Not My Day

Rebelling Heart

Glaring at the woman in front of me I venomously curse her, how dare she spill her coffee on me and then act as if nothing happened?! The nerve of some people. Obviously today will just . Waking up late, then Minjae-sshi asking me to get coffee, today is going to be terrible. It’s one of those days where you just feel it in your bones. Like ever type of higher being is cursing you with all they got. Yeah, it’s going be like that.

After miraculously getting out of the little café with the eight cups, technically nine counting the searing one on my shirt, jacket, pants, shoes…everything. Driving back to the dorm I swear up and down at the traffic, the damn woman who’s drink is probably staining my favorite white shirt. Screw her. Screw her, I hope… “Whoa, stop. Do not even think that! What is wrong with me?!” I mutter as I nearly wish for her to get on a plane and to crash in the middle of the ocean to survive only to be stung by jelly fish and then nibbled at by sharks slowly and painfully to die like that a thousand times. It was a cup of coffee not a bomb placed on my chest.

Breathing deeply I try to calm down, but quite honestly with the cold nipping at my now probably second degree burn on my chest I was having a hard time trying not to think of terrible things to happen to that girl.

“Noona?” Wooyoung asks opening the to see me still seething. “What happened to you?!” He asks alarmed at my now ruined clothes.

Shaking my head I set the coffee in his hands momentarily. “I don’t even want to talk about it.” I tell him quickly taking the tray back after getting my shoes, gloves, scarf and jacket off. “I just want to get this day over with and crawl back in bed.” I tell him still trying to calm down, all in vain.

“Noona?” Chansung asks just as surprised. “Your shirt is…” His eyes drift down before shooting up quickly a blush coming over not just his face but Wooyoung’s as well. Great. Just great.

“I know it’s see-through!” I wail trying my best now to not slam the cups of coffee on the table. “I know…” I murmur dejectedly.

All the boys peek out of their door to see why I’d yelled, I assume at least, they all have that same curious look on their faces. Probably due to the fact that my white shirt was sticking to my chest and you could pretty much see bra. I’d be blushing, but since it’s just them I can live with this, well with most of them…

Nichkhun seems to assess the situation quickly, leading me to his room Nichkhun hands me a shirt. “I can’t do anything about your pants or anything, but I’ll listen.” He offers. “Get changed we have a few minutes.” He says smiling at me, leaving he shuts the door behind him.

Taking a deep breath I change my shirt, stupid woman. Peeking out I see all six of them trying to gage my temper. “You can borrow one of my jackets.” Junho says brightly, deeming it best not to bring anything embarrassing up. “Come on Noona you can stop by your apartment and change after you drop us off.” He says tugging me along. “Or maybe Miyoung-Noona has something you could wear.”

Holding his arm I smile at him. “Thank you.” I whisper very grateful for him not bringing up the rather enraging fiasco of that damn coffee shop. Thinking about it I just get fired up again.

“Noona,” Junho chides me putting a jacket on me. “It’ll be alright, we can talk in the car.”

Shaking my head I throw on all my winter gear. Stepping out of the dorm we quickly all with our coffee, excluding me, I’m not exactly in a coffee mood, make out way to the van.

Arriving I drop them off, running to Miyoung-Unnie afterwards. “Unnie do you have any clothes I could borrow?” I ask her walking into the empty coordinator room.

Smiling at me she examines my attire. “Your pants…”

“A lady spilled coffee on me, the boys saw my bra because of all my genius I decided on a white shirt today.” I vent hiding my face. “So Nichkhun kindly offered me a shirt.” I explain wanting to throw a rock at the woman still, or possibly try the plane idea.

“Why don’t you go rinse off, and then you can keep these, our give away, sweetie, it’s alright.” She says hugging me.


After my quick shower and change of clothes I step back into the boys’ practice room to see Minjae-sshi watching carefully.

“Everything alright?” He whispers while Namyoung chides the boys for messing up on something.

Nodding my head I smile at him, sure it’s small, but a smile. “Just a bit of bad luck. Miyoung-Unnie fixed it.” I tell him sighing.

Smiling at me he pats my back. “We’re having a guest. Ah hello Jenny, we were just talking about you.”

Trying to hold in my shock I bow politely to the woman, Jenny aka the coffee spiller. “It’s nice to meet you.” I say with fake sincerity.

“I only have an hour before I have to go.” She says speaking directly to Minjae-sshi.

While they talk I decide I’d rather sit next to Namyoung. “You ok chickadee?” He asks a careful eye trained on the boys who are now trying not to let their eyes drift to me.

“I will be once that wench leaves.” I mutter glaring at the floor. “Do you need anything, I desperately want to get out of here.”

