Next Step

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Once they arrived at the recording studio again, a pair of middle age women were already waiting, they quickly stood and bowed. 

“Ah Nana-ssi, Gogi-ssi, this is Eun Sang and Baek Hee, they will be the publicists in charge of the both of you.” He introduced as the girls bowed and shook both women’s outstretched hands.

Please take care of us.” Gogi added as they both smile and offered the girls a seat across from them on the table. Young Min and Jiyong sat on the seats on either end of the table.

Young Min explained to the girls what the meeting would be about, talking about where the girls wanted to go with their debut, which would decide the makeup departments approach on their transforming hair styles, from their schedules that would involve debut music video features in other groups videos.

We want you both to begin featuring in music videos, just to get the jest of what it’s all about.” Eun Sang explained as the girls nodded, looking down the papers that explained it further.

It’s just to give you girls a bit more experience before we get started on your own.” Baek Hee added professionally.
We don’t have our producer here today, but is there any concept you girls have been thinking about approaching for your debut?” Eun Sang asked as the girls looked at each other, having previously discussed this on the plane over.

We wanted to lean towards a y debut.” Gogi answered unsure as everyone nodded in interest.

We noticed that most groups that debut, give a cute or bubbly debut, but we thought if we came straight out in a y concept, people might take us differently.” Gogi added unsure looking to Nana for some help.
What we mean is, people may expect a cute and bubbly debut, bright colors and happy music, but we wanted to opposite, y and sad.” Nana explained as Young Min looked to the two publicist in interest.

It’s just so that the public knows we mean business, plus we can always do cutesy things later if we want.” Gogi added as the publicist looked to Young Min for some answers.

I like the way both you think.” Young Min praised as the publicists got to work writing a few things down.

For your hair styles, going with the y concept you want, it may be a bit drastic, is that alright?” Eun Sang asked as the girls nodded hesitantly.

We’ll talk about your debut styles another time when we bring in the makeup team and stylists. They already have your photos, I’ll send over the info as soon as we’re done here and have them deal with it.” Young Min stopped as the group nodded.


President and the publicists explained to the girls the route and schedule their debut would hold, from a photo shoot for their groups teaser photos that would be released a week or two before their debut and album release, to a debut showcase that will be held for reporters to see and release info to the public then their debut stage which already had been scheduled for the ending of March. Also Eun Sang and Jae Hee made sure to mention that they main role for the duo was to get a positive name out for the group, to make sure that the girls image was kept safe and unscathed.


Now as Eun Sang-ssi mentioned earlier, to better give you experience, what we do is placing our rookies in music videos.” Young Min announced gesturing over to Jiyong who nodded and pulled out a folder.

We already have signed you for some.” Jiyong explained as the girls sat up immediately in interest.

It will be extremely busy from this point on.  Each of you will feature in 3 music videos, alone, along with 3 as a pair.” Young Min explained as the pair sat there staring at the list and schedules of music videos in a loss for words.




Later that evening…..

“You still staring at it?” A voice interrupted Nana’s thoughts as she looked up from the sheet of paper sit on the desk in front of her. She just sighed before massaging her forehead.

“I don’t know whether to be excited or panicked.” Nana muttered under her breath, taking her glasses off to massage her eyes.

“Me neither. I’m excited I get to be in 2 SHINEE music videos along with a Jay Park one, but I’m nervous, we don’t even know anything pass the group’s name.” Gogi mentioned plopping down on Nana’s bed, her sheet of paper still glued to her hands.

“I can’t believe I’m going to be in a SHINEE, Teen Top and Jaejoong Music video.” Nana whispered still in disbelief as she stared at the schedule that depicted the next 2 and a half months till their debut. They were slammed packed busy.

“Anyways, aside from this, what was that in the cafeteria today?” Gogi asked as Nana turned to look at her confused.

“What?” She asked turning her chair to face her friend.

“When you fell.” Gogi smirked as Nana continued to look at her confused, now slightly annoyed.

“If you’re going to ask me if I’m alright again, I’m about a second away from shoving my foot down your throat.” Nana growled annoyed, turning and pulling open her laptop to check on recent news. Gogi just scoffed from her spot, leaning back, resting on her hands.

“I wasn’t going to ask you that.” Gogi mentioned as Nana sighed before turning to face her again.

