Peppers and Green Mush

Master of Disguise

“Why isn’t he replying?”

Eunji tossed her cellphone onto the table in front of her, her forehead creasing in frustration. It’s not like him to ignore my texts.

If he’s purposefully ignoring my texts I’m going to kill him. With great reluctance Eunji pulled her hair into a high pony tail, a bitter look on her face. The wedding is two days away and I still haven’t solved anything.

Glancing at her reflection, in the washroom’s large vanity mirror, a scowl appeared on her face. Just bear with it Eunji, this is the last fancy dinner you’ll have to attend with your—cheating fiancé. The memory of Onew rushing towards her at the mall made her lip twitch in amusement, but just as quickly, that smile disappeared. I need to settle things tonight.

Picking up her black purse (which matched her knee-length black dress) Eunji made her way out of the washroom, and towards the dining area.

“It’s show time,” whispered Eunji, plastering a smile on her face as she spotted her father and grandmother, sitting by the fireplace at the far side of the restaurant, talking to L.Joe’s parents (well her Grandmother was happily chatting away-her father was just glaring at L.Joe).

“Good evening everyone, sorry I’m late,” Eunji flashed L.Joe’s parents a charming smile. Her eyes wandered to L.Joe and Seohyun, who sat next to each other, their faces both slightly pale and lined with worry.

“Oh not a problem dear,” soothed Mrs. Lee, taking a sip from her wine glass.

“Yah Kim Eunji,” whispered Dad, his eyes blazing with anger. “Why the heck didn’t you tell me about this?”

Eunji sat down beside her father, a cautious look on her face. “About what exactly?”

“That HE—” Dad cast a disturbed look towards L.Joe. “—is a vegetarian.”

“Oh,” Eunji hid a smile as she took a sip from her water. “It didn’t seem like a big deal.”

Dad’s eyes twitched, “So you’re telling me that every time I visit you in the future, you’re only going to serve me green mush?”

Eunji pursed her lips thoughtfully, “Probably.”

Dad shuddered and whispered. “I’m against this marriage.”

“So—” started Grandmother, clearing . “Have you both decided where you are going to go for your honeymoon?”

“How about deciding on what you want for dinner instead?” suggested a silky, hair raising voice.

Eunji glanced up, stared into a pair of amused eyes, and silently swore. Nope I’m not having a nightmare; there really is a complete idiot standing three feet in front of me, wearing a waiter’s outfit.

Grandmother sharply glanced up, a crossed expression on her face. “I was in the middle of a conversation, how dare you interrupt me like that?”

“How dare you starve these innocent bystanders?” Scolded Jonghyun, not backing down from Grandmother’s glare.

“Aish,” Resisting the urge to strangle him, Eunji angrily grabbed her glass of water and took a sip from it, making sure to give Jonghyun a look of pure hatred.

Jonghyun wore a blank expression as he gestured towards L.Joe and Seohyun. “May I suggest you order the duck soup? It is said to be very helpful for young couples who are trying to get babies.”

Eunji choked on her water, and managed to spit half of it onto her plate—which made her look very un-lady like.

“Wipe your mouth!” scolded Grandmother in disgust, before turning towards Jonghyun with an angry look. “Those two are NOT getting mar—”

“If I may?” Jonghyun ignored Grandmother, pulled out a fancy black napkin from his pocket and handed it over to Eunji—capturing everyone’s attention.

Dad whistled and muttered in a low voice, “Looks like B.Joe has some competition.”

“Its L.Joe,” corrected Seohyun, earning herself a glare from Grandmother.

Eunji eyed the napkin suspiciously. “What?”

Jonghyun rolled his eyes. “It’s a napkin to wipe away the water from your lovely face.”

That bastard. Eunji’s eyes tightened before angrily yanking the napkin from Jonghyun’s hand.

“I-I have something that I need to say,” Started L.Joe, nervously his lower lip.

“You’re having an affair?” piped Jonghyun, causing L.Joe’s face to pale. “Or do you have a secret kid somewhere?”

A flustered look crossed L.Joe’s face and he shook his head. “N-No, that’s not the case.”

“Ahh,” understanding filled Jonghyun’s face. “This is when you break it to your family that your gay, right?”

“THAT’S IT,” yelled Eunji, slamming her hands down on the table. “LEAVE.”

Jonghyun raised his hands in surrender, chuckled softly, turned around and left.

