A Tomb

Magical Eunya Village



- Young Master, you're home!

- Where's Mistress and my parents?

- They are in the silk workshop. Mrs. Kim now is in the kitchen. Young Master, who's that?

- Come to tell my mother that we have some guests - he said, then turned and waited Suzy and Joo Jin Mo walking closer, said gently - Agassi, doctor, welcome to our Mansion.

Suzy watched around. The Mansion was surrounded with mountains. The vast mulberry fields, which were at two sides, now had been covered by movable roofs. Perhaps they prepared to deal with snow. She nodded with applause and then ran into the Gate. Suddenly she bumped into someone. She startled and looked up. It's a beautiful woman with a tall figure, an exotic face and clear brown eyes like the eyes of a girl, not a middle-aged woman. Suzy embarrassed and slightly bowed, quietly uttered:

- I'm sorry, Madame!

The woman smiled gently. At that moment, Joo Jin Mo and Myungsoo walked in.

- Mother! How is everything?

- Son, you've forgot courteous rules. You should introduce me to our guests first.

Myungsoo embarrassed:

- Oh I forgot. Mom, this is doctor Joo Jin Mo, and this is Bae Suzy agassi. She's Mr. Bae's daughter. And this is my mother.

Jin Mo and Suzy bowed.

- Welcome to the Kim Mansion. Doctor Joo, Bae agassi, please go to the Main Hall. We will arrange your room.

- Thank you, Mrs. Kim. We want to see Mr. Bae first. Agassi would like to reunite with her father and brother. Please let us be.

- Of course, doctor. Myungsoo ah, lead the way for our guests.

- Yes, Mother. Please follow me.

Myungsoo glanced at Jin Mo, saw him quietly nodding, then he walked ahead to lead the way.

Suzy bowed to Myungsoo's mother and then followed the two men. Kim Mansion looked exactly as she imagined. Beautiful, but not too flashy. She noticed the small garden located in front of the west building. The only place in the Mansion where planted an yoongyo bush. Behind it was a large tomb, built of marble.

Just then, along the west corridor, Suzy recognized the familiar voice of her father and brother.

- Father! Oppa!

Suzy rushed to hug Bae Seung Yoo and Il Woo, that made both of them surprised for a moment, not believed in their eyes.

- Suzy! Why are you here? Joo Jin Mo, are you here also?

Joo Jin Mo pretended to glance at the Myungsoo. He hesitated a moment and then said:

- Second Master, Young Master. It's a long story, I'll tell you later. Agassi heard that I would go to the Snowy Mountain and she knew that it's near the Mansion, so she urged me take her along. She wanted to see you and Kim So Eun agassi.

- Bae senior, I should go now. I don't bother you talking.

When all came in the room, Bae Seung Yoo asked:

- Joo Jin Mo, tell me. Why do you come here?

- Father, why don't you ask me? I suffered a lot to see you and oppa, but you didn't ask me.

- Suzy ah, it's not like that. It's just I knew your reason already.

- Suzy, come to my room. I have a lot of thing to talk to you.

Suzy still pouted and looked at her father, but then stood up.

- Fine. But ater finishing, come to see me, father?

- Alright, dear. Good girl, go.

Bae Seung Yoo watched the two until they were out of sight and then turned back, took a sip of tea.

- She was spoiled too much. I must find a good place to marry her off. If not, I'm afraid that she didn't have a peaceful life.

- Second Master, she seemed like that in front of you, but along the way, I found that she's mature. Do not worry.

Bae Seung Yoo laughed:

- You are right. My baby girl is not trivial. Beautiful and smart and agile at the same time. Alright, now tell me. Anything strange in our Village? I heard that Lee Junho left the Village right after us. So do you know where did he go? Our people followed him to Silky Town but lose his track after that.

- Second Master, when I left, Mr. Lee was still in the village, so I didn't know where he is now. But I have one thing to tell you. Do you remember my strange herb?

- The withered herb that you hang on the wall in Medical House?

- Yeah, Master. The day before, a merchant went through the Village and visited the House. When he saw the herb on the wall, he said that it looked familiar, and then he recognised it's a snow herb, which grows in his hometown. It's Snowy Mountain in this region. But he said we only see this herb when the snow falls. He said they used this snow herb to treat diseases of blood well. That's why I wanted to come here to find it.

- So good. Il Woo wants to stay here more so it's enough time for you to find snow herb.

- What's about him? The new drug is useful?

- Ani. It's colder now so his health is worse day by day. If you can find the snow herb, I hope... - Bae Seung Yoo sighed - worry comes one after another.

- Second Master, what makes you bother? Tell me if I can help?

Bae Seung Yoo mused for a moment.

- What do you think about Kim So Eun?

Joo Jin Mo calmly looked at Bae Il Woo, didn't answer but questioned back:

- Do you mean that she's like Mrs. Yoon?

Bae Seung Yoo nodded:

- Obviously she has a certain relationship with Mrs. Yoon and she had reason to come to our Village. Her name, her appearance. I do not think it's so simple.

- If what you just said is right, how come it relates to us?

- You're right, nothing. It's nothing to do with us - Bae Seung Yoo dryly laughed and nodded - alright, come to your room and rest a bit. I will come to talk to Suzy.

Jin Mo shuddered a little because of the dry laughters of Bae Seung Yoo. It's increasingly chilly outside. Without sunlight, Jin Mo felt that the Mansion seemed a bit gloomy and desolate. He looked up at the sky. Perhaps it will snow soon. He wondered how Lee Junho would get in this Mansion. But he believed him, believed in his arrangement.

- Suzy! Is it Suzy? - Bae Seung Yoo suddenly pointed toward the small garden. Jin Mo couls see a girl with two thick braids standing behind the yoongyo bush - Suzy! What are you doing there?

- Father!

- It's cold out here. Come in. Where's Il Woo?

- He is talking with onnie in the Main Hall. I just want to walk around.

- It's just a tomb, nothing there to see. The Mansion is so wide, how can you see it for a while? Well, come to find your brother with me.

Joo Jin Mo stood back and watched the two of them leaving. He guessed that the tomb belonged to Mrs. Yoon. He came closer to the tomb and read the stone stele.

 "Our dear Great Mistress"

Just one line.

Jin Mo sighed softly. She died but no one knew her name. She died but her daughter didn't know she's her mother.

If indeed everything happened as Junho said, the fate of Yoon family was really a tragedy.

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!