
Master of Disguise

“Jihyun, are you okay?”

The room’s door was thrown open and Minho frantically ran in, his eyes wide with panic. “Baby, are you okay?”

The nurse placed her finger over lips and gestured towards the sleeping Jihyun. “She finally managed to fall asleep.”

“I-Is she okay?”

The nurse softly nodded her head. “Dr. Lee brought her here right away and gave her a check-up. The baby and her seem to be in perfect shape.”

A strong surge of relief consumed Minho and he had to lean against the wall keep himself from collapsing. “That’s a relief.”

The nurse politely bowed her head, and after pulling down the drapes left the room, giving Minho some privacy.

“Yeobeo,” Minho sat on the chair beside Jihyun and gently removed the hair off her face. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”

Jihyun’s eyes fluttered open and her lips curved into an exhausted, yet exuberant, smile. “You came.”

Minho weakly smiled back as he wrapped his hand around hers, “I always will.”

Jihyun glanced down at the soccer jersey he wore, and pouted slightly, “How did your game go?”

Minho squeezed Jihyun’s hand, “We won.”

Excitement filled Jihyun’s eyes and she let out a delighted squeal as she threw her arms around Minho. “Congratulations Oppa!”

Minho laughed aloud and gently patted Jihyun’s head, “I’ll tell you all about it after you rest, okay?”

Jihyun sighed and obediently leaned back on the bed, a yawn escaping . “Okay Oppa.”

“Sweet dreams Jihyun-ah,”



“Stay here until I wake up.”

Minho’s eyes softened and he nodded his head. “Of course.”


“Aigoo, Chaekyung-ah, you’ve been such a brave girl,” Onew softly patted the small girl’s head, proud of her for not bursting into tears while he stitched together her wound.

“Handsome Doctor-nim, do I get a present?”

The elderly nurse standing beside Onew giggled at the Doctor’s infamous nickname.

Onew chuckled and gestured towards the treasure chest at the end of the room. “Yes you can have anything in that treasure chest.”

The girl’s eyes widened in excitement and she jumped out her seat and ran towards the chest filled with toys. Her mother bowed her head politely before worriedly scurrying after her daughter.

Onew watched the little girl excitedly look around for a doll, a feeling of satisfaction consuming him. Yes, it was his job to make people smile.

“Dr. Lee?”

The elderly nurse interrupted his train of thoughts, and Onew glanced up at her. “Yes?”

“The doctors are debating whether or not to have Sajin’s surgery today.”

“The little boy with the lung infection?”

“Yes Doctor.”

“If he doesn’t have the surgery, the infection could spread,” mused Onew, shaking his head.

Onew glanced down at his watch. 5:16. Looks like I’m going to be late after all.

“Nurse, prepare the operating room and inform the parents.”

“Yes, right away Doctor.”


“Oh well, well, look who showed up.”

Onew rolled his eyes and made his way through the gawking stares of women and towards their table.

“Took you a while.” Mused Jonghyun, taking a sip from his Americano. Jonghyun’s hair (which changed almost every week) was an usually normal brown colour today—his clothing on the other hand was always, and will always be unusual. Dressed in a pair of flashy silver leather pants, a tightly fitted black shirt and slanted beret on his head Jonghyun sparkled—literarily.

“Stop picking on him,” snapped Key, glancing up from his magazine. “He was saving lives.”

Key on the other hand had unusually bright pink hair. His clothing was kind of normal—that is if you ignore the feathered hat he wore on his head.

“Oh so he’s superman now?” Jonghyun childishly snipped, then an amused look crossed his face and he muttered, “A blonde superman.”

Onew glared at Key.

Key chocked on his Caramel Latte and briskly cleared his throat. “He looks good.”

“I never said he didn’t.” Chuckled Jonghyun, pulling out his phone and texting someone.

Key sent Onew an apologetic look. “I’ll dye it back to normal if you want. But honestly blonde suits you better than it does with half the celebrities I work with. Like take that Lee Min Ho guy; he came into my salon the other day and demanded to get his hair dyed blonde.”

Jonghyun’s eyes bulged in disbelief. “That bastard. I specifically told him I wouldn’t let him star in my drama if he dyed his hair.”

Key put his magazine down and angrily shook his head. “I told him he’d look like a retard if he dyed it blonde, but no he’s trying to copy G-Dragon’s platinum look—which I have to admit was my best creation.”