“Alright, I’ll bite, what is it?” Nana asked annoyed. Gogi was one of the only people in the world that was used to Nana’s sudden demeanor changes, how quick her personally could change on a drop of a dime, from nice to evil, it was exhausting but after time controllable.

“With Lay-ssi.” Gogi pointed out, smirking when she saw her friends eyes light up in surprise.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Nana slammed her laptop shut before standing and walking over to her bed side, already pulling off her shirt to sleep in her boxers and sports bra.

“Uh-huh and I was born yesterday.” Gogi muttered standing up when Nana yanked the comforter from under her .

“Just get out of my room and go to sleep, we have a busy day tomorrow.” Nana whined, hiding her head under her comforter.


It had been two weeks since their meeting with the publicists, Nana had finally met her solo manager Youngjae, or Jae she had become accustomed to calling him, they were given a full makeup team along with a pair of stylists. The head to the makeup team actually turned out to be an English speaking woman named Kim Hyori who moved to Korea when she was 10. She was the same age as Nana which brought the groups closer together. She was an interesting woman, bright blue eyes that seemed unnatural to process, extremely long eye lashes, about 5’4, skinny but curvy hips and chest. All in all, she was a very interesting friend they had picked up while there. They had met their choreographer, Jaze and even their producer which immediately got to work on helping the girls with their upcoming album. Young Min chose a few entries from Nana’s ‘Golden Book’ that seemed perfect for the girl’s debut album.



Today was the day they were both dreading and excited for nonetheless, they would be going to film their group feature which ended up ironically being with Infinite H. The girls about dropped anchor when Young Min had told them the news, they hadn’t expected to meet with Dongwoo and Hoya so soon after their little encounter a few weeks ago.


Nana’s relationship with TOP didn’t move much from what it was, TOP was insistent on his choice of wanting to become closer to Nana but she was resistant and hesitant, so as of now, they kept in distance touch through text. Gogi was closer to GD than Nana had expected, the pair even went on frequent ‘Shopping Dates’ as Nana had put it. Seemed like they were a match made in heaven, though Gogi promised it was nothing more than friends, she did mention G-Dragon would occasionally flirt with her in which she did the same, but it never went any further than that.


The girls had been spending all their time in the recording studio and in the rehearsal studio working out their debut choices. Being that they were in SM Entertainment building, every day, all day, their relationship with EXO heightened from their first meeting. They had grown close to certain members while others stayed as acquaintances. Gogi would find her spare time talking with Kris and even f(x)’s Amber since they both were of English speaking, occasionally she would speak to the others, but not more than those two. Nana on the other hand, after her first encounter with EXO that day, had surprisingly found her friend in Luhan. They would speak hours a day through text about random things, Nana found him refreshing and easy to talk to aside from her sudden changes in personality and her stone cold pride, Luhan didn’t seem to mind. Then time came the girls were finally informed about their feature in 2 particular SHINee music videos bringing Key closer to Nana, two peas in a pod those two.


As we mentioned before, today was a whole other day completely, they were heading with their stylists and makeup team to get their hair changes, per president’s request.

“You ready to go?” A voice called as Nana looked up from her computer, an annoyed expression on her face.

“Give me a minute.” She muttered before staring back at the screen.

“What’s up?” Gogi asked finally walking into the room to see Nana staring at what looked like to be a letter on her email of some sort.

“Oh!” Gogi spoke up surprised as she saw the sender, it was Nana’s older brother.

“What does he want?” Gogi asked leaning over the back of her friends chair to see what the letter said.

“He knows where I am.” Nana sighed rubbing her forehead annoyed as Gogi looked from her friend to the email sent from her brother.


To: ana

From: Koa




I know where you are! Why are you in Korea? For what? You better not have flown there for that singing gig you were talking about? What were you thinking? You know mom and dad would be furious when and if they found out. Sis, I’m worried about you. I know how much singing means to you and granny would be so proud of you, but this is something you shouldn’t just approach so rationally. I’m just looking out for you sis, I don’t want you to get your hopes up for nothing only to find out that it was an empty hole to start with. Don’t ask how I found out, I just know you are there. When you get this email, give me a call. I know there is a huge chance you won’t call me so I’ll make it easier on you, call me or I’m telling mom and dad where you are.




