Handeling the Mother

Rebelling Heart

Following my mother around is exactly how I remember it, long, boring, tedious, and irritating. Playing puppy dog isn’t how I want to spend a day and a half. Taking a deep breath and staring ahead at the speaker I try to pay attention, but my mind can’t seem to focus; not that it’s a surprise. The business woman speaking is a partner at some firm, she manages one of the legal departments in one of the businesses my mother’s backing. This is a complete waste of time considering I have no interest in taking over or even doing what my mother would like for me to do, but I do want to see my dad again.


I keep glancing at my phone urging it to ring or something so I can have an excuse to leave the table, this is torturous. Several men are talking and I’m being polite, but this is going on forever. “What do you think of the company’s branch out here in Seoul?” A man asks me curiously, he’s fairly young, he’s also asking me in English, though something seems planned about this.

“It must be doing well enough if my mother is visiting it again so soon and presenting the director with a promotion.” I say curtly, I dislike being tested. “Though I think the management of the departments are a bit lax.” I state raising a brow at this younger man, he’s leaned closer to me, there isn’t anything particularly off about him, but I feel like I should be wary all the same. He’s attractive and must have some kind of success if my mother is letting him eat with us and some of the other directors, firms and well-to-do people. “I apologize; I didn’t get your name.” I say leaning back slightly.

“I’m James.” He says smoothly while taking the hint and returning to his original position. “It is very nice to make your acquaintance.” James says showing off his pearly white teeth. “Would you like to go for drinks after this?”

“I’m afraid I cannot.” I tell him firmly. “I still have other engagements afterwards.” I say with careful wording. Deciding to end the conversation I take my napkin and pat my lips gently. “If you’ll excuse me” I say getting up from the table, heading to the bathroom with my clutch in my hand and my phone in the other I head to the restroom. As soon as I’m there I call Nichkhun.

“Hello? H.G. are you on your way here?” He asks worriedly. “Or are you still working?”

Taking a deep breath I feel much better. “I’m still at this business dinner thing; I needed to hear your voice.” I tell him looking myself over in the mirror. “I’m hoping this will end soon, but don’t wait up for me, ok?” I say resting my eyes for a moment.

“We’ll see about that.” He says teasingly. “Are you calling me from the bathroom?” He asks chuckling.

Rolling my eyes I let out a long breath. “I am, I have to go soon, I sort of just left.” I say gathering my composure. “I’d hate for my mother to come running after me.”

“As would I, be careful.” Khun says sweetly. “I love you.”

I smile happily, my heart is beating faster. “I love you too.” I say clearly and very happily. “I’ll see you in a bit.” I tell him.

After hanging up I place my phone in my purse and walk back to my seat and finish eating my dinner. James continues to talk to me after I return, he’s being pretty persistent about seeing me again, and I am telling him very tactfully that it won’t be happening outside of work.


“Henry can drop you off at your home; he’ll pick you up tomorrow morning after breakfast.” My mother says dryly as he stops off in front of a hotel. “Be ready and dressed at eight sharp.” She commands before getting out, no please, then again this is my mother.

“Where to miss?” Henry asks looking back at me with a knowing glint. Smiling I tell him the apartment complex to home. “I’ll be here at eight o’clock miss.” Henry says stopping off, getting out after thanking him. “I won’t tell your mother, but I hope you’re being careful while you’re living so far away.”

I smile nodding my head. “I am; thank you Henry.” Waving him off I quickly make my way closer and closer to home, opening the door I hear the T.V. on and the boys talking lightly.

“I’m home” I call as I take my shoes off easily and make my way to the living room where the boys are and plop next to Nichkhun.

“Noona you look tired.” Junho say with a very concerned look. “How was today?”

Resting my head on Nichkhun’s shoulder and letting him wrap his arm around me I shake my head. “Long, I’m glad I only have one more day of this.” I say shaking my head irritated with the dinner and James instance.

Chansung sends me a knowing look. “So who couldn’t take the hint then?” He ask smirking at me, Nichkhun’s grip tightens just a little, and this is I just how I wanted to spend the night, with a jealous Nichkhun (Please note the sarcasm). “You only look that exasperated when someone can’t take the hint.”

“Some guy at the dinner, he kept asking me to join him for drinks, to which I denied in a very polite nature.” I clarify. “I’m going to wash my face then I am going to bed.” I declare getting up. “Did you happen to get the box?” I ask Taec and Khun before I head off.

