Sweet Dreams

Master of Disguise


I flinched and dropped my gaze to the floor. I’m so dead.

“You skipped school and somehow managed to break your foot?” Growled dad, slamming his hand down on the desk.

I winced. “It’s only sprained.”

Dad glared at me.


Onew, who was standing beside me, took a step forward, catching my father’s attention.

“It was my idea. I was the one who forced Eunjin to come with me—”

“What are you doing?” I hissed, elbowing him in the stomach.

Onew sent me a reassuring look and kept talking. “He had nothing to with it. So punish me instead.”

My dad blinked twice, taken back my Onew’s words.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “Onew, since you’re usually well-behaved, I’ll pretend that this didn’t happen, but if I ever see you doing this again, I’ll—”

The shrill sound of the phone ringing interrupted my father’s threat.

“Stay.” He instructed sharply.

My father picked up the phone. “Hello?”

I watched, perplexed, as my father’s face brightened. “Oh! Hey sis.”

My eyes widened in fear. I took a wobbly step back. Taeyeon, don’t say anything stupid.

“Onew.” I hissed urgently, wrapping my hand around his wrist.

Onew glanced at me in confusion.

“Eunji? Yeah she made it back home.” My father’s face suddenly scrunched up. “Wait how did you know she was hurt?”

I took a small step back, urging Onew to do the same.

“Her and her boyfriend were at your house?” repeated dad, dumbfounded.

His eyes suddenly tripled in size. “HER BOYFRIEND?!”

Now!” I yelled.

Using all my strength I hopped on one foot and exited the room.

Understanding flitted across Onew’s face and he ran after me, barely escaping my father’s wrath.



“Ahaha! That was priceless!” I collapsed on the grassy ground, grinning foolishly.

Onew chuckled and laid down beside me. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone hop so fast on one foot.”

I smiled brightly. “When you have a father like him you learn to run fast.”

Onew smiled back and rested his head on the ground, starting up at the clouds.

After a couple of minutes, Onew spoke up. “Eunji?”

I turned my head and glanced at him, noticing that his face was turned away. “Hmm?”

Onew shook his head, his cheeks reddening. “Never mind.”

I rolled my eyes and sat up, staring at him intently. “Tell me.”

He averted his gaze. “No, I change my mind.”

“I’ll make you say it,” I sang tauntingly, scooting closer to him.

Onew rolled his eyes. “Let’s just go back insid—AH!”

I pounced on Onew, catching him off guard.

I sat on top of Onew, straddling his waist.

The shocked look on Onew’s face was hysterical. “E-Eunji!”

A wicked smile formed on my lips and I wiggled my fingers at him.

“Prepare to die,” I teased and began my torture.

“S—S—STOP!” he yelled aloud, laughing manically, as tears started running down his face.

I giggled and refused to stop tickling him.

Onew started squirming uncontrollably.

“YAH!” he yelled and suddenly rolled over, trapping me beneath him.

I gasped in shock. “O-Onew?!”

Onew grabbed my arms and held them over my head.

A teasing smile appeared on his face, making his face glow.

Onew gently leaned forward, gently pressing his forehead against mine.

“Now it’s my turn.” He whispered; his cool breath washed over my face, making me shiver.

“Do you want to know what I was going to say?” he whispered.

I gulped. My heart started beating at an irregularly fast pace.

Onew chuckled. “I was—”

“Ommo, can you guys pause for a second? I need to grab some popcorn.”

I squealed and shoved Onew off me, my face burning with embarrassment.


Jonghyun chuckled and watched, in amusement, as Onew and I scramble to our feet. “Should I call Taemin? You know he likes watching this kind of thing.”

“Y-Yah Jonghyun, I think you’ve misunderstood—”

“I see two guys on top of each other, and you want me to think that I’ve misunderstood something?”

I winced. He still thinks I’m a guy, which kind of makes this situation even worse.

“Let me clarify it for you.” Interrupted Onew, staring defiantly at Jonghyun.

“I like Eunjin.”


“Y-Yah, Onew what are you saying?” I hissed, blushing fiercely.

I glanced at Jonghyun’s shocked face and winced. Why would Onew say such a thing??

A smile suddenly broke across Jonghyun’s face, taking me off guard.

He punched Onew lightly on the shoulder. “I’m happy for you man.”

Onew let out a ragged breath. “Jonghyun, you can’t tell anyone—”

Jjong, furiously shook his head, and made a show of zipping his lips up, locking them and throwing out the key. “Your secret is safe with me.”

I groaned. What have I gotten myself into?