“That’s it, I’m hiring another actor.” Jonghyun pursed his lips, a mischievous idea popping in his mind. “I think you should let him book an appointment with you.”

Key scoffed, “Why should I do that?”

“Green,” whispered Jonghyun. “Vomit green hair.”

Key leaned towards him, a twinkle in his eyes. “I’m listening.”

Onew rolled his eyes. For 25-year old men, those two have such a childish personality.

Onew glanced at Minho and Taemin, who didn’t seem to notice his arrival and were involved in a deep discussion. Onew leaned forwards, trying to make out what they were trying to say.

 “Aren’t there any female ones?” Demanded Minho, leaning back in his seat.

Taemin rolled his eyes, “Of course there are. Really good ones too.”

“Then get one for me,” urged Minho, taking a sip from his smoothie.

Taemin sighed, “It’s not that easy hyung, but I’ll see what I can do.”

Taemin slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, but in the process of doing so, managed to accidently reveal the gun on his belt.

Onew flinched. No, I could never get used to the thought of our maknae with a gun. Nope, never.

“Who’s he calling?”

Minho put his smoothie down and turned to Onew with a bright smile, “Oh hyung you came!”

Onew chuckled. “I’ve been here for the past half an hour.”

Minho glanced at the empty space in front of Onew and pouted. “You should have ordered something.”

Without waiting for Onew’s response, Minho called the waitress over. “An Ice cap with chocolate milk please.”

“So, what’s up with Taemin?” asked Onew once the waitress was gone.

“Ah!” Minho leaned towards Onew and whispered. “He’s going through his company and looking for a decent bodyguard for Jihyun.”

“A bodyguard?” Onew scratched his head, recalling Taemin’s job as the head of the bodyguard training  institute. “Why?”

Minho sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, “You see, Jihyun really wants to be there for my soccer match—”

“Minho, she’s going to give birth any day now!” interrupted Onew feeling appalled.

“—and I couldn’t say no hyung!” Minho’s lower lip jutted out. “I’m really worried about her and that’s why I’m getting her a bodyguard.”

Onew pinched the bridge of his nose, “As her physician I strongly disapprove of this idea—but if you really know what you’re doing, I guess it’ll be okay.”

Minho’s face lite up, “Did I mention that your my favourite hyung?”

Onew rolled his eyes. “So you visited Taemin’s office today?”

Minho slowly nodded his head, “It was terrifying. These two buff guys thought I was a spy and threatened to skin me alive and feed me to the sharks.”

Onew’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

“That’s not all, see that guy sitting on the far table.” Onew followed Minho’s gaze and saw a man wearing a black suit and sunglasses glaring their way.

“They call him Kai,” whispered Minho. “He’s like Taemin’s closest friend, and is really protective of him.”

Onew cast a doubtful look at the gawking bodyguard. “If that’s his friend, I wouldn’t want to meet his enemies.”

 “Okay, so I found one female bodyguard who can start working tomorrow.” Declared Taemin, sliding his phone back in his pocket.

“Perfect, thanks Taeminnie.”

Taemin smiled and took a sip from his Banana milkshake, “She’s supposed to be the bes—Oh hyung you came?”

Onew sighed and decided not to explain, “Yes Taem, I came.”

Taemin pouted slightly, “Why didn’t you order something?”

Minho patted his chest in satisfaction. “I already ordered something for him.”

Taemin’s eyes flashed dangerously and he started to get up from his seat. “Why are they taking so long to prepare it?”

“NO!” Minho and Onew yelled simultaneously, yanking Taemin back in his seat. Last time Taemin got angry about their order being late, the police were called because “a crazy guy was waving his gun around”.  Onew shuddered at the memory.

“See, she’s coming with it now.” Minho nervously glanced at the approaching waitress.

“Your order sir.” The girl placed the Ice cap on the table with the words “FLOUR BOYS” written on the side.

“YAH!” Jonghyun’s head snapped towards the writing on the cup and back to the waitress in disbelief. “What’s that?”

The flustered girl bowed her head. “You said you wanted me to write that on every cup that I give you, sir.”

Jonghyun’s eye twitched. “I said FLOWER boys not FLOUR boys. Does it look like we work in a bakery? Does it?”

Key stifled a laugh.

“S-Sorry sir.”

“Aish,” Jonghyun waved her away, an annoyed look on his face. “I’ve produced over a hundred movies and dramas, and I get no appreciation. None.”

Onew laughed at his friend’s banter. “Calm down Jonghyun, I’m sure she got distracted.”

Jonghyun pinched the bridge of his nose dramatically. “I am distracting to look at.”

Everyone rolled their eyes at Jonghyun’s comment.

“Minho how’s your wife?” asked Key as Onew reached for his Ice Cap.

“Great, she’ll probably give birth sometime this week.”

“You know,” mused Key thoughtfully. “I’ve always imagined Jonghyun to be the first to have a kid.”

“He probably does,” snipped Taemin, shaking his head disgracefully; Onew chuckled and took a sip from his Ice Cap.

“Y-YAH!” Jonghyun slapped his hand over Taemin’s mouth. “I have a reputation to keep.”

They all burst into laughter. Onew reached for a napkin to wipe his mouth with, and being the uncoordinated fellow he was, managed to spill the entire drink over himself and the table.



“Sorry, I’ll clean it up.” Onew hurriedly got out of his seat but somehow managed to slip and fall face down on the floor. That was enough to crack the entire table up.

“Sit, sit! I’ll do it before you burn this whole place down with your clumsiness.” Chuckled Minho, getting up from his seat.

Onew bashfully crawled off the floor and tried to keep whatever dignity he had left and sat down on the chair.

Key slapped him on the shoulder, an amused look on his face. “How did you become a doctor again?”


The next day Taemin sat in his office, reviewing a bunch of paper work when a sharp knock on his door interrupted his train of thoughts.

“Come in.”

The door opened and Kai stiffly walked in. “Sir, the applicant you requested is here.”

Taemin made a sour face at the word ‘sir’ but chose to ignore it. “Tell her to come in.”

Kai nodded his head and gestured behind him for the girl to enter. “Come.”

The girl entered and Taemin critically assessed her. She wasn’t too tall and she sure didn’t look very strong. She was probably around the same height as him with her hair pulled in a high pony tail. She wore a pair of sunglasses that nicely disguised her eyes.

“Kai tells me you’re one of the best,” started Taemin, leaning back in his seat, his hands neatly clasped in front of him. “Are you?”

“I do have a reputation for being badass,” answered the girl, her lip twitching into a smile.

Taemin chuckled in amusement and waved her on encouragingly. “Well Miss Badass care to introduce yourself?”


The girl smirked and ripped off her sunglasses, revealing her brown eyes. “My name is Eunji. Kim Eunji.”




​I know, I'm silently screaming too ><

Do you know how long I've wanted to write THAT line? "My name is Eunji. Kim Eunji." GYAHHH ^^ 

LOOL so anyways, tell me what you guys think >< I LOVE YOU ALL <333

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[Master of Disguise] OH MY GOD~! LAST CHAPTER ❤


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Nalani #1
Chapter 9: I see that things are heating up between Onew and Eunji
Nalani #2
Chapter 2: I was hoping for her to cut her hair short
sylvia2728 #3
Chapter 67: kyaa !!! i love this story !! great jod author-nim . the best fanfic i've ever read . haha !
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 67: Wow seriously wow . This is daebak . I love it so much . U make a great story here . Good job . Its a sweet and fluff romance . Lee jonghyun being the noisy one
Chapter 67: O.M.G kyaaaaaa that was so cuteee . Hahaha i can't stop smiling when i read all those chapter . Like seriously this is really really cute stories . You really did a goodjob you know . I love the way you write the plot and stories . Omg seriously i love this story . This is the best story that i've read .kyaaa hahaha . Sorry im over excited . And sorry because i became a silent reader that why i said this is the best because i can't stop reading all chapter . You know curiousity kill the cat haha . Thumbs up
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOSH.

I know how it feels. Having a complete beside your story and feeling a sense of... lost? Confusion? Happiness? Sadness? All rushing towards you at once.

Anyways, the ending was cute. But I will only talk to you once again when you give me another SHINee fanfic or something...

Because I'll be desperate for your story...

Chapter 67: THANKS FOR AN AWESOME STORY!! Totally loved it!!!! So sad it ended! :(
Chapter 4: Paper wins over rock . Eunjin chose Rock so she loses . But, it says she won . Haha
Chapter 67: I just noticed that it has come to an end... I'M SO GOING TO MISS THIS!! Maybe I could recommend this to my friend, she also loves Onew :3