I will never hurt you again

Magical Eunya Village



Junho opened his eyes. In front of him was a dim light that was not clear. He closed his eyes and then opened again, turned his head to observe around to know where he was. Finding himself lying on a simple bed, surrounded by a wooden wall and ceiling, he recognised it immediately. It's the Yoon house. The light bounced in through a crack in the door made him slowly could see everything in the room. He tried to sit up but his head was still heavy. He remembered how he had been poisoned but couldn't know how he got here.

- Oppa, don't move.

A very softly voice raised beside and then he could felt a soft hand grabbed his tightly.

- Eunnie!

In the dim light, he saw her face. She was smiling, but her eyes were full of tears. He raised his hand to touch her cheek to confirm that he was not dreaming. She just quietly nodded.

- You looked so pale and tired. Because of me, you have to ...

So Eun put her fingers to his lips, preventing him from speaking, and softly whispered:

- Do you know how many days you're unconscious? I was so worried. If not thanks to doctor Joo, I didn't know what to do.

Junho her cheek and tried his best to gently pulled her into his arms. So Eun rested her head on his chest. Her tears began falling, seeped into his shirt. He hugged her and said softly:

- I'm sorry, Eunnie ah. I made you suffer a lot these days. But from now on, I will never leave you.

- But... but... what about your fiance?

Junho hugged her a little more tightly and quietly replied:

- What fiance? I just ... just lied you.

So Eun sat up and punched gently on his chest:

- You ... you ... I ... I wanna kill you...

- Hey, do you want to punch me to death?

- You should die. Do you know how much I was hurt?

Junho grabbed her hands, nodded softly:

- I was wrong, Eunnie ah. From now on, I will never hurt you again, never make you sad anymore. I promise you.

- Can you?

- You do not believe me? I can swear that if I...

So Eun hold his hand, softly shook her head:

- No, no need. I trust you.

Someone cleared his throat softly at the door that made So Eun and Junho all turned to look.

- Hyung!

- Well, who are you ...? - Junho was surprised at the man who just called him hyung. This man was tall with a long white beard, dressed as a merchant. He never knew anyone like that.

- You don't recognised me? - He smiled and changed his tone that Junho realised at once the familiar voice of Myungsoo. He sat up and exclaimed:

- Myungsoo dongsaeng!

- Hyung, do not have to sit up. It's too good that you wake up.

- How have you to be disguised? I almost did not recognize you.

- Noona will tell you later. Look, noona took care of you for a few days and she could not sleep then.

- I'm fine. Don't exaggerate - So Eun was afraid that made Junho worried, she frowned.

- Myungsoo is right. You look so tired. I'm better now, you see. You should rest a bit.

- Do you want to talk in private with Myungsoo, right?

Junho gently smiled, softly shook his head:

- You see, Myungsoo. Your noona is too much. After we get married, do you think how I will live in peace?

- Who marry you? - So Eun blushed, glared at him and stood up, ran out of the room. Junho and Myungsoo were watching her with smiles on their lips.

- Hyung, is there anything you want to ask me?

- Why are we here? Tell me everything.

- After you were poisoned, doctor Joo cured you. But because you don't have your own soul tree, if you live far away from the Village for too long, you will not have enough energy to survive. So noona was risky to bring you here. She told us that the Yoon house was the safest place in the Village.

- But why here? Why did we have to hide? Is it...?

- Yeah - Myungsoo said in anger - it's because of the sick guy that you always try to protect. He ordered to strictly control the Village. He told everyone that you betrayed the Village so you should be eliminated.

- My father ... what about my father?

- Lee samchon... well... eh... he's fine. Don't worry.

- Why are you stammering? Tell me what happened?

Junho got out of bed, but he was not strong enough then he sat back and leaned on the wall. Feeling of powerless made him mad at himself.

- Hyung, samchon will be fine. That sick guy kept him in prison. Noona told me that he used your father as a bait, so he would not harm him before you came. You must be strong to rescue samchon.

- How many days I was lying here?

- Just a few days, hyung - Myungsoo lied but when he caught the stern gaze of Junho, he admited - 7 days actually.

Junho understood that it's useless if he was angry or worry now. He said:

- What about doctor Joo family?

- He's fine but his family were locked in Medical House. Fortunately, noona was cautious. She told Suzy to come back the Village first to get information. After receiving her message, we took you here safely.

- Suzy? She helped us?

- Yes. She didn't agree with her father and brother. She said, she certainly did anything if that helped you. She was worried too much about you but she did not dare to visit. She's afraid they found you here.

Myungsoo's voice seemed a bit sad. Understanding what he thought, Junho said:

- Suzy is my sister, Myungsoo ah. Because we lived together from childhood, our relationship is good and special, but not as you think. Don't worry, I can see she really like you.

- Oh, hyung. I know it.

- Myungsoo, I'm sorry to drag all of you into this.

- Do not say so. We had fraternal twinning, remember? Your matter is mine and vice versa.

- Mr. Kim is right. You should not think so, young master.

- Doctor Joo!

- It's good that you awake. Here's your medicine today. Your face looks good now.

- Thank you, Doctor Joo. What about your family...?

- Bae agassi sent message to me that they're fine. They are now just supervised by the second Master people. Perhaps they thought that we're still in the Kim Mansion to cure your injure. It's so good then. You will have enough time to be recovered.

- But it must be hard for your family ...

- Please don't mind, young master. My wife is so strong and she always knows what to do in any circumstance. You should try to get back your energy to help Yoon agassi. She lately was in poor appetite and sleep.

Junho sighed softly. His outrageous goodness made everyone have to suffer too much. But deep down, he still did not think that his hyung would treat him like this. Could brotherhood be vanished just because of fame? The anguish suddenly oppressed his heart. He tried to swallow the solution, but its bitter taste was not as much as the bitterness in his heart.

- Hyung, I must go. I have to come back the Silky Town before they doubt me.

- Be careful, Myungsoo.

Junho turned to Joo Jin Mo when Myungsoo was out of sight.

- How is the situation?

- Now the Village is guarded very strict. We can use the secret path you've found, but it should be limited to keep it safe.

- I just wonder one thing. Why did hyung become like this - Junho bitterly muttered as if he asked himself.

- Young master, actually it's not too difficult to understand. He has been the young master but now many people knows that he is not. He thought that he's a son of Bae Master but in fact he is only a child who was born from an illicit relationship. His father and Yoon agassi's suddenly became enemies. Do you think what he could do?

Junho softly shook his head.

- Well, I don't want to be young master or anything like that. I'm willing to let everything be the way it did. I just don't want anyone to be hurt - he paused for a while and then continued - Me and him were growing up together and shared bitter or sweet all these years. I thought that nothing compared to our brotherhood.

- Young master, the more you're benevolent to him, the more he hate you.

Junho sighed and kept silence a few moments. Doctor Joo also said nothing, just quietly sat beside him. Finally, Junho broke the silence:

- Thank you, doctor Joo. Take a break. Don't worry about me. I'm better now.

- So I will not bother you.

Junho nodded and slowly lay down on the bed after Jin Mo left the room.

He had decided what he should do already.

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!