No Running Down The Hallway

Master of Disguise

~~~Eunji's POV~~~


“So like I was saying, Eunjin couldn’t keep his hands off me. I tried to tell him to slow things down a bit but you know how guys get-”


"That’s not what you said earlier." mumbled her friend with the large rectangular glasses, as she stared blankly at the wall.


Hyorin's jaw tightened "Go Hara," she hissed the girl's name threateningly.


Hara's head snapped up. She caught Hyorin's scolding look and immediately started biting her lips nervously.


I cocked my head to the side. This is interesting.


"Hyroin you're so lucky." squealed a girl, staring wistfully at Hyorin.


"Tell us again about that night with Eunjin." mumbled another girl giggling shyly.


A dazed look crossed Hyorin’s face. "Well, it happened last Sunday. It was raining really hard, and I was cold and wet-"


"It didn't rain last Sunday." I interrupted casually, siting on an empty chair opposite to Hyorin.


Hyorin flashed me an annoyed look, "Then it must have been on Saturday."


"But that's when Jessica Unnie had her sleep over." whispered Hara, innocently.


I raised my eyebrows at the Hara, who blushed furiously and ducked her head. Tsk tsk, looks like I’m not the only one who wants to bring Hyorin down.


Hyorin’s jaw tightened and she gave me a dirty look. "Who the heck are you?"


I smiled viciously. “I’m Lucifer and I've been sent to make your life a living hell Hyorin Jong."


Hyorin's face paled. "Is this some sort of joke?" she spat out.


"Of course I’m kidding you silly girl." I giggled.


"I think she's crazy." whispered a Pettit blonde girl to Hyorin.


My expression suddenly darkened, "I actually work for Santa Clause and I'm here to tell you that you’re on the naughty list."


A silence fell on the table; the girls stared nervously at each other.


 “Well, carry on with your story.” I suggested, throwing my legs onto the table with a loud ‘THUD’ causing the girls to flinch.


Hyorin hesitated.


“Go on,” I encouraged. “I can’t wait what to hear what genius lie you come up with this time.”


Hyorin’s face flushed in anger. “What? I’m not lying Eunjin really did-”


 I removed my legs off the table and leaned closer to Hyorin. “Oppa, doesn’t like girls like you.” I whispered maliciously.


Hyorin pulled away from me. “Who the heck are you?”


“Me?” I asked innocently, twirling a strand of hair around my finger. “I’m just a good girl who’s looking out for her Oppa.”


Hyorin scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “Good girl? You look like a freaking gang member!”


“That’s because I am.” I replied, taking out a pocket knife and throwing it up in the air, then skillfully catching it again.


Hyorin flinched and abruptly got up. “You’re crazy.” She then turned to her friends and signaled for them to leave with her.


I watched Hyorin stomp her way out of the cafeteria.


When she was out of sight, I turned and looked expectantly at the girl who was squirming uncomfortably in her seat.


"Hara?" I gave her a curious look.


Hara nervously bit her lips as she slowly looked right and left.


"I-I'll help." she whispered.


"With what?" I asked, urging her to continue, my patients quickly fading.


"I’ll help you stop Hyorin.”  Her eyes flashed dangerously.


I chuckled quietly. Never underestimate a geek.


>>>Author’s POV<<<<


“Stop right there Hyorin.”


Hyorin stopped walking and turned around. She glanced around the almost-empty hallway and smiled happily when she saw four gorgeous guys walking towards her.


A flirty smile immediately formed on Hyorin’s face. “Hey boys, is Eunjin with you?”


Jjong smiled seductively. “We’re not here to talk about Eunjin.”


“Oh you’re not?” she replied playfully.


Jjong threw his hand around Hyorin’s shoulder and guided her away from the rest of the guys.


Key and taemin shook their heads. Same old Jjong.


“What did you want to talk about?” giggled Hyorin, loving the attention that Jjong was giving her.


Jjong gave her his ‘killer smile’- causing a couple of nearby girls to swoon.


“You know, no one can treat you better that I can.”


Hyorin sighed in annoyance, and shrugged Jjong’s hand off her shoulder. “Oppa, stop saying stupid things.”


“He can’t help it.” Snickered Key.


Him and Taemin burst into laughter and high-fived each other.


Minho on the other hand wasn’t amused. “Shut-up guys.”


Jjong ignored them and placed his hands under Hyorin’s chin, forcing her to look at him.


“He’s going to hurt you.” He whispered softly.


“So what? You’ll do the same thing.” She snapped, pulling away from his grip.


Jjong winced and scratched the back of his head. Busted. “But I would have been nice about it.”


