Bursting with Anger

Master of Disguise

Onew leaned in and pressed his lips against mine in a soft, tender kiss.

My eyes widened, in shock, before they finally fluttered shut. My heart started on a fast, uncontrollable, run. As Onew tangled his hands through my hair and drew me closer to him, a gasp escaped my lips. I could feel Onew's heart beating uncontrollably fast; as if he was running a marathon.


Onew slowly drew back, his cheeks flaming red. “S-Sorry."


Shocked by his words, I kept quiet. Sorry? Why would you apologize after a kiss THAT good?!


Onew rambled on. “I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have acted to rashly; I promise it won’t happen again—”


Growing irritated by his words, I stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips against his, effectively shutting him up.


I drew back and smiled at Onew's flabbergasted expression.


“Pabo,” I whispered, watching Onew touch his lip in shock.




"Don’t you dare apologise," I snapped.


Onew blinked twice, taken back.


“You're not angry?” He asked gingerly.


I scoffed. “Would I kiss you back if I was?”


Onew's face warmed up and his eyes softened. “Eunji...”


I smiled coolly and remembered our previous conversation.


“By the way, what did you want to ask me?”


Onew's smile fell off his face. “A-About that—”


The shrill sound of my phone going off interrupted Onew's words.


“Just a sec.” I shot Onew a quick smile before answering the phone.




“Eunji where are you? Did you forget that we were going to have dinner together?”


I winced. “Neh, sorry Grandmother.” Please don't make me come.


“Ugh,” Grandmother let out an aggravated sound. “Well you still have thirty minutes to come here. I’ll be waiting.”


“Wait Grandmother, I have—” She hung up.


I sighed and snapped my phone shut. “Dammit.”


Onew peered at me curiously. “You look...upset?”


More like thoroughly pissed. “That’s an understatement.”


I cracked a smile. “Looks like what you have to say, will have to wait.”


Onew pouted sadly. “But it's really important.”


I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Later, kay?”


Without waiting for his answer, I quickly scurried to my room, dreading my dinner date with Grandmother.


~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's POV~~~~~~~~~




Onew winced and slumped lower in his seat. “I didn't plan on kissing Eunjin. I-I couldn't stop myself.”


Jonghyun paced back and forth in his room, a frustrated look on his face. “What are you going to do now? There is no way you're going to dump Eunjin after what you just did.”


Onew's lower lip trembled. “I don't want to hurt Eunjin.”


Jonghyun stopped pacing and scrutinized his reaction. “You really like him don't you?”


“Him?” Onew's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.


“You know, Eunjin.”

Onew laughed lightly, his entire being softening at the mention of her name. “It's worse than that; I love her.”


Jonghyun rubbed his aching temples. “This is worse than I thought. Can't you just dump that brat Jihyun?”


Onew sadly shook his head. “You know I can't do that.”


“Well you have to tell Eunjin before—”Jonghyun suddenly broke off. "Before THAT day."


Onew looked away, a pained look in his eyes. “Yeah, I know.”




 “Ladies, have you decided on what you'd like to order?”


"”The usual for me. How about you dear Eunji?”






I snapped out of my daze and met with my Grandmother's expectant gaze.


“What is it?” I said, startled to have both her gaze and the waiter’s gaze on me. What did I do now?


The poker-faced waiter gestured to the menu in front of me. “Your order, miss.”


I closed my menu and gave the waiter a disinterested look. “Surprise me.”


With almost robotic movement, the waiter bowed and retreated back into the kitchen.


“Eunji, darling,” Started Grandmother, clasping her hands neatly in front of her.


I plastered a smile on my face. “Yes grandmother?” What does she want now?


“Do you know why I’m meeting with you today?”


“Because you really wanted to meet your granddaughter?” I mumbled sarcastically.


“Rubbish,” She waved her hand dismissively. “This is a serious matter Eunji, and I wish you wouldn’t joke around.”


I rolled my eyes and reached for my water glass. “What could be so serious that I had to rush over here?”


“I’m going to help you expand your social circle.”


My eyebrows rose. Not this again. “But I don’t want to—”


“What nonsense.” She grumbled. “You'll be thanking me after this night.”


I slumped in my seat. This is going to be a long night.


“If you’ll excuse me,” Grandmother suddenly stood up from her chair and walked to the ladies washroom.


I could always sneak out.


I slowly rose from my seat and before I could even take a step forward a voice spoke up from behind me.


“Miss, are you going somewhere?”


I stiffened and glared at the same poker-faced waiter. “What do you want?”


“The other miss requested that I make sure that you don’t leave your seat.”


I clenched my hands into fists. “Oh really?”


He stiffly gestured to my seat. “Please sit down.”


I sized up the waiter. I can take him down.


“I suggest that you don’t resolve to violence miss,” the waiter murmured in an emotionless voice. “There are thirteen security guards in this restaurant.”


I reluctantly collapsed into my chair and folded my hands over my chest. She is one sneaky old lady.