“We did, it’s sitting in Khun’s room.” Taec says nodding towards the rooms. “You should get some rest.” He says very gently, taking his advice I pad down the hallway and to the bathroom.

Pulling my hair back I wash my face and then leave to Nichkhun’s room, where I am pleasantly surprised to see him waiting on his bed in his pajamas reading. “I think you should take me to dinner tomorrow if James is going to be there.” He says looking at me very seriously. Closing the door behind me I sit on the bed, Khun wraps his arms around my waist protectively. “Was he why you called me?”

“He was, and I’m sure my mother would be thrilled to meet you.” I say chuckling lightly. “I can just imagine her face; she would know instantly why I especially refuse to the marriage.” I say curling my lips into a smile.

“I am a bit more interested in this James’s reaction.” Khun murmurs in my ear. “Come on get changed, I’m sure you have an early morning tomorrow.” He says kissing my neck.

“And I’m sure you’re wishing the others were out.” I say pulling out of his arms, pulling my hair to the side I slide the zipper down and let the dress fall. My towards him as I pick a shirt out of his closet, pulling it on I climb into bed with Nichkhun. “What are you doing tomorrow?” I ask him quietly.

“Fanmail until lunch and then I’m free, the others have variety shows or are going off on their own as well.” He says pulling me so my back is against his chest. “James wasn’t attractive, right?”

“I hadn’t really noticed. I was too busy trying to eat.” I say quietly. “Though I’ll see if there is a dinner, if so I might be able to see if my mother will allow a guest.”

“That would be nice.” Nichkhun says happily. “The next time we go to Thailand you’re meeting my parents.”

“And your sisters and brother too.” I remind him smirking, I’d jokingly mentioned how attractive his older brother is, to which he said it wouldn’t happen. “You’re always doting on your sisters.”

“You’d get along well with them, I’m sure the three of you would have lots to talk about.” He says chuckling. “Though I’m not sure I want to introduce you to Hyung.” He mutters somewhat darkly.

“Oh?” I ask him curiously as I turn around so I’m face Nichkhun, taking his hand and lacing our fingers together. “Why is that, you never did say why.” I say looking at him.

“We both tend to like the same type of girls, and he would definitely like you.” Nichkhun says shaking his head. “I know the two of you would get along.” He says chuckling while squeezing my hand lightly.

“You don’t trust us?” I ask him smirking, knowing full-well that this is just him being a little possessive. “Or is it you’re worried he’d tell me things your sisters wouldn’t?” I ask as he tugs me even closer, taking his hand away from mine and hugging me against him.

“I am very worried he’d tell you things.” He says chuckling. “Do you have any siblings?” He asks after a moment.

“None, my mother and dad got really busy with the company after I was born, though they kept trying.” I say thinking about all the talk between them about wanting another two or three. “It hurt my mom a lot that she couldn’t have more.”

“What about you? Do you want any?” He asks casually, chuckling I nod my head. “I do, three.”

“That’s good to hear.” He says kissing the top of my head. “I want to kiss you.” Pulling away slightly I wriggle so that I can kiss Nichkhun, as our lips meet I feel that same rush of happiness radiate through my body, my heart picking it’s pace up, pulling away I know I have silly grin on my face. “I’m going to go turn the lights off; we have to go to bed.” He says laughing with the same grin on his face.


We really did go to sleep, and the boys were woken up by Minjae-sshi at five in the morning to start reading fanmail. Deciding to sleep in I curl up in the covers happy to enjoy these last few moments somewhere happily.

“Come on time to wake up Noona.” I hear Wooyoung say as he shakes me. “This is weird, normally she’s waking us.” He mutters as I sit up, I see Nichkhun, Junho and Chansung all staring at me with smirks.

“You need to start getting ready and you probably need to eat.” Junho says motioning to the box on the desk.

“No need to make that face.” Chansung says chuckling. “Hurry up; we have your food on the table.” He says while tugging on Nichkhun to follow.

Yawning I pull on a pair of Nichkhun’s shorts, tying them off on the side, running down the hall I take my seat at the table with Junsu. “You look so refreshed.” He says grinning at me happily. “Looks like you’re starving.”

“I am, last night I couldn’t eat enough.” I say rolling my eyes, Junsu looks at me weirdly. “It’s one of my mother’s rules; don’t eat enough to look like you could devour an elephant, and since I’ve been eating my meals with your guys I have been eating more.” I explain shrugging my shoulders.

