Expect The Unexpected

Master of Disguise

“Stupid short dress,” grumbled Eunji pulling down the hem of the red dress that she wore. Truth be told, the dress wasn’t that short, in fact it was pretty decent. It hung over her knees and had a moderate neckline. But according to Eunji anything that showed off her legs was uncomfortable.

“Okay deep breath in; just take it one step at a time.” Whispered Eunji as she slowly placed one shaky high-heeled leg out of her car followed by the other and cautiously started to stand up.

“This is all Jonghyun’s fault,” cussed Eunji as she slammed the car door shut and started taking stiff steps towards Onew’s house. Everything had been fine; she was going to wear a pair of black flats but then he came along and left a pair of red high heels at her front door with a blood-boiling sticky note attached.

You know the doctor Onew works with? Well she has VERY nice legs, but it’s okay, you can wear those ugly, UNFLATTERING flats…

“UGH!” Eunji angrily stamped up the stairs—just remembering Jonghyun’s note infuriated her—but the moment she arrived at the top her anger disappeared and it was replaced by a very odd emotion. Nervousness.

“A-Aish,” Eunji held her finger over the doorbell, but something inside her made her pause. “Just press the damn thing.”

Eunji drew her hand back faced it upwards, so that she was staring down at her quivering palm. 

“You can fearlessly hold a gun to someone’s head but you ring a damn doorbell,” she whispered darkly, never before having dealt with this situation.

The slight vibration of her phone in her black purse made her flinch and she cursed aloud. “So I’m afraid of everything now?!”

YOU CAN DO IT!! Onew loves you <33 Go kill him~!–Jonghyun 

Eunji laughed lightly before shaking her head in disgrace and shoving the phone into her purse. “How pathetic is this? I need someone like Jonghyun to make me feel better.”

Glancing up at the door Eunji took a deep breath in, “Whatever, let’s get this over with.”

“Eunji-ah, you came—!” Onew yanked the door open his eyes bright with excitement but they suddenly widened and he broke off.

“Y-You look—” Onew trailed off, his eyes running over Eunji’s dress in astonishment.

Eunji flushed red and ducked her head in embarrassment as she muttered, “I know, I look ridiculous.”

Onew wordlessly shook his head, before clearing his throat; his ears bright red. “I was going to say beautiful.”

Eunji glanced up, her eyes flashing with surprise and cheeks burning red. "Well you–umm–you too."

Onew chuckled lightly before leaning forewords, so that his face was inches from Eunji's face. "Eunji-ah..." 

His warm breath sent shivers down her spine and she took a startled step back. "W-what do you want?" 

Onew tenderly cupped Eunji's face, causing her to gasp in start, and leaned forewords.

"Why are you so flipping cute?!" Onew pinched Eunji's cheeks–like a crazy old man–watching in amusement as the shock slowly disappeared off Eunji's face and was replaced with embarrassed annoyance.

"Aish, let's eat, I'm hungry." Mumbled Eunji; lightly swatting Onew's hand as she stalked into his house.

Onew laughed out loud, enjoying himself far too much, and boldly grabbed Eunji's hand and tugged on it; an innocent smile on his face. "The kitchen is this way..."

Eunji resisted the urge to fan her flaming face and opened ready to protest–but the happiness in Onew's eyes could NOT be argued with—and was in fact dangerously contagious.

"Fine," Eunji found herself tightening her hand around Onew's. "I’m curious; did you cook something crazy again?"

Onew laughed a loud–recalling the time he had made her breakfast–and started dragging Eunji towards the dining room, "No I made normal spaghetti."

Eunji laughed aloud, "Aww, I was really looking forewords to some green spaghetti–OH!"

 Eunji suddenly broke off as Onew pulled her beside the dinner table; her eyes were immediately drawn to the many lit candles on the table, which were surrounded by an ocean of scattered rose pedals.

"Dont get the wrong idea," started Onew, pulling out Eunji's seat for her. "This isn't a romantic dinner date."

"Oh really?" whispered Eunji breathlessly, still awestruck with everything that Onew did and slowly made her way to the chair.

"Of course," replied Onew as he gently pushed Eunji's chair in; his fingers accidentally brushing against Eunji's bare shoulders. "There's actually a ghost living in this house who haunts romantic dinners."

Eunji burst into giggles and turned around with an incredulous expression on her face. "Seriously, this again?"

"It worked the first time didn't it?" Onew winked at her before freezing and glancing at her in shock. "Kim Eunji, did you just giggle?"

Eunji turned scarlet and ducked her head, "Y-Yah, the food's going to get cold."

Onew shook his head in amazement as he made his way to the stove in the kitchen; and picked up the large red pot.

"It smells good," Complimented Eunji as Onew brought the large pan to their table.

Onew's face light up. "Thank you."

"But the bigger question is, does it taste good?" Teased Eunji, her stomach grumbling in hunger.

Onew winked at Eunji and with a pair of tongs, scooped up the red, tomato sauce stained spaghetti and placed it on a large white plate.

"What only one plate?" Eunji teasingly raised her eyebrows. "Are you planning something?"