Onew lightly chuckled at my troubled expression. “Let’s go inside, it’s almost time for dinner.”

Onew led the way back to the cafeteria. I walked a step behind him, reflecting on what had just happened.

Jonghyun fell into step with me, a radiant smile on his face. “Eunjin?”

I looked at him expectantly. “Hmm?”

“Are you the man in the relationship?”


“YAH!” Without thinking twice, I smacked Jonghyun on the back of the head.

“Owww!” he whined, pouting.

I glared at him. “You ask me anything like that again, and I’ll beat you up.”

Without another word, I turned around, and followed Onew into the building.

Jonghyun smiled goofily. “Eunjin is definitely the guy in the relationship.”


I bit my lip hesitantly.

Okay, Eunji, just calm down. There is no reason for you to start acting weird around him.

I squirmed uncomfortably in bed. Why did he have to confess? This just makes everything more complicated.

My heart just about stopped beating when the washroom door opened.


I laid down and squeezed my eyes shut, pretending to be asleep.

“Eunji?” Onew’s soft whisper echoed throughout the room, followed by a chuckle.

“I guess you’re asleep.”

I bit the inside of my cheek, trying not to smirk.

“Maybe I should give her a good night kiss?” Mused Onew.

Any form of humour evaporated. K-kiss?

My heart leaped into my throat.

I felt the bed dip as Onew sat on the edge.

Oh no…

The moment I felt Onew’s hand on my cheek my eyes sprang open and I abruptly sat up. “W-what are you doing?”

Onew chuckled, not seeming surprised.

“Pabo,” he chuckled as he teasingly pinched my nose.

“Yah!” I blushed, stubbornly pushing his hand away.

Onew smiled tenderly, and ruffled my hair. “Good night.” He whispered softly.

I flushed at his intense gaze and laid back down, facing away from him.

“Aren’t you going to tell me ‘good night’?”

I didn’t answer.

Onew let out a disappointed sigh.

The bed shifted again, and I heard Onew’s soft footsteps retreating back to his bed.

I bit my lower lip and peeked behind me.

Onew’s eyes were shut and he had a peaceful expression on his face.

“Good night.” I mumbled and quickly looked away.

Onew’s lip twitched upwards, fighting a smile.

I felt my eyes lips drop, and the feeling of exhaustion was staring to take over. Today was a crazy day.

As I started to fade into unconsciousness, something soft touched my cheeks.

“Sweet dreams.” 


I’m sorry, but I honestly think their relationship is just so flipping cute!!! LOL (I’m so jellin, ONEW I’M RIGHT HERE---AND I LOVE YOU!!!)

Now Jonghyun knows about their ‘relationship” except he thinks that Eunji is a guy >///< Bwahahah! I’m sorry; I’m just having too much fun with this! I wonder what he’ll do? Hmmm~ *evil smile*

All of your comments were so cute last time ^.^ thank you for all of this support!

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[Master of Disguise] OH MY GOD~! LAST CHAPTER ❤


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Nalani #1
Chapter 9: I see that things are heating up between Onew and Eunji
Nalani #2
Chapter 2: I was hoping for her to cut her hair short
sylvia2728 #3
Chapter 67: kyaa !!! i love this story !! great jod author-nim . the best fanfic i've ever read . haha !
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 67: Wow seriously wow . This is daebak . I love it so much . U make a great story here . Good job . Its a sweet and fluff romance . Lee jonghyun being the noisy one
Chapter 67: O.M.G kyaaaaaa that was so cuteee . Hahaha i can't stop smiling when i read all those chapter . Like seriously this is really really cute stories . You really did a goodjob you know . I love the way you write the plot and stories . Omg seriously i love this story . This is the best story that i've read .kyaaa hahaha . Sorry im over excited . And sorry because i became a silent reader that why i said this is the best because i can't stop reading all chapter . You know curiousity kill the cat haha . Thumbs up
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOSH.

I know how it feels. Having a complete beside your story and feeling a sense of... lost? Confusion? Happiness? Sadness? All rushing towards you at once.

Anyways, the ending was cute. But I will only talk to you once again when you give me another SHINee fanfic or something...

Because I'll be desperate for your story...

Chapter 67: THANKS FOR AN AWESOME STORY!! Totally loved it!!!! So sad it ended! :(
Chapter 4: Paper wins over rock . Eunjin chose Rock so she loses . But, it says she won . Haha
Chapter 67: I just noticed that it has come to an end... I'M SO GOING TO MISS THIS!! Maybe I could recommend this to my friend, she also loves Onew :3