More Surprise Phone Calls

Master of Disguise



Onew’s voice bounced off the walls, echoing throughout the empty room.


He walked dazedly out of the washroom; his wet hair wrapped in a yellow towel.


“Where did she go off to now?” He mumbled, slumping down on his bed.


Onew lazily reached for his I-Phone, which was on the night stand beside his bed, and dialed her number.


The call went straight to voicemail.


Onew sighed and shoved himself off the bed. “I’d better go look for her; god knows what trouble she’ll manage to get herself into.”


He removed the towel off his head and before he could use it to dry his hair, his phone rang.


Without looking at the screen, Onew picked up, eagerness evident in his voice. “Eunji?”


Silence filled the other line.


“Who’s Eunji?” snapped a girl on the other line.


Onew blinked twice and slowly drew the phone back. He glanced at the screen and winced.


“U-Umm, why are you calling so late?”


“Because I miss you.” She whispered coyly.


“O-Okay,” he mumbled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.


“Oppa, there’s soo much that we have to talk about…”


~~~Eunji’s POV~~~


“What the heck is going on L.Joe?” I hissed, breaking the prolonged silence in the room.


“Lower your voice or I’ll—”


“Oh so you’re making threats now?” I mocked, interrupting him.


His jaw tightened and his hands clenched into fists.


“You’ve really changed, haven’t you?”


He snickered. “I’ve always been like this, you just didn’t know.”


I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, and I guess Seohyun also didn’t know either?”


L.Joe stiffened.


“Is she the reason why you’re acting like this?”


L.Joe’s eyes tightened into slits. “Don’t bring her into this.”


Oh, looks like I hit a nerve.


“Well, if you ask me, I really don’t think she’s worth it. In fact I think—Ugh!”


L.Joe shoved me against the wall, his furious face inches from mine.


“Eunji it looks like you don’t know when to shut up.”


I raised my eyebrows, unfazed by his unspoken threat. “What are you going to do about it?”


He snorted. “You really don’t understand how vulnerable you are right now.”


“Vulnerable my .”


L.Joe raised an eyebrow and leaned closer in. “Don’t you understand. I’m a bad person and I have you, a helpless girl, all alone in my room.”


I blanched, color draining my face. “I-I’m not a girl.”


L.Joe cocked his head to the side, a menacing look on his face. “Well why don’t we just find out?”


L.Joe leaned forward and brushed his lips against my jaw line. My attempts at shaking him off were useless, as his hands held me securely in place.




Our heads snapped up, and a very angry Jonghyun was standing in the doorway. His hands were clenched into fists and smoke was practically seething out of his ears.


L.Joe released me and stepped back, shock evident on his face. He glanced at his hands in horror. “I-I’m sorry Eunji—”


 “Shut the up,” growled Jonghyun, shoving L.Joe out of the way.


Jonghyun grabbed my hand and, without hesitation, dragged me out of the room.


Jonghyun strode angrily out of the building, dragging me forcefully behind him.


Once outside I yanked my hand out of his grip, a red angry mark visible on my wrist.


“Oh crap, look what you—”


Jonghyun gave me a look that stopped the words in my throat.


“How could you?” he hissed, emotion clear in his voice.


“What did I do now?” I snapped.




Jonghyun took a deep breath in, trying to calm himself down.


When he spoke again he sounded more controlled.


“Are you cheating on Onew?”


I let out a startled laugh. “Seriously Jonghyun? Is that why you’re so upset?”


I my heel and started walking back.


“If you’re cheating on him I won’t forgive you.”


I stopped dead in my tracks and twirled around, glaring at him. “You think I would cheat on him?”


Jonghyun dropped his gaze. “He really loves you and if—” Jonghyun’s voice broke. “If he gets hurt I’ll make you regret it.”


I locked eyes with Jonghyun. “I will never hurt him.”


Jonghyun stiffly nodded his head; he suddenly raised his hand at me, pinky lifted up. “Pink promise.”


I snorted. “Hell n—”


“Pinky promise.” He repeated, glaring fiercely at me.


“Aish!” I glanced right and then left, making sure no one saw what I was about to do.


I reluctantly lifted my hand and entwined our pinkies. “Promise.” I grumbled.


Jonghyun’s severe expression vanished, and in its place a smile formed. “You got it bad for Onew.”




Jonghyun laughed aloud, the tension between us evaporating.


We both headed back to our rooms, making pointless small talk on the way.


I walked into the room and oddly enough Onew, who had his back to me, was on his phone talking. “Neh, how about tomorrow at six o’clock?”


Onew let out a sigh. “Okay, bye.”


When he hung up his shoulders slumped.


“Are you meeting up with your dad?” I asked, causing Onew to jump up in shock.


“Y-Yah don’t scare me like that.” He mumbled, placing a hand over his heart.


I chuckled and slumped down on my bed. “I’m glad that you’re going to be making things up with your dad.”


A cloud passed over Onew’s face. “…Neh.”


My eyelids dropped and exhaustion started settling over.


“Where were you?”


“…umm? With Jonghyun…” I'm not really lying.




I started to drift off and the next words that Onew spoke could have possibly been from my imagination.


“I love you Kim Eunji. Please don’t forget it.”



Another mysterious caller? Who were you talking to Onew? Tsk tsk…

AND Jonghyun is so flipping adorable, “Pinky Promise?” AIGOOO~ (Honest to god, I AM GLAD THAT HE’S BACK).

Lots of love




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[Master of Disguise] OH MY GOD~! LAST CHAPTER ❤


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Nalani #1
Chapter 9: I see that things are heating up between Onew and Eunji
Nalani #2
Chapter 2: I was hoping for her to cut her hair short
sylvia2728 #3
Chapter 67: kyaa !!! i love this story !! great jod author-nim . the best fanfic i've ever read . haha !
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 67: Wow seriously wow . This is daebak . I love it so much . U make a great story here . Good job . Its a sweet and fluff romance . Lee jonghyun being the noisy one
Chapter 67: O.M.G kyaaaaaa that was so cuteee . Hahaha i can't stop smiling when i read all those chapter . Like seriously this is really really cute stories . You really did a goodjob you know . I love the way you write the plot and stories . Omg seriously i love this story . This is the best story that i've read .kyaaa hahaha . Sorry im over excited . And sorry because i became a silent reader that why i said this is the best because i can't stop reading all chapter . You know curiousity kill the cat haha . Thumbs up
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOSH.

I know how it feels. Having a complete beside your story and feeling a sense of... lost? Confusion? Happiness? Sadness? All rushing towards you at once.

Anyways, the ending was cute. But I will only talk to you once again when you give me another SHINee fanfic or something...

Because I'll be desperate for your story...

Chapter 67: THANKS FOR AN AWESOME STORY!! Totally loved it!!!! So sad it ended! :(
Chapter 4: Paper wins over rock . Eunjin chose Rock so she loses . But, it says she won . Haha
Chapter 67: I just noticed that it has come to an end... I'M SO GOING TO MISS THIS!! Maybe I could recommend this to my friend, she also loves Onew :3