Onew's ears pinked, "Maybe–OH!" 

A sudden, ear piercing cry filled the room, causing Onew to abruptly withdraw his hand and accidentally knocked over a lite candle. And all hell broke loose.

"CRAP!" Eunji sprang off her chair, knocking it down in the process; her eyes set on the tiny–but growing– flame on the table.

"O-Oh no," Onew glanced frantically from the flaming table to the ceiling–where the screeching cry was coming from.

"Eunji could you go upstairs and get Jaekyung while I take care of this?"

Eunji glanced at the ceiling and back at Onew, "Jaekyung?"


"So this is Jaekyung?" Mumbled Eunji, glancing wearily at the pink creature bundled in a white blanket; wailing uncontrollably on the bed.

Eunji crept closer to the bed and glanced down at the crying ball of pinkness, a cautious expression on her face. "Umm, hello there?"

Jaekyung abruptly stopped crying and blinked up at Eunji, a curious look on her face. 

Taking a deep breath in, Eunji bent over and gently cradled the tiny creature in her arms, a frightened expression on her face.

"I hope I'm doing this right," Whispered Eunji, awkwardly holding the baby. It may not be too hard to imagine, but Eunji has never–not once in her life–held a real life baby before; and the fact that she was doing so now was mind-boggling to her.

"This isn't too har–AH!" Eunji had started walking down the stairs when an explosive sound burst out of baby Jaekyung and an awful stench was released.

“Oh my gosh; oh my gosh,” Eunji flinched as Jaekyung–whose diaper was threatening to implode– burst into tears

“This can't be happening to me,” whined Eunji as she noticed the box of diapers lying on the floor by the bed.

If Jaekyung had been wailing before; she was now screaming at the top of her lungs—her face turning an unhealthy shade of purple. 

Taking pity on the child–and herself–Eunji lowered the tiny creature (who was having fit) onto the bed and disdainfully reached for a clean diaper.

The smell–oh the horrid smell that filled Eunji’s airways could have been used as a weapon of mass destruction. Holding her breath Eunji heroically changed Jaekyung's diaper for the first and last time, and smiled in satisfaction when Jaekyung stopped crying.

“You missy,” grumbled Eunji as she exhaustedly picked up Jaekyung off the bed. “Are too much trouble.”

Jaekyung giggled and ‘innocently’ burped straight into Eunji’s face, releasing a stench that would put toxic fumes to shame.

“Not cute,” Eunji coughed as she fanned the air in front of her face before turning to Jaekyung with a stern look on her face. “I’m going to dump you straight into Onew’s arms you ungrateful blub of flesh.”

Jaekyung started giggling in a completely cute annoying manner, causing Eunji to eye her in annoyance before trudging down the stairs and muttering, “What the hell is Onew doing?”

Turning the corner Eunji froze as thick black smoke emerged out of the kitchen and headed straight for her.

“What the hell—?”

“EUNJI!” Onew ran out the kitchen his face and cloth covered in black dust, his eyes wide with fright. “Let’s get out of here!”

Eunji stared past him at the fire blossoming in the kitchen. “What happened?”

Onew furiously shook his dust-covered head as both his arms circled around Eunji (and Jaekyung) protectively. “Let’s get out of here first.”

Onew dragged Eunji out of the house, his heart beating wildly in his chest; and even when they were safely outside Onew’s arm remained tightly wrapped around Eunji.

“Onew?” Eunji’s face flushed red and she flusteredly gestured to his arms. “You can let go now.”

Onew ignored Eunji’s comment and placed his hands on both her shoulders, causing Jaekyung yelp in protest as she slowly got sandwiched.

“Are you okay?” Onew’s eyes were filled with concern as he analyzed every detail of Eunji’s face.

“Y-Yeah,” Eunji’s heart skipped a beat, startled by Onew’s intense stare—completely disregarding the growing sirens in the background— and couldn’t help but notice his worn out expression, his muddied face, and his darkened clothing. “Are you okay?”

A smile so strained it no longer looked like a smile appeared on his face and a laugh so pathetic came stuttering out of his coal covered lips. “This was probably the worst day of your life.”

Eunji couldn’t help but laugh in surprise; this is what he was worried about?

“To be honest, this day was—”

“MA’AM, PLEASE MOVE!” Yelled a firefighter as rushed past Eunji and into the house—accidently pushing Eunji aside.

“Y-Yah!” Onew’s arms shot out and wrapped protectively around Eunji, his head snapping to the vanished firefighter in frustration.

Eunji gawked at Onew’s sudden proximity and a feeling of warmth spread through her—temporarily making her forget about the tiny child in her arms, who suddenly burst into tears.

“Oh crap, not you again,” groaned Eunji, moving her arms back and forth in a rocking motion; trying to shut the baby up.

“Okay, okay how about this? Do you like my pretty necklace? You like—HEY DON’T PULL IT, OW!”

Onew’s eyes softened as he watched in utter disbelief as Eunji actually played with the baby girl AND successfully managed to get her to stop crying; his insides practically turning to mush from how cute the scene in front of him looked.

