The Kim Mansion

Magical Eunya Village



- Noona! Are you home? I was very happy to receive your messages 2 days ago.

So Eun grinned and jumped out the carriage. Welcomed her at the gate was a handsome guy, age around 16. He had a healthy brown skin and was very tall.

- Myungsoo. I was away not too long but you look much different. I almost not recognize.

Myungsoo smiled shyly and turned to the servants who were rushing out the gate, he ordered:

- Come and quickly unloading. Be careful.

And then the young man returned to So Eun, softly said:

 - Come in and rest a bit, noona. I asked them to prepare hot water for your bath. We will talk in dinner.

So Eun smiled brightly at Myungsoo when she saw him managing things well. She was glad to have him, otherwise it would be too hard for her.

- Where are your parents?

- They are now preparing dinner for you. When they knew that you're back, they want to do it by themself. I think it's messy now in the kitchen.

So Eun laughed at his words. Since when her master died, she had to manage this mansion by herself. At that time, many people could not trust such a young lady like her then they left the mansion. Thankfully, Myungsoo's family decided to stay. They said that because of the great grace of her Master, they could not leave.

Being thankful of their kindness, she had never considered them as servants in the house. She also discussed with them everything related to both business and house works. Therefore, they loved her more and always were loyal to her. Eventhough So Eun always considered Myungsoo as her younger brother but Kim Tae Young - his father - never allowed him to call her "noona". That's why Myungsoo just called her "noona" when there were only two of them.

So Eun walked in. She did not enter the Main Hall but straighted to her Master tomb. So Eun knelt down and her tears were silently pouring down.

- Master, I'm back. I'm so sorry that I make you disappointed. I still have not found the truth of Yoon family death.

She was on her knees for a long time. She didn't understand why after farewell to the old man, she did not cry anymore, but now when facing with her Master, she felt deeply desolate.

"Master, my heart is hurt too much. He's not like that, I know it. Master, you know it too, right? Master!"

- Agassi!

So Eun bowed, quietly wiped away her tears and looked out. Kim Tae Young and his wife were timidly standing behind her. They saw her crying for too long, so they called her to stop.

- Kim Butler, Mrs. Kim.

- Agassi, you are so tired of the long journey, do not be so sorrowful that affects your health. Dinner is ready. Agassi ...

- Well, I'm coming right now - So Eun raised her hand to stop them speaking - sorry for making you wait.

- Don't say so, agassi. We can wait as long as you want us to.

- I understand that - So Eun smiled - Come on. Is there anything when I was away?

As they walked into the Main Hall, Kim Tae Young summed off for So Eun about the things they done when she was absent. Walking behind the two, Mrs. Kim tried to keep her footsteps quietly as possible to not trouble the conversation between her husband and her mistress.

- This time, I went to Silky Town and Green River and I recorded many ways of silk dyeing. They were interested in the quality of our silk and wanted to do business with us. Look - So Eun put her notes on the table and showed Kim Tae Young the technique that she had collected - I thought a lot on the way home. It's better if  we change the way of textile so that it's consistent with their dyeing technique.

- Agassi, it's great if we can trade with them. But the way to Silky Town and Green River is quite far away. It's not easy to go back and forth at such a long distance.

- Well, I thought of it already. I drew a map of some towns that we can expand our business - So Eun took out another leather parchment and pointed down at the drawing - what do you think?

- I think we should choose a mediate location to exchange goods with those towns.

- Great. Good idea, Kim butler. Well, mediate place... Hmm... let's see.

- Maybe Red River is a good choice, noon... ah, I mean Agassi - Myungsoo cut through their conversation. That made Kim Tae Young and So Eun looked up.

- Oh, Myungsoo is right. Red River is perfect. We can use waterway to transport goods - So Eun cheerily said.

Mrs. Kim proudly looked at her son meanwhile her husband still kept his face serious. He said calmly:

- Yes, Agassi. So tomorrow I will send our people to Red River Town to search a good site.

- Yeah, please do it for me. After that, we will build there a few counters for trading.

- Agassi, let me take care of it. I will go to Red River tomorrow and certainly find the best place for us.

- Of course, Myungsoo ah. I trust you doing it well. Beside finding site, select some people who is good at sailing and know waterway well. Our people is lack of this skill. Alright, it's enough. Go to eat and discuss more.

After dinner and business discussion, So Eun was back to her room. She opened the window, anxiously stared outside. The cold wind was blowing through made her shudder, but she felt as it lessened the suffering which was still gnawing at her heart. "Oppa, I really miss you now". She quietly whispered.

- Noona!

- Myungsoo, what are you doing here at this hour?

So Eun opened the door and Myungsoo walked in. He raised his hand which held a small bottle of wine, smiling:

- I want to drink with you. Do not mind, anyway?

- Where do you learn how to talk so polite? So, what's up? Why suddenly come here and want to drink?

- Because of you, noona.

- Me? Why me?

- Is it obvious that you have something in your heart, isn't it?

So Eun was surprised and said nothing. This little boy grew up then. He could see through her heart.

- I never saw you look so worried, even after Great Mistress death. What happened, noona? Why are you unhappy?

So Eun still kept silent. How could she speak it out?

- No need to say, noona, if it's too hard. Come on, let's drink it bottom up.

So Eun smiled and took the bowl that Myungsoo handed her.

- Myungsoo ah, you are really mature now. You know what, if not having you and your parents here, I was very lonely.

- Noona, if you consider us as your family, don't ever say those words again. Without Great Mistress help, how could we keep ourself alive? Now, you're the only heiress of Great Mistress, we could not leave you alone - Myungsoo paused a moment and then continued - Although I'm still young in your eyes and you may think that I know nothing about love, I'm sure that your sadness is realted to an young man. Am I right? If he did anything bad to you, I will not forgive him.

- He did not do anything bad to me, Myungsoo ah - So Eun sadly smiled, obviously admitted that Myungsoo was right - he's just chivalrous. He has a warm heart. He always thinks of others first. Despite he left me, I didn't blame him.

- Noona ...

- I'm fine, do not worry. Back to your room and rest. You leave for Red River early tomorrow.

Myungsoo wanted to stay more but watching her serious face, he didn't dare to bother her. He secretly sighed and stood up:

- Do you need anything in Red River? I will bring home to you.

So Eun shook her head and also stood up. She came close to him and put her hands on his shoulders:

- Myungsoo ah, I understand that you're worried about me. I will be fine. You know your noona, right?

Myungsoo gently held her hands in his and smiled:

- Of course I know you well. Trust me, noona. I will always be with you no matter what - He patted on his shoulder and continued - here my shoulder. Lean on whenever you need.

So Eun smiled and the tears were well up in her eyes. She turned away to hide it and then softly replied:

- Thank you, Myungsoo ah. I will remember that. Alright, go. Sleep well.

Myungsoo hesitated a moment but finally walked out. It's very late at night and the moonlight seemed to be brighter, that made him feel colder. He silly stared at the door of So Eun room for a while. He didn't know why but her sad face really made his heart hurt.

Noona, my beautiful fairy. What could I do for you?

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!