A Free Day With Friends

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

Oh Jonghyun-ssi.” The man spoke bowing his head as Jonghyun eyes connected with Nana’s overly angered ones then to Gogi’s hesitant ones.

Jonghyun-ssi, it isn’t safe out here. They are Sasaeng fans.” The hostess from earlier whined as Jonghyun snorted.

Let her go.” Jonghyun warned as the man hesitantly stood there before letting her go. Nana hissed, rubbing her arm as Gogi came to her side.

They’re with us. We invited them for brunch.” Jonghyun explained as the woman’s eyes widened in shock.

Come on, the guys are waiting.” Jonghyun turned and walked down the hallway as the girls quickly shuffled after him, Nana momentarily stopping to glare at the woman who bit her lip in embarrassment.

“Let it go.” Gogi warned pulling her friend along as they walked to the very back of the restaurant that opened to a large area, a long table to the side filled with food while the other side of the room had a plush red couch that encircled the windows there, a fire place between both.

Girls!” A voice shouted as they entered the room, both girls looking over to see the boys all sitting around the couches.

Hey.” Gogi smiled, hugging Taemin who immediately hugged her along with Minho who hugged her then patted her head like a little kid. Gogi hissed, slapping his hand away as Minho chuckled.

“Nana!” Key shouted laughing as he ran and launched himself into Nana, hugging her tightly.

Oh! You smell good!” Key pulled away suddenly as Nana snorted.

I always smell good, doofus.” Nana muttered as Key chuckled allowing room for the others to hug.

Glad you guys could make it.” Onew suddenly announced as he walked over and pulled Nana into a hug before turning and pulling Gogi into one. A bright blush spreading through the young woman’s face as she stood there stiff in the hug. Nana immediately noticed the expression, chuckling on the inside as Nana felt something brush her hand. She turned to see Jonghyun walking towards the couches near the window.

So what took you guys so long?” Taemin asked interested as Nana snorted, rolling her eyes as she began pulling off her coat.

We were mistaken as Sasaeng fans.” Gogi chuckled nervously as the boys eyes widened.

Are you guys ok?” Minho asked worried as Gogi nodded.

Well past that, let’s eat.” Key announced walking over to the table covered in food, while the girls hesitantly followed. Nana’s eyes went from Gogi to the man sitting across the room alone, surprisingly already staring at her. She sighed lightly, sending him a thankful small smile before turning away.

Holy crap!” Minho suddenly shouted as Nana looked up from the food she was loading into her plate to see Gogi putting a hand through her now black hair.

You dyed your hair!” Taemin pointed across the table with his chopsticks barely hanging on his lips.

“It’s for our debut look.” Gogi chuckled, blushing when she caught Onew’s stare across the table.

Nana! What about you?!” Key shouted excited as everyone turned their attention to the woman now eating.

What about me?” She asked with a mouth full looking to them uninterested as Key whined, bouncing his feet under the table.

Show us!” Minho shouted excited as Nana sighed, looking to Gogi’s eager expression.

“Whatever.” Nana muttered putting her chopsticks down before pulling off her beanie, her blue hair immediately flowing out from her beanie and over her shoulder. The room filled with gasps as she put a hand through her fringe, her eyes drifting over to the quiet man near the window, his eyes wide on her as she smirked and turned away to look at everyone.

It’s……’ Taemin started with his eyes wide as Nana went back to eating.

Blue.” Onew continued as Nana nodded from behind her chopsticks.

Doesn’t it look good on Nana unnie though?” Gogi praised as Key nodded eagerly.

It looks amazing on you!” Key added as Nana chuckled, shaking her head.


The group enjoyed their brunch together, the girls gushed about their shoot the previous day and how exhausting it was causing the group to laugh in understanding.

You’re gonna be in Jaejoong-ssi new music video?” Taemin asked over shocked when the girls had spilled the news, which also included the girls being featured in a few of their own. Nana sipped her water before nodding.