Eunji turned to L.Joe, her eyes blazing. “Talk.”

L.Joe cowered in his seat, cleared his throat and hesitantly glanced at his parents. “Mom, dad, I know how much work you guys put into this wedding for me—”

Eunji slowly relaxed into her seat, pulled out Jonghyun’s napkin and dabbed it around and nose. That good for nothing idiot enjoys messing things up. It’s like he was born with the gift of getting on people’s nerves.

“—but the problem is that I don’t love Eunji, I love Seohyun.”

Gasps filled the table.


An explosive sneeze escaped Eunji’s lips causing the already shocked individuals to flinch in surprise. The problem though wasn’t the sneeze—it was that the sneezing didn’t stop.

“Get a hold of yourself!” scolded Grandmother, glaring at her granddaughter.

“It’s not my—ACHOO—fault—ACHOO—oh crap.”

Grandmother turned to L.Joe, and from all the frustration, snapped at him, “What did you say?!”

“I’m not going to get married to Eunji,” Announced L.Joe very confidently as he clasped his hand with Seohyun’s. “I love Seohyun.”

Eunji covered , not from the shock of L.Joe’s revelation—because it wasn’t very shocking—and tried to hold in her sneezes.

“I—I—I don’t know what to say.” Whispered his mother, stunned.

“Son, are you sure you’re okay?” His father peered at him nervously, pacing his hand on his forehead.

“Tsk tsk, I should have known he was a cheater,” mumbled dad shaking his head. “All vegetarians are the same.”

“Omma,” L.Joe placed his hand on his mother’s. “I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble, but my heart belongs with Seohyun.”

His mother glanced between him and Seohyun before smiling hesitantly. “I-I won’t interfere with your decision, but I think you need to apologize—” She glanced apologetically at the Kim family. “—to Eunji.”

“This is a disgrace,” hissed Grandmother, glaring at the Lees. “How dare you mock my family and my granddaughter this way?”

“They’re not mocking—ACHOO—me.”

“Shut up!” yelled Grandmother, finally losing her cool.

“I don’t know what’s making me sneeze,” whined Eunji, feeling an unbearably ticklish sensation in her nose.

“You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you?” hissed Grandmother, angrily getting out of her seat.

“No—ACHOO—it’s just happening.” If Eunji hadn’t found this excruciatingly painful, it would have been hilarious.

Grandmother glared fiercely at Eunji, “You’ll regret this,” before pointing to the Lees and waging her finger at them. “You’ll all pay for this.”

Everyone watched in silence—expect for Eunji because she was sneezing—at Grandmother’s dramatic exit.

“I’m sorry for causing this problem.” Whispered L.Joe bowing his head in shame.

Eunji smiled forcedly and managed to mutter out, “No problem.”

The Lees exchanged looks before smiling warmly at Seohyun. “Welcome to the family Seohyun.”

Dad smiled and patted L.Joe on the back, “I’m glad you aren’t my son in law.”

L.Joe blinked twice and hesitantly blurted out, “Thanks?”

“Is the evil witch gone?” whispered Jonghyun, appearing from behind Eunji.

“Yes,” hissed Eunji. “But for some—ACHOO—reason I can’t stop—ACHOO—sneezing.”

Jonghyun smiled cheekily, “That’s because I put pepper in your napkin.”

Eunji groaned. “Why would you—ACHOO—do that?”

“Because I knew it would piss your Grandmother off.”

“Well make it—ACHOO—stop.”

“Gladly,” Jonghyun pulled out a water bottle from his bag, opened it and splashed its contents in Eunji’s face.

It burned. LIKE HELL.

“MY EYES!” squealed Eunji, hands flying to her burning eyes.

“Hmm that didn’t work,” mumbled Jonghyun. “Mixing lemons with water is supposed to get rid of sneezing.”



Eunji wildly rubbed her eyes, hating the burning sensation. Aigoo, make it stop.

“Stop rubbing your eyes, it will only make it worse.” Whispered a soft, all-too-familiar voice.


“Don’t worry I’m here,” soothed Onew, placing a soft cloth over Eunji’s eyes. “Eunji-ah I’m only going to blow on it okay?”

“Okay, just—ACHOO—hurry up.”

Eunji felt the soft sensation of Onew placing his lips over the cloth and gently blowing on it. Although it didn’t make the pain go away, it felt soothing.

After a couple of seconds Onew removed the cloth and switched it over to the other eye, blowing softly on it as well.

