Love is Crazy

Master of Disguise


Jonghyun smirked in pure male satisfaction, as people turned their heads; paused whatever unimportant task that they were doing and looked at him (or more accurately looked at his new red convertible).

“OH YEAAAAAH~” Jonghyun cranked up the volume and lowered the car’s hood as he sang, rather passionately, to his favourite new song.

Even the sound of his phone vibrating on the seat next to him wasn’t able to take him out of his jolly mood; the biggest proof of that was when he turned his bluetooth ON and unashamedly answered with a, “Give it to me Hyung.”


Jonghyun cast a quick glance at his phone before answering in a louder voice.“HYUUUUNG?”

You have no idea how wrong you sound,” replied Minho in a strained voice.

Jonghyun clucked his tongue in amusement as he fixed his rear-view mirror. “Why so serious Minho? It’s a beautiful day.”

“You haven’t been mopping your sick wife’s vomit for the past two hours.”

Jonghyun cringed. “Sounds romantic.”

Minho sighed. “At least I don’t have Jaekyung to worry about.”

Jonghyun pouted. “You hired a babysitter instead of letting me take care of her?”

“Don’t be offended, but I asked Onew to take care of her.”

“YOU DID WHAT?!” Jonghyun abruptly stomped on the brakes causing the car to come to a violent stop. The sound of honking and tires screeching were almost inaudible in comparison to Jonghyun’s heavy breathing.

“Minho, what the hell did you do?” Jonghyun’s eyes flashed darkly.

“It’s not that I don’t trust you; in fact, you can look babysit her AFTER I get her from Onew’s hous—”

“S-SHE SLEPT OVER?” Jonghyun growled.

W-Well yes, I couldn’t—”

Jonghyun yanked the bluetooth off his ear and chucked it out the window in anger—ignoring the poor civilian who yelped in pain as it bounced off his head.

“EVERYTHING IS RUINED!” Jonghyun let a cry of frustration as he childishly pounded on the steering wheel, his eyes blazing with anger.

“N-No I can’t let it end this way,” he whispered, a crazed look crossing his face as he suddenly pulled the car into reverse and faced the other direction. “I won’t let it end this way.”

And he pressed on the gas.


Jonghyun slammed the car’s door shut (something he would never have done to his brand new car) and ran up the stairs before confidently punching Eunji’s birthdate into the lock. A brief smile of satisfaction appeared on his face as the screen flashed green and the door opened. “This is too easy.”

Like a ninja, Jonghyun slowly crept up the stairs and paused only when he heard a very disturbing sound coming out of Onew’s bedroom. The cry of a baby.

“YOU’RE STILL TAKING CARE OF HER?” Exploded Jonghyun, throwing the bedroom door open.

“AH—!” Onew, who had been sitting on the bed with Jaekyung in his arms, jumped up in start and turned towards Jonghyun with an incredulous look.

“DON’T.SAY.ANYTHING.” Hissed Jonghyun as he paced back and forth; a look of pure anger on his face.

Onew cautiously started to get up but froze when Jonghyun turned to him and growled, “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?”

Onew defensively raised one hand up. “Jonghyun if you could just sit down—”

“AFTER ALL I’VE DONE FOR YOU,” Jonghyun’s eyes welled up with tears and he pointed miserably to Jaekyung. “AND SHE RUINED IT.”

Onew slowly lowered Jaekyung onto the bed and cautiously made his way towards Jonghyun. “Jongie, I’m sorry—”

“It’s too late now,” Whispered Jonghyun as he turned around and faced the window; sniffling miserably.

“It’s going to be okay,” murmured Onew as he gently rubbed Jonghyun’s back.

Jonghyun covered his face and shook his head. “No it’s never going to be okay.”

Onew pursed his lips thoughtfully. “What if I tell you something that’ll cheer you up?”

Jonghyun sighed dejectedly and gloomily turned his back on Onew. “Nothing will ever cheer me up.”

Onew wrapped an arm around Jonghyun’s neck and rested his chin on his shoulder. “Not even being the best man at my wedding?”

