Jade Oppa

Magical Eunya Village


The forest was covered by a thick layer of snow. A stone bridge over the stream that was frozen now led to a solid stone house. The light that reflected from the glass windows and the little sound of fire in the furnace created a cozy atmosphere. In the middle room of the house, the smell of soup made the old man with white hair and beard look up and sniff:

- Wow, Hyorin ah, I feel very hungry. This smell is too delicious.

- Granpa, only you always compliment my cooking.

- Hyorin, who dare to underrate your dishes, anyway? No one in this valley can say otherwise. Don't be so humble, my dear.

- If you say it, I won't believe.

- Why don't you always believe me, dear? I think that this little devil will wake up because of your food.

Hyorin sighed and glanced toward the person who was lying motionlessly on the bamboo bed at the corner of the room.

- Granpa, are you sure that you can cure him?

- You can not believe me in anything else but treatment, my dear.

Hyorin smiled, put two bowls of soup on the table, and then gently said:

- I did not mean it, Granpa. Alright, come to have dinner.

- Why are there only two bowls of soup?

- There's still a lot in the pot. Don't worry.

- I have tried all kinds of medicine but why was he still unconscious? All the wounds had healed. No internal injuries. It's unreasonable that he's totally healthy but can not wake up.

- Granpa, is there something inside his body that we do not know? Something like his soul is possessed by a devil?

- Ha ha ha, this little girl. How can you think of this? Ha ha ha ...

- Why are you laughing? If not, why is he still unconscious? You just said that he's totally healthy, right?

- Wait... what you just say? Soul, right? Hyorin, I suddenly remember something. Ppailli, get in my room and take the book with dark yellow cover. Ppailli.

- Granpa, finish your dish first. We can read that book later.

- No, I have to read it right now - the old man excitedly said.

Seeing his impatience, Hyorin had to take the book for him. He turned quickly out few pages. His attitude made Hyorin also nervous.

- Here it is. I remembered that I have read about it. Hyorin, in this book they say that an Eunya Villager who had its pure blood but no soul tree will not able to survive outside the Village when he's injured. You see, our valley is close to Eunya Village. Do you think it's possible that he's an Eunya Villager?

- You mean that this man is an Eunya Villager and he has been outside while he had no soul tree and was injured?

- Possible.

- So is there a way to cure him in this book?

- Hmm, no need to think. Take him back to the Village. It's clear, isn't it?

Hyorin turned and looked toward the bamboo bed, mused:

- Granpa, but do you find it strange? If he is Eunya Villager, they must send people to find him right away. Yet now, he fell down the valley for weeks but we didn't find any stranger approaching. Moreover, when we found him, he had some wounds caused by swords. I think he was pushed down by some enemy.

- You mean that maybe he was chased by his Villagers?

- It may be so. Furthermore, our valley then and now never hang out with people outside, I do not want this to cause us to be disturbed. Granpa, anything else useful in your book?

- Let see. They say, people like him have to live in the Village. If not, then ... no. This is impossible.

- What's impossible?

- No, no. The only way is to bring him back Eunya Village.

- Granpa, give me the book. Let me see.

- I say no. Little kid like you shouldn't read it. Let him be. Go, finish our dinner. Tomorrow, ask Jae Bum to try to take him to Eunya Village.

He said firmly and put the book into his chest. Hyorin had to sit down at the table. She pouted for a moment but then she said cheerfully:

- Granpa, some more soup? Well, tomorrow, I will ask Jae Bum to catch some pinky fish [a kind of fish with pink color]. I'm thinking of a pinky fish dishes which are coated with cinnamon flavor and then put in the snow for hours, and then ...

- Stop, Hyorin. You know that I like pinky fish so much. What condition?

- That book.

- No.

- No book, no pinky fish. I said.

- No is my last answer.

- Well, alright. The fresh pinky fish... Pinky fish - Hyorin softly sang in a cheerful tune while cleaning table - Cinnamon and snow. So delicious. La la la ...

- All right, I surrender. Read it, kid - He pulled out the book but still kept in his hand, said - but remember to catch pinky fish from upstream.

- Of course, Granpa, Jae Bum know you well - Hyorin grinned - Well, let me see. If this one want to live outside the Village, he has to harmonize with the one who has no relation to Eunya Village in bloodline. Oh, that's it? No big deal. But what's " harmonize" after all, Granpa?

He clapped his hand on his forehead, sighed and said:

- Well, you've read it. Give me back. Quickly clean up and go to sleep. Tell Jae Bum to come here tomorrow huh?

- Remember, Granpa. The fresh pinky fish...

Hyorin sang again while washing the dishes. Now only her and the strange guy were left in the room. After finishing her works, she gently came close to the stranger, watching his face as beautiful as jade. Suddenly she saw a piece of purple silk handkerchief in his clothes. Curiously, she pulled out to take a look.

It's a soft silk handkerchief, looked like a piece of purple cloud. Hyorin had never seen such a beautiful handkerchief. She noticed that there's a bunch of flowers embroidered at the corner and right beneath the flowers was a word "Yoon".

The design and the way of embroidering was unique that Hyorin loved so much.

Jade oppa, may I borrow you this handkerchief a few days? I want to learn this embroidery style. I definitely give it back to you.

Hyorin whispered and then gently pulled the blanket for him.

Goodnight, Jade oppa!

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!