Yanking the necklace off and dangling it over Jaekyung’s head, Eunji sent Onew a satisfied look and gestured at the giggling child. “See how awesome I am?” she mouthed.

Onew chuckled warmly and closed the distance between them; his hand reaching out and tenderly brushing the hair off Eunji’s face. “I already knew that.”

Eunji’s breath caught in as her skin burned beneath his feathery touch. She watched silently as Onew clenched his eyes shut, took a deep breath in and opened his eyes; a shy look on his face.

“Eunji-ah I—”

“INCOMING!” Yelled a second firefighter as he magically appearing behind them with a hose in his hand –which was pointed right at Eunji and Onew—and “attempted” to warn them about it.

“OH MY GOD—!”     

Eunji let out a startled yelp as a burst of water almost knocked her off her feet and drenched her entirely. Onew, who was also shocked into a horrified silence, cast a hesitant look at Eunji and flinched.

“O-Oh my god, I-I’m so sorry, I-I think I have a handkerchief in my pocket,” stuttered Onew as he shoved his hands into the pocket of his drenched pants and hurriedly yanked out a soggy, scrunched up yellow hanky—ignoring the things that flew out of his pocket.

“L-Let me dry you up.” With quivering hands Onew unconsciously patted the wet hanky against Eunji’s face and flinched when Eunji’s hand reached out and stopped him.

“Onew, it’s okay.”

“I-I can go and grab a dry one,” blurted Onew, his heart beating widely and his chest constricting in pain as he was too ashamed to make eye contact with Eunji.

“You dropped something,” murmured Eunji softly as she bent down (Jaekyung silently holding on—too shocked by the water burst to utter a single sound) and picked something glistering off the floor.

“I-It’s not important,” muttered Onew dejectedly, clenching his eyes shut as a wave of nausea passed over him and a feeling of total dread and heartache consumed him.

“Really?” Onew heard a change in Eunji’s voice, but refused to open his eyes and find out why. “It looks expensive.”

Onew’s eyes sprang open and he realized with utmost horror—or thought he had realized— what Eunji had picked up off the floor.

“Are you sure it’s not important to you?” Murmured Eunji as she flipped Onew’s car keys up in the air and caught it, an amused smile on her wet face.

Onew felt taken back and he silently reached into his back pocket and found the real thing he was worried Eunji had found; a sigh of relief escaped his lips.


Eunji dangled Onew’s car keys in front of his face, a curious expression on her face.

Ignoring the sirens in the background, Onew took a deep breath and knelt down in front of Eunji—where there was a huge puddle on the floor—a grave expression on his face as he slide an item out of his back pocket and into his fisted palm.

“Kim Eunji,” he whispered, his voice shaking because he realized that this was probably the worst time to do what he was about to do.

Eunji’s eyes tripled in concern and her hand flitted to his forehead. “Are you having a ? Is it a fever? Should I call an ambulanc—”

Onew warmly glanced up through his wet eyelashes and tenderly took hold of Eunji’s hand; causing her to blink back in confusion. “Onew?”

“Will you marry me?”








*takes a deep breath in*


Must I even comment on the fluffiness of this chapter?? I—oh goodness, that was crazy. I honest to god felt extremely bad for Onew while writing this; poor guy only wanted to propose and all this happened. BUT you know the saying, “Never marry a guy until you…set his house on fire…” or something like that…*cough*

ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT MY LOVELIES—hard to believe, I know >< I spent a solid week working on this to make sure it came out right <333




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[Master of Disguise] OH MY GOD~! LAST CHAPTER ❤


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Nalani #1
Chapter 9: I see that things are heating up between Onew and Eunji
Nalani #2
Chapter 2: I was hoping for her to cut her hair short
sylvia2728 #3
Chapter 67: kyaa !!! i love this story !! great jod author-nim . the best fanfic i've ever read . haha !
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 67: Wow seriously wow . This is daebak . I love it so much . U make a great story here . Good job . Its a sweet and fluff romance . Lee jonghyun being the noisy one
Chapter 67: O.M.G kyaaaaaa that was so cuteee . Hahaha i can't stop smiling when i read all those chapter . Like seriously this is really really cute stories . You really did a goodjob you know . I love the way you write the plot and stories . Omg seriously i love this story . This is the best story that i've read .kyaaa hahaha . Sorry im over excited . And sorry because i became a silent reader that why i said this is the best because i can't stop reading all chapter . You know curiousity kill the cat haha . Thumbs up
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOSH.

I know how it feels. Having a complete beside your story and feeling a sense of... lost? Confusion? Happiness? Sadness? All rushing towards you at once.

Anyways, the ending was cute. But I will only talk to you once again when you give me another SHINee fanfic or something...

Because I'll be desperate for your story...

Chapter 67: THANKS FOR AN AWESOME STORY!! Totally loved it!!!! So sad it ended! :(
Chapter 4: Paper wins over rock . Eunjin chose Rock so she loses . But, it says she won . Haha
Chapter 67: I just noticed that it has come to an end... I'M SO GOING TO MISS THIS!! Maybe I could recommend this to my friend, she also loves Onew :3