Jonghyun sniffed loudly. “No, not even—WHAT?”

Jonghyun abruptly turned around and roughly grabbed Onew’s shoulders; a shocked look on his face. “W-What did you just say?”

Onew chuckled and, not able to hold it much longer, burst into a wide smile. “I’m getting married!”

Confusion clouded Jonghyun’s face and he took a startled step back. “H-How did thi—what’s going on?

Onew sat down on his bed and patted the empty seat beside him. “Let me explain…”

******LAST NIGHT*********

“Eunji-ah, will you marry me?”

Eunji’s breath caught in and all coherent thoughts evaded her mind as she stared deep into Onew’s adoring gaze. Ransacking her brain for anything to say; all Eunji could come up with was a pathetic, “Really?”

Onew’s lips stretched into a shy smile and he nervously nodded his head as he entwined his hand with Eunji’s. “Really.”

Glancing down at their entwined fingers, Eunji felt a smile tug at her lips and a blush creep onto her cheeks. “I can’t believe you’re proposing to me now.”

Onew smiled cheekily. “What’s wrong with now?”

Eunji raised her eyebrows and a sound (which sounded a whole lot like a giggle) escaped her lips. “Seriously? Your house is burning down.”

“Eunji-ah,” Ageyo seeped into Onew’s voice and he lightly tugged on Eunji’s hand. “The suspense is killing me. Answer already.”

Eunji chuckled and slipped her hand out of Onew’s hand; causing him to pout in protest. Raising one finger up, Eunji opened her purse—which she did with great difficultly thanks to the baby hanging onto her other arm—and pulled something out.

Onew’s eyes tripled in size as Eunji held the tiny, glistering object out for him to see; his gaze shot to Eunji’s face and he gasped in disbelief. “You were going to propose?”

Eunji laughed lightly as she gazed from the golden ring in her hand to Onew’s face. “Will you marry me Onew?”

Onew’s jaw dropped open and it took a moment to snap it shut before he burst into a wide smile. “EUNJI-AH!”

“Y-YAH!” Eunji let out a startled yell as Onew picked her off the ground and started twirling around with her.

Onew laughed happily as he lowered Eunji back on her feet and squished her in a tight hug.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Eunji chuckled as Onew’s contagious happiness spread to her and—finally noticing the protesting baby—repositioned Jaekyung so that she was no longer getting squished.

Onew gently cupped Eunji’s face and leaned forwards; pressing his lips gently to hers in a surprise kiss.

“Y-Yah,” Eunji flushed red and attempted to swat him.

Onew laughed and danced out of her reach, “You’d better get used to it honey.”

Eunji’s eyes tightened; she clutched Jaekyung tightly under her right arm and took off after Onew. “YAH LEE ONEW!”


“So you didn’t get her pregnant?” Jonghyun’s face turned sullen and he pouted in disappointment.

Onew pinked and jabbed Jonghyun in the ribs. “Y-Yah I couldn’t do that with Jaekyung around.”

Jonghyun’s eyes tightened, “If you had really wanted to you would have locked Jae in another room and then done it.”

“Aigoo such a lewd mind,” mumbled a voice from behind them, causing Jonghyun to flinch and turn around.

With a tooth brush in , Eunji raised her eyebrows and coolly leaned against the doorway, cynically eyeing Jonghyun.

“Oh la la,” Jonghyun wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as he ran his eyes over the oversized white t-shirt and baggy sweat pants that Eunji wore. “Onew are you sure nothing happened last night?”

Onew flushed red and started mumbling a series of excuses to why Eunji was wearing his clothing; while Eunji just rolled her eyes, walked up to Jonghyun and swatted the back of his head.

“Fine, fine I’ll leave you two alone,” Jonghyun chuckled teasingly as he got off the bed and walked over to Jaekyung. “Let me take this one away so that you guys can finally—”

“Y-YAH!” Onew’s ears pinked and he glared at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun laughed playfully as he picked Jaekyung off the bed and walked to the doorway, before pausing and turning to Onew with a wicked smile. “Be a man and make babies.”

