My Prince Charming

Rebelling Heart

It’s strange, with 2PM they have this energy zapping quality, and I care about them dearly, but spending the day with Minho and Jay I was the one with extra energy. It was bizarre, but it was like Jay’s charismatic personality wore off on Minho and I both. Unlike my first couple months here I got to play around and be the kid, well more so than I could normally be. For the day I was regular girl spending the day with two extraordinary people that I didn’t have to take care of, I wasn’t making sure that everything was done or anything. To throw my hair down and not be the adult and worry if one of my boys are up to no good or if they’re where they’re supposed to be. Yeah I miss them like crazy and I’d love to be with them even with the chaotic surroundings and psychotic fans, I’m growing attached to 2PM.


“You know I don’t think I’ve seen you so relaxed.” Minho says driving me home with what appeared to be a knowing smile plastered on his face. Although I’m not really sure what he could ‘know’ after all it isn’t like there’s anything to smile at me like that. Well nothing I’ve given away about my super personal past.

Laughing I let my hand hang out the window carelessly letting it ‘surf’ the wind. “I’ve been worried for a while now. But getting to spend the day with you and Jay was really nice.” Smiling at Minho while letting out a content sigh I say “Thank-you for today Min. I really needed something like this.” Deciding to ignore the hidden meaning in Minho’s smile, it’s a little odd to think that Minho’s hiding something from me or even capable of holding a secret. I mean it’s not like Minho is the hardest guy to read in the world. He’s pretty expressive and not just in the musical sense. When he gets upset you know; he just gives off that vibe, same as for when he’s in an extra happy mood. His energy just flows from him to everyone in the room. It’s sort of electrifying really.

Glancing at me momentarily he smiles, ruffling my hair “I’m glad you’re feeling better, just be careful alright?” Minho and I have developed a very close brother-sister like bond, one that I am very thankful for. I may be close with 2PM, but with Minho it’s really different, but then again with Nichkhun, Wooyoung, Junsu, Taecyeon, Junho and Chansung and even Minho, Miyoung and Ian I’m holding them all back at arm’s distance. Still protecting myself…

 Dropping me off Minho frowns. “It’d be best not to mention this to your boys. You know how territorial they can get.” Again double means with Minho, maybe I should invest in a hippo. It might help keeping these double meaning conversations to a bearable maximum of zilch.

Nodding my head I smile at him as he drives off, waving him off.  Hearing my phone go off, I smile happily, a text from Jay. It may be the car that sped past as I read the text or it could be Jay, but my heart flipped a little, you could even say it fluttered.


‘Get home safe HG?’


Replying to him I head inside, opening my door I cover my mouth, quickly shutting the door I stare at the three boys sitting on my couch. Looking at me happily “Noona where were you?” Wooyoung asks hopping off the couch, pulling me to sit next to him and Chansung. They act like little puppies sometimes, following me everywhere or just waiting for me in general. Out of the six of them Junho, Chansung and Wooyoung require the most attention, not that I’m complaining I care about them dearly, but perhaps they can take it a little far? Just a little, even if it does make me happy to see them sitting on my couch so casually, so at home and to look at me as though this is the most normal thing in the world.


Getting over my shock, of them being in my locked apartment I manage to actually convey my worry (Maybe a little happiness even). “It’s late, what are you doing here? How did you even get in?” I ask them looking over at the three of them. “Does Minjae-sshi know you’re out? Do the other three know you’re here?!” I ask them my questions falling out of my mouth one at a time, one right after the other. I worry about them; I mean how’d they even get here.

Junho chuckles nervously. “Noona, we came in through the back. We’ll pay for a new window.” Shaking my head in disbelief I stare over at Chansung for the next answer in this fantastic visit, ignoring the fact that I now have a broken window to worry about.

“We sort of snuck out.” He says in a very small voice. “We told the hyungs we were going shopping for food.” A very plausible excuse to be gone for a long period of time, if it weren’t for the fact I went grocery shopping two days ago, for the week so they should have a few more days worth of food, plus their diet should be restricting them from impulse eating, not that they follow their diet plan all the time. The little cheaters.

“In all fairness we came to see you because we’re still worried. You weren’t answering your phone.” Wooyoung whines. “Noona are you alright? Where were you?”

Chuckling I rest my head on Wooyoung’s shoulder. “I was out with Minho, we were hanging out.” I tell them simply, keeping in mind what Minho had told me, territorial, they don’t all seem to be territorial at least not enough to get upset or anything about spending the day with Jay and Minho.  It isn’t even like Jay and the guys know each other. “I didn’t mean to make you guys worry.” I mumble into Wooyoung’s shoulder, feeling a pair of arms wrap around me for a very comfortable and reassuring hug.

