Our Love: Part 8 (2Kim, Annyeongz, JangChae, Jinjoo)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

It was the second day of the week within the field trip and everything went further downhill. The first day would’ve been an exception due to many arrangements but for Chaewon, she realized too late that it became more stressful.

She’s in bad terms with Wonyoung, she’s been selected as batch leader against her own will, and she hurt Minju after the video call despite knowing that she had no fault.

Chaewon walked out of the video call immediately after Minju asked for help. She got inside the bathroom and watched Minju finish her bath. Chaewon didn’t need to ask what her concern was and did her actions; getting some ointment and rubbing Minju’s sore muscles.

“I’m sorry for this. I disturbed your call.” Minju mumbled.

“Hey, that’s not your fault.” Chaewon added as she finished. “You carried a lot of things during the arrangements.”

Minju thanked her, adding. “You can return to you call, Ssamu. I’ll take it from here.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure or else Wonyoung will get mad again.”

Chaewon nodded and returned the call. Passing by the sink, her eyes were sharp as she saw Yujin’s name through the contacts. Somehow, her insides fumed with jealousy yet she returned to her call, just as Minju and her inner conscience insisted.

Wonyoung’s nags were expected but those nags turned into reprimands. Her inner frustrations came out because of the nonsensical reasons Wonyoung was giving. As a result, she made the initiative to end the call immediately.

That would’ve died her inner frustrations but it was just the beginning, especially when a call rang from Nako. Chaewon casually talked throughout the call but she flipped out as she hang up. She then knocked on the bathroom door again, seeing Minju on casual clothing.

“Min, change onto the field trip shirt.”

“Why? The activities won’t start until noon.”

“Well, they changed it today. It’ll start after breakfast.” Chaewon hissed and washed her face. “And our teachers for picking me as the batch leader.”

Minju was frozen. Chaewon was angrier than usual. She asked what’s wrong when she got a glare, her eyes hurting from the soap still on her face.

“Don’t just stand there, Min. Move already!”

Minju sighed and did what she was told. Chaewon did her routines as quick as she could and got herself ready. She called for Minju if she was also ready and even reminded her of her cellphone on the sink.

A message was seen and it was from Yujin.

“That’s it.” Chaewon hissed and went out.

She saw Minju getting her bag and suddenly pulled her out. Minju was shocked yet she demanded Chaewon to express her anger rationally. They stopped by the main cabin as Minju forced herself away.

“What the junk, Kim Chaewon?!” Minju was starting to feel Chaewon’s anger. “If this is about your relationship, you don’t need to bump into my emotional bush to prove your point!”

“Oh, it’s about it. I’d be fine if I’m the only one doing it but both of us?” Chaewon showed her phone. “What’s with you and Yujin?”

“Ha. No wonder you and Wonyoung paired up. You’re as perfect as your tempers.” Minju spat then got her phone back. “Yujin’s a special friend to me and you have no right to meddle between us.”

Minju drove herself away when Chaewon stopped her by putting her in a hug. Minju tried to push away but Chaewon was stronger.

“Min…please don’t engage with her.” Chaewon begged. “I know I’m being a hypocrite but please… don’t get close with Yujin.”

“Because she’s your girlfriends best friend? Am I Wonyoung’s pest in which I can’t get close to people who are important to her?! “

“Min – “

“Bull!” Minju got herself off and went to the canteen alone.

Their four classmates were there. Yuri and Hitomi were worried about Minju while Nako and Chaeyeon went to Chaewon, asking her what happened.

“Well, I ed up.” Chaewon huffed.

“You?” Nako asked. “You’re Kim Chaewon. How could you – “

“Not now, Kinako.” Chaeyeon nudged her. “What happened?”

Chaewon raised her eyebrows. Nako didn’t have a clue whereas Chaeyeon smacked her head and pulled her towards the canteen. Nako continued asking as her little feet followed them.

As they got to the canteen, the students stopped to greet Chaewon. Chaewon bowed back and had to keep a good persona. Chaeyeon and Nako understood the tension yet they got to the table where Hitomi, Minju, and Yuri were. They checked if Minju was okay, even Chaeyeon offered to order extra tarts for her.

Chaewon was facing the faculty as they explained her duties for the field trip. Chaewon nodded and asked for extra help from the batch.

“You want someone to lead with you?”

“Can I choose my classmates to help me?”

They agreed and Chaewon looked over the tables. She pointed at the farthest where her classmates were. The faculty interrupted the breakfast again and made the announcement, shocking the others.

“I’ll pick Kim Minju to lead with me.”

Minju almost spits her food. Chaeyeon and Yuri clicked their tongues at her whereas Nako and Hitomi cheered with the other students. Minju gulped and chuckled it out.

Deep down, she wanted to smack Chaewon’s head because she believed this was payback.

“The activities will start at 8 AM. After your breakfast, you will gather at the main cabins and form lines by class. The Kims will guide you through the activities so everyone must stick to the schedule and assemble early.”

Everyone responded and returned to eating. Chaewon made a quick stop to eat yoghurt and pancakes and got to the table. Minju quickly ate hers and went away, leaving Chaewon to do the same. The four friends sighed for them.

“For a moment, I thought it wasn’t real.” Nako started.

“But you saw them consoling us, right?” Hitomi nudged her. “They share a dynamic real couples do. I feel bad for Yujin. That kid is so whipped for Minju.”

“Guys, let’s not talk about that.” Chaeyeon added. “It’s their situation to resolve so we shouldn’t meddle.”

“But whatever happens, we need to let them share to us when they’re ready.” Yuri added. “Then, we must be there for them.”

