The Odd Hairdryer

Master of Disguise


Eunji jumped at the sound of the microwave going off, and immediately scolded herself for acting so giddy.

Trying to keep what little dignity she had left, Eunji stabbed her finger against the microwave’s open button—taking her revenge on it—and immediately regretted it when pain shot up her finger.

“DAMN MICROWAVE!” she hissed, cradling her finger against her chest.

“What’s wrong?”

“HOLY SHI—” The hair on Eunji’s arms stood up as Onew’s arms reached around her—practically embracing her­—from behind, and held her hand delicately.

“Did you hurt your finger?” asked Onew, tentively turning her hand around. His warm breath brushed against Eunji’s ears, sending shivers down her spine. Eunji held perfectly still as Onew rested his head on her shoulder, his damp hair dripping against her head.

Snapping back to reality Eunji abruptly shove Onew away from her, her face flushed.

Eunji turned around, her eyes blazing. “What the hell On—?” Eunji abruptly broke off as her eyes took note of a certain someone’s attire.

Onew shrugged sheepishly, the muscles on his chest—his very chest—rising with the movement of him shrugging. “I heard you yelling and thought you were hurt.”

Eunji glared at him, her cheeks pinkening. “I wasn’t yelling I was just frustrated that the damn noodles were taking so long to cook.”

Onew raised his eyebrow in amusement and –while still only wearing a towel—walked past Eunji, brushing his arm against hers and opened the microwave.

“They look done,” he gingerly poked the yellow mush in the bowl, his forehead creasing. “How long did you put them in there for?”

Eunji glared at him as she picked their bowls and placed them onto the dining table. “If you don’t like it, you can always leave.”

Onew chuckled as he strolled to the table, “I didn’t say I didn’t like it only that—”


Onew froze mid-sitting and slowly turned to face Eunji. “What’s wrong?”

Eunji closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Go put something on.”

Onew’s lower lip jutted out. “But my shirt is wet.”

Eunji slowly opened her eyes, silently walked into her room and back out with a black shirt in hand.

“Wear this,” she snapped throwing it at him.

Onew caught the shirt and stared at it for a long moment, his forehead suddenly creasing. “Who’s—is this your shirt?”

“Nope,” Eunji winced as she sat down in her chair, her waist stinging. “Jonghyun left it here.”

Onew stiffened. “Jonghyun?”

Eunji picked her chopstick up and poked her noodles with it, unaware of Onew’s heartbroken expression. “Yeah he left it at my house when he visited me in Germany.”

“He—Jonghyun visited you in Germany?”

Eunji glanced up in start, and watched in confusion as a mixture of hurt and anger clouded Onew’s eyes.

“So you’ve been in contact with him all these years?”

“Well,” Eunji suddenly aware of the situation she was in, wearily rubbed the back of her neck. “He stayed in contact with me. The guy practically stalked me across Europe.” Begging me to come back to you.

I tired keeping in contact with you,” murmured Onew. “But you never answered my calls, or replied to my letters.”

“Onew,” Eunji got up from her seat and made her way to Onew. “I knew you tried to contact me, but—Hey! Where are you going?”

“To sleep.” Grumbled Onew, throwing the shirt onto the chair and stomping to Eunji’s room.

“Onew wait—DAMMIT!” Eunji angrily kicked the door that Onew had slammed in her face. “Oh so only you’re allowed to get angry?”

Onew probed the door slightly open, “I’m not angry I’m sleepy, so stop making noise.”

Eunji scoffed and placed her hands on her hips. “Sleepy? It’s freaking 8PM.”

Onew didn’t blink. “I need my beauty sleep, besides it’s Minho’s soccer game tomorrow and we have to be there early.”

“Dammit Onew, come out of there and let me explain what happen—”


Eunji’s eyes tightened into slits. “I see these past years have made you gutsy Onew. I hope you don’t regret slamming the door in my face.”


“FINE!” Eunji gave the door one last kick, “HIDE IN THERE, BUT SOONER OR LATER YOU’LL HAVE TO COME OUT.”

Onew rested his back against the door and listened silently as Eunji stomped back to the living room, cursing and mumbling her way there.

“Wow Onew I’m impressed, I didn’t think you could pull it off.”

Onew rolled his eyes and tapped the Bluetooth on his ear, which had been covered by his hair. “Shut up.”

Jonghyun stayed silent for a while before slowly commenting, “You were acting weren’t you? I mean you’re not actually upset that she had my shirt right?”

A grim line formed on Onew’s face and he silently threw himself on Eunji’s bed.

“Come on hyung, don’t be like that. I told you if she still likes you then she’ll get angry with you.”

What kind of logic is that? Onew sighed, “I’m hanging up now.”

“NOOO hyung don’t be mad at m—”

Onew gingerly hung up and folded his arms behind his head, a sad expression on his face. If she liked me, she would have stayed in contact with me.

“Whatever,” Onew blindly reached for the light switch on the lamp beside him and managed to accidently knock Eunji’s water bottle on the floor. Her open water bottle that is.

