you to just simply take photos of Nana-ssi. We’ll do a few close ups of your face, so I’ll need you to look at her, almost in a daze.” The director explained to Jonghyun who turned his attention back to said woman before nodding.


Jonghyun could easily read Ana, no matter how tall of a wall she built between herself and the world, she was growing more and more readable as the days go on. And for this particular day, the daze in her eyes, the lost look in her eyes were so obvious to him. All throughout the day, he had seen that same look in her, was it due to him? Did his confession really have such an effect on someone who was a stone cold woman? He found himself proud for a moment. Did that mean, by some small chance that it had affected her in some way?


“Quiet on set!” The director shouted, pulling both persons out of their daze before clicking back into place.


Ana kept her head down, her brown wig falling over her shoulders in waves before lifting her head, determined to shake the feeling that had been torturing her all day. Her eyes locked onto the brown ones of the man that had tortured her day, the camera slowly being lifted to his face as he peered over it at her.

“Action!” The director shouted, Dazzling Girl immediately began playing in the studio while Ana got to work doing what she was asked of. Turning her body slightly to the left, the corners of her lips lifted ever so slightly as she smiled towards Jonghyun whose eyes widened over the camera.

“Cut! Cut! Cut!” The director suddenly shouted sending Ana stumbled slightly in surprise while Jonghyun blinked a few times.

“Jonghyun-ssi, not so surprised. We need awe, not shock.” The director called as Jonghyun instantly turned, bowing his apologies to the man who only nodded for them to continue.

“One more time! Quiet! Action!” The director shouted.


Jonghyun had been caught off guard, if that was even possible? The moment the lights flashed on, the cameras got rolling, the look in her eyes looked to be challenging her. It sent his blood boiling in his veins. Then the director began yelling to cut. He knew the look on his face. He was surprised. The total opposite of what the director had asked of him. He quickly apologized to the director before turning to see said woman, smirking through her bangs towards him. Smirking himself, he readied the camera, chuckling quietly, she had played him. Typical.


Ana took the same pose, smiling over her shoulder at Jonghyun who only smirked, putting the camera up to flash a photo. Ana spun once, allowing the bottom hem of her dress to spin around her form. Stopping, she smiled over at Jonghyun who stared at her in awe.

“Perfect!” The director shouted, the music cutting as both persons on set continued to stare at each other, challenging the other to do something.


“Hyung, have you noticed something?” Taemin suddenly whispered to Onew who had been watching the pair closely from the side.

“Noticed? Noticed what?” Onew quickly cleared his throat, turning from the scene to look to the group’s maknae. Taemin simply nodded his head in the direction of Ana disappearing off the set while Jonghyun was pulled off in the opposite direction.
“What?” Onew asked innocently as Taemin sighed, looking to his Hyung annoyed.

“Noona, Jonghyun-hyung.” Taemin leaned in and whispered as Onew looked to him, slightly surprised. Well then again, it was so obvious, even a blind man would notice the tension between the two.

“What about them?” Onew simply egged on in amusement that their maknae was picking up on something as such. Taemin sighed, crossing his arms before shrugging as he leaned against the wall.

“I know they always argue, but something seems different. Don’t you think hyung?” Taemin whined, looking to Onew for some sort of agreement but saw none.

“I mean, they always fight, but they haven’t said one thing to each other all day. Isn’t that weird?” Taemin turned fully to Onew who chuckled lightly before shrugging.

“Maybe they’ve had enough of each other, finally.” Onew teased watching as Taemin sighed.

“Maybe, it’s just weird.” Taemin muttered more to himself.



Ana plopped down, anything but gracefully onto the awaiting couch set up in her changing area. She felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest, then prance mockingly around the room in front of her. Uncaring that she was currently still wearing the dress, she pushed herself to lie down on her side before pulling the blanket from the back of the couch, covering her completely. She just needed to separate from the world for anything but 2 seconds. She needed to clear her mind before it joined the rapidly growing list of body parts that were building to blow. Groaning quietly in annoyance, she gripped the wig attached to her head, no s given. Why was she acting this way? She knew what men were. Well, she thought she knew what men were. They were only after one thing. But. But what about Seunghyun? She had given herself so easily to him, after only knowing him physically for like a week. No. She knew she was attracted to Seunghyun, whether it was physically,, ually or mentally, she couldn’t pinpoint. But what was it about Jonghyun that infuriated her? Was it the fact that the moment she had arrived, he had treated her like a dirty mop? Or the fact that every moment the pair met, they fought it out as if a referee should be present to take score? Or, what? What was it? She bit her lip annoyed, swinging her body to sit up with the blanket still draped over her form. This was going to drive her mad unless she figured it out.