The four friends made a pact and resumed their meal. For Chaewon and Minju, they were heading to the main cabin in their own paces. Minju walked as quickly as she could to get away but Chaewon was always a step ahead.

She always was because she was willing to do anything to have things her way.

“What’s wrong with you, Min?” Chaewon spat. “Are we going through this again?”

“Me? I should be asking you the questions myself!” Minju spat back. “Your sudden outbursts are causing a pain in my ing !”

“How could I not have an outburst? My girlfriend is mad at me, you’re mad at me, and this leadership thing is so sudden that I couldn’t prepare for it.”

“And yet, you give payback by letting me and our classmates help you.” Minju batted, crossing her arms. “What do you want to happen? Should I let you react about how awful your situation is and let me shoulder it?”

Chaewon felt herself being hit with the truth. Minju would be crying right now but she has had enough. She can’t be dwelt onto too much pain and must learn to address it rationally.

“Min, I-I…” Chaewon tried to speak. “Things didn’t go my way and I – “

“ – should accept the fact that it won’t happen all the time. That’s reality.” Minju added. “And with all that’s happening, I prefer calling my family to settle this arranged marriage off and leave.”

Minju got her necklace off, having their engagement ring wrapped around the chain. She gave it to her, saying. “I tried to be nice for a long, long time and now, I’ve had enough.”

Chaewon gave a deep sigh. “You were too nice…”

“Good for you to see that, to think I’d get severely punished for it by being too hopeful.” Minju added. “Seriously, Ssamu…I can’t take it anymore.”

Chaewon watched her harrumph away. She had a nick that Minju was joking and went to follow her. The other students arrived there and looked up to the two since they were the earliest. Chaewon delivered her perfect personality and did her duties. Minju did the same and went with it like a marionette.

Minju meant those things. Regardless if Chaewon will take it or not, she will decide to end everything once and for all.


“These are a lot of things you’re delivering, Young Master.”

“Of course, Mr. Cho.” Yujin grinned while placing the boxes for the delivery service to send. “I got every snack Angel likes based on Wonyoung’s information and I must deliver it to her at the camp.”

The butler watched his master settling everything with the clerk to have everything delivered today. He has never seen her so happy for another girl. Wonyoung was the only close friend she had and now, he’s glad that Yujin gained another.

“Everything’s settled, Mr. Cho.” Yujin grinned while showing the receipt. “I hope Angel will love them.”

“Miss Minju will be happy.” He added then opened the door of the car. “Let’s go home.

Yujin shook her head and got her skateboard. “Sorry, Mr. Cho. I’m off to see Wonyoung.”

Yujin heard her butler yell but she already skated away. She would pass obstacles, pull off stunts, and ended up bumping onto some people. Unfortunately, the police saw her and ran to catch her.

Yujin cussed and skated faster to avoid them. She went through hidden routes towards a deli restaurant since she and Wonyoung agreed to have brunch there. Once she got inside, she got off her skateboard and went to where Wonyoung was. She was in her favorite table and calling someone with a huge smile. Yujin blended in and went to snatch her phone.

“AhnYu~!” Wonyoung pouted.

Yujin answered the call and heard Chaewon’s voice. She casually answered her and asked for Minju but the call was hung up immediately. Wonyoung would be angry but seeing Yujin made her calm. She got her phone back as Yujin settled down.

“Yah. Why did you break the call?” Wonyoung pouted. “I was talking to her about the gift she sent me.”

“What did she send you?”

Wonyoung showed a picture of a heart-shaped flower wreath with white doves settling at the center. It was composed of pink roses. Yujin whistled and nodded lightly.

“My favorite color, flower, and bird.” Wonyoung squealed then nudged her. “How are your gifts for Minju?”

“I delivered them. She’ll receive them at the end of the day.”

“Did you write a confession letter?”

Yujin’s mood changed. She crossed her arms, saying. “Didn’t I tell you I’ll confess when she arrives?”

Wonyoung nodded but made her stand clear. “I’m just saying that she needs a heads-up.”

“Just let me do my thing.” Yujin mumbled as the food was served.

Wonyoung ordered their favorite sandwiches and Yujin thanked her for the meal. They ate silently, with Wonyoung taking graceful bites and Yujin taking huge ones. Wonyoung noticed the skateboard by Yujin’s feet and sighed. “You used it again?”

Yujin wondered until she followed Wonyoung’s gaze. She placed the board by her feet and moved it from side to side. “You gave this to me since I was ten. I’ve kept and used it ever since.”

“But you got a major injury using it.” Wonyoung reprimanded. “It’s why you lost a volleyball scholarship at Haneul Sports University when we were in elementary.”

Yujin gulped her last bite down and wiped , showing a straight line. Wonyoung knew she made Yujin mad but she held her hand, showing her worry.

“I’m sorry to tackle an issue you don’t want to talk about again. I’m just worried about you.” Wonyoung added. “What if you get hurt because of it? You might not be able to play again.”

Yujin was silent and resumed eating the sides. Wonyoung joined her while eyeing her.

She and Yujin were inseparable since children. Most of their loved ones thought they were meant for each other. They were exactly 365 days apart and always had double celebrations during birthdays. They were also there for each other in good and bad times to the point every moment with each other became a habit; that life was neither complete without one another.

Wonyoung couldn’t understand that even if Chaewon was her girlfriend, she was starting to feel unhappy that Yujin wasn’t there for her like the usual.

“You’re distressed. Is it about what I said earlier or about the skateboard?”

Wonyoung shook her head to avoid it. Yujin lets her be and they resumed eating.