I think filming the ending of this coming week.” Nana explained as she patted her lips free of any leftover water.

What are your schedules like next week?” Minho asked this time as Gogi smiled brightly.

We’re featuring in Infinite’s subunit’s music video tomorrow.” Gogi explained as their eyes widened.

I didn’t even know Infinite has a subunit.” Key whispered in thought as Nana nodded.

They haven’t totally announced the news yet, so don’t say anything.” Gogi scolded as the boys nodded.

Who’s in the unit?” Taemin asked from behind his spoon full of seaweed soup.

“Hoya and Dongwoo.” Nana explained as she bit into her spoon.

The music video we’re doing with them is featuring Zion-T, so I’m excited.” Gogi silently cheered as Onew chuckled, immediately sending Gogi’s laughing away, a bright blush now encasing her cheeks.

Are you guys excited? It will be your first music video filming before your own and ours.” Jonghyun finally spoke as the girls looked over.

Well I’m excited just to experience it before we get to ours.” Gogi explained as Jonghyun nodded, turning his stare to Nana.

What?” She asked emotionless as he nudged his head to her, awaiting her answer.

I’m excited but nervous.” Nana answered over looking to the 4 boys sitting near them. Jonghyun sighed, before looking to the window. When would he ever break that awkward tension and continuous need to argue with his new label mate?


Let’s go do some shopping.” Key announced, stretching from the table as the girls whined.

We just ate.” Gogi whined rubbing her now full stomach before looking over to Nana who was curled up on her side on the window length couches, a far distance from Jonghyun and Taemin who were sitting there.

I mean, look at Unnie, she passed out after eating. That says a lot from the person that hates to bloat.” Gogi commented sending everyone laughing.

I heard that.” Nana spoke annoyed as Gogi chuckled.

Come on, just this once.” Key begged rubbing his hands together in a begging position, his bottom lip slowly puckering out.

Oppa. That doesn’t work with me.” Gogi chuckled rolling her eyes as Key nudged Minho and Onew who sat on either side of him.

Come on guys.” Key whined as the two unwillingly followed suit, her eyes trailing over to the eldest who smirked over at her. Her heart throbbed before momentarily stopping as her blush flew across her face, yet again. Damn this guy’s charm.

What do you think Unnie?” Gogi quickly turned her attention to the woman still unmoving from her spot.

I don’t care.” Nana answered as Key began to silently cheer, shaking his around as his fist pumped into the air.

Come on guys, we’re going shopping!” Key shouted to the pair that were still in a heated conversation.

For what?” Taemin asked interested as Key shrugged.

You know me, I don’t need a reason to go shopping, I’m bound to find something I want to buy.” Key wriggled his eyebrows sending Gogi laughing at his honest answer.

How are we supposed to go shopping with SHINEE?” Nana finally asked as she sat up, adjusting her striped sweater that had ridden up.

Onew just smiled before pulling open a bag that was filled with hats, beanies, glasses and face masks.

Ah, the infamous disguise that never works.” Nana sarcastically answered as she stood up to stretch sending Gogi laughing.

You know people recognize you with those.” Gogi pointed out slipping her coat back on.

They do?” Taemin asked as he slipped a plain black hat over his head.

It’s not that hard to spot out 5 guys, all in hats and glasses, strolling together. You guys look suspicious enough.” Nana added slipping her red coat back on.

Well look at you Nana-ah, your hair will give anything away.” Minho teased as she snorted, glaring up at him.

Yeah cause the designer jeans and personalized red high tops won’t?” She pointed out as he smiled before shrugging.

Well we could always split up.” Onew offered as everyone continued to pull on their various things.

Split up?” Gogi asked confused as Onew nodded.

Yeah to bring less attention to ourselves if we were going in a group.” He explained as Gogi nodded in understanding.

Well I don’t really care, so it’s fine.” Nana mentioned tying her scarf around her neck.