“What are you going to do?” Gogi asked hesitantly over to her friend who just stared at the screen, thoughts rolling through her mind.

“If he was here right now, I would kick his nuts so hard.” Nana muttered threateningly through her hand that was currently covering . She sighed, wiping her makeup less face before pulling out her phone.

“It’s either I call him or he’s gonna tell my parents. We both know what will happen if he tells my parents.” Nana grumbled under her breath as she pulled up his contact information on her cellphone.

“Well Jiyong’s gonna pick us up in 30 minutes, so you got time.” Gogi patted her friend comfortingly on the shoulder, only gaining a nod from Nana as she hesitantly put the phone up to her ear. Gogi watched her friend for a few minutes before deciding to leave and give her some privacy. This was one argument that she had no entitle to.


Nana bit her lip as she stared at the email sitting in front of her, the phone line ringing in her ear.

“Ana?” A voice answered finally, sounding beyond surprised.

“Hey.” Nana answered losing all her confidence.

“You actually called me.” He pointed out in shock causing her to sigh and massage her face.

“It was either this or you would tell mom guys. I rather jump off a bridge right now then for you to tell them.” She muttered leaning back in her seat to stare at the ceiling.

“So what I was saying was right then? You are in Korea?” he asked bluntly causing her to sigh and look out her window to the light snow that was coming down outside.

“I am.” She answered standing up and walking towards the window to pull open the curtain. Figures the entire time they had been in Korea, it chose today to snow.

“Ana, what are you doing there? Is it for that singing gig you told me about a while ago? You know those are just endless dreams that people work too hard for.” He charged as she looked down to see the streets lightly packed with cars, folks around walking around for their daily business.

“It’s not a gig Koa, I got the job.” Ana informed as Koa’s eyes shot open. Luckily he wasn’t at home but walking home from a friends house when she called.

“Wait? You got the singing job?” He asked slightly excited for his sister.

“I did, I signed the contract with them 2 weeks ago and have been recording and rehearsing since then.” She added. Koa was momentarily speechless as he stood in the snow also.


Gogi on the other hand stood outside the doorway, against the wall listening to her friends conversation. This was the only time anyone would see Nana’s low self-esteem side, the little sister in her would only merge when her brother was around. If anyone that only knew her strong side, was around, they wouldn’t recognize her.


“Wait, so does this mean that Min-Hee is actually with you then?” He then asked as Nana sighed looking over her shoulder to see her worried friend in the doorway.

“She is.” Nana answered as Min Hee looked on in confusion. All Koa could do was sigh into the line.

“Ana, Ana, Ana.” He chanted in almost a tsk, tsk, tsk type of way.

“I’m proud of you, don’t get me wrong. But you know mom and dad’s take on that. They won’t be too happy when they find out.” Koa explained, now concerned for his little sister.

“I know bubba, but this is something I really want to do. And I’ve been working hard with Min Hee, we can do this.” Nana pushed turning back to the window in thought.

“I know you can do this, but is it worth the tears and sweat you’re gonna have to give for this?” He then asked as she looked down to her leggings.

“I can do this, I will do this just to prove mom and dad wrong.” Nana spoke seriously looking up to the window.

“We’re featuring in 6 music videos soon and then we have our own music video and album in March.” Nana explained as Koa’s eyes opened.

“Seriously?” He asked excited as Nana chuckled at the sudden change in demeanor.

“I’m totally serious.” Nana answered with a smile on her face. Koa couldn’t help it, he wanted her to succeed in this.


“So how’d it go?” Gogi whispered as they walked down the hallway from their apartment towards the elevator. Nana just sighed, pulling her scarf tighter around her face, slipping her glasses on.

“He knows we both are here.” Nana mumbled through her scarf, slipping her beanie on. Gogi wasn’t slightly surprised, the pair had been inseparable since meeting.

“And, what about your parents? Do they know?” Gogi asked hesitant, knowing how much Nana’s parents had hated Nana’s dream to be a singer.

“Koa promised if I called him he wouldn’t say anything. But he reassures they’ll notice something’s up when I don’t come home at all.” Nana sighed pushing the button for the lobby floor.

