Dear, don't cry

Magical Eunya Village

Junho put more woods into the fireplace. So Eun had put a teapot on the table and was back to her room already. This special tea So Eun learned from her mother, which made of dried yoongyo flowers.

- Father, here you are.

- Yeah - Lee Sang lifted the cup to take a sip and sighed softly - So you're the young master of Eunya Village. It turns out that your status is so noble.

- Father, it did not change anything. You're always my father.

- Junho ah ...

- Father, now I have something more important to tell you. I want to have wedding soon.

- Wedding? - Lee Sang cried happily - It's so good that you still think of a wedding in this situation. If possible, we will make it tomorrow.

- Oh father, do you want to have daughter-in-law like that? - Junho smiled - we should have some days to prepare. I want that it's not too simple.

- Of course. I'm just too happy. Did you ask So Eun?

- Not yet father. I ask for your opinion first.

- Alright. Her parents had passed away but at least Mrs Yoon's grave is here. You should ask for her permission.

- Yes, I will, father.

- I will discuss the preparation with Kim butler.

- Yes, please do it for me. Ah, father, I didn't see Myungsoo. Where did he go?

- Oh yeah ... He came to Black Horse Gang to spy. Suzy told him that your accident was not related to Bae Il Woo, but Myungsoo didn't believe that.

- He's always hot tempered like that. If something happened to him ... I will go to find him.

- Junho ah, you're not recovered yet...

- It's alright, father ...

- Hyung!

Someone called happily outside and then a guy rushed in the room. It's Myungsoo. Junho stood up and hugged him tightly.

- Hyung. You're still alive. I know that. I'm sure that.

- Alright, Myungsoo. Come here for warmth. You're frozen.

Junho smiled and pushed Myungsoo sitting on a chair near the fireplace and asked:

- So where did you go? Did you find out anything?

- Of course. When I got there, they still had a party to celebrate something. They are a bandits, which under no rule, so I easily got information. Noona told me that Bae Il Woo had killed Jung the second, but I saw him still alive. One thief told me that they made a lot of golds after killing someone.

- Make money from killing?

- Yes, samchon. They tried to kill hyung to make money. Lower thieves didn't know who they had killed, but it's too clear, right? You see, it's useless to protect that sick guy.

- My Lord - Lee Sang uttered - they already know that Junho certainly will be dead after leaving Eunya Village but they still tried to kill him? They can not wait?

Junho kept silence. He recalled Il Woo's appearance when he fell off the cliff. It turned out that his hyung only wanted to take a play in front of So Eun. He sighed and said:

- Myungsoo, it's too hard for you, I'm so sorry. Now I'm fine and I don't have to live in Eunya Village. Don't tell Suzy about this. She will be sad.

- I'm still mad, hyung. If we do not teach him a lesson, he will despise us.

- Alright, Myungsoo.

- Myungsoo, you have to think of Suzy too. If you want to be Suzy's husband, you must accept the fact that Bae Seung Yoo is her father and Bae Il Woo is her brother.

Myungsoo sighed softly. Junho patted on his shoulder and said cheerfully:

- My father is right. Come on, now I have a good news to tell you.

- What is it hyung?

- Your hyung will have a wedding soon - Lee Sang replied instead.

Myungsoo frowned and said:

- Is it a good news? Do you think I want a brother-in-law like him, samchon? Noona is the most beautiful fairy, you know. Do you think it's so simple?

- Hmm, it seems that difficulty is not from So Eun but you. Well, father, we should consider who will be Suzy's husband, huh?

Lee Sang and Myungsoo bursted out to laugh.

- Hyung, well done - he held out his hand and said - congratulation! But I have to warn you. You must treat her well. If not, you know my fists, right?

- I know, Myungsoo. Don't worry.

- Samchon, do you set up the time for their wedding?

- I only need to prepare for a day, so the day after tomorrow is fine.

- So soon? - Myungsoo suddenly smiled, winked at Junho - my noona is so beautiful, you can not wait, can you?

Hearing what Myungsoo just said, Junho suddenly recalled the sweet moments in the beautiful house in the Paradise Valley.

- Hyung, are you dreaming?

Junho awakened, slightly flushed because of his thought. He shook his head and changed the subject:

- You should come to see Suzy. She must be worried about you.

- Alright, I'm going now. Samchon, you should go to bed early.

- I know, Myungsoo. Go.

Junho also left his father's room. Watching the Mansion which now immersed in the peaceful white snow, he was praying that everything would end up happily. But somehow Junho still thought about Eunya Village, about his Grannie and Suzy's mother. They were all naïve women, who did not know what their loved ones doing. He prayed that Bae Seung Yoo and Bae Il Woo could stop.

But now the most important thing was So Eun. She did not hesitate to give out herself for saving his life. He couldn't make her disappointed. He walked to her room and knocked on the door.

- Oppa, why are you here at this hour?

Junho looked at her surprised face and realised that he loved her so much. He walked over, hugged her in his arms, and softly whispered:

- I miss you. I couldn't sleep.

So Eun smiled on his shoulder:

- Me too, oppa.

- Come here, Eunnie - Junho let go of her and pulled her to sit down at the table - I have something to say.

- What's wrong?

Junho shook his head when he saw her worried expression.

- Do not worry. It's a good news.

- You looked so serious then I was afraid... Please tell me ppailli.

Junho grabbed her hands, looking into her eyes and said:

- Eunnie ah, will you marry me?

So Eun was frozed in a moment as if she didn't understand clearly what he said, and then her face turned red:

- Why suddenly? Did you ask samchon for permission? And my parents...

Junho lifted her hands and pressed his lips on it, then smiled:

- Of course father say yes. Father was afraid that you would refuse then he told me to ask you first.

So Eun now was calm down. She tried to hold a serious face and said:

- Samchon was right. Do you think that it's so simple?

- Why did you and Myungsoo say the same thing?

- Myungsoo? He's home? Is he alright?

Junho said in displease:

- We are talking about our wedding but you ask me about your Myungsoo. You really don't want to marry me?

So Eun grinned and nodded:

- Of course. What good things do you have to ask me to marry you?

- Oh, you don't know anything. The girls lined up to wait for me out there. If you refuse me, alright, I will ...

- Will what? - So Eun was still trying to - pick a girl in the line. I will send gifts to you.

- Are you serious? You will not regret? So ... I ... will... - Junho stood up, then suddenly lifted her up, carried her in his arms and stepped outside. She did not dare to shout out because it's late at night. Knowing so, Junho held her more tightly.

- Where are you going? - So Eun whispered.

- You will see.

So Eun now realized that he was taking her to her mother's grave. She turned and looked at him. She's totally touched. Junho let her stand on the ground, he said:

- Eunnie ah, I want to ask for your mother permission to marry you.

So Eun took his hand and quietly followed him. Both knelt down at her mother's grave. On the tombstone, her name now was engraved.

- Ommanim, I'm Lee Junho. I can't say polished words. I just ask your permission to marry your daughter. I will definitely take care of her in my whole life. I will never hurt her. Please bless us.

Tears were rolling down So Eun's cheeks as she looked at Junho who was now making the great bows to her mother. She was so sad that her parents could not witness the hapiest day in her life.

Understanding her thought, Junho pulled her into a hug and whispered:

- Dear, don't cry. I love you. I love you.

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!