MTV-K Interview w/ TMX Rapper, Gogi!

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams



MTV-K Interviews soon-to-be SM Duo T.M.X Rapper, Gogi .

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Today, MTV-K was honored enough to interview the rumored Female Duo said to be making their debut in the next few months at SM Entertainment, T.M.X. Their identities are still being made as a mystery to the general public and eager fans, but comments from Lee Soo Man, Founder of SM:

"I am planning on keeping the identity of these two women a secret till they debut. The only ones that will know their identities are those who are previously informed of this. Why you may ask? I want to keep the fans eager to know more about the duo. It will keep them on their toes, even till these two ladies step on stage for the first time. No matter the mystery behind them, you will still be impressed and amazed by them."

We at MTV-K were indeed impressed and amazed, when we, being the few who were allowed to see and know these two, indeed saw them for ourselves. Let us tell you, they are beyond beautiful and exactly more than what we had expected to see walk in our studio. Both with their own charisma and charm, we know, without a doubt that you will be drawn in to their talents, personalities and energy as we have.

Enjoy the interview with Gogi!


Host: What made you audition with SM?

Gogi: "I auditioned for SM because I wanted to give it a shot. I didn't think we'd really get this far, so at this point if SM really wants us, they got us. I'm just happy to do what I love."

Host: What do you hope to accomplish in this industry?

Gogi: "I would really love to make it big in Korea as an American. I wanna show that anything is possible as long as you have the drive. I also want to leave behind the music that in 50 years people can still relate to it."

Host: Why Korea & not America?

Gogi: "I've been connected to korean lifestyle and music as I grew up in America due to my father's influence. Sure, I've listened to American Music, but I've always been drawn to the lifestyle and the industry in Korea which is completely different from America."

Host: Do you listen to any Kpop music? Any Favorites?

Gogi: "Of course, I grew up listening to it constantly! Currently I am listening to a lit bit of everything. If I had to choose favorites it would be......BIGBANG, SHINee, Block B and Exo."

Host: How does it feel to know that you will be working alongside 2 of your favorite groups?

Gogi: "I am of course excited and nervous. To be able to work with my inspirations is, I am sure any fans dream. I admit calling myself a little bit of a fangirl. I just hope my nervousnes doesn't affect our stage interacions. (laughs) But just the thought of being able to dance and practice with SHINee and Exo is amazing and I am lucky to have this opportunity."

Host: Any loves other than music?

Gogi: "I really love to read. I always have a book nearby or my e-reader. I also love to cook and bake. I feel like an ahjumma saying that but I guess I am an old soul."

Host: Does your family and friends support your decision?

Gogi: "My moither was hesitant in this decision. She never really approved of my singing classes. Said it would get my hopes too high and if I don't make it, I wouldn't be able to handle it. My father was always behind me in my decision and always went to my recitals in school. My friends are thrilled and can't wait for me to make so they can brag. Some of my friend were hesitant as well."

Host: Any Musical Inspirations?

Gogi: "I have many inspirations since my style of rapping, singing and dancing varies on my mood. I've been looking up a lot to Zico, Zion.T, Primary, GD, Jay Park and that is just naming a few, there is a lot of talent out these days and its hard to choose just one inspiration."

Host: How do you feel debuting in a foreign country?

Gogi: "It is a little awkward for me because I am not completely accustomed to Korean habits and traditions. I grew up speaking Korean and English, so language is not a problem for me. I only know the basics in proper mannerisms in Korea, so I am sorry in advance for an future mistakes I will make. [turned to camera and bowed] Netizens, take care of me. [smiles]"

Host: Where did the name Gogi come from? Did you pick it or did your President?

Gogi: "I actually don't konw who started it. Might have been my partner or the president. But I have an addiction to Bulgogi. I love it and if I had the choice I'd eat it all the time [laughs] So I guess Gogi just kinda stuck without realizing it."

Host:  Any last words you would like to say to our readers and viewers?

Gogi: "I hope I make you guys new music to connect to and I hope to make new friends and bond with my fans. Please look after me and support us! See you soon! [large smile]"

-------------------------------------------------- End Interview -------------------------------------------------------------

Stay tuned for our interview with the vocalist of T.M.X!

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Tisedith #1
Chapter 63: Yassssss~ Min Hee babe yessss Wah I'm so excited~
oh lol *u*
PrincessP790130 #3
So excited to read this can't wait
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 60: Please update. I love your writing style and the plot of this story.
Chapter 59: please update soon as possible! i really love this story!
Awwwwww yisssssssssss
CristyCute #7
Chapter 56: Update Soon ~
I am excited *o*
teentopbapshineefx #9
Chapter 50: I think it's her brother or something !!! Wouhaaaa think are getting serious for her !!!!! : O
teentopbapshineefx #10
Chapter 40: While I was reading I was like "oh yeah roll down that window" but then I realise that's not the same so g xD the song I was thinking about is JYJ or DBSK. XD oups hihihihi