“Well it’s a bit nerve wrecking but at least he promised not to tell you parents. That’s all we need is two crazed parents crashing our debut stage.” Gogi tried to lighten the mood, only looking over to see Nana’s eyes never moving from the elevator door. Great, her mood was even more sour than usual.

“Are you nervous to see our new hairdos?” Gogi asked once the elevator door opened, showing the ceiling to floor window doors that led out into the light snow.

“Not really, I could care less what they do with my hair.” Nana muttered slipping her hands into her coat pocket before walking towards the closest door.


Jiyong saw his two soon to be idols emerge from the lobby area and quickly ran over to meet them with a pair of umbrellas.

“Morning Nana-ssi, Gogi-ssi.” Nana just ignored him, grabbing the umbrella he was holding before walking past. Gogi sighed at the exchange before smiling to Jiyong’s confused expression.

“Good Morning Jiyong-ssi.” Gogi announced taking the umbrella he was holding out for her.

“Did something happen?” He asked worried, watching Nana climb into the back of the van alone.

“She’s having some family issues. Best not to trot on that issue, it’s dangerous territory, manager.” Gogi warned patting his shoulder before walking past him to the van. Once everyone was situated into the van, Jiyong took his spot in the driver’s seat, both girls noticing no cameras around today.

“After two weeks of following you girls around endlessly, President got you guys a day off from the cameras. MTV-K did ask for you both to do personal vlogs of your hair changes tonight.” He explained as Nana nodded emotionlessly while Gogi saluted from her seat as they pulled away from the curb.

“Youngjae will be meeting us at the salon. He went to pick up breakfast for the both of you considering we may be at the salon all day. And Sarah-ah will be also meeting us there.” Jiyong explained as Gogi nodded for Nana. She sighed lightly before looking over worried to her friend to see her indulged in whatever song was playing off her earphones, loudly, only a beat could be heard.

“So is this something I should be worried about?” Jiyong asked looking to Gogi through the rearview mirror, his eyes glancing over at Nana then back to her. Obviously he knew she couldn’t hear them. Gogi just sighed before shaking her head.

“Did Nana warn you about her parents?” Gogi asked a bit sorry for the dude if she hadn’t informed them.

“No, she did not. Is it something I need to get a lawyer for?” Jiyong asked now worried as Gogi looked to her friend then back to Jiyong.

“Her parents never accepted her singing. They still don’t know she’s here but her brother got in contact with her this morning about it.” Gogi whispered, making sure Nana couldn’t hear it over her music. Jiyong swallowed heavily before quickly turning his eyes back towards the road.


It was quiet for some time till the van filled with the sound of something vibrating loudly.

“One of you girls.” Jiyong mentioned back when he was certain it wasn’t his phone. Gogi pulled her phone out before looking to Nana, poking her continuously in her shoulder, getting her attention as she peeked out her now closed eyes and to her friend.

“Hm?” She asked taking one of the ear buds out, a rock song blasting through the now loose ear bud.

“You’re phone.” Gogi mentioned as Nana looked down to her bag, leaning over and pulling it out before sighing at the ID.

“You’re brother again?” Gogi asked worried getting Jiyong’s attention as they waited in traffic.

“No, worse.” Nana muttered as Gogi looked over to see Nana’s now ‘admirer’ as they referred to TOP calling. Like previously mentioned, the pair was in a strange relationship, TOP wanted things to go further between the both, but with the fact that she couldn’t, killed her, so she tried as much as she could to distant herself from him. She liked him, by all means, but she couldn’t, well not now at least. She wanted to keep their relationship strictly friend base, but something had triggered TOP to want more.

“Just answer, you know you want to.” Gogi teased elbowing her friend as Jiyong looked back confused.

“Someone you know?” He asked as Nana looked up glaring at him.

“He wouldn’t call me so many times if ‘someone’ didn’t willingly hand out my number.” Nana explained with sarcasm spilling off her tongue.

“Ah, TOP-ssi.” He shrunk in his seat in realization of the mistake he still hadn’t cleaned. Nana couldn’t take it anymore and answered in on the last ring.

“Yes?” She answered turning her eyes to the sidewalk that was now moving past them.

“Good Morning.” His deep bass voice welcomed her, sending her insides swimming in the warmth that was now engulfing her.

“Can I help you?” She asked trying hard not to smile.

“Where are you today?” He asked interested as she sighed looking to Gogi’s eager expression than to the road.

“We’re heading to a salon right now.” She explained.

“Salon? For what?” He asked as she sat back in her seat. As much as it annoyed her, she still did enjoy speaking with him on these random occasions.

“We’re getting our hair cut, dyed and styled for our debut look.” Nana explained, honestly a bit excited from the last meeting they had with the makeup team, they had some great ideas for the girls.

“Oh really? Do you know what you’re getting yet?” He asked now totally interested and excited, she couldn’t help but chuckle.

“I have a slight knowledge of what might be happening to my hair.” She mentioned reaching over for a piece of her light brown hair that had fallen out of the bun she had sitting on the top of her head.

“Anyways, I actually called for a good reason.” He interrupted her thought as she looked up to see Jiyong trying to pull into an alleyway that led to the back of the salon they were going to.

“And that reason is?” Nana asked, couldn’t help but be interested in this man’s definition of ‘good reason’.

“We’re having a party for President, it’s not anything important, but everyone is bringing a date or friend, so I wanted to see if you wanted to go with me.” He asked as her heart dropped, the van parking at the same time.

“Um, I mean, I don’t know.” She stuttered finding it hard to find the right words for this man. Jiyong pulled open the back of the van, waiting to help the girls out with umbrellas while Nana looked at Jiyong, surprisingly panicked as he stared at her confused.

“Help.” She mouthed as he looked to Gogi for answers.

“I mean, I don’t know what my schedule is like for then.” She covered scooting out in front of Jiyong who held an umbrella above her head, covering her from the snow falling.

“Let me talk to your manager then.” He offered as she sighed, pulling the phone from before holding it to Jiyong.

“Me?” He asked confused as Nana nodded unwillingly, pushing the phone closer to him. He took it confused as she traded him for the umbrella he was holding.

“Hello?” He answered as Gogi nudged her side for some answers. Nana just simply shook her head and turned her attention back to Jiyong.

“Ah! TOP-ssi, hello!” Jiyong answered cheerfully, shutting the van door before escorting the pair to the back door of the salon.

“What did he want?” Gogi asked once they stepped into the salon’s back door.
“Tell you later.” Nana explained in thought, turning to Jiyong who was still talking.


“Ah, for the 17th?” Jiyong asked as he pulled out his own phone, scrolling through the schedule.

“At what time, TOP-ssi?” Jiyong asked as he looked up to the two girls watching him then back to the phone in his hand.

“Ah yes, yes….9pm will be the only time, maybe 10-ish…that will work… alright. Give my greetings to President Yang.” Jiyong bowed his head out of habit before hanging up and looking up to the girls.

“So, am I going?” Nana asked hesitantly as Jiyong walked over, giving her phone back.

“I will take you on Friday at 9pm.” He explained as Nana suddenly grew nervous. She knew it was just as friends but she couldn’t help the butterflies growing in her stomach.
“Would someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Gogi shouted in a loud whisper, annoyed but hesitant to those listening in on the group standing in the hallway. Nana sighed, putting her phone into her coat back before looking up to her friend.

“I was invited as a ‘guest’ to a party on Friday night.” Nana explained as Gogi’s eyes shot open.

“Where?!” She shouted excited for her friend. Nana could only look over at Jiyong for answers to that question.

“YG Company building.” Jiyong explained as Gogi began jumping up in down in excitement, her hands planted on her friends shoulder.

“I’m so happy for you!” She shouted hugging the older woman who just stood there stiff.

“You know I am just going cause he asked, it’s not a date.” Nana explained in monotone while Jiyong nodded in agreement.


Finally they brought into a private room.

“HYORI!” Gogi shouted over to the woman who was briskly walking around the room with the two other makeup artists assigned to the pair.

“GIRLS!” Sarah shouted smiling as she gave each woman a hug, placing them in each individual seat. In the weeks they had been meeting with Sarah and the team, they had grown surprisingly closer, did help that Hyori also came from a some what American background. She came across as someone they could have been friends with forever.

“So you girls excited for this?” Hyori asked, planting her hands on each girls shoulder before looking to their reflection.

“A bit.” Nana explained, forcing a smile.

“I think I’m more nervous than anything.” Gogi admitted as Hyori laughed before patting their shoulders.