“Noona will you stay the night again, since you know your window got busted? It wouldn’t be very safe you know?” Chansung asks smiling cheekily. Cheekily, as if they weren’t the ones who broke it, like they weren’t the cause, then again it’s not like I really mind or anything, the cheekiness, I mind about my now broken window. “It’d be fun; we have tomorrow off so we can sleep in and stuff!” He cheers excitedly.

Laughing I smile at them. “I guess, but just so you know I have a spare key. I don’t need you guys breaking in every time you sneak out to see me.” I tell them rolling my eyes, ignoring the cheers. Telling them the spare is taped under the numbers of my apartment. “Jeez…break a window.” I mumble grabbing a broom and dustpan. “Wild beasts.” I joke smiling at them.

The three boys give me sheepish grins, following me around as I tape up the window. “Noona we are sorry.”

“We just didn’t want to risk getting seen.”

“Yeah, we really will pay for a new window.” The three chime one after another, they probably practiced that, besides who knows how long exactly they’ve been gone from the dorm.

“Its fine, I understand, let me just get an overnight bag together.” I tell them stretching my arms, my very sore arms. Heading to my room I’m more than aware of the three boys trailing behind me. “Yes?”

Wooyoung hops to my side happy to be addressed. “Well we stayed on the couch for a while, so we thought this way you’d let us see your room.” If anything Wooyoung is sneaky, I’ll have to keep note of this. “We’re curious, but we didn’t want to pry into your life without you being ok with it.” Always so ‘innocent’ are my young boys.

Entering my bedroom I look around, “Welcome to my room.” Opening my door and showing my arms extravagantly. “And this is where I dwell until my favorite people call upon me.” I joke smiling. “Anyways nothing special much like the rest of the apartment.”

Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung frown. “Noona you don’t have pictures of us up.” Junho complains. “You don’t have any pictures up.” Rolling my eyes I pull out some clothes to wear, pajamas and passing by them, still complaining about my lack of 2PM merchandise, to gather my toiletries. “You don’t have anything up.”

“Well I don’t spend too much time home, do I?” I ask them smirking. “I’m either at JYPE, your dorm or in a car driving.” I tell them plainly before ushering them out of my room. “Now do I need to call a cab?”

“Yes!” Chansung says happily. “Noona we’ll get you stuff to decorate your walls!” Oh this I can’t wait to see this. Interior designs by 2PM. “We’ll give you posters of us.”

“Yeah, Chansung, Wooyoung and me!” Junho says happily. Obviously the other half of the group is being forsaken in the name of wall space. “Noona will you put them up?” Obviously a shoulder shrug was unacceptable as he continues on. “We’ll put everything up!”

“Yeah, we can put up our stuff!” Wooyoung cheers happily. “We can even make her personalized posters!” Chuckling I listen to the three cheer happily about being fully appreciated and cheating out the old boys of this wondrous opportunity of interior decorating, ah to be lost in the minds of the youngest three, to plot along side them.


“Finally did you get more red bean past…” Junsu calls leaving the sanctuary of his and Taecyeon’s room.

“That’s not on your diet.” I say walking in. “And hello to you too Junsu.”

“I thought you guys went to the store.” Pouting he pulls me into a hug. “Did they spend all day with you?! Are you playing favorites?! What about Khun and Taec and most importantly me?!” Junsu cries hugging my tightly. When you really get to know all the members it isn’t too hard to see that the self-centeredness is something they all posses, maybe some more than others, but undeniably there in each of the six members.

“Yah!” Taecyeon says easily plucking me from his grasp. “Are you playing favorites?” And so I am scolded, playfully of course, and eyed by Nichkhun, who is happily smiling at the whole scene.

“Are you done?” I ask interrupting Taecyeon, he gives me a bewildered look before smirking at me. “You’re not that much older you know?” He says sitting next to Nichkhun.

Laughing I shrug my shoulders. “Would it matter even if we were in America?” I ask him sassily. “No.” I answer for him skipping down the hall to put my bag in Junho’s room.

“I thought you were going to bed.” Taecyeon says walking with Nichkhun pass their ‘guest’ (Junho’s) room. “You were mad earlier.”

“I feel happier is that bad?” Nichkhun asks smiling, winking at me, blushing I wave at them. “So what did you do all day?” He asks stopping Taecyeon, still the polite gentleman.

Stalled I shrug my shoulders. “I was with Minho all day.” Casually I turn around to calm myself. “You know relaxed a little. Well…sort of.”

Hearing Taecyeon and Nichkhun laugh made me smile happily, as much time as I spend with them it’s nice to hear them laugh, to know that they’re enjoying themselves, well at least I pretend they aren’t faking it. I’ve seen Nichkhun fake it. And my god when he pulls on his idol façade you really can’t tell he was ready to tear someone’s head off or he was about to punch some guy in the face. It’s off putting to know just how great of an actor he is. “Where are you both heading?” I ask them curiously.