Alright, then let’s make it this way, Jonghyun-ah and I will go with Nana-ah, and you 3 can either go with Gogi-ah or separate.” Key gestured between the group.
I’ll go with Gogi-ah.” Taemin raised his hand before walking over to weave his arm through hers. She just chuckled before turning to the two that were still standing there.

I actually have to head out to a schedule for the Dream Team.” Minho mentioned sheepishly scratching the back of his neck as Gogi pouted.

Aww, but I wanted to buy some new running shoes.” She whined as he smiled.

I need me some new running shoes too. My other ones are worn to the bone.” Nana mentioned as Minho chuckled.

The fact that you both exercise more than Minho-ah is slightly terrifying.” Key admitted shivering as the girls chuckled.

We need to stay fit for debut.” Gogi mentioned patting her flat stomach proudly.

Yeah, we can’t be flabby like a certain someone.” Nana teased side eying Key who gasped in realization.
Ya! I am not fat!” Key shouted outraged as Nana chuckled.
Did I say you?” She teased as he began to fume from his spot.

You evil girl.” Key hissed as Nana smiled over to him.


Finally after arguing about exercising and the girls trying to get the rest of SHINEE involved which failed on all ends, the separated groups finally made their way their destination, only a few blocks away from the restaurant.

Don’t kill anyone unnie!” Gogi shouted to the three that were making their departure. Nana just snorted before turning to look at her partner over her shoulder.

Only if I’m not tempted to!” She shouted back, side eying Jonghyun who instantly stiffened.

Have fun!” Gogi waved high in the air as Nana waved over her shoulder.
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t!” Nana teased, briefly looking to Onew as Gogi froze.

YA!” Gogi shouted pointing at her friend viciously who just laughed and continued on her way.

What did you mean by that Nana-ah?” Key asked as they rounded the corner. She just smiled on the inside before looking over to him.

Nothing, I was just teasing.” She answered as he smiled and nodded, turning away.

Have you guys gotten far on your recording?” Key then asked never looking up from his shoes.

A little, we’re still working on some minor things but President promised we’ll be able to debut before the ending of March.” She answered as he nodded, turning to look at Jonghyun who stood next to him. He nudged him earning a soft glare.

What?” He whispered annoyed as Key glared, looking him up and down before nudging his head over to Nana who was aimlessly looking to the snow falling.

Say Something.” Key mouthed as Jonghyun snorted, looking away.

Jonghyun cleared his throat quietly, turning to see Key’s eager face as he planned to ask her something. Just as he opened his mouth to speak and phone began ringing, his lips instantly shutting.

“Oh.” Nana muttered reaching into her coat pocket to pull out her phone. She looked at it momentarily before sighing, putting it to her ear.

“Hello?” She asked in English, striking Key’s attention. Key’s English was pretty up to par but Jonghyun on the other hand, it sounded just like the foreign language it was.

“No, I’m not at home.” She answered looking down nervously, a sight that didn’t go unnoticed by the pair watching her. Jonghyun nudged Key who quickly looked over to him confused.

What’s going on?” Jonghyun whispered as he leaned in, a clear hint for Key to translate whatever she was saying.

“I can’t right now. I’m busy.” She hissed as Key turned to Jonghyun.
“You promised.” She hissed angry.

“You know what, I don’t have time for this. If this is what family does, lie, then be my guest and do that. I don’t care anymore. I’m of age and allowed to do what I want.” She snapped annoyed, clear angry tears threatening to erupt.

“Yeah, you can tell them that too.” She hissed before hanging up and slipping the phone back into her pocket.


Key waited for a moment to ask her, knowing that she needed some time to herself from the angry huffs that were still coming off of her.

Everything ok?” Key finally asked as she sighed, watching the large huff of warm air engulf her view.

I never told you guys, but my family doesn’t know I’m here.” She admitted as both men’s eyes shot open.

What?” Jonghyun finally spoke shocked as Nana nodded, looking down to her feet.
Well if they don’t know you’re here, then where do they think you are?” Key asked concerned as she bit her bottom lip.