“Ana-ssi?” A voice spoke hesitantly sending her eyes widening before ripping the blanket off of her to see both Hyori and Youngjae looking at her in concern. She sighed, dropping her face into her awaiting palms before letting go of a breath she hadn’t realized, she was holding it in.

“Are you all right?” Youngjae took a hesitant step forward, his face all but expressing the worry that was rocketing through him at the moment. Ana simply nodded in her hand, pulling the blanket back over her form.

“Just let me sit here for a minute.” She muttered into her hands as Youngjae pulled away concerned, looking to Hyori for answers who simply smiled, gesturing to the door. Youngjae took the opportunity and nodded, quietly leaving the changing area on Hyori’s toes.

“What’s going on?” Youngjae whispered as Hyori spun on her heels, looking at Youngjae in thought.

“Ana is going through something’s right now. She’s physically fine, she’s just having an inner battle with herself. Not one you want to be included in.” Hyori warned the last part sending Youngjae’s eyes rocketing before he nodded viciously.


Ana dropped back onto her side in a heap, listening to the bustling of people moving just on the other side of the tent walls, probably cleaning up the shoot that had finally finished. She wanted to go home, to the safety of their apartment. Well more like crawl home. She was physically and mentally exhausted, she knew she was moments from blowing a gasket if she didn’t retire to the confinements of her room. Oh, how she would kill for a drink right now. Something to burn off the irritation taking hostage in her mind. Jonghyun. This was all his fault. If he hadn’t confessed like he did, or at all, nothing, none of this would be going on right now. She growled annoyed before everything around her stopped. Wait. Why did it irritate her? Why did it ever matter to her?


She shot up immediately, her eyes wide as the blanket fell from her to the ground. No. Impossible. There is no possible way, that somewhere deep inside, that a small speck of her sanity, liked, him? She suddenly choked back on the thought, sending her into a fit of coughing sending Hyori and Youngjae running back into the room. Ana knew they would come running instantly and shot her hand up to stop them from approaching as she patted her chest.
“Jesus.” She hissed under her breath annoyed, clearing before plopping back to lie back down. Youngjae wanted nothing more than to run over and make sure she was okay, but with the heads up from Hyori, he decided against it.


Suddenly a vibrating noise filled the room, sending Hyori and Youngjae’s eyes spinning as they searched for it. Upon finding it, Youngjae noticed it was Ana’s and answered it.

“Hello, Youngjae speaking.” He answered politely before nodding to the voice on the line.
“Ah yes, she is. Please hold on.” He spoke before pulling the phone away from his ear and to his chest.

“Nana-ssi.” Youngjae called unsure as she slowly moved before her eye was the only thing visible from under the blanket.
“Heechul-ssi is on the phone.” He gestured to the phone before her eyes widened slightly before she sighed. Momentarily hiding herself once more, she sat up before slipping her hand out for the phone. Youngjae made eye contact with Hyori who only shrugged before he placed the phone into her hand.


Jonghyun sighed, plopping down into the nearest chair his body could find before sighing louder. What a stressful day. Was filming music videos always this stressful? He pulled the fan from his stylists hand before fanning himself harder. He had only been standing there and yet he was sweating like he ran a marathon. What in the world was going on?

“You look like your moments from blowing.” A voice suddenly teased sending his eyes turning to see Onew now naturally standing beside him.

“Hyung, she’s gonna kill me.” Jonghyun whined under his breath, flapping the fan faster, in need of air. Onew on the other hand, could not stop the small chuckle that ruptured from his throat as he looked to the sitting man, astonished.

“If Ana-ah is gonna kill anyone, it’ll definitely be you.” Onew agreed with a smile sending Jonghyun glaring up at him.

“Hyung!” he whined as Onew smiled brightly, looking around the room in thought.

“Do you really like her that much?” Onew then asked interested. It had been on his mind since Jonghyun had confessed his confession earlier. Jonghyun was caught off guard and turned away from the older member, trying to find the answer to his said question.

“Heechul!” Ana shouted the moment the phone from to her ear, falling to lay on her side once more, uncaring about the two others in the room.