“Crap,” Onew sprang off the bed and grabbed the water bottle off the floor, wincing when he noticed that it was empty. Very empty.

“Oh no,” Onew hurriedly grabbed the box of napkins off the counter and started wildly dabbing away at the wet floor. She’s going to be furious with me.

“I—am—so—dead.” Onew stared in horror at the wet stack of papers on the floor.

“Aish,” Onew ran a hand threw his hair in frustration. So much for trying to make her love me again.

Glancing around the room in worry, Onew spotted a black wireless hairdryer lying under the bed. “Perfect.”

Sliding his hand under the bed Onew picked up the odd looking hairdryer and placed it beside him. Then, he reached for the stack of papers and gently removed the first paper.

Just as he was about to start blow-drying, Onew caught notice of the date, which was three years ago and then of the first, crossed out line on the paper.

Dear Onew,

 Hey Onew!

Why does everything I write sound so awkward?

Onew’s eyes tried to make out the rest of the words but they were simply too smudged. His heart beating wildly fast, Onew positioned the hairdryer in front of the paper and pulled the trigger.

And it fired.

A hole.

Right through the paper.

Onew let out a startled sound and sprang up in shock, throwing the gun across the room in horror. “Holy crap what the heck was th—UGH!”

The door sprang open and Onew was tackled onto the bed, Eunji pressing him protectively under her, her eyes wide with fright and concern.

“What was that? Are you okay? Did someone fire?”

Onew cleared his throat fully aware of Eunji’s body on top of his.

Eunji mistook Onew’s silence for shock and she cupped his face in concern. “Onew are you hurt? What happened?”

Onew’s face flushed no longer from embarrassment but mainly from how close Eunji was. “I—I—”

“What is it Onew?”

Onew, not able to talk, silently pointed to the gun on the floor.

Eunji followed his gaze, her eyes widening before she snapped her attention back to him. “Who fired it?”

Blushing furiously Onew pointed to himself, smiling sheepishly.

Eunji blinked twice, her confusion growing. “Whhhy?”

Onew avoided eye contact, cleared his throat and just as he was about to say something probably pathetic, a screeching sound burst from his ear, followed by a “KISS HER YOU IDIOT!”

Onew, startled by the sound, grabbed Eunji around the waist and flipped her over, so that he was the one straddling her.

Eunji’s eyes doubled in size and as a reflex, threw her fist forward, startled by when Onew firmly caught it.

Gathering her arms together, Onew pushed Eunji’s hands over her head and bent over so that his face was inches from hers.

HOLY WHAT DID I JUST DO? Onew’s heart beat furiously and his blood pulsed rapidly through his veins.

Eunji was also awestruck by Onew’s actions and remained frozen, too shocked to move a muscle.

Jonghyun on the other hand was practically screaming on the other end, “ARE YOU KISSING? OH MY GOSH I THINK THEY’RE KISSING! KEY—OH MY GOSH KEY, ONEW’S KISSING EUNJI!”



This chapter was...OH MY GOSH I HAD SO MUCH FUN (I slept  around 4AM last night and didnt notice it >.>)

But I seriosuly belive that Onew is the kind of guy that would mistake a gun for a hairdryer >.> Oh god, that guy...

AND THEN THERE'S JONGHYUN...I love him <33333

I-Im sorry for updating late *nervously plays with fingers* I LOVE YOU GUYS, and promise to reply to all your msgs~!

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[Master of Disguise] OH MY GOD~! LAST CHAPTER ❤


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Nalani #1
Chapter 9: I see that things are heating up between Onew and Eunji
Nalani #2
Chapter 2: I was hoping for her to cut her hair short
sylvia2728 #3
Chapter 67: kyaa !!! i love this story !! great jod author-nim . the best fanfic i've ever read . haha !
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 67: Wow seriously wow . This is daebak . I love it so much . U make a great story here . Good job . Its a sweet and fluff romance . Lee jonghyun being the noisy one
Chapter 67: O.M.G kyaaaaaa that was so cuteee . Hahaha i can't stop smiling when i read all those chapter . Like seriously this is really really cute stories . You really did a goodjob you know . I love the way you write the plot and stories . Omg seriously i love this story . This is the best story that i've read .kyaaa hahaha . Sorry im over excited . And sorry because i became a silent reader that why i said this is the best because i can't stop reading all chapter . You know curiousity kill the cat haha . Thumbs up
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOSH.

I know how it feels. Having a complete beside your story and feeling a sense of... lost? Confusion? Happiness? Sadness? All rushing towards you at once.

Anyways, the ending was cute. But I will only talk to you once again when you give me another SHINee fanfic or something...

Because I'll be desperate for your story...

Chapter 67: THANKS FOR AN AWESOME STORY!! Totally loved it!!!! So sad it ended! :(
Chapter 4: Paper wins over rock . Eunjin chose Rock so she loses . But, it says she won . Haha
Chapter 67: I just noticed that it has come to an end... I'M SO GOING TO MISS THIS!! Maybe I could recommend this to my friend, she also loves Onew :3