Someone—presumably Jonghyun—cleared his throat and muttered, “Get a room.”

Onew rolled his eyes and with a soft smile, removed the cloth and placed it in his pocket. “All done.”

Eunji wearily opened her eyes, wincing as they stung. “Where the heck did you come from?”

“If I say heaven will you hit me?”

Eunji’s eyes, which were fully open, ran over Onew’s black suite, his slicked hair and his green bowtie.

“Where you at a funeral?”

Onew sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck “Well no, you see, I was with Jihyun and—”

Eunji’s eyes flashed with annoyance and she turned around—giving him her back. “Oh I remember, you left without saying anything.”

Onew’s lower lip jutted out, “Come on Eunji-ah hear me out.”

“Yeah Eunji hear him out,” whined Jonghyun.

“Well it’s his fault for going off with another woman,” defended Dad, folding his arms over his chest.

“BUT if you’d just listen to him, he’ll explain why—”

“Doesn’t matter,” grumbled Dad. “A cheater is a cheater.”

“He’s not a vegetarian,” announced Jonghyun, smiling widely.

Dad paused and slowly nodded his head, “Maybe you should listen to him sweetie.”

Eunji rolled her eyes and bitterly turned to Onew, “Fine. It better be a decent excuse because if it’s not I’m going to—”

Onew pressed his lips against Eunji and quickly drew back, a shy smile on his face. “Now will you listen to me?”

Eunji too shocked to say anything, simply started at Onew.

“Oh so now she listens,” mumbled Jonghyun.

Onew took a deep breath in, “I broke off my marriage with Jihyun.”

Eunji’s eyes widened and Dad chuckled in amusement, “Oh Eunji-ah what have you been doing this year?”


When I thought things couldn’t get any crazier…


Aigoo, now THAT was unexpected wasn't it. SO MUCH HAPPENED IN LIKE 5 MINUTES O.o

D-Did Jonghyun's plan finally work out? Are Eunji and Onew FINALLY going to be together? HAS THE WORLD FINALLY COME TO AN END? >< Maybe. But who knows, something CRAZY may happen to ruin everything? I'm not THAT evil xD am I?

Those two are always planning things U___U Even in reality.

OKay so I personally loved it when Onew blew on Eunji's eyes like that <33 And then that surprise kiss *SQUEAAAAAAL* Why is Onew so cute? WHY? WHY? WHY? 

*sigh* So yes, I have been avoiding this, but as some of you may have noticed, this story is (SADLY) coming to an end *sobs* It's not over yet (OF COURSE NOT-THE GRAND FINALE HASN'T HAPPENED YET), but I just wanted to tell you guys that I love you and that I appreciate it when you wait patently for an update. I LOVE YOU ALL~!

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[Master of Disguise] OH MY GOD~! LAST CHAPTER ❤


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Nalani #1
Chapter 9: I see that things are heating up between Onew and Eunji
Nalani #2
Chapter 2: I was hoping for her to cut her hair short
sylvia2728 #3
Chapter 67: kyaa !!! i love this story !! great jod author-nim . the best fanfic i've ever read . haha !
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 67: Wow seriously wow . This is daebak . I love it so much . U make a great story here . Good job . Its a sweet and fluff romance . Lee jonghyun being the noisy one
Chapter 67: O.M.G kyaaaaaa that was so cuteee . Hahaha i can't stop smiling when i read all those chapter . Like seriously this is really really cute stories . You really did a goodjob you know . I love the way you write the plot and stories . Omg seriously i love this story . This is the best story that i've read .kyaaa hahaha . Sorry im over excited . And sorry because i became a silent reader that why i said this is the best because i can't stop reading all chapter . You know curiousity kill the cat haha . Thumbs up
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOSH.

I know how it feels. Having a complete beside your story and feeling a sense of... lost? Confusion? Happiness? Sadness? All rushing towards you at once.

Anyways, the ending was cute. But I will only talk to you once again when you give me another SHINee fanfic or something...

Because I'll be desperate for your story...

Chapter 67: THANKS FOR AN AWESOME STORY!! Totally loved it!!!! So sad it ended! :(
Chapter 4: Paper wins over rock . Eunjin chose Rock so she loses . But, it says she won . Haha
Chapter 67: I just noticed that it has come to an end... I'M SO GOING TO MISS THIS!! Maybe I could recommend this to my friend, she also loves Onew :3