“Ya! You’re gonna make me deaf if you keep that up!” Heechul’s voice shouted back causing her to smile. Though Heechul had been a bit, you know, when she had first met him, surprisingly enough, he had grown to be someone she truly trusted, like Min Hee. She had been surprised the first time she had easily let a secret slip past her lips to Heechul. She was surprised how easy it was to speak to the guy, seeing as she hadn’t known him for that long. They had spent a lot of time together since meeting, from dinners to speaking on the phone till 3am, aside from Luhan and Min Hee, Heechul was like a brother to her.

“What do you want?” She whined, shutting her eyes as she laid on the phone.

What are you up to now? Schedule?” He then asked interested as she sputtered her lips.

“Featuring in SHINee’s Japanese Music Video.” She answered bored as Heechul clicked his tongue.

“Ah, that’s why I haven’t seen the two of you around today.” He mentioned as she sighed, pushing some of the itchy wig hair out of her face.

“Yeah, I’ve been held against my will here.” She muttered sending him laughing.

“I highly doubt that Ana-ah, I know your fangirl heart.” He teased, listening to her snort on the line.

“Shut up.” She hissed annoyed as he laughed once more.

“So, when are you done? We haven’t hung out in a while! I miss you!” He suddenly whined as she rolled her eyes.

“I’m done, I’m just laying here, wishing the couch would swallow me.” She mumbled onto the line annoyed.

“Ya! Get up! Go home! Let’s go out!” He scolded as she groaned irritated.

“Why? I’m tired.” She snapped back as Heechul sighed.

“You either go out for drinks with me, or I’ll tell everyone your secrets.” He threatened, sending her flying off the couch standing with eyes aflame.

“You wouldn’t dare.” She seethed, uncaring that she just startled Hyori and Youngjae who had been waiting for her. Heechul laughed on the line before a bit of noise entered his line.

“Ya! Hyung!” Heechul shouted off-line.

“Fine! God!” She snapped into the line, visible steam pooling out of her ears.

“I’ll call you when I get home!” She shouted, hanging up before tossing her phone onto the table before her. Ana collapsed back into the couch before rolling up into the blanket.


Youngjae and Hyori pried away from each other before looking to Ana’s still body in thought.


“Wait, wait, wait.” Min Hee put her hand up to stop the idol attempting to explain her need to be there. She blinked a few times, looking at what seemed to be the music sheet in her hand, along with hand written lyrics. Feature? Not physically but vocally? What the hell was going on? Pulling the scarf around her neck to loosen the strain around her neck, she continued to stare down at it in shock.

“I think you killed her Ji.” Taeyang’s voice broke through her thoughts as she blinked and looked over to the two still sitting on the couch.

“Yeah, told you she’d refuse.” TOP teased as Min Hee rolled her eyes away from her friends latest lay before turning to look at GD. Surprising enough, GD was looking at her worried. Was he worried she wouldn’t accept or that he had frightened her with the blunt offer.

“Uh, let me get this straight, alright?” She offered seriously, sitting up before looking across at him nodding for her to go on.

“You want me, to feature in your song?” She gestured to herself before pointing over to him. GD looked around the room confused before nodding slowly, unsure if that’s what she wanted.

“Why?” She suddenly asked, taking him by surprise.

“Well, why not?” he retorted sending her blinking this time in surprise.

Well, you could have asked anyone from YG, why me?” She asked once more, sending Teddy laughing behind her.

“Why can’t I choose you? I can choose whoever I want to feature, and I want you.” He explained, flabbergasted by her question.

“Well, when you offer something like this, isn’t there supposed to be a contract to sign, notify my boss and manager. Things like that?” Min Hee then asked in a huff, watching as a playful smile spread across his lips.

“And why do you think Jiyong-ssi left you here, alone?” GD then offered with a teasing wink sending her snorting.

“Wow, ever the sly idol, huh?” She spat playfully, kicking his shin lightly.

“Don’t worry about it. YG already made the call and did the signing. Now it’s just up to you, agreeing.” GD leaned back in his seat, a proud smile on his face. Min Hee couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, holding the slip of paper up to cover the bottom half of her face while staring across at the popular idol.

“What am I getting out of this?” She teased, slipping a serious look onto her face. GD looked at her with his own twinkle of mischief playing in his eyes.

“A date.” 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi