Mysterious Old Man

Magical Eunya Village



So Eun sat quietly in the carriage, didn't care of disturbing sounds outside. The words Junho had said rang again and again in her mind. She recalled the first time they met, their moment together, their first kiss and his warm hugs. Tears were running down like rain. She put her hand on her chest but could not ease the pain in her heart. She felt like she ran out of energy.

Why did he have to do so? Why did he wait until now to tell her that bitter truth? He really thought that this pain would be easily over? Master, what would I do? Thinking of her Master made her stop crying. Yes, she had a mountain of works to do, a lot of people to take care and the most important task that her Master asked her to do, she still had not done yet. She could not let her own feelings ruined her Master work. Thought then, So Eun wiped her tears. She took a deep breath, lifted the curtain to look outside. The cold wind was blowing strongly. Perhaps the driver and the horses were all tired. When she saw a small restaurant beside the main road, she cried out:

- Driver, stop here to rest.

She got out of the carriage. All the guests secretly praised her charming beauty. Although she chose a neat and rustic clothes for the long journey but her beauty could not be hiden.

- Agassi, what do you want for lunch?

- Give me something hot and a little bowl of makgeolli [a kind of rice wine].

- Yeah. Please wait for a while.

The waiter quickly ran to the kitchen. Only a few minute later, he came back and put on the table a hot plate of meat, some fried vegetables and a bowl of makgeolli.

- My Lady, you are going to Green River, right?

- Yes, what's wrong with that?

- Ah, I just want to warn you, Agassi. The road to Green River is very dangerous. You have to pass by a forest where is the home of a gang of robbers. If you go  alone, I'm afraid...

- Thank you for warning us. I will be careful. Thank you. Ah, please bring some grass for our horses.

- Yes, Agassi. I will do it right away.

She drank a small sip of wine to warm her up. If the road to Green River was so dangerous, she wanted to leave early to avoid the dark. Suddenly a sound of laughter echoed in the wind and then a bearded old man with white hair appeared from nowhere. The old man was wearing a beggar clothes, but it looked rather clean. His cheeks and nose were red because of the cold.

- Senior, today we haven't got dumplings. You've come here to eat free for days, you're jinja shameless - the last sentence the waiter just said in his throat, but the old man still heard.

- Ah... this brat! - the old man used his short stick to on the waiter head, shouted loudly when sitting down at the table in front of So Eun's - How dare you talk to your grandfather like that, huh? Today I will pay for my lunch.

- Oh yeah? Let me see your money - the waiter seemed not to be tricked easily.  Maybe they knew this old man well.

- Ha ha ha - the old man laughed - do you have a grandfather? Why do you not know to respect the seniors? I said I would pay, right? Don't worry. I just don't have money today, but ...

- Senior - the waiter grimaced - please, let us do our business. Everything is expensive these days, you know? How can we make profit while everyday we have to give you dumplings free? Well, please go away.

The waiter turned to go, but the old man grabbed his clothes. The old man looked so small but he had  an extraordinary power. No matter how hard he tried, the waiter could not escaped from his hands.

- Waiter - So Eun suddenly spoke. She felt that the old man had something mysterious, not as simple as his appearance showed - I pay for the senior. Go getting some delicious foods for him.

The white bearded old man let go his hand that made the waiter fall to the ground. People around laughed out loud. Everyone paid attention to the conversation, now they saw So Eun involved in, they were more curious and excitedly wanted to know what would happen next.

So Eun continueed to eat, did not seem to bother any more. Suddenly she was startled when the white bearded old man sat at her table ever since. She could not help but admired him. She could not disregard this man. He's not trivial at all.

- Little girl.

- If you want to thank me, no need.

- Who told you that I wanted to thank you? - the old man questioned back - Hey little girl, why do you treat me so kind? I know you? Or am I your grandfather?

So Eun smiled. The old man was childish and rather crazy, but she felt very good of him. She gently replied:

- Is it not right to treat you a meal? If you don't like it, it's alright. Waiter! - So Eun called out.

- Eh... I didn't say that I don't like. Ha, this little girl is so fun. I like to play with you - he nodded and declared. So Eun shook her head, continued to eat and didn't notice him anymore.

The waiter brought foods and put on the other table, but the old man waved his hand:

- Put it here. I sit with this kid for fun.

The waiter hesitated, but when he saw she remain silent, he glared at the old man and then put his foods on the table.

- Little kid, I will eat huh?

She smiled and nodded. After taking the last sip of wine, she saw the driver finished his meal also, she called the waiter to pay. Meanwhile, the old man was eating very fast. In only a few minute, he cleaned the plate.

- Senior, we go ahead. Just eat slowly. Goodbye!

She lightly bowed and stood up. When she got near the carriage, she saw the old man was sitting there waiting for her.

- Senior - So Eun startled in shock. What's kind of levitation? - what are you doing here?

- Ha ha ha - the old man laughed and then jumped down from the carriage - you treated me a meal, I also have to pay back.

- Senior, no need to pay anything. I have many things to do so I do not have time to play with you - So Eun said and then turned to the driver, she nodded - let's go.

- Oh, little kid - He grimaced - I don't say that I'm playing. Let me tell you. This road to Green River is very dangerous. If they want to rob something, I will play with them instead of you. Alright?

So Eun thought for a moment. This crazy old man is mysterious but he was special. Maybe he could do something for her?

- Alright, but I have one condition. You must sit quietly in the carriage. I do not like to talk, remember.

- Eh..., but how can I? If you tell me to be quiet, you rather tell me to die.

- Then I go alone. Go to find someone else to talk to.

So Eun jumpped up into the carriage, but the old man quickly followed her.

- Fine... Fine... I will be quiet. But sometimes can I say a few words? I just talk to myself.

So Eun tried to hold on laughter. Actually, she also was please with his presence.

The sound of the vehicle wheels and the old man muttering to himself made So Eun fall to sleep. Wind still whistled through the window. The old man stopped talking, turned and looked at So Eun for a while and then gently pulled the robe falling off her shoulder, carefully covered her. He lifted the front curtain and moved to sit near the driver. His eyes continuously observed both sides of the road. The path started passing the forest and it looked like the old man realized that danger was lurking somewhere.

- What is it, senior? What do you see?

The driver asked anxiously. The old man did not answer, put his fingers to his lips to signal for not talking. The driver probably understood that he didn't want to wake up the sleeping beauty inside the car. He suddenly watched the old man closely and found out that he was no longer half childish half crazy like before anymore. The driver thought a bit but his nature was simple, then he just concluded that the danger might make the old man changed. At least, he and the beautiful lady were protected now.

The old man asked driver pushed the hourses running faster. He lifted the curtain to look inside. It looked like So Eun was so tired that she still was deep in sleep. Her cheeks were pinkish and her skin was so smooth and white. But the old man didn't expressed any appreciation. He just watched her with careness and worry.

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!