“Why?” He asks completely appalled by the idea.

“It’s a bit more professional looking and ladylike, at least according to her.” I say shrugging my shoulders. Eating quickly I smile at him as I wipe my mouth before running to one of the bathrooms. Washing my faces quickly and applying some light makeup before I take off down the hall to Nichkhun’s room.

The boys are spread out going through their individual mail with the group’s fanmail gathered in the living room. Packages, letters and gifts are everywhere. Nichkhun is perched on his head, where I’m assuming he’s been reading his. Closing the door and locking it I open the box. Sighing heavily I pull out the shirt, blazer and skirt, laying the clothes out along with the shoes and bag I roll my eyes.

Grabbing the clothes I head up stairs to the laundry room, quickly ironing them and heading back to Nichkhun’s room I change into them.

“You know you’re very y.” Nichkhun says as I apply my lipstick. “And distracting.” He mutters getting up. He’s dressed in jeans and a casual white shirt.

“I happen to know this already.” I say teasingly, turning around I rest my hands on his chest. “But you also happen to be incredibly y as well.” I say smiling.

Kissing my lips lightly he hums happily while getting back to his mail, chuckling I decide to leave my hair down in waves; doing anything else is too much effort. Grabbing my shoes Nichkhun follows me out, slipping them on I give him a curious look. “I’ll wait with you.” He says simply.

“Uh-huh.” I says smirking, calling out to the others. “I’ll be back later.” To which they all call their goodbyes.

Nichkhun and I walk hand in hand; I’m dreading the rest of the day and am very much ready to get everything over with so I can be free to visit my dad. I am very thankful for the high walls surrounding the building and for the strict security at the gates, though we’re still being careful.

“What if your mother asks who I am?” Nichkhun asks curiously while we go from holding hands to not and then back again.

“Then I’ll tell her who you are.” I say happily and without a second thought. “Would you want me to?” I ask him just as inquisitive.

“I would very much like that.” He says grinning, as a car pulls up in front of us, I feel my nerves work up as the Henry gets out and opens the door. “Looks like it’ll happen.” He murmurs uneasily as well.

As my mother steps out she glowers at me, probably because I’m holding Nichkhun’s hand and I’m doing so very openly. “Who is this darling?” My mother asks in a strained tone, she’s reeling in her temper.

“This is Nichkhun, my boyfriend.” I tell her calmly.

Nichkhun’s hand is holding my a bit tightly. “Hello ma’am.” He says respectfully while bowing, he stays and holds his ground as my mother’s gaze snaps to him, scrutinizing him.

“Pleasure” She says dryly. “Come, we have a very busy day.” She says getting back in the car, giving Khun a kiss I smile at him apologetically, I can’t say I was expecting much, but I suppose this is better than her flat out denying it.

“I’ll see you later.” I whisper as I walk towards the sleek black car. Climbing in gracefully I take my seat on the opposite side as my mother.

“Please tell me he isn’t the reason why you’ve stayed so long, that he isn’t why you’re refusing Mr. Chan’s son.” My mother says angrily.

“He is, but only part of the reason.” I say firmly, I hate confronting her or any kind of arguments with my mother, but this one is quite necessary. “As much as you hate to admit it, I have made a life for myself here, I’ve paid you back everything, I’m even doing as you’re asking so I can see dad.” I tell her exasperated. “I really don’t have the slightly idea what I have to say to make you believe me.”

“Well if you were doing as you’re told you’d be married by now.” She says angrily, “I have been working very hard; I have even let you have your way now for over a year. I’ve let you run around doing what you like, are you so insistent on this life that you’d let go of what your father and I built up, with you in mind?” She asks me staring at me expectantly.

“I am. I have never wanted to take over; you and father have known that. So please for the benefit of everyone please stop acting like it will happen. We both know there are better people for the company; I doubt the board would even let me take your place.” I tell her incredulously. “Mother, I will not be getting married to a stranger; I’m in love with Nichkhun.” I tell her, I feel my fear increase as her glare intensifies, but I hold myself to this fight, after all I went in and started it already.



So yes, I am totally aware that you all probably hate her mother.
But someone needs to play the bad guy.
I'm getting pretty excited about writing this, though I'm having an ending coming to form
No worries if I do have an ending planned I will
more than likely have a sequel.

ANYWAYS please enjoy. (:

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..