
Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams


Min Hee quickly got dressed in a quick outfit before charging out the door to the elevator. Even though Ana had mentioned cleaning the mess herself, she wasn’t about to let her friend defend herself alone, not after everything they had gone through. Basically in a dead sprint out of the elevator, waving a quick hello to Hyo, she pushed the lobby doors open and ran to Jiyong who was waiting patiently near the arriving van.

“Ah, morning.” He bowed his head, Min Hee bowing quickly back before diving into the backseat of the van.

“Hurry.” She pushed, tapping his seat as he nodded, kicking the van into gear.


Jiyong had called just a few moments after Ana had left, worried about the pair and seeking answers to unknown questions. Min Hee on the other hand, suggested he come pick her up that instant so she could explain what was really going on.

“So, is there something we need to know about Ana-ssi?” Jiyong looked to a panicking Min Hee in the rearview mirror.

“It isn’t true. They are just friends.” Min Hee quickly answered in truth as Jiyong easily believed her. One thing he knew about his job was to always believe his idol. And that’s exactly what he did.

“So what is the story behind the photo?” Jiyong then pushed as Min Hee sighed.

“Heechul-ah invited Ana out for drinks after SHINee’s Dazzling Girl music video. Like always, they drank but this time Heechul-ah said she drank more than usual. He lost her for a bit in the crowd then found her when he bumped into SHINee at the same time. Ana only remembered what happened the morning after, she admitted she made out with Jaejoong-ssi and danced with him, but it was the spur of the moment, the influence of the drinks, nothing more.” Min Hee admitted in belief, Jiyong slowly nodding in understanding.

“She, made out with him?” Jiyong rasped out as Min Hee nodded.

“Sorry, I know that part isn’t in the article but its best you know, incase.” Min Hee added, rubbing her forehead.

“How’s Youngjae-ssi doing through all of this?” Min Hee then asked in concern as Jiyong sighed.

“President called him in early this morning for questions. They said they’ve been trying to contact Ana-ssi all morning but haven’t gotten through to her, so that’s why I contacted you.” Jiyong explained as Min Hee nodded. She was worried for her friend.


Ana quietly scurried her way through the building, only being detected by the door security, who she begged not to tell anyone else that she had arrived. Stepping out of the elevator on the top floor of the building, the first thing she could hear was a muffled yelling coming from the door just across the elevator. President’s voice. Was Youngjae in there, receiving the wrath she so rightfully earned herself. Sighing, she pulled the beanie off her head before fixing her hair. She had to do this. Carefully walking over, not wanting to interrupt at a crucial time, she knocked lightly, mustering up all her courage.

“YES? WHAT? COME IN!” President’s voice shouted from the other side causing her to bite her lip, shutting her eyes tightly. Saying a silent prayer, she composed herself before stepping into the room. Immediately she was met by 2 gasps before the sound of footfall approached her. Shutting the door quietly, she dropped her bag to the ground before falling to her knees in front of whoever had just approached her.

“I’m sorry President. I have no excuses for my behavior and will not stoop that low to use the alcohol as an excuse but I will admit that we are nothing more than acquaintances. If there is anything I can do to right the problem and misunderstanding, I’ll do anything.” She bowed her head in shame, the tension in her growing in the quiet room.

“Ana-ah.” A voice called as she slowly rose her head to see both President and Youngjae standing before her.

“I’m sorry president.” She quickly apologized once more, bowing her head before she gasped in surprise when a pair of arms pulled her up from behind. Looking back in surprise, she turned to see Youngjae smiling at her comfortingly before turning to see President looking at her in concern.

“Let’s sit, yes?” He offered to the couches present in the middle of the room. Unsure, Ana just nodded before following them to the couches, taking a seat nervously across from the men.

“Ana-ah.” President addressed as she looked up, panic evident in her eyes. She wasn’t one known to panic but at this moment, when everything she had worked so hard for would disappear at a blink of an eye, she was.

“Are you all right?” He asked kindly as she took in a shaky breath before nodding confused. President sat back, visibly relaxing before looking at her seriously.

“Before you say anything, President, I want to be the first. I want to apologize for the article and photos. I take full responsibility for my actions and will accept any punishment you see fit.” Ana bowed her head respectfully.

“Youngjae and Heechul-ah have already explained the situation.” President suddenly mentioned sending her eyes up at him in shock.