Hyorin huffed in annoyance and glared at Jjong. “The day I give up on Eunjin is the day that you, Jonghyun, stop being such a player.”


Hyorin turned around and stomped out of the academy. The guys’ eyes followed her, watching her through the see-through glass, as she settled on a near-by bench.


Jjong threw his hands up in frustration and walked back to his friends. “She’ll never give up on that guy.”


Minho smirked and started cracking his knuckles, “My turn.” He walked towards Hyorin with a confident look.


Key sighed and glanced at his watch. Onew has been gone for almost an hour. The moment he heard that Eunjin left Headmistress’s office and was wondering through the streets of Seoul he freaked out. Key pouted and started out the window. He really cares about Eunjin. He thought glumly.


Five minutes later Minho returned with a frustrated expression.


“What’s wrong?” mumbled Jjong, who was sulking on the floor with his arms folded over his chest.


“I-I can’t hit a girl.” He growled, clearly annoyed by that fact.


“If I blindfold you then you won’t know what you hitting.” Suggested Taemin, holding up a colourful scarf.


Minho’s face lightened up and he started jumping up and down. “Blind fold me!” he urged giddily.


A couple of girls passing by blushed and giggled at what he said.


“Aish!” Key face palmed himself. This is going to be a long day TT.TT




“I know it’s somewhere here.” Hissed Hara, frantically looking through her messy closet.


“Take your time,” I mumbled look around her room. The room looked like any other room. It had dull-white paint and two medium sized beds. I peeked into the washroom and was astonished with what I saw.


“Totoro!” I squealed happily, jumping up and down in excitement.


Hara paused and glanced at me in confusion. “What?”


“The curtain, the towels, and even the shampoo have Totoro on them!” I was officially in heaven.


Hara rolled her eyes at me. “I don’t understand why some girls find these ugly and unintelligent creatures cute.”


My eyes tightened, “Totoro is the cutest thing out there.” I growled quietly.


“Youwould get along with my room-mate.” She muttered, straightening up.


I tapped my foot impatiently. “Did you find it?”


“Yup.” Hyorin’s face brightened.


She handed me the voice recorder, and I placed it against my ear. A slow wicked smile formed on my face.


“Perfect.” I purred.


>>>>Author’s POV<<<<


Hara took a deep breath in and gave Eunji a shaky smile.


“You can do this.” Encouraged Eunji, rubbing Hara’s shoulder.


Hara gulped audibly.


“Hwaiting.” Mouthed Eunji, smiling brightly.


Hara turned around and flickered the academy’s intercom on.


“Can I have everyone’s attention-?”




“Wae?” whimpered Taemin, sniffing loudly. 


Hyorin rolled her eyes. “This kind of thing doesn’t work on me Taemin.”




“No buts, I wouldn’t care if you were the king of ageyo. I won’t feel any guilt.”


Taemin’s jaw tightened and he angrily kicked Hyorin in the shins.


“Ow,” she whined, crouching over.


“Serves you right, you bi-”


“No,” yelled Key clamping his hand over Temin’s mouth.


Key gave him a reproachful look. “No swearing Taemin, or I’ll have to wash your mouth with soap.”


Taemin lowered his head and glanced at his feet. “Sorry Umma.”


Key smiled happily and ruffled the younger boy’s hair affectionately. “That’s my boy.”


A loud, huffing puffing sound made Key glance up.


“Onew!” he yelled happily, shoving Taemin out of the way, and running over to his Hyung.


“Ow.” Pouted Taemin falling on the floor.


“Hyung, where the heck where you?”


Onew ignored Key’s question and turned to Hyorin. “Where is Eunjin?”


Hyorin opened , ready to respond when a loud voice boomed over the intercom.


“Can I have everyone’s attention; this is a Go Hara with breaking news.”


Onew rolled his eyes and glanced around the academy. I know you’re here Eunjin.


“This morning a female student by the name of Jong Hyorin ‘claimed’ that a male student by the name of Kim Eunjin had empregnanted her. This is what she has to say for it now:”


Suddenly Hyorin’s voice came on the speakers. “Wow, how stupid can everyone be? They totally fell for that, what idiots! This went smoother than I thought. I almost feel bad for Eunjin-but hey a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.”


Hyorin who wore a stricken face glanced around nervously.


Onew’s eyes widened, guessing Hyorin’s moves and immediately yelled. “Minho, grab her.”


Minho brightened at the thought of possibly injuring her in the process.


Before Hyorin could take a step, Minho had her tackled on the floor.


Key snickered and crouched over Hyorin. “Busted.”


Hyorin’s shoulder’s slumped in defeat.







~~~~Eunji’s POV~~~


I whistled a happy tune, and skipped down the empty hallway. Another job well-done.


I glanced at my watch and gasped in horror. Dad is going to kill me! It’s already 7:30 PM.


I quickly ran down the hallway, my high-heeled boots clicking loudly behind me.


“Humph!” I winced as I collided with someone.


I stumbled backwards and fell on the floor. How embarrassing!


The person I bumped into me chuckled. “Didn’t your mother teach you not to run in the hallway?” he asked teasingly.


That voice. My heart stopped and goose bumps formed on my arm.


I dropped my gaze and refused to look up into Onew’s kind face.





Uh-oh! Eunjin you thought that you were 'home-free"? Guess again! LOL--This is getting to the fun part ^.^

For those who don't know, Totoro is like an anime characater-and I grew up with this cat-thing! 

Even though I was craving a cat-fight between Eunji and Hyorin my common sense was bothering me -.-'' I can't have Hyorin getting badly hurt...yet ;) JOKES

SO I've decided instead of wasting your time and responding to Comments up here, I'll respond to your comments on your walls (Is that better?) This way I can reply with more emotion and more fluffy-ness<<

Thanx for the lovely comments everyone They're really motivating 

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[Master of Disguise] OH MY GOD~! LAST CHAPTER ❤


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Nalani #1
Chapter 9: I see that things are heating up between Onew and Eunji
Nalani #2
Chapter 2: I was hoping for her to cut her hair short
sylvia2728 #3
Chapter 67: kyaa !!! i love this story !! great jod author-nim . the best fanfic i've ever read . haha !
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 67: Wow seriously wow . This is daebak . I love it so much . U make a great story here . Good job . Its a sweet and fluff romance . Lee jonghyun being the noisy one
Chapter 67: O.M.G kyaaaaaa that was so cuteee . Hahaha i can't stop smiling when i read all those chapter . Like seriously this is really really cute stories . You really did a goodjob you know . I love the way you write the plot and stories . Omg seriously i love this story . This is the best story that i've read .kyaaa hahaha . Sorry im over excited . And sorry because i became a silent reader that why i said this is the best because i can't stop reading all chapter . You know curiousity kill the cat haha . Thumbs up
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOSH.

I know how it feels. Having a complete beside your story and feeling a sense of... lost? Confusion? Happiness? Sadness? All rushing towards you at once.

Anyways, the ending was cute. But I will only talk to you once again when you give me another SHINee fanfic or something...

Because I'll be desperate for your story...

Chapter 67: THANKS FOR AN AWESOME STORY!! Totally loved it!!!! So sad it ended! :(
Chapter 4: Paper wins over rock . Eunjin chose Rock so she loses . But, it says she won . Haha
Chapter 67: I just noticed that it has come to an end... I'M SO GOING TO MISS THIS!! Maybe I could recommend this to my friend, she also loves Onew :3