
Magical Eunya Village



Junho closed the main door. He decided to come to Yoon house in daylight. The sun shined through the back door and made their living room look less lonely.

Everything in the house was burned down, except a couple of thick porcelain vases, which now were placed neatly on a small shelf in the living room. Perhaps it's quite durable porcelain, placed where not be broken or harmed in the fire. Eventhough the house was clean but no one paid attention to these vases so it's dusty. He removed all the vases and placed on the ground, and then carefully examined each one at a time.

There was no trace, except ashes inside. Junho sat down and looked at the vases. Suddenly a thought flashed in his mind. He quickly sat up and tapped on each vase. Finally, he heard a strange bass from one vase, different from the rest. He took it up and looke inside the vase. but still not found anything. After a while, he found that the bottom of the vase did not seem to fit the outside height. Maybe this vase had two bottom. Thought so, he put one hand into the vase and found a tiny lock. He pressed it down and then the bottom of the vase was aparted from the remain.

It turned out that the artist took advantage of decorative painting outside to design another bottome so no one discovered it. In between the bottom was a leather parchment. He took it and nervously read. This time, words were written clearly, not a kind of invisible ink. He guessed that this was the autographs of Yoon Kang Woo. The was tough then he was sure that it belonged to him because he's the only man in the house.

Junho read all the document without understanding. The characters obviously were the local language, but it made no sense. He was amazed. When he look closely at the first words, he saw the three words "Yoon Kang Woo" wrote in a column then he realised that the writer had written it up to down and from right to left, not the usual spelling. His heard beated up. And the content of the parchment was below:

"I accidentally discovered that Bae Seung Yoo and Hwang Jung Min had an affair and they had a son. But it's not enough. They even killed Dong Gun son and swapped their places.

What a horrible thing. I don't think Madame Bae and Dong Gun hyung can bear it. I feel confused and don't know what to do now. Wanna talk to my wife but she just gave birth to our baby. Bad mood will affect her much. Then I write these lines in case I'm in danger.

Yoon Kang Woo "

Junho sat in silence for a while. It turned out that Yoon senior had known about the truth but he was worried for the health of Bae Dong Gun and the reputation of Bae family then he did not tell the truth. If that is so then the fire ...

Junho suddenly stood up. It's not an accidental fire. So Eun was right. Was it possible that her Master actually guessed some fact then she forced So Eun to learn kungfu and came back here to investigate the truth? Had her Master suspected Bae Seung Yoo and Hwang Jung Min had plotted to kill them, but she still worried about So Eun, so didn't tell her anything. Perhaps her Master was afraid that her carelessness would hurt herself?

Junho felt cold inside. If Bae Seung Yoo dared to kill Yoon family to shut their mouth, then he could do the same to So Eun if he had to. Even if he loved Bae Il Woo, he obviously didn't want his plan broken. Now he understood why Bae Seung Yoo wanted to go with Il Woo to the Kim Mansion. He was sure that Bae Seung Yoo wanted to know about So Eun status.

Junho quickly put all the stuffs back to the old location, just took the leather parchment and headed straight to the Medical House.

Medical House was the only place where treated the Villagers. People here knew well that Joo Jin Mo used to be a doctor in a mountainous region. Once, he treated the son of the Patriarch but finally he died, then Jin Mo and his family had been driven out of town. Wandering with a wife and three kids, Jin Mo cured people to make a living by day. One day, he accidentally met Bae Seung Yoo in Silky town when he cured a child who fell unconscious on the road. Realising his ability and being pleasant while discussed on how to treat diseases with him, Bae Seung Yoo asked Jin Mo to follow him to Eunya Village. Owed for those great  graces, they were very loyal to the Bae family, especially Bae Seung Yoo.

There were a lot of patients now in the House. Junho stepped inside. Seeing him, Jin Mo smiled and lightly bowed. For some reasons, Jin Mo always liked and respected Junho, eventhough he was as young as his son.

- Mr. Lee, are you better now?

- Thank you, doctor Joo. Much better. You see, my face is brighter than ever.

Jin Mo nodded.

- I have one thing to discuss with you. Do you mind?

Jin Mo looked around reception room for a moment then said:

- Please come inside, Mr. Lee. It's not convenient here.

- Alright. Lead the way.

Junho followed. Both went by the herb garden and then walked into the reading room, where Jin Mo researched and recorded his experience. Perhaps seeing Junho serious face, Jin Mo assumed that things he wanted to say were very important.

- Mr. Lee, please sit down!