“W—What?” She stuttered out, looking to Youngjae who only smiled and nodded.

“Heechul-ah came to me earlier and explained the whole situation along with Youngjae-ah. I do ask that my idols keep their private lives intact and drink at a minimal, but as it is your first offense, I will not hold it against you.” President offered as she sat there in a stone state. Was she seriously getting off easy for what was posted?

“Luckily we’ve kept your identities on a tight leash so even through their investigations, they shouldn’t be able to figure it out. Both you and Min-Hee-ah are lucky that we were able to pull some strings.” President mentioned seriously before smiling.

“But do not hold it against yourself. We make mistakes in life to learn from them.” President leaned in to smile at her.

“I understand president and I’ve definitely learned my lesson.” Ana bowed her head in a promise as he chuckled and nodded.

“As long as it does not happen again, I am not known for second chances.”


Food long forgotten, she found herself in the pair’s empty recording studio, staring across at the empty recording area in thought. She was attracted to Jaejoong, don’t get her wrong, but she didn’t like him like that. She found herself beginning to reminisce on his music video filming. All the small hints he threw at her, she wasn’t stupid, she was sure he felt the same way about her. Inwardly kicking herself, she plopped down onto her side in annoyance. Now was not the time to think about the very thing that got her into trouble in the first place, no. She needed to concentrate on tomorrow, the first day of their debut music video filming. Sputtering her lips, she slid her hands under her head, cradling it before shutting her eyes. All she seemed to have done all day was sleep, have a panic attack, race to SM, have another panic attack, apologize profusely, panic once more and now she was begging sleep to take her once more.


“Bastard.” She couldn’t help but muttered under her breath, when slight annoyance for Jaejoong ripped through her randomly.

“Who? Me?” A voice suddenly answered surprised as she gasped, sitting up quickly with wide eyes to see Minho sitting across from her. Sighing in relief, she hung her head into her lap before letting go of the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

“Hi to you too.” Minho’s teasing voice rang out through the room as she absentmindedly waved her hand in his general location.

“When did you get in here?” She asked, her face still buried in her hands. Minho leaned back in his seat, sending it squeaking through the room.

“Um, I’d say about 10 minutes ago. You weren’t moving, figured you were sleeping.” Minho explained as she groaned, pulling her face away from her hands before laying her head back against the back of the couch.

“How are you doing?” Minho finally asked worried, after 10 minutes of sitting there, together, silent. Ana rolled her head a few times before giving up on sitting up any longer, plopping back onto her side comfortably, cuddling into her scarf.

“I’ve had better days.” She rasped out, shutting her eyes as Minho stared at her silently. He was worried but was more worried about approaching her the wrong way.


On the other hand, Jonghyun had practically begged him to come in and talk to her, see if she was mentally alright. SHINee had arrived at the company building, peeking into their studio hoping to catch at least one of them for questions, but instead saw only Ana, sleeping as they thought. Sure enough, Key wanted to be the one to stay and talk to her, but Onew thought it would be better for Minho to talk to her seeing that the pair shared a sibling relationship. Minho couldn’t disagree move, he wanted to make sure she was alright also.


“Ana-ah.” He called as she sighed, slowly fluttering her eyes open.

“Are you all right?” He leaned over closer to her as she silently stared across at his eyes.

“I’ve seriously had better days.” She muttered quietly this time, Minho immediately noticing the drop in her expression.

“Have you spoken to President already?” He then inquired, watching as she slowly nodded, never looking up to meet his eyes.

“And?” He further pushed as she sighed, curling a hair out of her face. Why was she being such a coward? The real Ana wouldn’t have let something like this intimidate her, to pressure her, to change her. Shutting her eyes, she rolled onto her back to stare at the ceiling.

“He gave me a warning. Youngjae-ssi and Heechul-ah, explained the situation before I could get to him.” She muttered, slightly annoyed.

“Then why does it seem like you’re annoyed about that?” Minho then asked in interest as Ana sighed, shutting her eyes once more before opening them again.

“I don’t like people doing things for me, especially taking the blame or apologizing.” She answered truthfully as Minho sat back nodding in understanding.

“I wanted to be the one to apologize, to explain the situation, not for someone to do it for me and I get off with a warning.” She spat, her eyes slowly going glassy as Minho stared on in surprise.

“Ana-ah.” Minho called carefully as she blinked the visible tears away before turning to him.