Onew practically turned purple as he stared wordlessly at Jonghyun retreating back—feeling too embarrassed to make eye contact with Eunji.

“So that was your plan,” Eunji shook her head, a disapproving look on her face. “I should have known.”

“N-No,” Onew turned to Eunji with a pleading look in his eyes. “I didn’t want to make you pregnant.”

Eunji raised an eyebrow, “You didn’t want to?”

Onew rubbed the back of his neck and winced, “That came out wrong, of course I wanted to—I-I mean—”

“Oh shut up already,” chuckled Eunji as she hooked her finger through Onew’s collar and drew him towards her.

Onew’s eyes tripled in size as Eunji pressed her lips against his and all too quickly drew back; a sly smile on her face as she murmured, “I love you.”

Onew yanked Eunji into his arms and rested his head on her shoulder, before gently pressing a soft kiss to her neck. “I love you more.”

Eunji laughed lightly before gently untangling herself from his arms.

“Where are you—?” Onew blinked in confusion as Eunji scooted off the bed.

Eunji walked over to the door and shut it, before turning to Onew and winking. “Let’s not have any more interruptions.”

Onew got off the bed and walked towards her. Eunji raised her eyebrows as Onew rested his hands on her waist and pushed her gently against the door.

“I like that idea,” he whispered softly before kissing her.

********50 YEARS LATER**********


The white haired Eunji cynically eyed the bouquet of red roses in her husband’s hand and scrunched her nose in disapproval. “You know I don’t like romantic things.”

“Why did I know you were going to say that?” Murmured Minhee, their eldest daughter, shaking her head at her mother’s words.

“Well he should have known better than to get me roses,” Grumbled Eunji. “Overly romantic guy.”

Greaaat—now dad is going to explain how evil roses are,” mumbled Minhee under her breath, rolling her eyes at the redundancies of her parent’s conversations.

“But Eunji-ah, there is nothing romantic about roses,” murmured Onew, wincing slightly as he sat down on the bench beside his wife and daughter. “In fact they’re actually quite evil.”

“You were right mommy,” whispered Sulli as she curiously watched her grandparents from the safety of her mother’s arms. “Grandpa really did say that.”

Minhee winked at her daughter and whispered back, “Watch—Grandpa won’t give up until Eunji takes those evil roses.”

“Oh.” Sulli cocked her head to the side and watched Eunji let out an exasperated sigh, grab her cane and push herself off the bench.

“Where are you going?” Onew’s lower lip jutted out as he quickly reached for his walker and scurried after Eunji.

“I need to walk around a bit; my joints are killing me,” groaned Eunji, wincing as her knees cracked.

Onew’s eyes immediately filled with concern, “I’ll give you a massage when we get home.” He vowed.

A smile tugged on Eunji’s lips and she turned her face to hide it. “Let’s walk around a bit.”

Sulli turned to her mother and impatiently rested her palm on her cheeks. “Umma follow them, I wanna see what’s going to happen.”

Minhee’s smile widened, “Okay.” And eagerly followed the two couple.

“Darling, isn’t the weather lovely today?” Onew asked innocently after a moment of huffing and puffing up a hill.

Eunji glanced up at the clear sky and smiled. “Yes it is.”

Onew pursed his lips as he pulled the flowers from behind him and held them out to Eunji. “But you’re even lovelier.”

Sulli watched in disbelief as her grandmother laughed, her face transforming completely.

“Umma she’s laughing!”

Minhee giggled, “Only Onew can do that.”

“Oh god you’re so cheesy,” Eunji shook her head; a smile on her face as she held her hand out for the roses.

A gentle smile spread across Onew’s face as he reached out and held Eunji’s hand, tenderly running his thumb over her palm. “I love you Eunji-ah.”

A smile that only Onew ever got to see snuck up onto Eunji’s face and her eyes softened. “I know.”

“Yah, that’s not what you’re supposed to say.” Onew pouted at the response before tightening his gaze and smiling mischievously. “Eunji-ah.”

