So We Meet Again

Rebelling Heart

Walking into the practice room, with water I smile at everyone, even though I’d had my near death experience I was determined to carry on, I’m still alive. I hadn’t gotten hit, I’d been saved. Saved. And that’s enough, right? “Water boys?” I ask them smiling as they take a break. Minjae-sshi smiles approvingly. “Do you need anything else?” Maybe if I keep moving I can forget.

“No, we’re going to head home soon, dinner?” Minjae-sshi asks me smiling. “I’ll pick something up.”

Shrugging my shoulders I smile back. “Sounds good, I can get some other chores done.” I tell him passing the water out.

“That means Noona is staying for dinner?!” Wooyoung asks happily taking the bottle of my hands, handing the last one to Nichkhun I nod my head. “You haven’t stayed in forever!” He complains.

“Yeah,” I tell them gathering my things up, shaking slightly I rub my hands together, “calm down.” I mutter picking my bag up, my hands shaking, Jay had been right I need to relax, but I can’t… I just can’t seem to calm my nerves.

“Are you alright?” Junsu asks walking over to me resting his hand on my shoulder. “You seem a little shaken up.” The simple gesture though seemed to extinguish some of the worry, took the edge off, made some of it all go away.

Nodding my head I smile at him. “I’m fine, just a little tired I guess.” I lie to them. “Are we ready to leave?” I ask them picking my bag up.

The boys exchange glances with each other before nodding their heads. “We’ll ride with Hyung.” The old boys volunteer, obviously something’s been discussed or decided silently. They’re always arguing on who gets to ride home with me. Although I really don’t care at this point, I just want to get to someplace where I can just sit; somewhere without cars.


“Noona don’t you need a change of clothes? You’re all damp.” Chansung says gently as he keeps me from falling down a few steps, my legs still not cooperating with me. Heck my body was trying to just fall on the ground and curl up. “Noona?” He asks as I lean into him. I felt safe again, just like when Junsu touched my shoulder.

Straightening up I pull away. “Thank-you, I don’t know…” I mutter watching the three all glance at me.

Wooyoung frowns. “Noona we’ll be good.” He takes my hand, Junho taking the other leaving Chansung to open the door for me. “You’re shaking.”

“I’m a little cold from my clothes,” I lie turning the car on, feeling my nerves peak. “I guess I should…”

The three boys all climb in, Chansung taking the passenger seat. Again this all happening with as little fanfare as possible, and let me tell you it’s working my nerves up even more. Something is up.

“I’ll let Minjae-sshi know.” Junho says as I pull out of the parking space, my senses feeling hyperactive as I scan the seemingly narrow driving space. Pulling into traffic I got even more nervous, I had to tell the guys to be quite, I needed to drive. Normally them talking didn’t bother me but at this point it was just so distracting. I hated it. I feel helpless, I mean here I am in the car and I’m worried I’ll hit someone or they’ll hit the car with all of us inside. Parking I look at the apartment building.

“Noona lives here?” Junho asks scanning the place. “It looks nice.” He comments pleasantly.

Climbing out Junho and Wooyoung keeping their hoods on we walk to my apartment, opening the door I tell them to wait here.

Changing into a pair of jean shorts, a plain shirt with a mustache on it grabbing a black cardigan and grabbing my red TOMs I step out still feeling a little uneasy. “Noona are you alright?” Wooyoung asks getting up from the couch, all three faces full of concern.

Nodding my head I smile at them, sure it was forced and probably not comforting but it was something. “Come on we better get going, I’m starving.” I tell them heading for the door, Junho and Chansung hold my hands as I pass by. Wooyoung grabs my bag, and the keys. The three of them frown as we get in the car, starting it I feel the agitation flare, my nerves becoming queasy, just to the dorm and I can rest for a while. I say over and over in my head. I can relax. I’ll be safe.

Getting out of the car I nearly sprit to the sidewalk edge, the others follow behind me, grabbing my hands leading me up to their apartment and opening the door they sit me on the couch.

“Noona…you’re really making us worried.” Junho says taking a seat in front of me, while Chansung sits on my right, immediately I lean into him, feeling my body ease, with his hand in mine and my hand going to Wooyoung's head as he rests it on my lap. “I mean even before you left for a break…”

Biting my lip I turn to hid my face into Chansung’s shoulder. “You left upset…We were talking and you just shot up.” Chansung says softly. “Did I say something to upset you?”

Shaking my head he lets out a sigh. “Was it who was calling?” Wooyoung asks stopping my hand and pulling it to cover his eyes. “Noona we’re worried, Ian-hyung and Minho-hyung said that you froze up the first time and just started to stare at your phone.”

“I’m fine.” I squeak out, “You guys really don’t have to worry.” I mumble peeking out, to a frustrated Junho.

“You say that, but it looks like we should.” Sighing Wooyoung grips my hand. “Noona normally when people say ‘don’t worry’ it’s when they should worry most.” Wooyoung says. “You always take care of us and let us talk to you when we’re nervous or angry. Why won’t you talk to us? You trust us right?” His grip on my hand tightens. “You do have us.” I hate how aggrieved he sounds, and it hurts me to know that I’m the cause not for just Wooyoung or even Junho and Chansung but for everyone. They’re all worried about me.

Biting my lip I lean father into Chansung. “Noona, it’s ok to be upset, but we just…we don’t like to see you like this.” And this was the last straw before I started crying into Chansung’s chest. Pulling me close he hugs me tightly, with Junho and Wooyoung both rubbing my back.

Letting go I wipe the tears away, I explain what had happened to me, how I’d been saved. I tell them that I still can’t answer the call, that I’m not ready to and they accept the simple and cryptic answer.

“We’re home!” Nichkhun shouts entering the living room, looking at us he frowns again. “Are you alright?”

“Noona was almost in an accident.” Wooyoung says frowning, his worried gaze turned away from me for a moment. “But someone saved her.” He continues turning back to me.

Glancing up at Nichkhun his face aghast, walking over to me he checks my arms, and legs, “Are you ok?” Pushing the others off me he inspects my flesh, picking me up he holds my waist to turn me around, hissing in pain he turns me so I’m facing him. Gently he lifts up my shirt a little. “You’re bruising on your sides.” He states clearly upset.

“Yah what are you doing?!” Minjae-sshi asks seeing Nichkhun and my shirt up, the other three just staring in awe at me. “Why are you bruised, is someone abusing you?!” Minjae-sshi asks noticing my sides.

With his shock, Nichkhun explains what he was told to the late comers all put off by my shirt still being held up, and then worried even more hearing what had happened to me. “You should have told us.” Taecyeon pouts as Nichkhun insists to rub so ointment on my bruises. “We’d taken care of you sooner.”

“Will you get me some ice?” Nichkhun asks. “Junsu get her some water to drink.” Sending everyone off on little chores for me until we’re alone, just Nichkhun, who makes me extremely nervous, and me. “You know it isn’t a bad thing to let people worry about you.”

“It’s a difficult concept for me to understand.” I tell him spitefully, my mother would never give me all this fanfare, at least in private. In public she would have started some sort of campaign or whatever to boost sales, and popularity for the company. That’s her ‘affection’.

I know Nichkhun is frowning. “You know, we know so little about you, and yet you seem to know our habits. You keep everything to yourself.” He pokes my sides a little before massaging them. “It’s a fight to know anything about you. Even Chansung thinks so.”

“I know you guys think I’m disconnected.” I mutter sourly. “But you know…” Sighing I sit up, grimacing through the pain, Nichkhun’s face flashing to concern as I sit up. “If you knew about me then you wouldn’t be looking at me the same.” I mutter. “You’d all think of me differently.”

“You know we think the world of you.” Taecyeon says placing the ice on my sides and holding it for me. “I don’t get why you’d think that.”

The others all come in gradually, all voicing their doubt about my last statement. “Noona you aren’t on your own.” Junho says quietly. “We’re here for you.” Hearing this I want to stand up and run out of the room, but then I want to hug them all. “Noona 2PM is a family, you’re part of our family.” He finishes. Looking down at my legs I feel tears fall. “You know that right?”

Looking up I grab the hand closest to mine, “I wouldn’t even know what a family was like.” I rasp out. “I’m sorry…” I whisper.

The hand I’m holding clamps onto mine, causing me to look up, meeting Nichkhun's intense and somewhat angry gaze. “Don’t you dare apologize; you take such good care of us. So let us worry, let us care about you.” Nichkhun says, the others agreeing readily. “Is it so hard to see that we all do care about you?” He asks his voice softening.

“Stay the night.” Taecyeon says standing up. “It’s getting late. You need to get some rest.” Nodding my head Nichkhun helps me up, it being decided that I’ll stay in Junho’s room displacing only one member rather than two. Nichkhun gives me a shirt to change into.

“Minjae-sshi will take care of us tomorrow. You’re taking the day off.” Nichkhun informs me. “Please rest easy.”

Nodding my head I take the shirt, “Thank-you.” I whisper, hugging him I nuzzle my head against him for a moment, Nichkhun wraps his arms around me. Instead of the awkwardness I normally feel when Nichkhun and I take apart in skinship I feel safe, not just safe put protected.

“Get some sleep.” Nodding my head he shuts the door. After changing I check my phone, obviously some missed calls and a text.


'Hey Hollywood Girl how u holdin up?'


For a moment I’m confused, ‘Hollywood Girl’, then I remember what Jay had called me. Chuckling I lay in bed, keeping my phone close.


'Ok stayin w/ friends'


Instead of falling asleep I text Jay, finding him much more distracting than sleep, eventually though falling asleep, partly due to Jay demanding it. Waking up late, I glance around the room, the only difference being a note taped to the door. Getting up I read over it. Taecyeon's messy hand writing in English, informing me that they’ll be back late, and expect me to call in if I’ll be going home or out in general, and of course to take it easy and to pay attention to my surroundings.

Pulling on my jean shorts I glance at my shirt, tying Nichkhun’s shirt to the side and shrugging on my cardigan, I place my shirt in my bag before texting the guys I’m heading home, receiving a call moments later.

“Noona are you sure?” Wooyoung asks, being that I decided to text him.

Sighing I glance as I cross the street. “Yeah, just don’t get off the phone with me.” I mumble as I quickly walk down the sidewalk. “Tell Nichkhun I’m borrowing his shirt.”

I hear a chuckle. “Hyung she stole your shirt.” Rolling my eyes I decide on the bus, taking a seat I look around me, the sun shining bright. “Ian-hyung is sending Minho to pick you up.” Wooyoung says moments later.

“Oh, well tell him I’m at the bus stop.” I tell him stretching my legs out. “And I’m not stealing his shirt; I just didn’t want to change.”

“Hyung is fine with you stealing it.” Wooyoung continues on. “Here he is I have to go sing.” This is said arrogantly, Wooyoung is talented and he’s keen on reminding me. Not that I’ve ever expressed doubt. Again I roll my eyes, despite his cuteness Wooyoung does have a few antics I’d like to beat him for. “Nichkhun, I’m only borrowing it. I’m not stealing it.” I say glancing around the empty walk.

I hear him laugh. “Keep it. I have plenty of shirts.” Blushing I look down at it. “Really it isn’t a big deal.”

“Thank-you” I mumble feeling my insides flip. “Is Minho on his way?” I ask changing the subject.

I hear him ask a question. “Yes, he’s on route. Minho should be there in a couple of minutes. So just don’t move.”

Chuckling I look up at the clear blue sky, it being a stark contrast from yesterday. My mood also seemingly much better, maybe it was the sharing and having a family to belong to. A real family. “Nichkhun, I think I see him. See you on Monday.” I mutter as Minho pulls in front of me.

I hear a few grumbles about Minho having the day off. “Bye, be safe.”

Hanging up I smile at Minho as he gets out of the car. “My dear lady we shall be off to your home.” He says jokingly opening the door for me. “Come on you’ll spend the day with me.”Rolling my eyes I get in, only to discover Minho had meant it.

Taking me home only to freshen up he puts me back in the car. “I’m taking you out to eat, we’re meeting someone there so don’t mention 2PM ok?” Frowning I look at him confused. “You’ll see just don’t ok?” Nodding my head I comply getting in Minho’s car again, still dressed in Nichkhun’s shirt, cardigan, jean shorts and red TOMs, meeting someone I’m not to mention 2PM to.

Arriving at said place I note that it’s a bit on the high end, compared to what I’ve been eating at recently, but not so much that I’m not dressed for. Entering Minho waves to a guy, a guy who looks surprised, probably just surprised as I do.

“Hey Minho, Hollywood Girl” Jay says standing up as we approach the table. “I didn’t think I’d be seeing you so soon.

Minho looks at me confused. “You know each other?” Quickly though Minho smirks. “Hollywood Girl?”

I nod my head. “Jay was the one that saved me.” I tell him, obviously the others had told him because Minho nods his head.

“Thank-you for saving her” Minho says patting my shoulder. “It’d be a shame to lose my best friend.”

Jay nods his head happily. “No problem, so shall we order?’ Jay asks pulling a chair for me.

The guy has charm, I’ll give him that. “I’ll be working with Jay at SidusHQ.” Minho explains to me taking a seat next to me.

Jay smiles pleased. “You have a talented best friend.” Jay comments. “I’m really glad we could convince him to come on board with us.”

Minho laughs. “I’m glad for the opportunity.” This is of course said humbly. The lunch is made up of them talking about the big plans they have and how excited they are to start working and of course them asking me about what I’d like to do for the rest of the day.


More Jay, so enjoy >w<  Please let me know if you spot any spelling / grammatical errors that I missed.

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..