“That’s one thing you need to get use to while being with us. We’re like a big family. We do things to protect the others like our own brothers and sisters. Though President may not seem like it, he’ll do anything to protect you and Min Hee-ah, like his own daughters. We’ve all seen it at least once since being here. Heechul Hyung, he’s literally attached to your hip.” Minho explained, chuckling at the mention of Heechul.

“We all see it, he’s extremely protective of you and wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” Minho added as Ana nodded, looking down to her hands.

“Doesn’t give him the right to apologize for something I caused.” She muttered under her breath as Minho sighed, standing from his seat before plopping down beside her.

“Ana-ah, don’t take it personally. Heechul hyung cares for you, that’s why he did it. Nothing more. I’m sure he wasn’t trying to outshine you or upset you. He did what he thought was right, that’s all.” Minho mentioned, hesitantly wrapping his arm around her shoulder comfortingly, pulling her closer to him. To his surprise, she leaned into his hold, resting her head on his chest. To her surprise, her body moved at its own accord, finding its comfort in his broad chest. Blushing when she realized what she had just did, she pulled away carefully before standing, acting like she was stretching.

“Where is everyone?” Ana then asked, never turning back to look at him as he stood from his seat also.

“Probably in the studio. I saw Heechul Hyung a few minutes ago, heading down to the cafeteria.” Minho added before watching in surprise as walked off without another word, heading towards the cafeteria.


Min Hee charged into the front door of SM the moment the van pulled up. Waving quickly at the security, she chose the stairs and ran up them at full speed. She had to see if Ana was alright. Coming to the floor of studios, she froze on the top step when she came face to face with an equally surprised Onew.

“O-Oppa?” She finally spoke shakily, swallowing the pant that was fighting to break through 3 flights of stair running. Onew on the other hand, looked her up and down before easily smiling.

“Min Hee-ah, you’re here.” He offered as she nodded, curling a messy lock of hair behind her ear.

“Ana-ah left without me so she could apologize to President. I came as quickly as I could.” She explained as he side stepped her, facing her as he looked down the hallway.

“Minho-ah was talking to her just now in your studio. He wanted to make sure she was alright.” Onew explained, turning his attention back to the girl that had taken the last step onto the floor, now leaning against the railing.

“How is she?” She turned her concerned eyes on the man who stood silently staring into them.

“She was asleep in the studio when we left Minho-ah there.” Onew kicked one of his shoes against the wall.

“What about you? Are you all right Min-Hee-ah?” Onew then asked worried as her wide eyes shot up to him, an evident blush encasing her face.

“M-Me?” She gestured to herself confused as he crossed his arms, nodding.

“I’m…worried, why?” She offered as he sighed, continuing to look at her.

“I’m just worried about you is all. She’s your best friend, after all.” He admitted, sending her racing heart, racing faster. Swallowing heavily, she turned her heated face away from him to look down the empty hallway.

“She’s different this time. I’ve never seen her panic that much before.” Min Hee admitted as Onew nodded in understanding.

“From what I’ve seen so far, Ana-ah, takes her contract with President very seriously?” Onew asked intrigued sending Min Hee nodding.

“Very seriously. When I showed her the article, I’ve never seen her pale so fast before. She wanted this contract more than anything. I’d hate to see what would happen to her if it was taken from her. Especially over something that was clearly her fault. I’m just worried that she’ll seclude herself from everyone to hold to her end of the bargain.” Min Hee whispered worried, her eyes slowly watering for her friend. Warmth, sudden warmth encased her right hand as she turned confused before looking on in surprise. Onew had reached across the gap and held her hand in his own. She looked up startled to see him smiling across at her.

“Ana-ah is a strong woman and is amazingly talented. I’m sure President wouldn’t cut her or you, for that matter. Everything will be fine, hm?” He titled his head cutely sending her red face blazing in heat. Clearing , she gently pulled her hand from his warm grasp before taking a step away.

“W-well, I better go check on her.” She laughed awkwardly as Onew smiled and nodded, slipping his hands into his pants pocket.

“Oh! One more thing!” Onew stopped her as she turned to face him, waiting.

We’ll see you guys tomorrow at your filming.” He smiled at her, sending her heart fluttering through her chest cavity before all but collapsing on itself. Unable to muster up any words, she clenched the hand he had been holding not seconds before, then nodded to him.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi