Anger in the Rain

Magical Eunya Village


It drizzled all day. So strange to Eunya Village because it never rained in the festive season. Madame Bae sighed and looked out of the sky. She thought that maybe the Lord was sending a sign to warn something. Was it the appearance of a girl whose face looked like Mrs. Yoon? In the last few days, she observed So Eun and each day she liked her more. Not like ordinary ladies who were born in the rich family, she was so straight and mettle. Although her face was identical to Mrs. Yoon but the older one had not such a rare charisma like this girl. Probably just people that looked like people. If she had So Eun being her niece-in-law, Il Woo was really blessed.

- Grannie.

The Old Lady nodded, slowly turned back and sat down in the chair. She waved her hand:

- Il Woo ah, come and sit here. I have something to ask you. What do you think about Kim So Eun Agassi?

Il Woo did not understand what his Grannie meant, he hesitantly replied:

- She's so perfect, Grannie. If anyone could marry her, then he probably would do some great thing in the past life.

The Old Lady smiled with full of satisfaction:

- That means you really like her, don't you?

- Grannie, you mean ...

- Look at your face right now! Ha ha ha... If you like her, then I will ask her to stay here longer. Otherwise, it's a great pity if she leave.

- Grannie, but I'm afraid ...

- What are you afraid of? You and So Eun made friends so quickly, didn't you? You are a man, then you must be determined to do things.

Il Woo did not answer. "We've known each other just not for long but I always considered you as my friend right from the start ". The words So Eun had said when they were in the Soul Valley that day now were ringing in his ears. What would he hope for? Was it possible that time could build up? If he could keep her here longer, who knows she's going to change her mind?

- Why do you say nothing? Well, I will find a chance to ask her today.

Before Il Woo could say a word, Hwang Jung Min came out from behind the curtain, slowly said:

- Mother, I think you should not do that.

- What do you mean? Is there something wrong with that girl?

- Nothing wrong with her, Mother. But her identification was still secret. You also realized that her face looked like Mrs. Yoon, didn't you? But she insisted that she didn't know them. I think that something was shrouded, causing her to hide her identity.

- If you supposed that the baby of the Yoon family could escape from the fire that year, I don't think so. It's extremely magical.

- This is not in a hurry, Mother. There is only a few days till the festival ending. Let's wait until that day. If that girl really leave here, it's not too late to try keeping her at that time. But if she actively wanted to stay here longer, then we must investigate her real intention.

- But Il Woo health ... - Madame Bae said and then paused, sighed softly.

Il Woo's heart sank. It's true that his health was not good. How could he want So Eun loving someone like him?

- Grannie, my eomi is totally right. I don't want to get married so soon. I have a lot of things to do other than marriage.

Hwang Jung Min peered into his face for a moment and then smiled:

- Il Woo ah, I'm very happy that you really understood. Alright, go to practice.

Il Woo quietly walked out to the rear garden where he always practiced sword arts. He sat there for a long time, watching the eunya petals falling down in the rain. So Eun. She was like a cloud floating in the sky that he could not grasp. Why him? What did he do to deserve that dismal fate? Why could he not be healthy as Lee Junho? Why dis she just want to be a friend?

Il Woo stood up, withdrew his short sword and flied up into the air. The eunya petals falling through the lines of waving sword but were still intact. Each of the word "why" appeared in his mind, the sword was waving more powerful and the anger in his heart could not cool down under the rain.

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!