“Just up to the terrace.” Taecyeon says casually. “You should come hang out with your ‘old boys’.” He says chuckling.

“Yah, it was a slip of the tongue.” I tell them shaking my head, following the pair. “You’re never going to let it go.”

“Nope.” They both respond gladly. “You called us old.”

Frowning I roll my eyes too tired to even argue the fact, with them it’s like talking to a brick wall, excuse the cliché. But once they make their minds up you can’t change them. Ever. Trust me on this, I’ve tried; the example being me calling them ‘old’ (for the record I said they were my older boys not old boys).


“You know with us filming at a pool we could talk manager into letting us out for the night.” Junsu says brightly. Their 2PM show has really taken off, house work, a snow day, and now a pool day to further help them cool off, because that’s exactly what these idols need a new medium for them to goof around, as if the snow day episode wasn’t enough.

“So does that mean we’ll see you in a bathing suit?” Taecyeon asks curiously. “Don’t give me those looks!” Obviously I wasn't the only one eyeing him in a now questionable manor. "We  were all talking about it before you came over with the other three!" He shrieks incriminating the rest of the members now.

Giggling I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe, it sort of depends on filming, how long you’ll be filming. Besides I don’t even own one.” I say casually. “So probably not” This statement is met by frowns, “What?”

“How will we have fun if you won’t go swimming with us?!” Nichkhun asks offended. “Can’t Miyoung-Noona just give you one or take you shopping to get one?”

“NO!” Turning our heads we see the young boys coming to sit with us. “If Miyoung-Noona dresses her up again…” Shaking their heads they pout at me.

“Again?” Junsu says frowning. “When was the first time?”

Throwing my head on the table I listen to Chansung tell them about the pictures on their phones, and of course the boys demanding to see them. To which I’m now told I can’t dress like that unless one of them are there to defend my honor.

“Really? What if I met someone I want to dress up for?” I ask them smirking. “What if I want to have someone special in my life?”

To this they all chorus upset with one answer. “You don’t have time for a relationship.”

“We demand more attention!!” Junsu sings holding my arms.

Nichkhun looks at me and asks in a rather dangerous tone. “We’re not special?”

Sighing I get up and flick Chansung, Junho and Wooyoung on their foreheads. “You six are special. Very special to me, do not turn my words around and twist the meaning of them.”

“So why did we get punished then?!” Wooyoung asks rubbing his ‘delicate’ forehead. “Hyung was the one that asked.”

“You three got them worked up.” I say simply smiling. “Anyways I’m going to make something to eat.” Almost away from the table my phone goes off, an irritating princess-like song playing. Jay. I swear I really should invest in that hippo. I'll set it on people strategically so that no one knows about my evil attack-hippo.

“Hello?” I say picking up, much to the boys’ interest, not that I blame them, it’s not like I get phone calls that often, or answer it.

“My fair princess you left your bracelet here in my car.” Jay says laughing still; obviously my punishment from my losing isn’t over.


“So where to next Princess?” Jay asks smirking; obviously he’s enjoying my punishment.

Rolling my eyes I twirl around ‘happily’, “Oh to where ever you deem fitting my princes.”

Minho busts out laughing, also very happy to hear me sticking to my punishment from our previous game. I’d lost, horribly, at a dancing game. Although it’s not like I knew Jay was some sort of dancing guru, so essentially I was tricked, bamboozled.


Grimacing I mumble in a very hushed tone “Leave them with the fair Minho my lovely prince charming.”

Jay cracks up, much to my dismay and I know the guys are very curious as to who 'my prince' is. “Alright, I won’t see him for a while though. Would you rather me just drop them off with you?”

Shaking my head I shrug Wooyoung off my shoulder, “No, I’ll get them later. I’m a little tied up right now.”

Jay muffles a laugh. “Are you still with Minho? Is that why you’re still talking in Korean?”

Slapping my face I grumble unhappily, they will not stop asking who I’m taking to if I start talking in English, “No, but would this weekend be fine to pick them up?” I ask switching, much to their curiosity I feel them scoot closer to me.

“Umm, yeah. That should be fine. You’re not mad about the whole princess thing are you?”

Laughing I step away from the bodies that are gradually coming closer. “Not at all my prince. I’m just with some friends. I should get going, but I’m sure we could set up a rematch, you, me and Minho this weekend.”

“Sounds good. I’ll let you go. Bye Hollywood Girl.” Jay says yawning slightly.

“Good-night Prince Charming.” I say hanging up, putting my phone in my pocket I continue to the kitchen as though the phone call hadn’t happened right in front of the six people that aren’t supposed to know about Jay for whatever reason.

So another chapter, more Jay and 2PM to come :) I hope you guys enjoy. 

Please inform me of any spelling / grammatical errors. Also do you guys like the chapter length, and writing style?

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..