They think I’m with Gogi’s family on a trip.” Nana spoke as Key looked to Jonghyun worried.

I know it’s never a good thing to hide something like this from family, but if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be here right now.” Nana mentioned.

What? Why?” Jonghyun asked as Nana looked to him, a confused expression painted across her face.

My parents never accepted my dream to be a singer. They always told me it was an empty dream that would only bring me heartache and pain, mentally and physically.” Nana admitted, her tough exterior slowly returning to the surface.

Geez, that must be hard.” Jonghyun muttered more to himself.

It’s not that hard.” Nana admitted as Jonghyun looked over surprised that she had heard that.

It’s difficult sometimes knowing that I may never have my families support in all of this, but it makes me happy, it’s something I had dreamed about and that’s all that matters. Plus, I have Gogi who has always supported me like a sister.” Nana smiled as Key looked to see Jonghyun staring at her in thought.

Well don’t forget, you have us too.” Key teased, throwing his arm around Nana’s shoulder, almost sending her to the ground. She just chuckled and turned to him smiling.

Oh, and how lucky I am.” She sarcastically added sending Key laughing, a hidden smile presenting itself to Jonghyun.


About 5 minutes later, Gogi’s shopping group finally left the restaurant, staying to see Minho off in the company van. She was now stuck, silent between Onew and Taemin. She sighed, burying her face into her scarf to hide her face from the cold.

You look better with black hair.” Onew suddenly admitted as she practically tripped on herself before catching her footing. She blushed, coughing into her hand before forcefully smiling over at him.

Thanks, I think.” Gogi thanked embarrassed as she curled a stray hair behind her ear. Taemin just chucked from behind his mask before nudging her with his elbow.
Hyung’s right. You look better with black hair. It brings out your eyes.” Taemin added as she smiled, looking down to the slightly frozen pavement.

Thanks guys.” She whispered.

I kind of like Nana-ah’s hair though. It’s so unique.” Taemin added as she chuckled and nodded.

You should have seen her when she first got it. For the first couple minutes after, she kept referring to it as tie-dye cotton candy.” Gogi answered as the pair laughed.

Is Nana-ah always so serious?” Taemin suddenly asked interested as Gogi smiled.

Well not always, I mean, there are times when you get to see her happy side, which is rarely, but all in all, she takes what she does seriously, so you can expect it from her.” Gogi commented as Taemin nodded.

It always seems like Nana-ah and Jonghyun-ah are arguing about something. At first it was scary when Jonghyun came home with a bloody nose, but after a while it seemed to simmer down.” Onew pointed out as Gogi chuckled and nodded.

She’s a bit hard to get along with at first, but after a while you’ll get used to her hardcore personality and look past to the amazing personality she has.” Gogi added smiling at a few memories that littered her mind.

So how’s recording going so far? Have you guys chosen your title song yet?” Taemin asked interested as Gogi smiled over at him.

We’ve narrowed it down to 3 as of now. I think within the next week or so we should have chosen one.” She explained as he nodded.

Will the title song be your debut music video too?” Onew then asked this time as she nodded, never looking up to him.

That’s the plan.” She answered.

What about fan club information? Have you guys chosen a name yet?” Taemin then asked as Gogi chuckled.

We haven’t gotten that far yet.” She teased as he smiled and nodded.

Well you guys should definitely get something kick as your fan club name.” Taemin admitted as she smiled and nodded.

We will keep that in mind.”


Each group had finally arrived at the mall, definitely shopping central. Key tried to contain the need to grab everything in sight, while Nana’s eyes scanned the area, looking for anything she would be interested in buying. Since the girls were now on contract, President had them on a strict weekly allowance that would provide the girls their essential needs every week while they were hard at work training. It had been a while since their busy schedule that the girls actually got a chance to go out and shop for things aside from groceries so they were excited to be able to do this.