If time could stop, Wonyoung wanted it for this moment, to the least she can be with her best friend again.


Chaewon was monitoring everyone as they fished at the river. She also focused on her own task as she managed to fish at a deeper spot and got more fish than anyone. She decided to stop and let everyone have their chance, carrying her bucket to the the canteen.

Upon passing by, she checked the aviary. She passed one of the faculty members and greeted her. “Soyu-nim.”

Kang Jihyun was a vocal teacher and was the adviser of the Glee Club, hence to why she and Yuri can call her through her nickname, Soyu.

“You should check out the aviary. Minju is doing a good job monitoring it. She’s even doing a class on how to talk with birds to teach the students.”

Chaewon nodded and excused herself. She got inside the beautiful enclosure, getting greetings from the other students and seeing Minju talking to a cockatoo. Chaewon wasn’t fazed. She knew that Minju had that God-given talent.

She learned it from her too, hence to why Wonyoung got her exquisite gift. What made it more exquisite was that Minju helped her despite their feud.

Minju saw her and took a break. Everyone continued to adore the birds and tried Minju’s learnings. The two met by the cage where the lovebirds were.

“What are you doing here?” Minju asked.

“Taking a break from fishing.” Chaewon added. “Teacher Kang said you were here...”

Minju nodded. “I’m taking a break too. I was planning to go to Chaeyeon and Yuri because the aksed to help prepare an intermission number for later.”

“Can I come with you?”

Minju didn’t make any comment and went out. Chaewon sighed and followed her. Both walked side to side, greeting students and faculty along the way. The walk towards the amphitheater was far so it was going to be a long and silent walk...

...until Chaewon talked. “So...you and Yujin, huh?”

“What are you bringing at?” Minju asked back.

“I mean...how did you two become close?”

“We always spare time to go to the this food stall and eat tteokbokki and fish cakes. I also watch her practice.” Minju answered. “I could say that the world is small because she happened to be your girlfriend’s best friend.”

Chaewon nodded. She looked down at her hand and it contradicted hers. She had their engagement ring while Minju didn’t.

“How about you and Wonyoung?”

“A year and counting.”

“No wonder she’s angry when you tend to ignore her.” Minju added.

“By the way, why do you eat tteokbokki and fish cakes? You know you’re allergic to flour right? You bring your enzymes everyday? Do you drink them afterward?” Chaewon asked many times.

“Cut the nagging out, your excellency.” Minju teased. “I drink after every meal.”

Chaewon chuckled lightly, opposite to what she remarked to anyone who , even Wonyoung.

“What do you think about her? Yujin, I mean.”

“She’s funny, sweet, and a big ball of sunshine. She’s such a precious person.” Minju smiled upon saying that.

Chaewon watched her walk ahead and her heart felt unwell. She followed her until they stopped by the bakery. Nako and Hitomi were there, making banana bread.

“Hiichan, you were supposed to be teaching cheers at the gym.” Chaewon crossed her arms.

“Break, your excellency.” Hitomi teased. “This is paradise.”

She ate her piece and pranced away. Nako chuckled and lets Chaewon and Minju try a slice. Minju ate wholeheartedly while Chaewon gobbled her slice and reached on her pocket.

“Here...” She gave it to Minju. “Anti-allergy.”

Nako became worried as well that she went to get water. Minju gulped her slice and accepted the tablet. Nako returned with a glass of water and Minju drank the tablet.

“She’s allergic to bananas and flour.” Chaewon shared.

“No wonder you felt queasy eating breakfast.” Nako added. “By the way, we’ll catch up to the amphitheater.”

Chaewon nodded and pulled Minju to walk with her. Minju followed her, leaving Nako raising an eyebrow. It gave them a conclusion that Chaeyeon and Yuri’s words were true.

“I feel more pity towards Yujin now.” Hitomi added. “The tall pup really cared for her but I guess Minju’s in love with – “

Nako stuffed with more banana bread before returning to her duties. “Let’s send these breads to the canteen and catch up to them.”

Hitomi huffed while chewing, helping Nako out.


Wonyoung couldn’t hold her chuckle as she was trying the skateboard. Yujin was by her side, holding her arms so she won’t fall. They skated around town and stopped at a park, sitting by the deck to look at the view.

“See? The skateboard isn’t so bad.” Yujin spoke then leaned her skateboard vertically by her side. “Just look at you. I haven’t seen you so happy.”

Wonyoung couldn’t deny it. She knew what Yujin would’ve said but she was glad Yujin didn’t point it out. Despite that, Yujin noticed her look, saying. “I’m supposed to get you but for the first time in our friendship, I don’t.”

“What part don’t you get, AhnYu?” Wonyoung asked.

“How could you feel different when you’re with Chaewon-unnie?” Yujin asked back. “Aren’t you supposed to be girlfriends? You should be smiling towards each other and know inside each others’ hearts.”

Wonyoung sighed and looked at the view. The Sun was up, ironic to the face she had. Yujin reached for her bag and lets out her parasol to protect themselves from its rays.

“It’s only recent that I feel this way. In the beginning, Ssamu and I were lovey-dovey. During high school, she was popular and had many fans. I was one of them and from there, I was in love with her. I took guts to confess to her and the next thing I know, we’re a couple.” Wonyoung mumbled then asked. “Jeez – why am I telling you this when you already know?”

“You say it differently now. Back then you, were smitten. But now, you come to a realization that it’s not lovey-dovey anymore.”

“I could ask the same thing about you.” Wonyoung nudged. “How long have you and Minju know each other?”

