Secrets Revealed

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams


Nana’s POV…

I was surprised. I was used to people coming to me to admit about something so personal before so I just sat there, unsure how to respond. Hyori seemed to be serious since the moment she spilled the beans, her eyes darted down to her lap, her beautiful manicure fingers nails nervously clawing at her coat sleeves.

“Wait. You what?” I had to ask again, I wasn’t even sure I had heard right the first time. She just sighed and hesitantly looked up to me.

“A few days ago, President had me fill in for EXO’s makeup artist that had the flu. A few of the members had a photo shoot for Elle Magazine and T.M.X didn’t have a schedule so I took it.” She started to explain as I sat there, just as Gogi had done for me so many times to listen to her.

“I didn’t mind since I was fee anyways. At the shoot it was D.O, Chanyeol, Suho and Sehun.” She added as I nodded in understanding.


“The boys were doing solo shots at first so I was working with them personally while the other was shooting his pictorial.”


“Anyways, when it got to Sehun, we were talking about things. He asked me about my heritage since he knew I wasn’t from around here. He stared complimenting me on my hair and I couldn’t help but blush every time. Then when I had to do his makeup, I couldn’t even look at him properly. It took me 30 minutes to do something that should only take me 5 minutes.” She added ashamed as she dropped her head into her hands.


“When we were done, I was about to leave but Sehun caught me and asked if he could talk to me for a bit, so I agreed.” She whispered.


“The green room was empty so we just sat around for an hour or so and talked. At first it was a bit awkward so everything I said made it more uncomfortable. Then he stared talking about how he liked this girl. That she was beautiful but he wasn’t sure how to talk to her about it. He wanted to confess to her about it but wanted to ask me how he should.” She was now on the brink of tears from where I was sitting.


“I didn’t even realize it till I got home, but I cried. I seriously cried for the first time and couldn’t figure out why till I thought about it. I like him, like seriously like him. I don’t have many friends to talk about this sort of things, so I didn’t know who talk to.” Hyori then whispered a single tear drop falling from her eyes to her pants. I felt for this woman. I understood how she felt since I had gone through life falling in and out of love, but what made it interesting was the conversation I had with Sehun not too long along at SM.





Noona!” A voice shouted as I walked out of the women’s bathroom back towards the recording studio. Upon hearing that godforsaken nickname I whipped around, my eyes narrowed to send a lazer at whoever was brave enough to still call me that. The man responsible came to a halt in front of me, a visible swallow now traveling down his throat as he chuckled nervously.

Sorry Nana-ah.” He whispered rubbing the back of his neck as I sighed.

What is it?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest as he bit his lip, looking anywhere but at me.

Can I speak to you about something……private?” he whispered the last part embarrassed as I just blinked in confusion.

Why me? Why not one of the guys?” I asked gesturing to myself as he sighed.
I rather them not know.” He admitted as I sighed, continuing to look at him.

I’m recording right now.” I started looking down the hallway to the recording studio then turned to see his defeated expression.

You have 5 minutes.” I added as he looked up surprised, a small smile spreading across his face. He led me into a close and empty recording studio before shutting and locking the door behind us. I plopped down on the couch in a heap, sighing as I put my hand through my blue hair.

Alright, spill.” I spoke as he took a seat at the equipment before rolling over to sit near me.

There’s this girl I like.” He started as my eyes widened before whipping over to look at him in disbelief.
Dude! You pulled me aside to talk about your crush?” I asked in disbelief as he turned away embarrassed.

Geez, the longer I stay here, it seems like I’m the older sister to everyone.” I muttered under my breath, leaning back into the couch before turning to him.

Alright, this girl?” I asked as he looked up to me hopeful.

I like this girl but I’m not sure what I should do.” He spoke, I couldn’t help but scoff, getting his attention.

Sehun-ah. I thought you were the most blunt and outspoken in the group? Isn’t something like this a piece of cake for you?” I asked confused as he groaned looking away.
Well when it comes to a pretty girl, I can easily do it, but when my heart is involved, it’s a bit different.” He mentioned as I chuckled.

“Woah, if you’re crazy exotics could see you now.” I whispered teasingly causing him to snort before smirking.

Alright, so why do you need me?” I was now totally interested in who this chick was. From all the info I knew about EXO through our chats, Sehun should be the bluntest one from the group, the one to speak his mind openly, not easily swayed, but looking at him now, he looked like a lost kitten that just got his tail stepped on. The poor boy.

Noona, I need some advice.” He whispered looking at me desperately. Alright, so if it wasn’t for the puppy dog eyes coming off this guy, I would have hung him from the fan for calling me that, but I let it pass.

Alright, first off, is it someone I know? From the company?” I asked, my eyes peeled as I stared at him. After my question crossed his mind, he went pale. Alright, that answered it.

Someone close to me?” I then asked as his eyes traveled away.
Fine, how about you tell me what you like about her?” I then asked, might as well go easy on this boy before he croaks over from embarrassment.

She’s pretty.” He whispered, his fingers digging at each other to keep him busy. I just nodded while I tried to put his description to a face that I knew.

She has beautiful round eyes.”

She’s extremely kind and cheerful.”


She has a unique choice in style.”

She doesn’t treat myself or the guys like idols.” He added as I scoffed.

Sehun-ah, none of us do.” I pointed out causing him to laugh and nod.

True. Umm, oh, she has this habit that I’m sure she hasn’t noticed.” He added as my eyes widened, Ah! An important clue!

What habit?” I asked trying to contain my total interest in this now.

When she’s nervous or spaced out, she pulls on her bottom lip.” He explained as I blinked in confusion.
Like with her teeth?” I asked gesturing to my own mouth where he shook his head.

No, she’ll use her nails and pull on her bottom lip.” He explained as I nodded.

So what do you like about her?” I asked again, seeing that I only got a physical description of what he liked about her.

Because she is real.” He answered, alright, that got me.


End of Flashback:


I watched Hyori in interest as she explained what had happened, immediately my eyes widened when I saw her fingers reach up for her lip and pull at it. I almost gasped in surprise if I hadn’t caught myself ahead of time.

Nana-ah. I wanted to ask for your advice.” Hyori spoke as I looked over at her with wide eyes. Could this be anymore ironic?

“Well you are a friend of ours, what do you need?” I asked in interest as she smiled.

“I don’t want to sound like a mad fan if I were to approach him, but could you by chance see who the girl is?” She whispered embarrassed as I put a hand to my mouth, seriously, I was about to break out laughing.
“Honestly, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done this for Gogi.” I teased causing her to smile.

“I have a plan, but you have to just go along with it.” I suddenly explained as her eyes widened in horror.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing totally horrible, just play along.” I mentioned standing up and stretching as she sat there nervously.

“Wait here for me, I’ll be right back.” I reassured before walking out, shutting the room door behind me as I was welcomed by the guys laughing like lunatics.

I swear if you ate all the food, I’m pushing you all off the balcony.” I warned as I walked into the living room to see the guys all leaning over something.
What are you guys looking at?” I asked interested, leaning over Kai’s shoulder in horror to see they were looking at my text message conversation with TOP. Immediately I growled and yanked it out of their hands, Lay and Tao falling to the ground in terror.

Alright, who wants to die first?” I threatened, slipping my phone into my pocket before cracking my knuckles. After a good old fashion beating, I sat down, large smile on my face and began eating.

Are you close with TOP-sunbaenim?” Lay asked in interest as I looked up innocently.

No, I just have the dudes number on my phone for safe keeping.” I spoke sarcastically.

“No but seriously, are you guys close?” Kai asked now as I sighed.

We met up a few times. I went to a party with him so we keep in touch.” I answered before going back to eating. My eyes kept finding their way up to Sehun every once in a while, his conversation and hers still fresh in my mind. I looked up once more before being caught by the entire group.
Nana-ah. Do you like the maknae or something?” Lay asked sheepishly as I began choking on my food.
Hell no!” I snapped still coughing as I took a quickly swig of my water.

Well you were staring at him like he was about to be swallowed up.” Kai muttered as I glared at him, kicking him under the table nice and hard.

Why are you staring at Sehunie?” Luhan asked in interest as I put a beautiful smirk on my face and turned to look at Sehun.

What? What did I do? I swear whatever it is, it wasn’t me.” He began to put his hands up in defense causing me to chuckle and shake my head.

No it’s nothing bad.” I mentioned as he sighed in relief picking up a piece of the fish sitting the middle of the table.

Why were you staring at me then? Am I that gorgeous?” He mockingly teased as I rolled my eyes, snatching the fish piece before he could eat it.

Ya!” He shouted as I snorted, poking my tongue out in his direction.

So why were you staring at him?” Kai asked as I turned to look at him and the rest looking at me expectantly.

So, what happens if I were to say….. I personally know someone that likes Sehun who is not a fan.” I announced as everyone gaped while Sehun choked on his water sending it flying across table at Tao and Kai. I couldn’t help it, being with these doofuses who wouldn’t laugh.

Wait, someone like him?” Luhan asked over in a surprise gasp as I nodded.

Who? Who!? Someone we know?!” Kai shouted eagerly as I turned to Sehun’s interested smirk.

Is it someone I know?” He asked as I shrugged.

Not sure, why, interested?” I asked cockily as a blush covered his face.

Maybe.” He whispered looking down to his food as the guys began hooting.

I can set you up on a date with her.” I mentioned twirling my chopsticks in my hand.

Do it! Do it!” Tao and Lay cheered as I smiled and turned to Sehun.
How are we supposed to go out? If I’m seen, it’ll get messy.” He sighed as I smiled.

You guys are more than free to come hang out here.” I offered as he looked at me, a twinkle now set in his eyes.

I don’t know.” He said unsure as I shrugged, turning back to eating.

Is she pretty?” Luhan whispered over as I chuckled.

She’s gorgeous.” I added as Sehun’s eyes lit up, never looking up to me.
What does she look like?” Kai asked as I hissed.
Aish, you guys are so nosey.” I scolded before turning to Sehun.
Sehun-ah, I promise, I think you may like her.” I promised as he looked at me hopeful.
Alright.” He added as I smiled brightly before pulling my phone out, pulling up Hyori’s number before dialing. I put it to my ear as the guys began hounding Sehun who looked like he was about to burst.

“Hello?” Hyori answered as I smiled.

“Just like I promised.” I answered into the phone the room now going quiet as everyone stared at me.

“What’s going on?” Hyori whispered as I chuckled.

“Sehun wants to meet his mystery admirer.” I mentioned as Hyori gasped, I’m sure she got the flow.

Nana-ah.” She whined into the phone.

“Aish, it’s alright.” I scolded.
“I told Sehun that you guys could meet, he’s interested in knowing who you are.” I mentioned looking at Sehun.

“Is he?” She asked hesitantly.
He is. So how about this Saturday night, 10pm?” I asked looking to Sehun who was already looking down at his phone.
“Saturday is fine with me, but you’ll be there too right?” She whispered in a panic.

“I will.” I reassured.

Saturday is fine.” Sehun answered. Not sure why, but being that I had a pretty crappy morning, ending the afternoon with EXO and setting up a new friend with another new friend, it was turning out to be an ok day in the end. Not sure what it was, but being with carefree guys, nonjudgmental guys like EXO always brought me smiles. I think I could use to their company.  

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi