A Secret Relationship

Magical Eunya Village


So Eun blew out the flame of candle in the rented room. In the dark, she listened to all the sound around. Not any noise except the wind blowing and insect noises ouside the opened window.

It was the third hour. So Eun lay quietly in bed. She already was wearing the black clothes that Lee Sang and Junho had prepared for her. Three days ago, ater farewell Eunya Village, she went straight to Silky Town, hired a decent room on the second floor, facing the main road of the town.

Everyday, she visited the silk shops, meticulously recorded everything as a real silk merchant. Her beauty and elegant appearance shortly caught attention from the Town residents. Silky was a small town, located near the Eunya Village. Between the Town and the Village was a vast forest, where Junho was left in a basket with only thin silk cloths and a red brocade bag that he was always wearing on his belt.

She suddenly missed him immensely.

But the crucial moment was coming. She could not neglect. In the last three days, according to their plan, she did the most normal things for others to see. She, Junho and his father all knew that every moves in Silky Town would be monitored. About fourth hour, So Eun got up and gently moved to the window. Now was the best time to act. She secretly admired Junho, it's him who said that around fourth hour was the time when people would be loose watching her and it would be the safest time.

So Eun jumped out from window and in a moment, she was out on the roof of the inn and disappeared into the woods. According to the instructions of Junho, she ran along the road less frequented. The darkness did not cause any problems for her because Junho had taught her how to look at the stars to navigate. Junho  had explored a lot during his living time in the Village to find out every corner of the roads leading from the Village to the outside.

Eunya Village was in front. So Eun followed the direction of Junho, running towards the Soul Valley and found a small path, hidden under the thick yoongyo bushes towards the wooden house of Yoon family. The rear door facing the Soul Valley was already opened. So Eun quietly flied up and got in the corridor. A warm hand grabbed hers and for a moment, So Eun was pulled into the strong arms of Junho. She and him only three days aparted, but it seemingly was measured of 3 years. She quietly rest her head on his chest and put her arms around him. Tears were well up in her eyes with joy.

- Eunnie ah, are you alright?

She heard Junho whispering in her ear. His arms still tightened her trembling body. So Eun slightly stepped back. In the dark, she did not see his face clearly, but she could feel he was looking at her. She softly shook her head. After a while, when her eyes got accustomed to the darkness, she put her hand on his cheek, gently said:

- Are you worried about me a lot, right? I'm fine. It's just that aparted from you for 3 days, I really missed you... What a...

Junho suddenly bent down and pressed his lips on hers, did not let her finish the sentence. It seemed that missing and loves in the moment had made both forget their important work.

Suddenly a vague sound made Junho stopped. He immediately pulled her hiding inside the wooden cabinet, facing the fireplace. Both sat side by side in a small space so So Eun could hear his heart beating nervously. His hand still held hers, close to his chest. His eyes were shining, eagerly looked through the crack on the door.

A flickering flame appeared in the fireplace and a black figure with a dim light stepped out. It turned out that there was a secret door on the floor of the fireplace, which perhaps lead to a tunnel. The black figure lit a candle on a small table in the middle of the room. Junho was glad that he closed the rear door already. Now, when light was clear enough throughout the room, Junho and So Eun felt like their heart stop beating when they realized the figure was Bae Seung Yoo. Both looked at each other, saw in their eyes the same question: why was Suzy father here at this hour?

Just then, there was a sound at the secret door and another figure got in. This time, they did not have to wait long. Her face appeared immediately in the light of the candle flame. The second lady. Hwang Jung Min.

So Eun put her hand to to stop a cry almost escaped . She felt Junho hand also clutched hers.

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zeloleoz #1
Chapter 75: Great story... I absolutely love the story. I THINK it'll make me want to read it again. GOOD JOB....
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 75: Yayyy!! I didn't see that comingg!! I really hate il woo for killing junho, but it's just a plan! Reallyy.. I can't say anything..
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 75: I cherish this story so much. Please keep it up with the junsso stories. You have great talent and i admire your imagination :D
kitktykatty #4
Chapter 75: oMo I loved that ending~! I'm so sad it's over now, but it was a great way to end~! Thanks for the special mention~! It really meant a lot to me~!
camayxxx #5
Chapter 75: thank you... ur a great writer :)) im looking forwrd to a new junsso story.. u make me happy if i see u updates ur story.. more power and fighthing!!!
j_love2pm #6
Chapter 75: it finished... T-T I don't really know what I feel, happy cause it finaaly a happy ending, or sad cause I lose a great story to wait ~.~ hope you can share another great story such this >.< fighting @junssolove
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 74: oMo~! What the hell just happened~? Please update soon~!