The Yoon House

Magical Eunya Village


The crowd noise was no longer on the main road. Night has gone and the wind began chilly, but So Eun was very pleasant. She slowly stepped on the path in solitude, enjoyed the quiet and peaceful atmosphere. It's essential for her mood at this moment. Close to the Gate, a single house still lightened up that made her curious. In the small courtyard, surrounded by a yoongyo fence that emitted a cool fragrance, two people were drinking at a small table. When she realized it was Junho and the other was Lee senior - Lee Sang, just as they recognized her presence.

- Ms. Kim!

The old man seemed to be surprised to see her late at night like this. So Eun smiled, did not know why she had a very good feelings for this person.

- Lee senior!

- Come here, my Lady - The older one cheerily invited her, while Junho just nodded gently.

She hesitated a little:

- Actually I ...

- Agassi, do not be afraid. Just the two of us. You met our Junho already, right? Come over here and sit down.

So Eun did not dare to refuse. She sat down, smiled and asked:

- Why do you stay up late, ajussi? You had a lot of things to do today, I think. Tomorrow will be so hard, right?

- Oh, no. I am used to that. Junho, why are you so quiet? You and Agassi are at the same age, why not make friends for fun?

- Father - Junho frowned and mumbled.

Lee Sang laughed out loud:

- This kid is always scarey. Ha ha ha. Ah, why are you out here at this hour? Did Madame Bae also let you go out?

- I prefer the quiet Village like this, ajussi. In fact, the excitement is only temporary, the peaceful time is very valuable, isn't it?

- Your saying is the same as this little devil. He left the festival at the most exciting moment to cheer up this old man at home. Ha ha ha ... - Lee Sang laughed and took a great sip of wine when seeing both her and Junho confusing - Agassi, there's one thing I really want to ask.

- Please keep saying senior.

- You really don't know Yoon family, do you?

- Do not - So Eun shook her head - I do not know or never met anyone who named Yoon.

- Really? - The old man muttered - the attitude of Madame Bae tonight when she saw your face as I realized, you must look like a member of Yoon family.

- So, they are no longer here, senior?

- It's been 18 years - Lee Sang sighed softly - at that time, we was not here yet. I heard that Mrs. Yoon was extremely beautiful. She appeared in this Village on the day like today. She also was selected as the Great Beauty, like you. Yoon Kang Woo fell in love with her and then married her. 1 year later, Yoon's wife gave birth to a pretty baby. They did not know why Yoon house was burnt that year. All was dead - Lee Sang sighed, he drank another large sip of wine and then silent.

Junho muse over:

- But did they not know kungfu, father? Why just took such deaths?

- All people did not know. They just knew that there was no one survived. When the villagers arrived, all became ashes. This  Village then and now always is in peace, nothing serious happens. Madame Bae like Yoon Kang Woo so much, considered him as her son, like Bae Dong Gun. So she asked to rebuild Yoon house and keep it empty until now. Agassi - Lee Sang turned to look at So Eun - if you are not ... oh, Agassi, what's wrong?

So Eun suddenly raised her hand to wipe the tears that unnoticeably running down on her cheeks. She shook her head:

- Ani... I'm fine. It's just because of the tragic story of Yoon family.

- If it's not because they died, I'm sure Madame Bae thought that you're the daughter of Yoon Kang Woo - Lee Sang sighed.

 - Ms Kim - Junho suddenly stood up - let me you home. It's too late now. Father, go to sleep. You drank too much already.

Somehow, So Eun obeyed his arrangement. She bowed to say goodbye to Lee Sang and quietly followed Junho. Her Master wanted her to come here to investigate the death of Yoon family, but it turned out that no one in this Village really knew what had happened to them.

- Agassi, are you tired?

The warm voice of Junho made So Eun awakened from the constant thought in her head. She just shook her head and said nothing.

- So I want to bring you somewhere. Follow me.

He grabbed her arm and surfed the wind to fly ahead. With his excellent skill, even brought her by his side, his breath did not change. When they stopped, So Eun saw a small house at the foot of the Hill, behind the Sky Tower.

- Is it ... the house of Yoon senior?

- Agassi, you are so smart. Come on, let's get in.

So Eun and Junho pulled the wooden gate and walked in. A small courtyard, just like many other houses in the Village, also fenced by yoongyo. It had dark black roof and a long corridor in front. They stepped inside. The house was rebuilt 18 years ago but it certainly should be cleaned every day. Things in the house were all porcelain because it's the only thing that were not burnt. She touched each item and felt the souls of the previous owners still floating everywhere. She opened the rear door of the house, overlooking the Soul Valley. The twinkling little stars in the sky, covering up the Valley with the dim and shimmering light.

- Mr. Lee, the scenery here is so beautiful. Perhaps the Yoon family were also used to gather here as we are now, enjoyed a quiet and happy life right? Why did the Lord bring tragedy to them?

Junho was standing beside her. He looked at her for a moment with very warm eyes, then turned and looked out far beyond the Valley. His face suddenly filled with much sadness.

- Agassi, in a human life, living beside someone you love is already a big favor. Despite it's short, each moment also meaningful, right?

So Eun glanced at Junho. She's surprised that he's also sentimental, not as cold as she thought. Both kept quiet until they suddenly heard a vague noise. Junho grabbed her arm, gestured her to stand silent, then blew out the flame of a candle.

It turned out that the wind blew through the main door.

- It was late already, I'll walk you home.

So Eun nodded. She looked at the house again and then followed behind Junho. When they arrived the Bae Mansion, Junho stopped and then said quietly:

- Tomorrow will be a hard day. Go to bed early, Agassi.

- Ne. Sleep well.

- Good night.

Junho walked away a few steps, and then suddenly turned and looked back. He saw So Eun gently flied up to the balcony on the second floor of the front guest house. He thought that she was not trivial at all.

He wondered what she was hiding.

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!