“Uh-oh, Grandpa is about to do something naughty, cover your eyes Sulli-ah,” Minhee giggled as she watched with excited eyes.

“Why Umma—OH!”

Abruptly and unexpectedly Onew yanked Eunji against his chest and pressed his lips against hers in a surprise kiss.

“Y-YAH!” Eunji’s eyes widened in start and her cheeks flushed a dark red; she raised her hand and attempted to smack Onew’s arm.

Onew laughed deeply in amusement as he quickly moved out of her reach—pushing his walker with more strength than he did before. When he was a safe distance away, he turned around and smiled in satisfaction. “You’re supposed to say, “I love you too””.

“Stupid husband,” grumbled Eunji, her cheeks flaming red as she stretched her cane out in front of her and started walking towards him.

Onew pursed his lips and rested his arms on the walker; watching Eunji with curious eyes. “Darling why are you embarrassed—” Onew wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “—it’s not like we haven’t done more than this.”

Eunji’s jaw dropped wide open, her eyes twitched and her ears turned bright red.

“Oh-uh,” Onew burst into laughter—recognizing the look on Eunji’s face— and grabbed his walker and wobbled away at an inhuman speed.

Eunji’s eyes tightened dangerously and, while keeping her eyes locked on the escaping Onew, picked her cane off the floor and waved it threateningly over her head (like a mad old woman) and limped after him. “LEE ONEW!”

Sulli watched them with inquiring eyes before turning to her mother, “Mommy, are grandpa and grandma crazy?”


Minhee burst into laughter and shook her head. “No sweetie, they’re just in love.”





Oh my god—you guys, the story is over *cries in a corner* I CANT BELIEVE IT!!! I-Is this a nightmare dream?

So I want to THANK YOU—all of you—for sticking with me through thick and thin (I LOVE YOU ALL ). It breaks my heart to see that “complete” sign beside my story; because there isn’t going to be another update, another hilarious adventure; no more Onew x Eunji fluff, no more evil/brilliant plots by Jonghyun (whose character I enjoyed the most); NO MORE BEAUTIFUL/HILARIOUS COMMENTS FROM YOU—the story has come to an end, just like everything always does.

If there is anything you guys want to tell me about my story, the plot, or anything in general, feel free to do so now (you may never get another chance!) and once again THANK YOU~~! 

Yours Truly,










Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow - Juliet

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[Master of Disguise] OH MY GOD~! LAST CHAPTER ❤


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Nalani #1
Chapter 9: I see that things are heating up between Onew and Eunji
Nalani #2
Chapter 2: I was hoping for her to cut her hair short
sylvia2728 #3
Chapter 67: kyaa !!! i love this story !! great jod author-nim . the best fanfic i've ever read . haha !
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 67: Wow seriously wow . This is daebak . I love it so much . U make a great story here . Good job . Its a sweet and fluff romance . Lee jonghyun being the noisy one
Chapter 67: O.M.G kyaaaaaa that was so cuteee . Hahaha i can't stop smiling when i read all those chapter . Like seriously this is really really cute stories . You really did a goodjob you know . I love the way you write the plot and stories . Omg seriously i love this story . This is the best story that i've read .kyaaa hahaha . Sorry im over excited . And sorry because i became a silent reader that why i said this is the best because i can't stop reading all chapter . You know curiousity kill the cat haha . Thumbs up
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOSH.

I know how it feels. Having a complete beside your story and feeling a sense of... lost? Confusion? Happiness? Sadness? All rushing towards you at once.

Anyways, the ending was cute. But I will only talk to you once again when you give me another SHINee fanfic or something...

Because I'll be desperate for your story...

Chapter 67: THANKS FOR AN AWESOME STORY!! Totally loved it!!!! So sad it ended! :(
Chapter 4: Paper wins over rock . Eunjin chose Rock so she loses . But, it says she won . Haha
Chapter 67: I just noticed that it has come to an end... I'M SO GOING TO MISS THIS!! Maybe I could recommend this to my friend, she also loves Onew :3