Volunteer Day

Magical Eunya Village


Today was the Volunteer Day of the Eunya Festival. A lot of beggars and orphans from other places gathered in a vacant land, even though it rained. The Villagers hastily made some tents because they never had to deal with this kind of weather in the festive season. So Eun now was very busy with some female Villagers in the temporary kitchen. Sometimes, looking out at the rain with eunya petals falling down, So Eun smiled. This scenery was simple and cozy too.

- Agassi, you worked too hard. Take a break.

An ajjuma stood up, wiped the sweat on the forehead, graciously told her. So Eun grinned:

- It's alright imo. Did the children have their foods?

- Yes, they did. Only a few beggars just came who was sitting in the north tents. We try to make all the remaining foods here.

- It's lucky that early in the morning Mr. Lee helped us to fire these stoves. He made a wind blowing machine so we can do it easily. It's very helpful.

- You are right - another ajjuma interjected - I wonder whose daughter could be his wife. Unfortunately I do not have. If I did, I would teach my daughter carefully and then marry off her to him.

The ladies laughed simultaneously. So Eun just looked at them and smiled.

- But listen - an ajjuma glanced toward So Eun and said out loud - or Mr. Lee did that just because of our beautiful lady?

So Eun hastily waved her hands:

- Oh no, no. Please do not say that, ajjuma. Mr. Lee just did it for all of you.

- Ha ha ha, looked at our fairy. She blushed already. Ha ha ha ...

They laughed even louder that made So Eun not know what to say. She just was watching them with a smile in her lips. Just like home. She thought. If there would not be a brutal truth about the death of Yoon family. She wished.

- Lee senior!

A tall figure stepped into the tent. So Eun looked up and recognized Lee Sang. She bowed:

- Samchon, why are you here? It's messy.

- Well, I do not think there is a time to see you in this costume - Lee Sang laughed, looking at her. Indeed, she looked like a country girl eventhough she's still very beautiful.

- Samchon, you come to see me?

- Yeah. Do you finish?

- Ms. Kim, go. It's almost done here. Don't worry.

- Please help me a few minutes, ajjuma. I will come back.

- No need, Ms. Kim. You worked very hard since early morning. Mr. Lee, please tell her to rest for us.

Lee Sang nodded. When they stepped outside, he looked at the sky and said cheerfully:

- Do you know that rain is abnormal in this season?

- I have heard, samchon. But rain is good right? You see, everything here in the rain is still beautiful.

- So Eun, it's very kind of you to say that - Lee Sang paused a moment and then continued - I come to see you today because I have something to tell you.

So Eun nodded and silently walked beside him.

- The festival is going to end. I do not know your plan then I should tell you before it's late. Do you recognize this?

Lee Sang withdrew a purple handkerchief that made So Eun startled. Why did he have it? Or Lee Junho had given to him? Reading her mind, he shook his head:

- Ani. I saw it when Junho watching it everytime he was idle. Today I secretly borrowed it for a while to talk to you. What's the meaning of "Yoon" here?

Before So Eun could answer him, Lee Sang spoke first:

- It does not matter if you don't want to talk about it. I just wanted to let you know this story. In the past, I accidentally saw a group of people surrounding a baby on the street. I felt sorry then asked them to know what happened. It turned out that someone picked the baby in the woods, but that man was very poor so he could not feed the baby. He brought him to the town to see if anyone generous to help. Looking at the kid in a thin pieces of cloth, I was sympathy. I was alone, living on the prairie was also very lonely. Then I decided to raise him.

- That child is Junho oppa, right? - So Eun uttered. It turned out that Lee Junho was not his son. She felt her heart sink. He also was an orphan, just like her.

- Yes. When he was five years old, one day a great seer passed by our tent for drinking water. He said that if the child not moved to another place to live, he would die at the age of five. After calculating, he pointed that the place was Eunya Village. This Village.

Lee Sang paused, but So Eun still was in silence, he continued:

- I brought Junho here, but joining to the Village is not easy. At that time, the weapons business was managed directly by Bae Dong Gun after the death of Yoon Kang Woo. I used our secret formula in exchange for the life of Junho. Of course, nobody knows this secret, including Junho. Only me and you now.

So Eun now understood why Lee Sang determined to live here, whether to trade with his secret treasure. She looked up at Lee Sang. His eyes thoughtfully stared in the distance. She felt touched at his love for Junho. Thanks to him, he had a chance to exist in this world.

- I understood, samchon. Please don't worry. I will not tell anyone. Thank you for trusting me.

- So Eun ah, there is one more thing I want to tell you. After coming here, I've known that if the son of the Village with pure blood had not his soul tree, after five years old, they could not live far away from the Village for long. I think ...

- You think that Junho oppa could be a son of the Villagers? - So Eun exclaimed with shock.

- You're very smart, dear. But I can not guess who is his family. I still has been thinking for the last 18 years, do not know whether to tell him or not.

- I see - So Eun said - but please don't worry. Now he is living here and he will be alright, right? Old things passed, let it buried into oblivion.

- I want to think so - Lee Sang sighed - but not knowing your own history is a torment, right? When he knows, he will desire to find out his family. No one understand Junho as I do.

- You're right - So Eun suddenly recalled the day Junho took her to the Yoon house. He said some strange things and she remembered that he was at bad mood at that moment. Probably he knew something. She glanced to Lee Sang, but when she saw him sink in sad thoughts, she could not bear to tell him about it. She placed her hand on his arm, gently said - samchon, don't worry. You told me about Junho story. Do you want me to do something for him, right?

- You're so smart, I did not trust a wrong person - Lee Sang smiled - Junho was an orphan and I raised him alone. But now I'm old, I don't know how long I will live with him. Seeing this handkerchief in Junho hand and knowing that it belongs to you, I guess that he likes you so much. I'm very happy that he finally found someone important other than me.

- Samchon...

- I know you still have important work to do. You've come here not for nothing, I understood that. But one more hand, more powerful. No matter what it is, I also want to help you. Junho and I will certainly not stand outside while you're suffering.

- Samchon, I...

- I do not ask for anything more, just hope that if you really interested in Junho, please stay beside him.

So Eun slightly lowered her head. She did not know whether this time was appropriate for a relationship. But Lee Sang stood up, clapped on her hands, smiling:

- I tell you all what to say. Now it's depending on your decision. I'm sorry to make you bother, while you already have enough things to worry about.

- Do not say that - So Eun shook her head - Junho oppa once said, if I need a family, he and you are willing to be mine - She paused, trying to hold on her emotion, and then continued - Samchon, let me think about your words more.  

Lee Sang nodded, then he said cheerfully:

- It's alright. You're tired now. Go home and have dinner with us.

So Eun grinned, her heart was throbbing slightly. She quietly walked beside him, not daring to speak because she was afraid of crying in front of him.

- Father! Father!

Junho was running towards Lee Sang and So Eun. Seeing her, he slightly paused, but still proceeded in front of the two people, spread out his hand:

- You got it, right?

Lee Sang turned to So Eun, implying as if to say "you see, he considered your handkerchief like his treasure". Junho was a little skeptical, frowned and asked:

- Why are you looking at her? You two have a plot or something, don't you?

So Eun just smiled and walked away. When she turned around, she saw Junho was keeping something into his chest. She understood that Lee Sang had returned her handkerchief to Junho. She stood by the yoongyo fence, waiting for them. Her heart suddenly felt that they really were her family.

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!