Goodbye Letter

Magical Eunya Village



The main road of Silky Town was gradually sparse. After a hard day in the dyeing factory, So Eun was sitting at a table on the first floor in Silkworm Inn, waited the waiter serving her dinner. She absently looked toward the front door. Few guests came in and called waiters to bring wine to warm up. So Eun also felt cold. She put her hands around the cup of hot water and sighed.

All she could do now was waiting. She set the date at the third hour. For Bae Il Woo and Junho also. She wanted to make clear everything. Her relationship with Junho and the secret of Bae Family. She thought that it's the best way for them. At least, she could not hide her love for Junho. If she did, it would hurt him more when he found out by himself. She hoped he would understand.

About the secret of Il Woo parents, So Eun thought that he had the right to know too. It's a terrible suffering that they didn't have a chance to be his real mother and father. Of course it's a shame truth but Il Woo needed to know. 

- So Eun!

Lee Sang called out from the front door. She happily stood up:

- Samchon? Why are you here?

Lee Sang sat down opposite her, waved his hand to ask waiter bringing him some wine, did not answer. So Eun smiled:

- Did you have dinner yet?

- Not yet - He replied shortly.

So Eun was surprised at his attitude but she still smiled and then urged the waiter to bring food for them.

Lee Sang ate in silence and so did So Eun. Sometimes, she poured more wine into the cup for him.

It was dark outside and even more chilly. At this moment, So Eun broke the silence:

- Samchon, what's going on? You looked weird today.

Lee Sang softly sighed:

- It's too late now, I'm going then - he stood up immediately, causing people who followed him sitting at the near table stood up as well. In a split second, all the large and small packs were put on their shoulders, ready to go. But Lee Sang still stood quietly and after a while, he put an envelope on the table, said in a deep voice:

- This is a letter from Junho for you. Read it after I left.

Then did not look at her, he waved to his followers and walked quickly towards the door.

So Eun took the envelope and then looked up. Lee Sang and his people were gone. The cold wind was blowing into the large dining room. Some waiters hurriedly downed the thick curtain and added more coal into the fireplace.

"Eunnie ah,

I can not come to see you tonight. I think you understand why. Il Woo hyung and me are as siblings. I can not hurt him and can not hurt you neither. I can't think of any better way. I don't have courage enough to speak directly to you. I'm so sorry.

Il Woo hyung is a good person. About his feeling, please think twice.

It's colder now. Remember to keep warm yourself.

Lee Junho"

So Eun sat quietly for a while. She understood what Junho wanted her to understand and what he wanted her to do. Paboo, Lee Junho. But she did not blame him at all. She could see the good brotherhood between Junho and Il Woo. If she were him, she also would not know what to do. Perhaps, now it's not the time to care about love. She and Junho also had a lot of things to think of.  And the upcoming events that they were now awaiting probably would reveal something worthy to sacrifice. She would not let her own feeling make them missed the chance to know about the past.

She softly sighed, slowly folded the letter and carefully put it into her chest.

She was waiting for Bae Il Woo.

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!