With nothing else to do, I took my phone out and texted Onew.


I'm bored =.=" Amuse me- Eunji


The reply came almost immediately.


^^ Should I tell you a joke?- Onew


I smiled and quickly responded.


Fine, but NO chickens- Eunji


His reply made me roll my eyes.


But I promise it's a funny one- Onew


I don't believe you -.-"- Eunji


No listen. Why did the elephant cross the road?- Onew


I dunno, to get to the other side?- Eunji


NO! Because it was the chicken’s day off! BWAHAHA xD- Onew


I snorted and covered my mouth, trying to hold in my laughter. Oh Onew.


Before I could respond the chair in front of me moved. Ah, she’s back.


I quickly shoved my phone into my pocket and forced a smile onto my face. “You’re back.”


She smiled widely, revealing her white pearl-like teeth.  “By the way darling, I need you to free up your schedule.”


My eyebrow furrowed. “What for?”


“You and I have been invited to a wedding and you are in a desperate need of a dress.”


I rolled my eyes. “I have exams coming up, so I might not be able to make it to the wedding.”


Never thought I would be happy about having exams.


Grandmother’s eyes widened dramatically. “But dear, you must go.”


I sighed in annoyance. “Grandmother I don’t even know the couple—”


“But you do,” she interrupted, a gleam in her eyes. “The groom goes to your school.”


I leaned forward, momentarily interested. “He does?”


She nodded her head, a cruel smile forming on her lips. “In fact I have a picture of the couple.”


She opened her purse, removed a picture and held it out to me.


When I eagerly took the picture and looked at it, dread filled me instantaneously. I-It can’t be.


“The bride’s name is Soong Jihyun. Beautiful isn’t she?” Continued Grandmother watching my face twist with confusion.


I numbly nodded my head, not taking my eyes off the man’s face. They just look alike that’s all.


“The groom, which I believe you know, is Lee Onew.”


My gut twisted uneasily. N-No.


“O-Onew?” I repeated, the name suddenly sounded very foreign to me.


“Yes,” Grandmother smiled darkly. “I believe that they’ve been dating for at least two months now.”


My hands clenched into fists, anger raging from within me. That cheating son of –


I shoved myself off the chair; the impact knocked the chair over, causing gasps to emerge from around the restaurant.


“You did this on purpose, didn’t you?” I hissed, glaring that the old woman in front of me.


She blinked coolly, “What on earth are you talking about Eunji? Sit down, you’re making a scene.”


I let out a bitter laugh. “Oh act all innocent, but I know you’re responsible for this.”


A hand suddenly dropped on my shoulder. “Miss, please sit down.”


Hearing the waiter’s emotionless voice sparked something inside me; something dark and ugly.


Without thinking twice, I turned around and smashed my hand into his face. I smiled when I heard the satisfying sound of his nose cracking.


The waiter flew backwards, clutching his nose.

I withdrew my blood-stained fist and turned around, locking eyes with a pair of security guards.

“Stop me if you can.” I hissed.


The guards— who had started advancing towards me—suddenly froze, their eyes locked on Grandmother; who was signaling for them to stop.


Without turning around, I stomped out of the restaurant, a deadly gleam in my eyes. I’m going to kill any bastard that gets in my way.


The storm has arrived~! Prepare yourselves ^.^



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[Master of Disguise] OH MY GOD~! LAST CHAPTER ❤


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Nalani #1
Chapter 9: I see that things are heating up between Onew and Eunji
Nalani #2
Chapter 2: I was hoping for her to cut her hair short
sylvia2728 #3
Chapter 67: kyaa !!! i love this story !! great jod author-nim . the best fanfic i've ever read . haha !
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 67: Wow seriously wow . This is daebak . I love it so much . U make a great story here . Good job . Its a sweet and fluff romance . Lee jonghyun being the noisy one
Chapter 67: O.M.G kyaaaaaa that was so cuteee . Hahaha i can't stop smiling when i read all those chapter . Like seriously this is really really cute stories . You really did a goodjob you know . I love the way you write the plot and stories . Omg seriously i love this story . This is the best story that i've read .kyaaa hahaha . Sorry im over excited . And sorry because i became a silent reader that why i said this is the best because i can't stop reading all chapter . You know curiousity kill the cat haha . Thumbs up
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOSH.

I know how it feels. Having a complete beside your story and feeling a sense of... lost? Confusion? Happiness? Sadness? All rushing towards you at once.

Anyways, the ending was cute. But I will only talk to you once again when you give me another SHINee fanfic or something...

Because I'll be desperate for your story...

Chapter 67: THANKS FOR AN AWESOME STORY!! Totally loved it!!!! So sad it ended! :(
Chapter 4: Paper wins over rock . Eunjin chose Rock so she loses . But, it says she won . Haha
Chapter 67: I just noticed that it has come to an end... I'M SO GOING TO MISS THIS!! Maybe I could recommend this to my friend, she also loves Onew :3