“Anything in particular you’re looking for Nana-ah?” Key asked over eager as her eyes landed on a clothing store directly in front of them. Looked to be a simple women’s clothing store, from clothes to accessories to shoes.

“I wanna check in here.” She spoke walking ahead of them into the store, her eyes immediately landing on a few things she had wanted to get.

“Ya!” Key hissed when Jonghyun took a step to follow her in. Jonghyun stopped and turned to him confused, both neither showing their face, covered with face masks and sunglasses.

“What?” Jonghyun asked with his hands safely kept in his coat pockets.

“For once, can you try not to tick her off?” Key whined as Jonghyun snorted, chuckling from behind his mask.

“I never tick her off. She has a talent to do that on her own.” Jonghyun scoffed as Key reached over and punched him hard in the shoulder.

“Ow! What was that for?!” Jonghyun snapped softly, ferociously rubbing at his now numb arm.

“You’re lying so hard out your right now, you know that?” Key scolded, glaring at him through his glasses.

“I’m not lying; the smallest things send her exploding. I’m afraid, one day an innocent bunny is going to look her the wrong way and she’ll send the poor thing flying across the room with one of her killer kicks.” Jonghyun whined still rubbing his shoulder as Key rolled his eyes, his hands now firmly planted on his hips.

“Everyone can see it, so stop lying. You do it purposely; I don’t know what for but it’s getting on my nerves. She’s a cool girl and you’re bringing out the bad in her, just leave her alone.” Key warned as Jonghyun turned to look at him seriously.

“If I didn’t know any better, it would sound to me like your telling me to stay away from her?” Jonghyun accused, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I am, but seeing as we work with them, just try and be nice. I rather like the happy side of Nana-ah, not the one that is constantly trying to kill you. I’m tired of pulling her off of you. One of these days I’m just going to lay back and watch her beat you to a pulp.” Key hissed as Jonghyun chuckled amused.

“Her, beat me to a pulp? Please.” Jonghyun scoffed as Key chuckled amused before shaking his head.

“Did we already forget the episode of training when she punched you in the face? Now tell me, how long did you have a bloody nose for?” Key smirked over to him as Jonghyun hissed quietly from behind his mask.
“Shut up. You promised you wouldn’t bring it up again.” Jonghyun whined as Key sighed.

“Jonghyun-ah, she’s a nice girl. Try and be nice for once, she may surprise you.” Key stared at him seriously over his sunglasses, a glare that didn’t go unnoticed by Jonghyun.

“You like her, don’t you?” Jonghyun accused as Key ignored him, slipping his glasses back up his nose before walking towards the store.

“It’s so obvious.” Jonghyun whispered, sighing as he leaned his head back, looking to the few flights of the mall that were currently crowded.

“Ooooooh! That looks amazing on you.” Key praised as he found Nana in a black trench coat that replaced her red one.

You think?” Nana asked unsure as she turned to the side to inspect the jacket.

If you don’t buy it, I’m going to buy it for you.” Key teased as she chuckled and looked up to him.

You would.” She teased as he smiled proudly and nodded. She turned the other way looking up into the mirror to see that Jonghyun had now joined them.

What do you think Jonghyun-ah?” Key asked teasingly elbowing him. He was caught off guard as he turned to see her looking at him expectantly through the mirror. He cleared his throat, looking away to the others in the store.

It looks good on you.” He muttered causing Key to smile over at Nana’s surprised expression.
Thanks.” She thanked as Jonghyun nodded his head in acknowledgement, never turning to look at her. After another 10 minutes, Nana forcefully purchased the trench coat she had tried on, afraid that Key would actually buy it for her if she didn’t herself, along with a few sweaters and shirts.

Is there anything else you want to look at?” The group walked away from the store into the opposite direction.

I do need to get more running shoes.” She mentioned her attention elsewhere.

I still don’t understand how you guys can work out so much.” Key involuntarily shivered at the thought causing Nana to chuckle.

You should try it some time.” Nana elbowed him as he scoffed turning to Jonghyun.