Chuckling he glances at who I’m talking about. “Actually if you could go ask Ian to send me the track for Jenny and the boys’ song that’d be great.”

Nodding my head I quickly leave the room, ignoring the looks from the boys who are taking a break to get acquainted with Jenny aka wench. Quickly making my way through the seemingly endless halls I arrive at Ian’s studio room place.

Peeking in I see him working with Miss A, having spotting me the girls all brighten up. “Come in!” They all squeal happily completely ignoring whatever Ian had been telling them, I suppose I’m a welcomed distraction from it.


I’m glad I met the girls, well got the chance to really get to know them at the many Christmas parties JYPE hosted. It was nice not to be surrounded by testosterone, even bigger welcome to have them happily giggle and joke around with. Girl time, add in Miyoung and everything was perfect.


“You’re a distraction.” Ian says shaking his head playfully at me. “What do we owe this pleasure?”

Fei smiles at me happily. “We’ve missed you!”

“Yeah, we need to hang out more Unnie!” Jia adds happily.

Min and Suzy both give me a hug. “You ok?” Min asks me concernedly. “You look…angry. Did oppas do anything to upset you?!”

Min is one of the sweetest girls I’ve met, but she is dangerously protective over people that she likes. “No, just this bad occurrence I can’t seem to shake.” I tell them resignedly.

Jia places her hand on my shoulder. “What does that mean?” A concerned look gracing her features.

Suzy is pouting at me. “Come on we’re friends, I mean Ian is even one of the girls.” She adds on brightly.

“HEY! I  GREATLY object to that statement!” Ian says completely surprised and offended by Suzy’s playful comment.

Smiling I sigh, “I just got coffee spilled on me, and now the same woman is back and working with 2PM.” I tell them sighing. “Speaking of which Namyoung needs the CD for their song.”

Ian blinks a moment before walking over to a pile of CDs, digging through them he hands me the proper one. “Jenny will be here a day and you won’t have to deal with her much after.” Ian says hugging me before sending me off with a kiss on my head and hugs from the girls.

“Lunch later?” Suzy calls smiling at me.

Nodding my head I wave to them as I quickly make my way back to the practice room, upon my entrance, hot, steaming liquid is again spilled all over me, my already tender skin is screaming in protest to the abuse it’s received twice today now.

Blinking confused I see wench looking at me indifferently before moving on, tossing her cup in the trash before walking out of the room.

Handing Namyoung the CD I take a deep breath as the boys all fret over me. “Noona are you alright?” Chansung asks handing me a towel. “Noona?”

“That makes it the second time she’s done that.” I say darkly under my breath, I want nothing more than to shave her head and then to put her on that plane…

“Come on let’s see if Miyoung has anything for you to wear.” Nichkhun says plucking me from the boys, “Minjae-sshi we’ll be right back.”

Silently we walk down the halls, well until Jenny comes over to Nichkhun, glaring at me. “We have practice.” She says smiling at him.

“I’ll be there right after I take care of-”

Jenny cuts him off promptly. “I’m sure the help will be fine.” She says airily.

This seems not to please Nichkhun, not at all. “Actually she’s not help. She’s a very good friend, and we’d all appreciate it if you’d apologize Miss.” His grip tightens around my waist, I’ve never seen him so angry. He glares at Jenny, nothing about him asking for her to apologize, it’s very clear that it’s a demand.

“Nichkhun it’s fine. I can get to Miyoung-Unnie on my own.” I say quietly, Jenny and Nichkhun’s eyes snap to me. “Or not.” I mutter looking away from Nichkhun’s gaze, it daring me to say that again.

Jenny walks off in a huff. “We’ll start without you then.” She says dryly. “Take care of the help all you want, call her anything, but that’s all she is. Paid help to make you boys feel happy.”

“Ignore her.” Nichkhun commands dragging me down the hall. Gulping I keep my eyes trained on the floor. “You’ve never been submissive. What the hell was that?” He asks me darkly, I quickly realize it’s in English.

Opening my mouth I try to think of something to say. “It’s not my first time dealing with girls likes that.” I tell him quietly, sure it is the first time I have had to take what they dished out. “But I think it’d be best if I didn’t try to start anything with her. I don’t know what her problem is but whatever it is I really don’t think it’s worth my time to even think about.”

“How diplomatic.” He muses, smirking at me we finally make it to Miyoung.

Staring at me she lets out a sigh. “Again?”

Shrugging my shoulders I try to smile. “What can I say?”

“You can tell me who is spilling their coffee on you. Do you have any burns?!” She asks alarmed, apparently this hadn’t crossed Nichkhun’s mind. I watch as Miyoung shoos Nichkhun out to check for any damage. “Tell me it isn’t the same person.” She whispers concernedly. Taking my silence as an answer she hands me clothes. “Shower then come right back.”

Nodding my head I smile at her. “Thank you.”


Sitting in Miyoung’s chair as she braids my hair and applying makeup she smiles at me in the mirror. “Who is it? Who’s bullying you?”

Scoffing I stare at her until she tugs on my hair in a not so nice way. “Jenny.” I whisper, honestly I’m not sure how to react to this. I’ve never been bullied, due to my mother and social status and whatever, but even if other girls tried anything they were quickly put in their place without me knowing how or really caring.

“Did you yell at her? Demand an apology?” Miyoung presses. “I mean the first time, Nichkhun already told me about you trying to give in.” She says sharply. “Honestly you shouldn’t have to take that. Jinyoung-sshi would straighten that right out.” Ranting as she does my hair she glares dangerously to the door and the person on the other side of it.

“Oh, you changed.” Jia says confused. “Did something happen to your other clothes?”

Miyoung offers her a chair softening her glare, though Jia seems unaffected by it. “Coffee was spilled on her again.”

“Again?! She did it twice now?!” Jia asks appalled. “Did the guys do anything?”

Miyoung shrugs her shoulders. “They’re probably giving her the cold shoulder with how protective they are over you. And it’s only gotten more so recently.” Miyoung sighs.

Confused I look at both girls in the mirror. “With whatever happened they’ve all taken to making sure no one is giving you a hard time.” Jia explains, right Jay and I breaking up… “They overheard a guy at one of the practice shoots we were doing and I swear I thought Chansung and Nichkhun were going to knock the guy out.” She says smiling at me. “They have a soft spot for you.”

Sighing I smile at them. “I wish they wouldn’t. I have no idea how to respond to that kind of attention.” I murmur quietly. “But I’m glad all the same.”

Miyoung pats my back. “You better get back there before Jenny thinks you ran off.”


“The nerve of a rookie.” Jia says under her breath. “Acting like she’s on top of the world.”

“Is she under JYPE?” I ask curiously while Jia walks back with me. “I’ve never seen her around.”

Jia smirks at me. “Oh she’s been around, but with the little stunt she pulled she might not. Jinyoung-shhi is very adamant that everyone that works for him is family, idols or not.” She says airily. “Minjae-oppa is probably sent a complaint already and if not him the boys will knowing that Miyoung and I will too.”

Snorting I roll my eyes. “That hardly seems necessary.” I muse. “It’s just coffee.”

Jia smiles at me. “You know it might not be, but a lot of people are actually very fond of you. You do a great job of helping not just 2PM but everyone here. Running errands, helping out backstage at concerts even if it isn’t your job. We all care about you.”

Touched by Jia’s words I throw my arms around her. “Thank you.” I whisper as she hugs me back. “You’re really nice, you all are.”

“Softie.” Jia says playfully as we enter the practice room. “Look who I brought!” Jia says beaming at the guys, less so when her eyes land on Jenny.

“Her?” Jenny snorts turning her head before leaving the room, shoving against me as she exits.

Slapping my hand gently over Jia’s mouth as I hear the start of some swears. “None of that.” I chide her smiling. “No real harm done.”

I wouldn’t dare say this aloud, but Jenny is actually a good distraction from a different pain I still feel. A pain I don’t feel like facing quite yet. I guess that’s why I’m letting the wench throw her superstar-tantrums. I’m not thinking about him or the pain in my chest.


Sitting on the terrace with a blanket wrapped around me I stare out at the city trying to calm my nerves. “Everything alright?” Wooyoung asks sitting next to me with a jacket of his own with a blanket as well.

Nodding my head I smile at him. “You all keep asking.” I whisper kindly.

Wooyoung chuckles, wrapping an arm around me he kisses my temple affectionately. “We’re worried is all. With Jenny and then…”

“Say it.” I whisper holding his hand. “Please.”

“With Jenny and then Jay and you no longer being together…” He whispers after a while. “Jenny was out of line.” Shrugging my shoulder uncaringly I shift my gaze to Wooyoung, him watching me carefully. “Nichkhun told us…”

“It’s not my first time dealing with a kid who thinks they own the world.” I tell him waving my other hand to it. “Honestly and between you and the guys as I’m sure they’ll find out.” I say smiling at him. “That’s partly why I came here. Besides I can't have everyday go my way.”


A new character, I was going to use an idol to play Jenny, but I really didn't like the idea...
anyways tah-dah it's an extra page long for you guys.
And a new poster yay! Thank you
scarecrowscreams for the awesome poster!

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..