His solemn voice always made him feel awkward. He said confused:

- I'm just your junior, don't be too polite.

Jin Mo kindly smiled and said in a deep voice:

- I do not know why but I always have a very strange feeling to you, Mr. Lee - he paused, shook his head and then added - what do you want to discuss?

Junho did not say anything, just put two leather parchments on the table. One was the piece someone put inside the baby clothes 20 years ago. And the other was the sheet that he found in the Yoon house. When Jin Mo saw the first piece, his face was changed. He stammered:

- Mr. Lee, where do you get this?

- Inside my clothes 20 years ago - Junho replied shortly.

Jin Mo trembling dropped the parchment on the table, staring at him, could not utter a word; he opened his mouth, trying to breathe and then spoke difficultly:

- Mr. Lee, you are ...

Junho nodded:

- I was adopted by my father. He saved me from the forest, and then raised me in the prairie.

Jin Mo didn't know how he feel right now, happy or miserable? He said:

- Young Master, thank God, you are still alive. I should not have done so. Please understand... I just...

Suddenly Jin Mo stopped. He did not know how much Junho knew of the truth. Junho patted his shoulders and calmly said:

- Doctor Joo, sit down. I understand. In the past, if not thank to your kindness, I surely died. I do not blame you or anything. I know this truth a while ago but didn't find any good chance to thank you properly.

- Mr. Lee, oh I mean young Master, don't have to say that. I shouldn't listen to him...

Jin Mo fell to silent again, Junho smiled:

- I know everything, no need to hide.

- Everything?

- Yes. I know who wanted me to die. I didn't intend to expose this and I really want to let it go. Il Woo hyung is like my brother. He's at the same age with me but always care for me and share with me everything he has. It's not his faulth that I was separated from my parents. I'm still alive and my life is not so bad, then knowing my status is enough for me.

- Young Master, you are young but has a generous heart. This old man really respect you.

- Don't say so, doctor. You are very kind and your heart is in the right place. That's why today I come here to show you one more thing.

He pushed the other leather parchment in front of Jin Mo.

- Read it from up to down and from right to left.

Junho told him when he saw Jin Mo reading it in common sense. Only a moment later, his face turned to white color.

- This is ...

- Do you recognised Yoon senior writing?

- Yes. It seemed that his writing. But ...

- You don't believe it, do you? I found this piece in a vase in the Yoon house. I think, if someone wanted to slander Bae Seung Yoo, they would not hid it so carefully for so many years, right?

- Yeah. So what are you going to do now?

Junho mused for a moment and then said:

- Today I just want you to confirm the story in the past. Now everything exactly as I speculated now, so I'm worried about a person ...

- Who the person is?

- It's Kim agassi.

- The Great Beauty Kim So Eun?

- Yes. Her. According to my speculation, she maybe related to the Yoon family then she came here to investigate. This morning, Il Woo hyung and Bae Seung Yoo went to Kim Mansion to find her. I'm afraid...

- Afraid that the second Master would harm her?

- I wish that I guess wrong, but may be. What if he find out that Kim agassi really want to investigate the truth? What had he not dare to do?

Junho could feel Jin Mo shuddering. His face was pale, seemed to be full of worry. He continued:

- That's why I want to ask you one thing.

- Please keep saying, young Master.

- I want you to go with me to the Kim Mansion.

- You mean ...

- I do not know what will happen there. You followed him for so many years, I'm sure that you know well his habits of using poisons, his strengths and weaknesses. I fear ...

- If necessary, you want me to do toxic treatment for her, right?

Junho sighed, looking out the window, thoughtful responsed:

- You're very smart, doctor. It's so urgent now. They have gone long before us. Of course, if you refuse, I will not insist you doing this.

- Well, I go with you, young Master - Jin Mo replied, and then added - but promise me one thing, please.

- Tell me.

- Please don't kill him, young Master. Eventhough I didn't agree with his doings, but I owed him a lot. Please understand.

Junho sighed:

- I never want to kill him, doctor. He's Il Woo father anyway. His life depends on Kim agassi, not me. But I promise to tell her about your wish.

- Thank you, young Master.

- Remember, it's only you and me know about this, don't tell anyone, including your wife. We must keep this trip secretly. If not, it may be dangerous to Kim agassi, you know?

- I understand. I think you should bring some herbs when you leave here. It's like you come to be treated.

- Oh, thank you. You're so thoughtful.

- Then I will wait you at the Gate?

- No, in Silky Town.

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!