Jonghyun-ah is the only one aside from Minho-ah that works out. Take him instead.” Key teased as Nana chuckled, her eyes turning to look at up Jonghyun who looked at her interested.

I mean, if he wants to, you’re welcomed to join us when we go running.” She answered looking away as he nodded.


“Oh my god! I need this!” Gogi shouted the moment a beautiful black and gold handbag came into view. Her face practically glued to the display window guarding it. Taemin and Onew watched in interest as she basically pushed everyone out of the way to get into the store.

“Score one for me!” She shouted moments later coming out with a shopping bag full of her desired bag. Taemin just shook his head looking to Onew amused. She stopped immediately, her eyes widening before turning to the pair watching her interested. She immediately blushed before hanging the bag near her side.

Sorry you had to see that.” She muttered embarrassed as Taemin walked over chuckling.

I didn’t think it was true when Nana-ah said you go a little ‘crazy’ during shopping trips.” He mentioned as she blushed, patting her cheeks that suddenly turned bright red.

Sorry, it sort of takes over when I see something I really want.” She explained unable to meet their eyes.

We noticed.” Onew answered as she blushed brighter. How could she have been so stupid to forget who she was shopping with, and all over a bag? She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck trying to calm her nerves.

Is there anything you guys want to look at?” She quickly cleared , looking to them expectantly.

Let’s go look at some sunglasses.” Taemin offered as Gogi nodded, quickly followed behind, her eyes glued at the ground.

Gogi-ah.” Onew’s voice broke her train of thought as she looked up to see Onew and Taemin looking at her worried.

Are you alright?” Onew asked worried as she nodded confused.

You just looked a little hesitant and pale for a moment there.” Taemin offered as she sighed, looking back to the ground.

To escape another episode of earlier, it’s better if I don’t look at the windows. I might run off without even realizing it.” She explained under her breath as Onew smiled, Taemin was overly amused by the honesty.

Really? Is it that strong?” Onew asked teasingly as Gogi embarrassingly nodded.

The pair looked at each other, a small smirk growing on each face as they looked around the location they were at. Perfect, they were still near women accessories and clothing stores.

Oh! Gogi-ah! Look at that!” Onew quickly picked the nicest thing he thought was the most pleasing to his eyes. Naturally being the gullible child she was, she looked up almost instantly and into the direction he was pointing at. Her eyes almost bugging out when she saw the beautiful heels displayed at the window. She bit her lip, her eyes widening within moments as Taemin and Onew waited for her to snap. Without even a warning, she ran at full speed into the store, dodging in front of a woman who was about to grab the beautiful pair of heels and ran to the back of the store to slip them on. Her heart racing, she smiled to see that they were a perfect fit. Ripping them off, she rushed to the cashier, looking around panicked to find the woman that had been planning on grabbing the same pair.

Excuse me.” The woman snapped as Gogi ignored her, smiling at the cashier, a clean sign to hurry up and ring her purchase up.

Ya!” The woman snapped tapping on Gogi’s shoulder. Gogi had no choice but to turn around and look at the older woman.
Yes?” Gogi answered innocently as the woman looked her up and down once.

I was about to buy those.” She pointed out to the shoes that were now being placed into a shoe box and into a purchase bag. Gogi smiled at the woman before shaking her head.

No, I just bought them.” Gogi handed over the exact amount of cash for the purchase.

No! I was about to buy them before you pushed me and took them.” The woman snapped as Gogi grabbed the bag along with her receipt for her purchase before turning to the fuming woman.

I’m sorry Ahjumma, but they clearly wouldn’t have fit you.” Gogi smiled innocently, looking down to the woman’s abnormally large feet before pushing past her. The woman scoffed in outrage as Gogi left the store, a bright smile on her face before she froze again.
Crap. I did it again.” She muttered in realization before turning to the laughing figures that had obviously enjoyed the display.

“Ha-Ha-Ha. Funny guys.” She hissed annoyed, they had obviously done that on purpose. 

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi