Prince Charming Discovered

Rebelling Heart

Walking behind Chansungie, Wooyoung and their ‘Noona’ I admire how her hair flows softly to her mid back in her pony tail, the way that she casually carries a conversation with her ‘young boys’. I know she’s seeing someone; I just wanted to tear her phone out of her pocket and call the guy up when she confirmed it. I thought I stood a chance, especially when she came back to the dorm still in my shirt the night we took care of her all those months ago. It makes me so angry just to think about. Some guy taking her out, holding her and probably by now kissing her, getting to make her laugh, be with her openly...

“Hurry up,” She says turning towards me smiling waving me forward. “Nichkhun?” She says my name, “Everything alright?” She asks me in English. I love her voice in English, her pitch drops a degree, and her accent is adorable, shaking my head I jog to fall in step next to Chansung. It makes me crazy with how close she is with them; it’s always a fight trying to get her on her own. She and Chansung are practically attached at the hip. Then if she’s not with him its Junho or Wooyoung. Smiling I open the door for her; thanking me she touches my arm catching her balance.

“You ok?” I ask seeing her bag fall to the ground, a certain shirt peeking out just so. Taking a sudden intake, I help her by picking up her purse, taking a look at the shirt, I was hoping I was wrong, that I hadn’t saw it, but I did, and I’d recognize the shirt anywhere. It’s one of the shirts Jay and I bought while we were trainees, shirts we’d swear to keep for as long as we could, mine is stuffed in the back of my closet, hiding, out of sight out of mind. Handing the bag back to her I smile. “Here you are.”

“Thank you Nichkhun.” She says sweetly taking the bag, catching up with the others, walking behind her I try to think of alternatives about that shirt, but it’s old. I doubt it’s in print still and what’s more who would keep it as long as Jay and I? It really is troublesome, the fact that her ‘Prince Charming’ is Jay. Can we really not escape him? Do we have to still worry about him? It wouldn't be so bad if he were the group, but like this it's like I don't even stand a chance. I know Jay. He's charming, sweet, funny, a great guy, talented...What girl wouldn't fall for him?

During the shooting I stay quiet as I always do, simply following along with what they are saying, for once I’m thankful that most of the conversations aren't directed at me, I can just think about the shirt I’d seen.


“Here let’s get this.” Jay says pointing to two shirts, “We can keep them as our little thing.” He says grinning. As always we’re talking in English, the language we’re most comfortable in.

“What?” I ask him confused looking at the shirts with English print. “Why?” I ask him inspecting the shirts critically.

Jay laughs picking them up. “Because unlike Taec we’re real foreigners.” He says handing them to the old lady working the register. “We got to keep together.” He says jokingly.

Nodding my head I watch him pay for the shirts and handing me one. “I see, so we’ll be keeping them?” I ask shaking my head; the shirts weren’t ugly, but maybe a little on the odd side. Jay nods his head, heading back to the dorm. “You don’t think you’ll ever want to throw it out?”

“No, we’re going to keep them. Don’t you dare think of throwing it out!” He says spinning around pointing a finger at me accusingly. “Nichkhun it’s not like I’m making you wear it if we ever get in groups, just keep it to remember.” Jay says rolling his eyes. Aish, this kid.

Nodding my head I flick the back of his head before jogging farther ahead towards the dorm, Jay quickly catches up as we both enter the building, by this time we’re joking around like nothing is wrong in the world.


Of course back then nothing was; we were just two guys trying our hardest to do what we love. It’s strange, but around her I find myself thinking more about then. When there were seven of us. Is that why I like having her around so much? It’s like when there were seven in the dorm, it was loud, crazy and a lot of fun. Not that it isn’t with just the six of us, it’s just…It seems like we’re a family again. A little bit closer because of her.




I hate how secretive she’s being, I can’t stand it, but at the same time this secret guy, she’s so insistent that they’re just dating and he’s not her boyfriend, of Noona’s is making her so happy. “Noona are you sure you can’t just tell me?” I ask her again, holding her hand. It looks like she wants to tell us, it looks like it hurt her to keep it a secret so it’s confusing as to why she won’t tell us.

Smiling at me she nods her head. “I just don’t know how to tell you Chansungie.” Noona says squeezing my hand. “Don’t worry though.” How sincerely happy she sounds makes me jealous of whoever this guy is, we’ve never been able to make her happy. Not like this, at a text she grins, a phone call she can hardly contain herself, and leaving work early she hardly remembers to grab her purse at the end of the day. I want Noona to be like that with us.

I know if we all really wanted to know we could just go through her phone, but that doesn’t seem right. Well I know it isn’t right, she deserves her privacy, and she trusts us. So I guess that what I don’t understand, if she trusts us, why doesn’t she just tell us who ‘Prince Charming’ is?

Watching Noona leave from our apartment, she glances up at the window waving to me; waving back I smile at her as she turns and walks away towards the bus taking her home.

“Who do you think it is?” Junsu-Hyung asks taking a seat next to me. “She can be so secretive.” He groans running a hand through his hair. “Maybe he isn’t famous…”

Sighing I nod my head in agreement, “Who do you think it could be that she’s so nervous to introduce to us?” I ask him quietly. “I mean there really can’t be that many people.”

“It could be that we’re idols. Maybe she’s afraid of him getting intimidated.” He murmurs. “Although you know when she’s on the phone I swear the voice of whoever is on the other line sounds so familiar.” He says sighing. “I can’t quite place it.”

Hearing a phone buzz I look down by where we were sitting to see Noona’s phone buzzing, alerting her of a text message. Junsu is too deep in thought to realize that it isn’t my phone, or anyone of ours, so I pick it up, seeing the familiar name pop up on her screen, ‘Prince Charming’. I’m not sure if it’s okay, but I take the phone and mumble something about picking up some bananas.


Trekking into the recognizable apartment complex Noona lives in I make my way to her apartment, trying the knob, it being locked, I immediately get the key from under the numbers, unlocking it. Looking around I smell food, but I don’t hear her humming softly to herself like she always does when she’s making dinner or any kind of food, instead my ears are met by a voice I hadn’t heard in person in two years. A voice that I’m not sure about hearing here, the meaning behind it, the general feeling that first comes; I know I feel numb now hearing it here, breathing heavily I stay where I am.

“Is that you Hollywood?” the voice calls, I hear his footsteps, but seeing him I hold my breath. Seeing him again is sort of like getting slapped in the face. “Chansung?” He says slightly alarmed. “What are you doing here?!” Jay asks; he looks just as shocked as I do.

“Hyung?” I ask quietly setting Noona’s phone down I look down at my feet, hearing the door open behind me I spin around to see a surprised Noona.

“Chansungie?” She says; glancing she sees Jay, looking down she sighs, taking my hand she leads me to the couch, waving Jay over she smiles at me sweetly. “What are you doing here?” She asks me softly. Seeing her like this I know, I know Jay is her ‘Prince Charming’, I know that the reasons for all her smiles and good moods are because of Hyung.

“I came to give you your phone; you left it in the apartment.” I whisper, glancing at Jay he smiles at me, waving awkwardly. “Hyung he’s…” I mumble looking at her again.

“Jay’s the one that saved my life.” She whispers. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all.” She says taking my hand. “I just wasn’t sure how you’d all react to knowing it was Jay I’ve been seeing.” She says rubbing my hand in hers. “Chansungie are you alright?”

Nodding my head I smile at her. “Hyung is good. I know he’ll treat you right.” I say smiling at her, it does hurt a little. I feel like she’s picking sides, like it doesn’t matter what we do, together or individual it’s like we’re still trying to compete with Jay. “Hyung you will right?” I ask directing my attention to him. It’s been years since we’ve last talked and I know that I can’t tell the others that I’ve seen him, at least not the hyungs, they’ll be furious if they find out like this.

“Of course.” He says smiling. “Do you want to stay for dinner?” He asks me. “I made some extra food.” He offers me.

Shaking my head I smile at them, “I don’t want to intrude; I only came to drop off Noona’s phone.” Getting up I quickly leave her apartment, only to feel Noona wrap her hand around mine. “Noona, I’m not mad.” I whisper stopping, I can’t turn around, I don’t want to.

“I know,” She coos my hand. “I sort of wish you were, at least then I’d have an idea of what to say.” She continues. “Chansungie, I know you’re a little hurt, maybe a lot, but I know for sure you’re shocked to see Jay. Don’t be mad at him though.” She says quietly, feeling myself get jealous of her trying to defend him. “I know that things are rocky between you guys and I may not know the details, but I know that you’re all still hurt from what happened.” She rambles on, turning around I see her staring at our hands a guilty expression written all over her face. “I’m sorry I kept this a secret, I know I should have told you guys…But honestly I still don’t know how to say it without you all getting upset.”

Sighing I hug Noona, “It’s ok. But don’t wait forever, hyungs are getting impatient.” I warn her leaving her, quickly making my way back to the dorm unnoticed.


In the six months that I’ve known Noona I’ve never felt so upset, I’m not angry, at least I don’t think I am. Growling in frustration I burst into Junho and Wooyoung’s room, both of them doing trivial tasks, reading and browsing the internet. “Chansung?” Junho says slightly upset. “What do you think you’re doing, you should knock you know?” He lectures me as I shut the door; sitting in the desk chair I rub my face. “What?”

Running my tongue over my teeth I purse my lips. “I know who Noona is seeing.” I mumble looking over at them. Rubbing my hair I glance at Wooyoung and Junho both leaning forward.

“What? How? Did she tell you?!” Wooyoung asks in a hushed tone, shaking my head I let out a long sigh. “How then?” He asks being echoed by Junho.

Gulping down a lump in my throat I start “I was taking Noona her phone, she’d left it here…” Sighing I pause trying to put everything straight in my mind. “I used the key to get into her apartment, and walking out of the kitchen is hyung.” I mumble. “Jaebeom-Hyung.”

Hearing both of them in air Wooyoung puts his hand on my shoulder. “Are you sure?” He asks quietly.

“Yeah, I mean how would they have even met?” Junho asks falling back on his bed. “I mean she hardly has the time…”

Sighing I get up laying on the floor I stare up at the ceiling, “He’s the one that saved her from getting hit by the car.” I explain. “Apparently ever since they’ve just gotten closer.” I grumble, the more I think about it the more it bothers me, but then I think about how she looked at him, how happy hyung is making her. “You should have seen how happy she looks when he’s around.” I mumble under my breath sighing.

“Hyung will be furious when he finds out.” Junho mumbles rubbing his face. “I mean you see how he is already, he can hardly contain how angry he is.” Nichkhun. Hyung has liked her for a while, I mean it wasn’t hard to figure out, but noona is pretty dense, or maybe it was because she was thinking about Jay.



Sitting with Junsu in the car I glance at our great and wonderful girl talking on the phone outside the car, you can tell who it is by how excited she is and the smile on her face, getting in I hear the voice say goodbye in English, one I couldn’t believe. Getting dropped off we both wave to her, quickly I grab Junsu and hiss in his ear “Did you recognize the voice?!” I almost couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to for the most part. It was like if I had to accept that that’s who it is then I have to face so much that I haven’t in a long time. We just ignored the issue, if this who I think it is then it’ll be like going through everything again.

“No,” He says pushing me off. “Jeez Taecyeon.” He mutters walking ahead; grabbing his shoulder again I roll my eyes. “What? Did you?” He asks me rolling his eyes.

Nodding my head I glance around as he leans in to hear me say the name, “Jay” I mumble into his ear so only he can hear as we get swept away to get ready for our guest hosting on Music Bank.

“Are you sure?” Junsu asks me as we stand on set waiting together, nodding my head I sigh. “Do you think the others know?”

“No, she’s pretty adamant about not telling us. Besides didn’t you just say you heard Chansung bugging her about it again?” I ask him sighing… Jay, how, when, it’s crazy. “How would they even meet in the first place?”

Junsu shrugs his shoulders “Your guess is as good as mine.” He mutters under his breath. “When he finds out though…”

“I know.” I mutter thinking about Khun, he’s hardly been nice when she’s not around, we’re lucky she brings that out in him…but when he finds out the guy is Jay…I don’t even want to think about it.

“Let’s not overreact, we aren’t sure.” Junsu says calmly, but I think he knows. We both know that we can’t just ignore this. If the others find out anything like the way we did they’ll flip, it’s so weird to think about, to see him on T.V. smiling and joking around like none of it happened. I just wish we could talk to him.


“What’s with you guys?” Noona says smiling picking us up, “You both seem a little down.” She says frowning, opening the door Junsu get’s in the passenger seat.

“Nothing,” He says sighing looking out the window, “I guess we’re just tired.” He complains slightly, I bet he’s been suspicious of who it was for a while now.

“Do you want to pick up lunch or head to JYPE for lunch?” She asks checking her watch, “We have a little bit of free time.” She says happily.

“JYPE.” I mutter stretching calmly, she nods her head; she doesn’t care either way… I feel bitter towards her, I don’t like that.

A little chapter that shows first Nichkhun figuring out who she's dating then, Chansung and him telling Junho and Wooyoung and lastly, Taecyeon and Junsu discovering the mystery prince's identity. I was a little hesitant to do the chapter like this though, seeing as I switch POV three times, but I think I do it sort of smoothly, I really just didn't want to post three little chapters. This way is helpful too because I'm trying to sort of give each character their own voice (so to speak) and this way I can try to add their own little flare to each one of them, well at least the three I narrated in. ^^

Anyways let me know what you guys think ^^

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..