“It was only recent and it was a small world.” Yujin spoke. “That’s why I intend not to rush because of that.”

“But you love her, right?”

“I do. When I’m with her, I feel light. I felt very happy.” Yujin confessed. “I want to spend a happily-ever-after with her.”

Wonyoung nodded. She should be happy for Yujin. She and Chaewon then Minju and her; they’d become a powerful quad. Not only that, both will have their happiness.

But with this talk, why does her heart feel heavy?

“Then again, I have a feeling it won’t work.” Yujin chuckled. “Happy ever after might just be a fairytale, after all.”

“Why do you say that?” Wonyoung asked. “You haven’t tried confessing yet. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get your own happily-ever-after with her.”

“If you have the honest idea that she likes somebody else, do you think you’ll get it?” Yujin asked, looking at Wonyoung. “You won’t. Because even if the world turns upsidedown or you try to get her away, her heart will never be yours because it belonged to that person in the first place.”

“AhnYu, it doesn’t have to be that way. If you tell her you love her, it’s possible.” Wonyoung added, looking back. “This is why I’m encouraging you to do things for Minju. Give her gifts, spend time with her, hold her hand or kiss her cheek – whatever it is you need to do to win her heart.”

Yujin nodded when a call was heard. Yujin answered it with a smile and throughout that call, her smile grew wider.

“I’m glad you liked all of them, Angel.” Yujin added. “You’ll never guess where I am right now.”

Wonyoung shuts her up not to tell Minju. Yujin stuck a tongue and told her anyway. Yujin thought it was daring but Minju’s reply was so wholesome.

Have fun with her and make sure to keep her company.

Yujin nodded and had the thought to give slight confessions to her when Minju hang up. Wonyoung nudged her but Yujin said, “Angel wanted me to have fun with you and keep you company.”

“R-Really?” Wonyoung was shocked. “She said that?”

“She did. You see, Angel’s very kind.” Yujin added. “Whenever we hang out, she asks if you’re okay and when sees you down during your club activities, she calls me so I can get to you.”

Wonyoung nodded. Her conscience was debating because she despised Minju and at the same time, she felt sorry for acting like a brat towards a person who never did a single wrong to her.

“I hope that when they come back from the field trip, you can be friends with her, just like Chaewon-unnie and me.” Yujin spoke. “I guess I’m like you. I have you and Angel as the most important people in my life.”

“I’ll try, AhnYu.” Wonyoung spoke. “I’ll try for you.”

Yujin thanked her. Something had to literally rain on their parade as the droplets fell into Seoul. Yujin got her skateboard as she and Wonyoung ran to get a bus back home. Both waited at the bus stop, laughing their asses out from what happened.

This day was the best day Wonyoung could ever ask for. As Yujin said, it was one of the firsts that she gets to feel happy and light-hearted. With Yujin’s words in mind, she’ll make sure and try to welcome Minju in the circle.


It was the last day of the field trip. Chaewon sighed as she looked at the calendar. A lot of things happened but most of them were for the better.

Chaewon and Wonyoung were in good terms again and Chaewon made a schedule to call her everyday. She also felt happy doing her duties with Minju and the others and was happy that her leadership was worth it for the faculty and students approved her ways and her lineup. But the best thing that happened was that she and Minju weren’t in a feud anymore. They grew closer within the trip and did most activities together.

Little did she know, Minju thought of the opposite aftermath. Unlike Chaewon, she won’t expect that it’ll be better. She knew that their circle of friends (except Wonyoung and Yujin) know about her relationship with Chaewon and had the idea that being with them will cost their secret. Minju had the plan to call their arranged marriage quits. She will tell her parents, leave the school and her current life...

...and be away from everything, especially from Chaewon.


Chaewon looked back and grinned, seeing Minju. “Did you wait too long?”

“No.” Minju lent a hand. “Let’s go?”

Chaewon ran to her, holding her hand tenderly and going outside towards the amphitheater. Both felt warm with the hold but they had to let go as they were near. Their four friends called them as they gathered around their campfire. They cooked smores, hotdogs, and –

“A pizza?” Chaeyeon gasped.

“I brought it since I wanted to test it.” Yuri said and placed a stone plate on the makeshift oven. “Light it up some more, Nako.”

Nako fanned the fire and Yuri placed the whole pizza. Chaeyeon and Hitomi wowed whereas Chaewon and Minju watched them and laughed.

The students may be gathered in different campfires but the faculty planned a program for everyone to participate. Random students were called to give intermissions and all of them performed despite low confidence. Everyone loved the different talents different students presented and of course, the friends’ campfire wasn’t an exception.

Chaeyeon, Nako, and Hitomi danced. Yuri belted a singing performance that everyone cheered loudly. For Chaewon, she was called to sing until –

“I want Kim Minju to join me.”

Minju spits her hotdog as everyone cheered. Yuri even pointed a guitar on the stage and pushed her to the front. Minju yelped as everyone cheered.

“Come on. You’ll be okay.” Chaewon whispered and handed a guitar.

Minju gulped and accepted the instrument. Chaewon got them chairs and they sat. Chaewon hummed a tune and it hit Minju, making her realize what to play. Her mind and hands worked their wonders and Minju played the song. Everyone was shocked yet Chaewon adored all of it as she began to sing.

Ooh~ really really like~ you

It was the same song Chaewon sang individually during the recital but this was a better rendition. Everyone’s eyes were on the two as they felt light and everyone’s ears felt nice as the music lingered on the wonderful evening. Chaewon and Minju delivered a performance that created a deeper connection.

It was a starting connection to the audience but to the supposed couple, it was memory lane of the moments they shared; from the beginning until now. It was also their message towards each other that both really liked each other and with each other together, they can shine whenever...

...and forever.

With you

Everyone applauded as their squad cheered and whistled. Chaewon and Minju bowed and returned to their campfire, just in time for the pizza to cook.

“It worked!” Yuri cheered and shared hi-fives with everyone. “Let’s eat.”

Hitomi got the paper plates and served slices to the members and herself. Chaewon handed her share and another tablet. “Your allergy, remember?”

Minju nodded. She placed her share on lap, got her canteen, drank the tablet. Chaewon even wiped and they ate together.

Their friends witnessed them since the first day of the field trip. As their classmates, they always see the best expressions of the two when they had each other. Like the student council officers in their circle, they understood and realized that Chaewon and Minju were destined for each other and an arranged marriage wasn’t the main factor.

It was their true love.

However, they realize that the youngest friends in the circle will get hurt from it. All they can think was that they’ll be able to resolve it and for them, they’ll be there to support whatever consequences will happen.

The fun night was cut short as the rain poured. Everyone had to turn off their fires, gather their things, and seek shelter back to their cabins. The squad of six were the quickest to react until thunder and lightning roared...

...and a crying Minju was heard.

“Chaeyeon, take this.” Chaewon gave her stuff to her and ran back.

The rain was now pouring heavily yet Chaewon went to Minju’s aid. The latter was crouched on the ground and crying while the other students were still running to the cabins. The sight was like a stampede yet Chaewon had to get to her. She didn’t care bumping to other students and huddled Minju in her embrace.

Lightning and thunder were Minju’s fears since she was a child and it still manifests to her at this age. Chaewon cussed that they didn’t bring earmuffs for her but she still hugged her. Some witnesses would be shocked but Chaewon didn’t care.

She only cared for Minju’s well-being.

Chaewon also noticed a wound on Minju’s ankle that she decided to carry her. Their squad got an umbrella and earmuffs so Minju won’t be scared anymore. Chaewon spat at everyone to move out of the way as the two ran to their room. The witnesses were shocked, mumbling about what happened until Teacher Kang spat at them to keep quiet and return to their rooms. The squad gulped of what happened until Teacher Kang told the instructions to them again.

“It can’t be undone. All Chaewon can do is be accountable.”

“You know, Soyu-nim?” Yuri was shocked.

“Yes...but I won’t spare the details because only Chaewon has the right to tell you. Now return to your rooms.”

The four bowed at their teacher and obeyed. The teacher was left with the other faculty until one of them spoke. “Chairman Kim will not be pleased with this. What are we going to do, Jihyun?”

“We wait for Chaewon to confess.” She answered. “We have no right to disclose it so we can only wait for her to tell the truth.”


Wonyoung and Yujin were spending most days together. With Chaewon and Minju still on their field trip, the two best friends hang out throughout the week.

On the last day, they had dinner at a fancy restaurant. Wonyoung was laughing a lot since Yujin was showing cute magic tricks.

“You finally mastered it~” Wonyoung clapped. “The first time you tried it out, we were at your mansion and we were like...4 or 5 years old?”

“Yeah...” Yujin nodded as she puts the salt shaker down.

They ate their food again and were quiet despite a rowdy environment. The ambiance was extravagant and Wonyoung always loved the place.

“You always take me here during special occasions.” Wonyoung spoke as she sliced her steak. “...even on this day.”

Yujin nodded and slowed her slicing down. Wonyoung sighed and reached to hold her hand. “Do you miss her?”


“Aunt Yumi...” Wonyoung answered. “...your mother.”

Yujin sighed. Wonyoung was used to this ambiance because this day was a dark day to Yujin. Every time they come here, it was always for that day...

“Won, as much this day was for her, I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Sorry.” Wonyoung mumbled. “I shouldn’t even be prying about it despite today.”

“No, it’s okay...” Yujin spoke. “I don’t talk about it at home, not even to the servants. Well, who would be when she’s not by my side anymore?”

Wonyoung held her hand, feeling teary herself.

Yujin was a ray of sunshine. Most people see it because she had a bright personality. She was also a treasure because she was always good towards others. Unbeknownst to them, Wonyoung knew it was a façade.

Deep down, Yujin had the scariest and darkest of experiences.

“You have the right to be sad, especially today.” Wonyoung shared. “You should be because you lost the most important person in your life.”

“More like I lost the most important people in my life.” Yujin spoke. “When Eomma was still with us, everything was wonderful. I was truly bright and truly happy. Yet...” She sighed. “...it was a problem.”

“How could it be a problem?”

“Because it made me realize that love is a fantasy. One day you’re a part of it and the next thing you know, you wake up from it and face the reality.”

“What made you wake up, AhnYu?”

Wonyoung knew. The talk they’re having was alwasy redundant. Both already knew the bita and pieces of the information and yet, they talk it again and again.

“Eomma was taken by God. Appa succumbed into depression and joined her. And unnie...” Yujin spoke and teared up. “...she caught up to them.”

Wonyoung was always sorry. Yujin’s family was too well off that Yujin was left with all the inheritance from their family. She could live forever with such wealth yet both of them knew it wasn’t enough. Yujin didn’t care about her wealth. She was a precious treasure to care about useless junk.

“Why did we even eat at your future restaurant?” Wonyoung asked, wiping Yujin’s tears. “You’re giving us war flashbacks.”

“Come on. Eomma wanted me to check it out. I’m also a big girl so I can handle it. I should be worrying about you.”


Yujin took her turn to hold Wonyoung’s hand. “You face a lot of pressure and I’m worried that you stress yourself too much.”


“I want you to be strong, Won. I want you to face the world as it is. That’s why I encourage you to relax, breathe, and take your time.” Yujin added. “I just don’t want you to bury yourself onto fear and anger, realizing that it’s not you to act that way.”

“I know... that’s why I’m trying my hardest to change for the better.” Wonyoung added. “Just promise me one thing.”

“What is it?”

“Promise me you won’t forget me.” Wonyoung spoke. “If ever you and Minju become a couple, I hope you won’t be like me; that I’m forgetting my best friend.”

“Weird...” Yujin commented. “It’s like I’m talking to a different person.”

Wonyoung whined and packed a cute punch. Yujin laughed it out and pinched out her cheeks. “I promise.”

I’ve loved you for so long...

“Martini for Miss Jang.” A servant gave. “It’s from a sweet admirer.”

Wonyoung wowed of the pink drink. “This looks good.”

“Secret admirer?” Yujin asked. “Who’s it from?”

The waiter didn’t want to point it out but Yujin gave a look. She gulped and pointed at an old guy. Judging from the look, he had bad intentions.

“Won, don’t drink that.” Yujin spoke and got the martini away. “Tell the guy that Miss Jang won’t take it.”

Wonyoung looked at the other table and saw the guy gawking at her. Yujin hissed and demanded the waiter to return it. They watched the waiter return the drink, only for the old guy to get it and walk towards the table.

“AhnYu...” Wonyoung grew scared.

“Security!” Yujin yelled as the guy got closer.

“Miss Jang, please drink it.” He pleaded.

“I don’t want to – “

“Just drink it.” He coyed.

“She doesn’t want it.” Yujin spat then faced him. “Leave this restaurant or else I’ll have you arrested for harrassment.”

“Leave, sir.” One of the customers spat. “You’re talking to the heir of this restaurant.”

The guy clutched Wonyoung’s hand, triggering Yujin to punch his face. The restaurant became a ruckus as Yujin threw punches at the guy for harrassing Wonyoung. Some customers tried to break Yujin and the guy apart but others took pictures and videos. Security came in and broke the two apart. They also confiscated the phones of the people who took footage of the scenario.

Yujin backed away as soon as Wonyoung cried but with a foot stepping on the skateboard, she slipped and sprained her ankle. Yujin hissed in pain but went to Wonyoung’s aid and hugged her. Wonyoung was crying as she hugged Yujin tighter.

The restaurant was closed after everyone ate and went out. Security called paramedics for Yujin’s state as the police arrested the guy who harassed Wonyoung. Yujin was carried away to the ambulance. Wonyoung was still traumatized but a ring from her phone was heard.

It was Chaewon.

Wonyoung didn’t answer it and ran to the ambulance. She went inside and stuck by Yujin’s side.

She was willing to let go one of the many calls but on this one day, she needed to be there for Yujin.


Chaewon was shocked that Wonyoung didn’t answer her call. There was never a day when Wonyoung missed calling her or when she called, Wonyoung would not answer.

Today was a first, leaving Chaewon confused.

Thunder and lightning roared and Chaewon rushed to check on Minju. She was relieved that Minju wasn’t cowering. She was currently on her bed, listening to calm music. Chaewon went closer to her, holding her hand to let Minju know that she needed her attention. Minju unplugged her headset then puts on her earpieces so she can only hear Chaewon’s voice and not the thunder.

“Are you okay? Does your ankle still hurt?”

Minju shook her head, eyes glued to Chaewon’s teary ones. Her breakdown broke Chaewon’s heart and it triggered her to keep Minju sheltered and safe from aby harm. When they got to their room, Chaewon puts earplugs on Minju so she can do her shower properly. She didn’t even leave the bathroom until Minju was done because of her sprained ankle. Chaewon had her changed and tucked in before she can even bathe.

Minju saw the sincere emotions Chaewon was giving. However, she knew better not to dwell onto them anymore.

“Ssamu... don’t look at me like that.” Minju spoke. “Thank you for what you did. You can rest now.”

“Min, I can’t...” Chaewon spoke, holding her hand again. “Y-You might need anything and you can’t move with your ankle and – “

“Ssamu.” Minju spoke, gazing coldly at her. “Doing this isn’t going to change anything.”


“I know what it’s like to feel disappointed that nothing will go my way.” Minju added as she tried to get up. “It’s tempting to do everything you can to make yourself perfect and to make everything your way but eventually, you’ll break and realize that the world doesn’t revolve around your said perfections.”

“Min, I’m not doing this to make myself look good...or that I need to change.” Chaewon spoke. “I’m doing this for your good. I’m doing this, not because I need to, but because I care.”

Minju got Chaewon’s hold off of her and stood up. Minju limped towards the bathroom, adding. “Right...because I got injured?”

“Min, please be careful – “

“What’s gotten into you, Ssamu? Why do you act like this?” Minju faced her. “I don’t know if you’re joking or you had gotten crazy but I don’t understand why you suddenly went soft towards me.”

“Min, please listen to me...” Chaewon drew closer, holding her to keep her steady. “I know this is new to you but I’m being serious this time. The me of the past isn’t the same me in this moment nor in the future.”

Minju was confused. Chaewon helped her return to the bed and laid her down again. This time, she drew closer, their faces inches apart. Minju wanted to push Chaewon away but Chaewon held her tenderly, begging her to let them have this moment.

“Min...” Chaewon whispered, a hand cupping her face. “Will you open your heart for me again?”

Minju was confused. A part of her wanted it while most of it wanted to stay away. She was afraid to face the same pain that she drove Chaewon’s hand away, asking. “You’re crazy. You have a girlfriend.”

“Min, I want us to work.”

“Why are you even saying this now?!”

“Because...I feel something different when I’m with you.” Chaewon reasoned, holding both of her hands. “I don’t know if I should say this but...my feelings for Wonyoung are starting to – “

“Don’t push it there.” Minju drove her hold away. “You must be tired because of this field trip. You’re not thinking clearly, Ssamu.”

“For the first time in my life, I am thinking clearly.”

“No, you’re not.”

“I have to disagree with you. Yes! I’m thinking clearly.”


“Min – “

“You’re lying!” Minju pushed her away. “You’re the Kim Chaewon. You’re the perfect goody-two-shoes woman that every decision you make is good and nothing should be wrong about it!”

“Yah. Why are you hitting things below the belt?!”

“Because it’s the truth!! You want things your way and put the blame on me for whatever fault you do!” Minju yelled. “You may look good in the eyes of others but to me, you’re a crook.”

Chaewon looked away and felt her tears drop. Minju wasn’t lying. She was a perfect woman hiding a boulder of imperfections. She managed to hide it well due to her ego, not realizing that of everything she did, Minju was the one who gets hurt the most.

“You changing now won’t match me making many changes for you for almost all my life. Think about that, Ssamu.” Minju spoke then cried. “Please... don’t make this harder for both of us.”

Chaewon would’ve let it all go. She would try again and be as high and mighty as she was with her dispositions. She watches Minju go inside the bathroom by herself, letting Chaewon think about her past actions, her current relationships, and future connections.

As funny as it was, a flush of the toilet made her regain her senses. She got to the door, seeing Minju walking to her bed...

...until Chaewon stopped her with a back hug and something she had been dying to say after being trapped into her own pride.

“Min...I love you...”

Minju heard it again and her tears dropped endlessly. Chaewon’s whisper was crisp to her ears. Even if the power was out and she saw lightning, she felt at peace with Chaewon’s hig and words.

But as much as she wants to indulge on the short-term moment, it was the long-term moment that mattered most.

“Ssamu, I beg of you for the last time.” Minju mumbled, trying to let go. “Please, don’t do this to me.”

“I mean what I said. I love you...” Chaewon began to cry. “I don’t care if I have a girlfriend. I don’t care if I’m dubbed as a cheater. I don’t care if the world knows...I was wrong to ignore my growing feelings for you and I want to change it.”

“S-Ssamu...” Minju wept and tried to let go.

“Don’t let go, please...” Chaewon hugged her tighter, crying on her shoulder. “What must I do to make you forgive me and trust me again? I’ll do anything...”

“Please help me...” Minju sniffled. “...please help me forget you.”

Chaewon became frantic. Minju struggled despite her ankle and begged Chaewon to let her go.

“But why?” Chaewon sobbed. “I love you and I know you love me too...so why?”

“Because I’m in pain...” Minju wept with her, struggling to let go. “Please let me go...”

Chaewon couldn’t. She knew it was hurting Minju but this was a good cause. She wanted to be honest this time; that all Minju’s hopes of this moment has finally come true.

“Please...” Minju became weak in her hold but her tears were evident. “I love you. I have loved you for so long...”

Chaewon wept for it. She would be happy to get the answer but she was crying. She felt so bad hurting Minju all this time. Her heart became eager to make up for her mistakes and start a new life with Minju. She may deal the hate she deserved later but she’ll accept everything.

She just needs to win Minju’s heart again.

“...but I don’t want to love you anymore.”

Chaewon shook her head and begged Minju. She was willing to put her flag of pride and greed down just so she can have Minju.

“I don’t want to hurt anymore, please...” Minju drove herself away, leaving Chaewon frozen on her spot. “Let me go, Ssamu.”

“M-Min...” Chaewon shook her head again and drew closer.

“Help me let you go...” Minju spoke and laid down, facing away from Chaewon. “Please help me let you go...”

Chaewon didn’t force herself this time. Minju’s painful face became her wake-up call to stop being so greedy and narcissistic. It was her wake-up call that Minju had enough; that if she truly loved her, she will let her go.

Chaewon heard Minju cry in her sleep. The lightning and thunder were loud and despite Minju’s tremors, Chaewon stepped away and lay on her bed. Unlike Minju, she looked at her back.

For the first time in her life, she felt defeated, lost, and ridiculed. She didn’t deny them and accepted that this was the consequence of her actions.

She didn’t get the title and prize from the beginning. She had many opportunities to get them but she ended up losing it permanently.


I’m sorry, Miss Jang. Miss Ahn’s ankle has a fracture. She won’t be able to play this year.

Wonyoung sighed, watching a bedridden Yujin staring at nothing. Her ankle has a cast and her coach found out recently and pulled her out of the club. Hitomi also received the news and felt bad for Yujin, causing her to cry during the video call. Wonyoung was tolled the most because she had never seen Yujin so lifeless despite being alive.

Volleyball meant a lot to Yujin. Not being able to play was just like cutting a comatose patient’s life support.

Wonyoung reached to console her when she saw Yujin shiver and weep. She couldn’t bear to leave her like that. She hugged her tight and Yujin wept in her arms.

For the first time in her life, she felt defeated, lost, and ridiculed. She didn’t care about ignoring her girlfriend’s calls as long as she makes sure her best friend is okay.

She didn’t get the title and prize from the beginning. That is because another title and prize was meant for her.


It was another day; a Monday morning in PD University. Wonyoung arrived thanks to her chauffeur and met with a special person who was also escorted by a chauffeur.

“AhnYu!” Wonyoung went to hug her. “How’s your ankle?”

“Hey, princess.” Yujin hugged back. “I’m good. I can walk slowly now.”

“Have you got everything ready?”

Yujin nodded. She showed a box with the rings inside. Wonyoung clapped and gave a thumbs-up. “Good luck.”

Yujin nodded as a nice-looking car stopped by. Most eyes were gazes at it as it parked close to the entrance. Two students hopped out, shocking most of them. Wonyoung and Yujin were in the boundary.

Little did they know, it was a car that belonged to Chairman Kim, the school’s director. Who would’ve thought that the patriarch finally lets his children be exposed gradually?

“Ssamu~” Wonyoung ran to her girlfriend.

Chaewon looked and smiled, hugging her girlfriend back. She waved back at Yujin, getting a wave as well.

“You and Minju travelled together?” Wonyoung looked at the other girl. “Why?”

“She has an injured ankle. She was waiting at the bus stop and I happened to see her. My father insisted to help her so here we are.” Chaewon spoke, her eyes looking at Minju.

Minju and Wonyoung stole glances and were still. Minju bowed lightly and went on her way. Wonyoung managed to bow back and for the first time, she felt intimidated, turning the tables. For Yujin, she became excited yet waited for Minju to draw closer.

“Angel~” She spreads her arms.

“Yujinnie.” Minju greeted as she walked.

Yujin puts Minju inside her embrace and Minju hugged back. The students thought it was a cute sight to see. They were like a cute couple, having couple ankle bandages.

“You got a sprain? What happened?” Minju asked.

“I dealt with a bad guy but I’m okay now.” Yujin added. “But what about you? i could ask the same question.”

Minju still noticed Yujin’s worried look towards her. She sighed and answered. “I got injured during the obstacle course in the camp. It’s not that severe.”

Minju excused herself to class when Yujin held her hand. Minju looked back, asking what’s the concern.

“Can we meet at the field later? I want to tell you something.”

“Sure.” Minju nodded and walked slowly.

“Let me help you – “

“I’ll do it.” Chaewon spoke as she and Wonyoung drew closer. “Why don’t we all go together?”

Minju would’ve gone ahead but her injury was a hindrance. She maintained her cool and mostly stuck to Yujin’s side. Yujin was happy that she was in the same pace yet Chaewon had eyes on them, making Wonyoung see the whole picture.

It interpreted that her guess was true; that Chaewon was having a feeling towards Minju. She would naturally flip out because she loved Chaewon and anyone trying to hit on her was something she needed to resolve.

Today was different. It was like she was slowly embracing the reality.


It was the end of the day and Yujin’s ultimate moment: to finally confess to Minju and ask her to be her girlfriend.

She got out of the class first despite her ankle. Wonyoung was on her tail, helping her prepare. While walking, Yujin recalled her lines and fiddled the box in her hand. They arrived at the field and Wonyoung checks on Yujin’s look then at her ankle.

“Nice hair.” Wonyoung commented. “Don’t be too nervous. You’ll do great.”

Just then, Minju arrived. Yujin grew nervous and asked Wonyoung about her look.

“Slightly stunned.”

“Not that. I mean...” Yujin flashed her goofy grin. “...how do I look?”


“You look... beautiful.”

Yujin thanked her and she called Minju. Minju waved lightly and got to Yujin. Wonyoung left them and went far. In luck, she saw Chaewon passing by. Wonyoung got excited and went to hug her...

...but she was ignored.

Chaewon was crossed. She saw the box Yujin held, knowing it was a ring box. She pieced everything together and had the conclusion that Yujin will court her and ask hee to be her girlfriend. Unlike before, she wasn’t going to let it go. She was going to stand out...

...and tell the truth.

“Angel, I’ve been dreaming about this moment with a special someone. That special someone is you...” Yujin began. “You’re the purest and sweetest woman I’ve ever met and I want to complete your life...like I want yours to complete mine.”

Minju was shocked yet she couldn’t deny Yujin’s emotions towards her. The smiles, the gestures, the times when they eat tteokbokki and fish cake – everything. It was all the ways of how Yujin was expressing her love to her. If only she could’ve seen it...

...but at the time, her heart already belonged to another.

“I know that this is all new and I hope you don’t think I’m moving too fast...” Yujin spoke as she slowly knelt. “...but there comes a time when someone has to say what they truly feel towards someone they love.”

Minju was still speechless. Yujin showed a box and opened it to show a ring. Students who witnessed them were squealing, cheering Minju to say yes to Yujin. Their friends were there too but they were worried...

... especially when Chaewon was storming towards them with Wonyoung running after her.

“Kim Minju...my Angel...” Yujin spoke. “...I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?”

Minju felt nervous. Yujin was looking at her with eager eyes as a crowd was cheering her to say yes. She also saw her friends worrying and signalling her to turn around. She also saw one side that the student council were trying to stop someone behind her. Minju turned around to see who it was...

...and a hug enveloped her entire being.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

Minju’s eyes went wide, her arms wanting for the person to let go. Yujin stood up slowly and was confused and angry of what she was seeing. Wonyoung finally caught up but she was frozen of what she’s seeing.

It was Chaewon, hugging Minju tenderly.

“Who are you to court my wife?!” Chaewon spat at Yujin.

Chaewon got the ring from her pocket and puts it on Minju’s ring finger, shocking the crowd that it was a perfect fit. Yujin couldn’t believe what was happening, let alone Wonyoung.

This was the moment of truth the circle of friends waited for...

...but at what cost?

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1851 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1851 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.