“I’m here!” A voice called from behind them as they looked to see Nana’s manager, Youngjae briskly walking into the room, holding both a paper bag and a tray full of what looked to be coffee cups.

“Just in time.” Nana muttered, her sour behavior now totally out the window. She didn’t have time to think back on her family, she had to think back to the present time.


After hours of cutting, gluing, dying, the girls finally were able to sit and enjoy the food Youngjae had brought for them earlier. New coffee replaced the now old and cold bunch, the girls in full covered hair nets, sitting under a pair of hair steamers to finish the dye they had been sitting in all day.

“Uhhhhhh, this is so good.” Nana moaned, holding what seemed to be a blueberry muffin topped in matching cream cheese. Gogi chuckled from behind her strawberry one, a proud smile on both Jiyong and Youngjae faces from across the room.

“So, am I going to know what’s going on this Friday night?” Gogi asked over teasingly wiggling her eye at her friend who rolled hers instead.

“It is how I told you.” Nana spoke, never looking up from the I-Pad sitting in her lap. Gogi just sighed at the simple explanation, looking to see Jiyong and Youngjae deep in whatever conversation they were having, then turned back to Nana.

“So TOP invited you to a party? For what?” Gogi asked egging her friend on as Nana sighed before looking to Gogi.

“Why are you asking?” Nana decided to friend, once in a lifetime opportunity, she took it. Nana smirked at Gogi.

“Well it’s TOP, you made out with the man in a mall bathroom, he practically stalks you, telephone wise, and he has the hots for you. Did I leave anything out?” She pointed out, a few things under her breath so the managers couldn’t hear her. Nana just chuckled under her breath, looking to the magazine. Her friend was right, if it were anyone else in her shoes, they would clearly think the two were going steady.

“I’m going as his date. Is there supposed to be something special going on?” Nana asked scratching the side of her neck, Gogi just sighed at her friends cryptic talking.

“Nana, I know you. This is TOP, nothing would stop you from jumping his ‘friend’ and riding into the sunset.” Gogi bluntly added as Nana’s eyes shot open and over to her friend. She quickly rolled up her magazine and whacked her hard, on the thigh sending the two men across the room staring at them in confusion.

“Ow.” Gogi whispered in pain, rubbing her now sore thigh.

“I was just saying, you used to say the same thing every time I showed you their videos.” Gogi huffed under her breath. Nana just sighed before tilting her head towards her friend.

“Believe me, if something happens, there is a chance I won’t be able to stop myself.” Nana smirked as Gogi muffled her laughter.

“And if something happens, you’re going to tell me right?” Gogi asked bating her eyelashes begging as Nana snorted.

“No.” She answered quickly before turning to her magazine again.

“WHAT?! WHY NOT?!” She shouted this time, both girls uncaring that anyone could hear them.

“Because, you won’t let me live it down.” Nana hissed with a playful smirk, turning to nod at Jiyong and Youngjae who were just staring at the pair, Sarah and the makeup artists that were now peeking into the room.

“Girls.” A voice interrupted their relaxing time as they looked up to see both Jiyong and Youngjae walking over with their chairs in their hands. They planted them in front of the girls before pulling out 2 bundles of paper.

“So Youngjae met with Infinite H’s manager last night.” Jiyong started as the girls leaned in interest.

“We have the concept and brief rundown of the music video you’ll be featuring in next week.” Youngjae added as the girls began biting their lips nervously.


As the girls sat there with their hair being set in, Youngjae explained to them everything that had been discussed at the meeting, everything from outfits to concept, to what they would possibly be doing during the music video. It was simple yet they were still nervous since they weren’t sure what to expect and the fact that those were the same boys they had run into on their second night in Korea. They would totally be surprised to see it was them as the female leads.

“Sound ok?” Jiyong asked unsure as they watched the girl’s expressions.

“Sounds good.” Gogi smiled, sitting back again to relax her neck.

“The shooting starts on Saturday, but they don’t need you two till Sunday.” Jiyong added as both girls nodded just as Hyori walked in, gloves in place, her glasses sitting atop her nose.

“Alright! Whose ready to see my master piece?” She clapped getting everyone’s attention as the girls looked up with pure excitement and nervousness written on each face. No girl was ready for what was to come.

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi