A Place Called Home

Rebelling Heart


With Junsu coming out of his room after Nichkhun’s dramatic exit we all look around. “What happened?” He asks confused looking at us. “What did you do?!” He asks pointing an accusing finger at Taecyeon.

“Nothing,” He says shrugging his shoulder “We came in started talking and he gets all mad.”

Everyone looks at Chansung and me. “We didn’t do anything.” I tell them with Chansung’s arm draped around me casually. “We’re sitting here chillin’ and he just does that.”

Wooyoung takes a seat next to me resting his head on my lap. “Well Noona I think we should just let him calm down.” Getting agreeing nods from Junho and Chansung.

Taecyeon and Junsu both exchange glances, must be some secret old boy member thing. “Well we’re gonna go over there.” They say looking down the hall as though Nichkhun will pop out and come out tearing them apart, Nichkhun the monster, how amusing. “We’ll come out when Minjae-sshi gets back with dinner, you’re staying.” Taecyeon tells me casually as they ease their way down the hall.


Furrowing my brow we watch as the strange boys eventually go into Nichkhun’s room. “I don’t think I’m used to their strange antics.” I say Wooyoung’s head, his hair soft and the blonde hair striking but it fits his personality, at least I think so. Sitting here with them makes me wish that I had brothers or sisters.

Junho takes his seat in front of my smiling up at me as I look around contently. “Noona you’re really good, I couldn’t believe how clean this place is.” Chuckling he rocks back and forth happily. “It hasn’t looked like this in a really long time.”

“Thanks, is your laundry all right?” I ask him as Wooyoung lets out a very blissful sigh, chuckling I mess with his hair. “Happy?” I ask him chuckling.

“Deh!” Both boys respond. “Noona will you come over early tomorrow and spend the day with us?” Junho asks much like a child would, and as if on cue all three shoot my puppy dog eyes.

Sighing I nod my head. “That’s not fair though, you can’t all pull those faces!” I cry leaning further into Chansung, which is oddly comforting, I’ve never really been one for affection, but these three make it seem effortless.

“Noona are you happy?” Chansung asks chuckling letting me use him as a pillow. Nodding my head they smile at me. “Noona?”

“Hmmh?” I ask him happily, my hands still petting Wooyoung’s head, Junho smiles, “What?”

Junho shakes his head playfully as Chansung starts. “I’m nervous about filming…”

Shrugging my shoulders I look into his eyes. “I can’t really do much about that except to be there to try and make it easier.” I tell him softly. “Besides I bet you guys will be fine, you’re all wildly talented right?”

Junho snorts. “Noona do you doubt us?” He asks incredulously, shaking my head I smirk at him. “You’ll be really surprised Noona!” He says buzzing with excitement, watching him explain to me the concept of the show, and that they’ll get a chance to prove themselves as idols, I’ll admit was stirring, with the other two adding in happily.

“Well I’m sure I’ll enjoy helping out.” I tell them finally as Minjae-sshi comes in, smiling at me he looks around.

“You worked magic on this place.” He says inspecting the place. “Did you clean all the rooms?”

“Except for the one that you have locked.” I tell him indicating to his room. “I’ll mop tomorrow.” I tell him looking around at the floors, “I managed to vacuum and get the walls a bit, the laundry and everything done though.” I tell him happily.

Grinning he sets the food down. “I’ll set up if you get the other three.” He says nodding down the hall.

As Wooyoung and Chansung let me out of their grasp, reluctantly, I skip down the hall, knocking on Nichkhun’s door. “Dinner is here.” I tell them standing outside the door.

“We’ll be right out.” Junsu calls, shrugging my shoulders I walk back down the hall to join the others at the table.

“They’ll be right out.” I repeat, as Wooyoung readily invites me into the conversation that he and Junho were having as Chansung digs in happily. Taecyeon, Junsu and Nichkhun all come out moments later joining in on our evening. Watching quietly as they all interact with each other, joking around poking fun at each other I smile happily, even though I still feel the pang of jealousy in my heart. I never got this with my parents, I never had the chance and now I never will.




Waking up early again, 5:00am, I stare at my closet before pulling on my jeans and a shirt, putting my hair back I decide to put a little more effort in by applying some makeup nothing extravagant a natural look like I used to, like I always have. Leaving with my bag, making sure to have their key, my phone and my badge I head off taking the subway and a short walk I find myself opening the door to a surprised Taecyeon. “You’re here early.”

Nodding my head I gesture to the floor, “I won’t get a chance once everyone gets up.”

Frowning he nods his head. “Don’t over work yourself.”

Smiling I nudge him gently. “It’s my first week, I get to work hard.” I tell him as he and Minjae-sshi head out. “See you when we get back.”

Quietly I move the furniture around to mop, quickly and quietly I’m able to get the kitchen and the hallways. Scrubbing the floor I smile at my handiwork, who knew I could work this hard? Sure it was nice not having to worry about how my laundry got done or who did it, but actually getting to see that I can clean and cook, somewhat decently, is pleasing to me.

“You were serious about mopping?” I hear a voice whisper, startling.

Gripping my chest I whip around to see Nichkhun looking at me rather amusedly, awkwardly I give us even more space, from his doorway to the end of the hallway. “Yeah, they needed to be cleaned.” I tell him simply. “Do you need something? Did I wake you up?” I ask him hesitantly.

Shaking his head he closes the door, hearing him back in bed I quickly head into the kitchen. Once in there I start to prepare breakfast according to their diet, making eggs, some bacon, soup and rice. Chansung as I’ve learned wakes up at the first smell of food being cooked. “Noona!”

Laughing I hug him tightly. “I wasn’t gone that long.”

He nods his head. “It smells really good.” Taking a plate he sits down to eat while I wake the others.

Poking my head into Junsu’s room I smile at his odd sleeping position, half on the bed half off. “Yah, you’ll get hurt if you sleep like that.” I tell him poking him gently.

“Who is it?” He asks confused. “I’m older than you!” He says accusingly.

“You are, but you’re currently in no position to say anything about my tone.” I tell him chuckling. “I made breakfast, you might want to hurry and get some.” Making my way I see Wooyoung stepping out with Junho following closely. “Better hurry.” I tell them smiling.

“Deh Noona.” They both say rushing past Junsu to the table.


Entering the last room, Nichkhun’s I walk in hesitantly, poking my head in checking the room as if he were some kind of monster before venturing in to poke him lightly. “Time to wake up.”

Surprised by Nichkhun’s quick actions he takes my hand looking at me worriedly, I knew from Wooyoung’s (slightly exaggerated) explanation that Nichkhun was their angelic member, suave, cool and very attractive. His touch felt like a storm, pleasing and confusing, raging yet calm, Nichkhun’s concerned stare not helping at all, with my heart racing I try to calm down. I feel like he can see right into my mind, knowing exactly what I’m thinking. Shocked I shake my head. “You should hurry I woke you up last, breakfast” I manage to get out in a jumble while him standing up and pulling my hand away. “Come on.” I tell him leaving the room, taking a seat next to Wooyoung I smile eating my food, trying to ignore whatever it was that I’d just felt.

Nichkhun follows out

“So Noona are we going to do today?” Chansung asks happily finished with his meal.

Junsu looks up surprised, or maybe the word should be jealous. “Yah, why do you guys always get to hang out with her, we want to get to know her too!”


Which leads to them fighting what we should do for the day, while I simply ignore them and start cleaning their rooms, “The others are playing video games,” Junho says watching me straighten up his room a little. “Why are you in here cleaning?” Staring at him I give him a pointed look. “Well I know that it’s your job.” He says exasperated. “What I mean is why aren’t you spending time with us?”

Chuckling I get up and ruffle his hair. “Do you want to talk about something Junho?” Nodding his head he closes the door sitting on the bed, while I lean against a wall facing him. Waiting I smile at him friendly, urging him to continue.

“Noona when we start filming you’ll be there right?”

Nodding my head I move to sit next to him. “I will, and you can be sure that when you have concerts I’ll be there cheering for and everyone else.”

“Are we your favorite?” Junho presses leaning on me. “Noona?”

Smiling softly I nod my head. “My very favorite.” I whisper, “Is everything alright Junho-ah?”

Nodding his head he sighs. “It’s just with our comeback things are still tense…”

Patting his back I get up. “You need some ice cream.”

“Diet Noona.”

Chuckling I poke his side. “Fine, I’ll eat the ice cream and you can stay.”

Lighting up at me he smiles. “You’ll sneak me out?” He asks quickly changing moods.

Nodding my head I look through his closet pulling out a hoodie for him to wear and sunglasses. “Put these on, we’ll go through the back.”

“What about the others?”

Smiling at him I shrug my shoulders. “It’s easier to take one or two of you rather than five.”

Happily he hugs me. “What are you going to tell them?”

Smiling I shove towards the back quietly. “I’ll meet you out there, stay and don’t talk to anyone.” I tell him walking out the back door, quickly I go to my purse, and making sure I have my wallet, the keys and my badge.

“Where are you going?” Junsu asks looking at me as Nichkhun and Wooyoung battle each other in some game.

“Picking up some cleaning supplies, I’ll be back in a little, I have my phone.” I tell him simply. “Stay here and out of trouble.” I tell them closing the door to a chorus of ‘Kay’.

Junho and I quickly make out way to a little continence store down the block, buying us some ice cream and some window cleaner Junho and I sneak our way back into the apartment, the outing being just enough to cheer Junho up.

Sneaking him back in Junho and I quietly make out way up to the roof top. “So what’s so troubling?” I ask him while letting my legs hang over the edge of the railing.

Shaking his head he looks up at the summer sky. “It’s just with our comeback and this show we’ll get to show everyone that we’re still able to go places, that we don’t need him.” Nodding my head I watch Junho look up at the clouds, him as in their old leader. “But we’re still friends with him, and we still miss him.” Junho’s quiet for a few moments. “Noona do you think they’ll ever let us talk to him again?”

Stalled I grab his hand. “I don’t know, but I’m sure that won’t stop you guys from seeing each other again.”


Heading down Junho joins the others, pulling me along with him, watching them all take turns playing as if this was something they’ve always gotten to do. Dozing off I lean my head on Chansung’s shoulder who happily lets me use him as a pillow again.

“Noona get some rest.” He whispers happily.


Waking up to the boys arguing I groggily look around to see that Wooyoung and Chansung are holding me close to them, and Junho is teaming up with Nichkhun standing in front of them, and I vaguely hear Junsu singing somewhere in the dorm. “What’s going on?” I ask yawning looking around confused. Surprised they all look at me.

“Noona will you tell them that you’re going to stay the night here in the living room with us!” Wooyoung says frowning.

“What?” I say still confused, looking up I meet the eyes of Nichkhun who’s looking at me like I’m hurt or something.

“Tell them you’ll sleep in a bed alone in the room here.” Junho says haughtily. “Noona!”

Standing up I stare at the four boys still confused. “What? I just woke up what are you guys even talking about?”

Frowning again Wooyoung and Chansung latch on to my hands. “Noona we want you to stay the night, but we want you to stay out here with us.” Wooyoung says matter-of-factly.

“But it’s improper.” Junho says. “You’re a young woman and should have your own room to stay in.”

Amusedly I manage to free myself to check the time. “You didn’t think to wake me?” I ask them seeing that it’s already 9:30pm. “Did you guys eat?” I ask them shaking my hair out before putting it back up.

“No.” they mumble quietly. “We thought we’d order in with it being so late.”

Looking around I meet Nichkhun’s gaze before I look away quickly. “Well I guess, but I’m going to go home.”

“But it’s late!” The three youngest cry. “It wouldn’t be right to let you go home!”

Sighing I look around at them, and eventually Nichkhun. “I’ll go home, and I’ll call you or something to let you know I’m ok.” I tell them exasperated. “I need to go home.”

The four exchange worried glances. “But…” Nichkhun says slowly. “We really can’t let you go home this late.”

“And I’m telling you that I’ll be fine, I’ll stay on the phone with you guys the whole ride home; I have to go.” I tell them as I pick up the phone to order some food ending the argument. They act as though I’ll get mugged in the city, a city full of life with plenty of people walking around, I’ll be fine.

“I don’t think you should.” Junho says sitting on the ground staring up at me. “It isn’t safe.”

Smiling softly I go to ruffle his hair, until Nichkhun stops my hand. “It isn’t safe.” He agrees simply.

Sighing I give them all a tired gaze. “I. Have. To. Go. Home.” I tell them slowly. “I’ll be fine, I come here early in the morning just fine, and if it’s such a big deal I’ll take a cab.”

Giving in they all nod their heads. “Fine.”



This chapter is a bit longer ><

I hope you guys enjoy this!

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..