Paradise Valley

Magical Eunya Village


The valley looked like a perfect picture with the vast white color painted all the area. The stream which normally flew around the valley, now was frozen. Everything in this valley was small and beautiful.

At the icy stream, a guy about 16 years old patiently fishing. He was wearing a fur coat, its hat fell behind his neck, exposing his long hair which was tied high. His white chubby face was pinkish because of the cold. The sound of footsteps on the snow did not cause him to turn back. He just whispered:

- Be quiet, Hyorin. I almost catch a pinky fish. Jinja ...

- Sorry ...

A soft voice raised behind that made the guy hurriedly turn back. Standing in front of him was a beautiful fairy. Her hair was tied with a purple ribbon into a braid falling on one side of her chest. Although it was very cold but she only wore a long thin robe outside a purple silk dress. Its hat covered her head loosely.

It took a while that the guy could speak up:

- Princess, how could you get in here?

She seemed to be surprised but simply answered:

- Well, I just go and finally come here.

- Really? - The guy nodded and then asked - what are you doing here?

- I want to find a man who fell down the abyss overthere some weeks ago. Do you know?

The way she talking, her look and attire was so elegant that made the guy has a good impression on her. He nodded:

- Yes, there's a man who fell into this valley but I do not know if that's the man you were looking for.

- Really? - Her eyes lit up hopefully. Her cheeks inherently were pale, now a little pinkish that made her more beautiful. She hurriedly said - Do you know where he is now? Could you please take me there?

The guy hesitated:

- Sorry, I can't leave before catching no fish. It's very important.

- So please tell me the way to go there. I can go by myself.

- Princess, you can't find the path. It's not easy to distinguish the road and the stream. If you walk on a thin layer of ice, you definitely fall down the cold water.

- Oh, I see... I ... I was so worried about him, so I...

The guy anxiously looked at her. He wanted to quit his job to take her away. But Hyorin said, if there's no pinky fish, she would not meet him then. Seeing the guy hesitated, she whispered:

- So, I will sit here and wait. Don't you mind?

- Oh, I'm so sorry. If you patiently waiting a bit, I will take you there. I will go there too.

- If so, I'm willing to.

The guy prepared a place for her to sit down, then picked up the rod, continue fishing.

- Excuse me, Princess. If you do not mind, may I know your name?

- Oh, I'm not a princess - she shyly a bit when realised that he call her so - My name is Yoon. Yoon So Eun.

- Oh, it's coincident. My name is Yoon too. Yoon Jae Bum. You are so beautiful, jinja.

Hearing his straight compliment, So Eun blushed. But looked at his honest and innocent face, she thought that people here might speak frankly like that.

- Mr. Yoon, please tell me about his status now?

- Well ...he is still unconscious. Her Granpa did everything but he still has not moved - Jae Bum turned to look. Seeing her worried face, he softly asked - What's relationship between you and that man?

So Eun didn't answer right away. Jae Bum said shyly:

- If you're uncomfortable, no need to answer. I just ask.

- He's my husband.

- Your husband? - Jae Bum uttered - If so, you must be worried too much. I can't make you wait. Let's go.

- Alright, Mr. Yoon. I can wait. I know why he is. Oh look, a fish under your rod.

Jae Bum turned back and tugged the rod up. He took the fish off, put it in the small box next to him.

- Just another fish is enough for Hyorin.

- Hyorin? Is it her Granpa who treated for my husband?

- Yes. You don't know that she's still young but very scary. Even her Granpa is also afraid of her.

So Eun lightly smiled:

- I think you must like her so much.

Jae Bum said nothing. He did not expect his feelings to be read off easily by a stranger.

- If you like her so, let her know right away. Do not make her sad.

Jae Bum looked at her sad face and gently asked:

- Did Jade hyung make you sad?

- Jade hyung?

- Well, because his face as beautiful as jade then Hyorin call him so.

- I see. No, he did not make me sad. It's just ... I think, if given the chance to be with someone you love, then don't waste any moment. You won't regret later.

- I understand - Jae Bum sighed softly - don't worry, princess. He will be fine, you'll see.

- Mr. Yoon, thank you for comforting me.

- Nothing. Oh, another fish. Princess, having you sitting here, fishing is faster. Well, it's alright now. Let's go.

So Eun stood up, followed Jae Bum to go deep into the valley. It was true that without this guy, she could not find the house of Hyorin.

- Princess, did you come here alone? It's so dangerous.

So Eun softly sighed and nodded:

- I know. That's why I do not want my people to risk. I ran away to look for him - she said, then looked around and applaused - I didn't know that there's such a beautiful valley down here.

- I'm sure you didn't know that not anyone can get in our valley. Only people who has a pure heart, can see the entrance. With someone who has a little evil thought, this place just as a normal abyss. Therefore when I saw you, I asked how you came here.

- So magical. This place is very beautiful, like paradise. My husband was lucky to meet you. If not, I fear that I would never have a chance to meet him again.

- Truly Jade hyung is very lucky. We met him when he just fell down. If not, he might be sank in snow and dead.

So Eun sighed. She was about to say but they finally came to a stone bridge leading to a lovely three-quarters house. Smokes spread on the roof, carrying scents of aromatherapy. Jae Bum happily shouted:

- Hyorin, we're home. Look who I bring to you.

So Eun slowly walked behind Jae Bum. Her heart was pounding nervously. She was full of hope that Junho was Jade.

A lovely girl with healthy olive skin appeared in the doorway. In her one hand was a purple handkerchief, the other hand holding a small embroidery frame. Seeing that handkerchief, So Eun's heart bursted with joy. It's the one she gave Junho.

Now she was sure that Jade was her Junho. She slowly walked over. Though she wanted to run but she could not control her legs to go faster.

Finally, oppa. I found you.

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!